The Warmergate Scandal

Ame®icano;1775261 said:
Well, there's soooo much more important news out there, like Merideth Baxter Birney being a lezbo. :rolleyes:

Not to mention Tiger Woods...

Which are nothing but tabloid HORSESHIT anyway...temember "Cult Of Personality" drives news cycles these days...

[ame=""]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality[/ame]
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Ame®icano;1775231 said:
It’s been nearly two weeks since a scandal shook many people’s faith in the scientists behind global warming alarmism. The scandal forced the University of East Anglia (UK) to divulge that it threw away raw temperature data and prompted the temporary resignation of Phil Jones of the university’s Climate Research Unit.

Despite that resignation and calls by a U.S. senator to investigate the matter, ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news programming has remained silent – not mentioning a word about the scandal since it broke on Nov. 20, even as world leaders including President Barack Obama prepare to meet in Copenhagen, Denmark next week to promote a pact to reduce greenhouse gases.

12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal

Of course they ignore it...they'd be admitting they bought into a pile of shit.

Question is, why?

Is that a signal that left is going to Copenhagen as nothing happened? They sure would like to impose new taxes and spend more money...
Did anyone noticed, there is no outrage from the left complaining that FOX is making this whole thing up just like they did ACORN?
Ame®icano;1775278 said:
Ame®icano;1775231 said:

Of course they ignore it...they'd be admitting they bought into a pile of shit.

Question is, why?

Is that a signal that left is going to Copenhagen as nothing happened? They sure would like to impose new taxes and spend more money...

Their AGENDA of Control is far more important...Remember BOXER says that the 'HACKER' (Who at this point is a disgruntled associate...and on foreign shores)..."Should be prosecuted..."

WHY? because that hacker unveiled the Agenda. And Obama and the left WILL go on as if nothing happened...for they LIVE in the "Universe of LIES"'s whom these people are, and how they got to their lofty positions to control you and I...

They Target Corporations and the Ivory Towers...but fail to mention that they RESIDE in the Ivory Tower Next Door...

Which reveals them as hypocrites...and they cannot have that...
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I guess this is not a story the state run media wants to report. There is far too much money and power involved in continuing the "man made" global warming claim.

I could agree that what happened at The University of East Anglia is is not enough to dismiss every study by every university and every climate study program around the world. It certainly reflects badly upon them, but it doesn't mean very much in the overall scheme of things, and that is probably why the "scandal" has received scant attention in the media. But after what happened there, I would insist on revision and investigation on all available (not deleted) data that could support any claim.

That said, I remain very skeptical of these warnings of impending planetary doom coming from Al Gore and others. Some of them are exaggerated, some are motivated by greed, a yearning for attention, or even a lust for power, but some of them still seem credible. It's time to recheck everything and meanwhile, pull the breaks on any spending that expecially now, we cannot afford.

This is still too big and important story to be ignored by anyone...
did only one group of ppl keep track of temperature records for the entire planet?

At work, and we're a small business, we keep records for different information either on one computer or another primarily but we end up using working copies on other computers which also function as back ups. Then a good amount of our information ends up with the accountant or even filed in my own email when I take work home.
did only one group of ppl keep track of temperature records for the entire planet?

At work, and we're a small business, we keep records for different information either on one computer or another primarily but we end up using working copies on other computers which also function as back ups. Then a good amount of our information ends up with the accountant or even filed in my own email when I take work home.
Ame®icano;1775333 said:
I guess this is not a story the state run media wants to report. There is far too much money and power involved in continuing the "man made" global warming claim.

I could agree that what happened at The University of East Anglia is is not enough to dismiss every study by every university and every climate study program around the world. It certainly reflects badly upon them, but it doesn't mean very much in the overall scheme of things, and that is probably why the "scandal" has received scant attention in the media. But after what happened there, I would insist on revision and investigation on all available (not deleted) data that could support any claim.

That said, I remain very skeptical of these warnings of impending planetary doom coming from Al Gore and others. Some of them are exaggerated, some are motivated by greed, a yearning for attention, or even a lust for power, but some of them still seem credible. It's time to recheck everything and meanwhile, pull the breaks on any spending that expecially now, we cannot afford.

This is still too big and important story to be ignored by anyone...

Climate Scientist Steps Down <LINK


The British scientist at the heart of a scandal over climate-change research temporarily stepped down Tuesday as director of a prominent research group amid an internal probe that follows the release of hacked emails involving him and other scientists.

People in Copenhagen form the logo of a campaign to cut carbon emissions to 350 parts per million.

The University of East Anglia in the U.K. said Phil Jones, head of the university's Climatic Research Unit, had decided to step aside from the director's post.

The announcement comes less than a week before world leaders are set to meet for a climate summit in Copenhagen. The two-week conference, sponsored by the United Nations, is supposed to come up with tougher policies to curb greenhouse-gas emissions and slow global warming.


Indeed WHY would he step DOWN? (If this isn't such a BIG DEAL)?

Precisely because of embarassment...they've been CAUGHT...

And it is indeed HUGE...because of the ramifications that foretold of sanctions against huge segments of many Western Economies...If they didn't scale BACK their 'Cabon Footprint'...

Total and complete legislation that sought to commandeer Billions, if not Trillions of dollars by legislative FIAT that could very well send those Western Economies into a lesser status if the premise went on...and give it to third world Economies...It is a redistribution scheme...primarily targeted on the United States IMHO...

This was one of Control...particuliarally from the UN (IPCC)...and touted by US Politicians as Gospel...With ensuing Legislation that seeks to alter the lifestyles and Liberties of millions...and again on a failed premise.

WE don't have the power to alter Climate on this scale. never have, never will. Anything to the contrary is sheer Human Vanity.
Ame®icano;1775231 said:
It’s been nearly two weeks since a scandal shook many people’s faith in the scientists behind global warming alarmism. The scandal forced the University of East Anglia (UK) to divulge that it threw away raw temperature data and prompted the temporary resignation of Phil Jones of the university’s Climate Research Unit.

Despite that resignation and calls by a U.S. senator to investigate the matter, ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news programming has remained silent – not mentioning a word about the scandal since it broke on Nov. 20, even as world leaders including President Barack Obama prepare to meet in Copenhagen, Denmark next week to promote a pact to reduce greenhouse gases.

12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal

Of course they ignore it...they'd be admitting they bought into a pile of shit.

indeed..................and if there were ever more of a slam dunk once and for all that the media is hyper left, I dont know what it is.

We dont have a journalism anymore..........we have a propaganda arm of the left!!!:clap2:
The apparent internal hysteria taking place brings to mind a continuing thread of this board which attributes Bush's advancement of the Iraq war to a conspiracy to make lots of people (haliburton) rich. Yet, the facts to justify such a contention do not give concrete proof.

This is even more of a smattering of accusations and I still do not see any concrete proof to justify the present hysteria. All the scientific analysis that I see justifies global warming concerns. Some embarassing and often crass e-mails do not change that.

If this become news worthy, the major networks, including the GOP station FOX will be all over it. I will wait...
The apparent internal hysteria taking place brings to mind a continuing thread of this board which attributes Bush's advancement of the Iraq war to a conspiracy to make lots of people (haliburton) rich. Yet, the facts to justify such a contention do not give concrete proof.

This is even more of a smattering of accusations and I still do not see any concrete proof to justify the present hysteria. All the scientific analysis that I see justifies global warming concerns. Some embarassing and often crass e-mails do not change that.

If this become news worthy, the major networks, including the GOP station FOX will be all over it. I will wait...

I can see where concern is justified. Anything beyond concern, like public money spent, for instance, is not justified.

Welcome Back, Little Friend! I always knew you weren't melting the ice caps!
There are just too many indepedent analysis that say the same thing, to take a caspiracy from these e-mail releases seriously. I am open minded and not sold on all the Global warming theory and will wait until something compelling tells me otherwise, but at this point, I don't see a reversal of the scientific facts established. I will wait...
There are just too many indepedent analysis that say the same thing, to take a caspiracy from these e-mail releases seriously. I am open minded and not sold on all the Global warming theory and will wait until something compelling tells me otherwise, but at this point, I don't see a reversal of the scientific facts established. I will wait...

How many are based on the fudged CRU data?
Here is an eye-popping "hit list" of emails.

- Bishop Hill blog - Climate cuttings*33

1. Briffa says he tried hard to balance the needs of the IPCC and science, which were not always the same.(1177890796)

2. Giorgio Filippo (University of Trieste) says that IPCC is not an assessment of published science but about production of results. Says there are very few rules and anything goes. Thinks this will undermine IPCC credibility. Says everyone seems to think it's OK to do this.(0968705882)

3. IPCC review editor John Mitchell says that the issue of why proxy data for recent decades is not shown (he says it's because they don't show warming) needs to be explained. Also says that Mann's short-centred PC analysis is wrong and that Mann's results are not statistically significant.(1150923423)

4. Michael Mann discusses how to destroy a journal that has published sceptic papers.(1047388489)

5. Tim Osborn discusses how data are truncated to stop an apparent cooling trend showing up in the results (0939154709).

6. Phil Jones says he has use Mann's "Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series" hide the decline". Real Climate says "hiding" was an unfortunate turn of phrase.(0942777075)

7. Letter to The Times from climate scientists was drafted with the help of Greenpeace.(0872202064)

8. Kevin Trenberth says they can't account for the lack of recent warming and that it is a travesty that they can't.(1255352257)

9. Ben Santer says (presumably jokingly!) he's "tempted, very tempted, to beat the crap" out of sceptic Pat Michaels. (1255100876)

10. Mann tells Jones that it would be nice to '"contain" the putative Medieval Warm Period'. (1054736277)

11. Tom Wigley tells Jones that the land warming since 1980 has been twice the ocean warming and that this might be used by sceptics as evidence for urban heat islands.(1257546975)

12. Wigley discusses fixing an issue with sea surface temperatures in the context of making the results look both warmer but still plausible. (1254108338)

13. Tom Wigley say that Keith Briffa has got himself into a mess over the Yamal chronology. Wonders how Briffa explains McIntyre's sensitivity test on Yamal and how he explains the use of a less-well replicated chronology over a better one. Wonders if he can. Says data withholding issue is hot potato, since many "good" scientists condemn it.(1254756944)

14. Tom Wigley discusses how to deal with the advent of FoI law in UK. Jones says use IPR argument to hold onto code. Says data is covered by agreements with outsiders and that CRU will be "hiding behind them".(1106338806)

15. Briffa says he is sick to death of Mann claiming his reconstruction is tropical because it has a few poorly temp sensitive tropical proxies. Says he should regress these against something else like the "increasing trend of self-opinionated verbiage" he produces. Ed Cook agrees Mann’s reconstruction has “probable flaws”.(1024334440)

16. Santer says he will no longer publish in Royal Met Soc journals if they enforce intermediate data being made available. Jones concurs. Says he will boycott the journal and resign from RMS if they don’t back down.(1237496573)

17. Mann et al plot to have Tom Saiers (UVA) ousted from a position with journal Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) for allowing a piece critical of Mann’s work to be published (1106322460).
Mann refers to GRL leak being plugged after Saiers is ousted.

18. Jones says he's found a way around releasing AR4 review comments to David Holland.(1210367056)

19. Wigley says Keenan's fraud accusation against Wang is correct. (1188557698)

20. Prior to AR3 Briffa talks of pressure to produce a tidy picture of "apparent unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the proxy data". Briffa says it was just as warm a thousand years ago.(0938018124)

21. Jones says that UK climate organisations are coordinating themselves to resist FoI. They got advice from the Information Commissioner [!](1219239172)

22. Revkin says Mann method can work only if certain assumptions are made. Quotes von Storch as saying it is time to toss the Hockey Stick . This back in 2004.(1096382684)

23. Jones says he and Kevin will keep some papers out of the next IPCC report “even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is !”.(1089318616)

24. Tom Wigley tells Mann that a figure Schmidt put together to refute Monckton is deceptive and that the match it shows of instrumental to model predictions is a fluke. Says there have been a number of dishonest presentations of model output by authors and IPCC.(1255553034)

25. Grant Foster putting together a critical comment on a sceptic paper. Asks for help for names of possible reviewers. Jones replies with a list of people, telling Foster they know what to say about the paper and the comment without any prompting.(1249503274)

26. David Parker discussing the possibility of changing the reference period for global temperature index to a more recent one. Thinks this shouldn't be done because it confuses people and because “the impression of global warming will be muted.”(1105019698)

27. confidential REALLY URGENT Briffa discusses an sceptic article review with Ed Cook. Says “Confidentially I now need a hard and if required extensive case for rejecting - to support Dave Stahle's and really as soon as you can.” (1054756929)

28. Jones tells Mann that he is sending station data. Says that if McIntyre requests it under FoI he will delete it rather than hand it over. Mann says paleoclimate chapter will be contentious but that the author team has the right personalities to deal with sceptics.(1107454306)


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