The Washington Times: President Should Just Release Full Birth Documentation

Good way to win an election, nutters! Let's not talk about the economy. Let's talk about a birth certificate!



Not releasing is worth watching the batshits heads explode.

I'm sure the GOP is thrilled.

Well, It's 2011, and how many times has he spoken on just the economy or jobs? He's talked about Health Care and spending, but cutting spending and the economy and jobs are just not at the top of his list. Neither is his birth certificate, come to think about it.

I believe he spends a lot of time choosing his next vacation just in case an emergency comes up, though. Bet his scrapbooks are doozies.
Good way to win an election, nutters! Let's not talk about the economy. Let's talk about a birth certificate!



Not releasing is worth watching the batshits heads explode.

I'm sure the GOP is thrilled.

That Dummy, DingleBarry can't hold a piece of paper and talk about the economy at the same time???!! Wow, you guyz elected a complete embecile!

Oh I'm sure he can...
Why submit to the demands of crazies?

Will it make them any less crazy?

OIf you saw my minding my own business driving along on the sidewalk, you might ask me if I passed my drivers test. I would say yes and you would say "Prove it!" I would say no. You probably wouldn't believe me unless I showed you...then even wonder, lol!

Almost the same thing. We have a president that no one has been able to find a bonafide birth certificate, family members say he was born in Kenya and when asked to prove he was born in the US, he says , "No!..." The Mr. Transparency President.

And you call the askers "crazy?" Why hasn't he even given an answer to why he cannot provide one? Everyone agrees what he has given is not a birth certificate, The Gov. in Hawaii tried to help, but made it worse, and we are crazy?

Obviously, what is going on is not good, or he would have explained it and the country would have had a big laugh by now.

The State of Hawaii says he has a bona fide Birth Certificate, just like your state would say you have a bona fide Drivers License
I blame Bush for this.

When Obama was elected to the US Senate Bush should have made a big deal out of the first foreign born citizen serving in the Senate

drunk and stoned and laid... frank... ah... zappa...

some liberals, such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, are calling for Mr. Obama to release his birth records... LOLOLOL

if it's a nice day tomorrow, i might gather a small group of friends and exercise my right to stand in front of the white house with signs that say. "show us your long.... form". Mr. President. it's true that any legal things he did as president... well,... still want to be president.
they're comparing him to nixon as "the most secret" of the transparent presidents. good work USAR
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April 7, 2011 - Transcripts
BLITZER: Despite hard evidence to the contrary, there's still people who question whether President Obama was born in the United States. They've been dubbed birthers, and now their doubts are being stoked by the possible Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. We asked CNN's Brian Todd to do a fact check for us.

Brian, what did you learn?

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Wolf, Donald Trump is not only questioning the president's stated birth place; he says he's investigating it. We'll look at some of Trump's key claims as he ratchets up his public challenges of the president.


TODD (voice-over): He may soon announce that he'll take on President Obama in 2012, and to gear up, Donald Trump's slamming the president's leadership on the economy and on Libya. But Trump has recently spent almost as much time talking about the president's birth, as he did on "The Today Show."

DONALD TRUMP, DEVELOPER/REALITY SHOW HOST: Three weeks ago when I started, I thought he was probably born in this country. And now I really have a much bigger doubt.

TODD: CNN and other news outlets have investigated and so far found no evidence that the president was not born in the U.S. But Trump says he sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to check on the president's past. And he says they can't believe what they're finding.

We called Trump's office to find out who the investigators are and what they found.
They had no comment on that. In a CNN phone interview, Trump laid out some of his key intentions.

TRUMP (via phone): There's no birth certificate. There's only a certificate of live birth, which is a totally different thing.

TODD (on camera): We checked on that distinction. The Obama team and the state of Hawaii have released a certification of live birth, saying the president was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu. This is not the original birth certificate. But we're told by state officials that in Hawaii and some other states, they don't release the original birth certificates when they're requested later on. They release documents like this one.

The director of Hawaii's Department of Health says she has personally viewed the president's original vital records and verified that he was born in Hawaii.

Donald Trump also says there's no signature on this document. Well, the group, which viewed the original document. took a picture of the back of it, and you'll see here that there is a signature, but the signature is on a stamp. We're told most of these records are like this.

(voice-over) Trump says certificates of live birth like those issued by the president have other credibility problems.

TRUMP: You can't even get a driver's license with a certificate of live birth.

TODD (on camera): We've checked on a couple of state regulations on that, and we have excerpts from the Web sites here. In the president's adopted home state of Illinois, it says to get a driver's license, birth certificates must be original or certified by a board of health or bureau of vital statistics.

In Georgia, it says to get a license, you need an original U.S. birth certificate or a certified copy of one.

Also we checked with the state of Hawaii. And officials there have told us that a certification of live birth is accepted to get a driver's license or to even buy land.

(voice-over) Donald Trump makes one claim about President Obama's step-grandmother.

TRUMP: His grandmother in Kenya said that he was born in Kenya. Now, he could have been born -- and she said it very strongly, that he was born in Kenya. She was there when he was born.

TODD: But the interview in which the grandmother said that was done by a man characterized as a street preacher through a translator. And there appeared to be confusion over her answer. The translator then came back several times and said Sarah Obama was saying that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

In one new poll from NBC and "The Wall Street Journal," Trump is now in second place among Republican presidential prospects. Are voters responding to Trump's focus on the birther issue?

STU ROTHENBERG, "ROLL CALL": I think his strength in the polls is the function of the fact that there were a lot of people out there who hate politicians and are looking for somebody who's a straight shooter and tough and in-your-face, but that's now. They're not really picking a president of the United States.


TODD: Stu Rothenberg says Trump could risk his credibility with other voters, including establishment Republicans, if he becomes too closely associated with this birther crowd, Wolf.

BLITZER: You know, it's amazing to me how many people, though, believe, you know, what Donald Trump is suggesting, despite all of the evidence, including the newspapers, the two -- Honolulu newspapers that contemporaneously, within a matter of days, got the announcements from the hospital, published the birth of Barack Hussein Obama II in these two Honolulu newspapers. But yet, a significant number of Americans believe he wasn't born in the United States.

TODD: Trump's got his own questions about those birth announcements and whether the grandparents might have planted it.

BLITZER: Hospitals did that, notified the newspapers who was born. They do it within a few days.

TODD: Right. That's true. Trump, he's questioning whether they got that information accurately, too. There's all sorts of questions about the announcements, too.

On the numbers you're right. One in four Americans in a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, one in four, believe he was either definitely or probably born outside the United States. Now, there's a partisan divide here: many more Republicans than Democrats who believe that. But the numbers, as you say, are significant. One in four people at least have their doubts about this. Donald Trump clearly -- you know, I would say clearly is playing into those numbers, Wolf.

BLITZER: I've interviewed Donald Trump on many occasions, a very intelligent guy.

TODD: Absolutely.

BLITZER: He's got a good record. But, you know, he's flip- flopping on a lot of these issues lately. When I've interviewed him over the years, he used to be pro-abortion rights for women. Now he's anti-abortion rights. He used to be for gay rights, gay marriage. Now he's against gay -- gay marriage. On this whole birther issue, I don't understand why he's decided to make this a big issue. But, look, he's cast doubt. Among Tea Party activists, he's now at the top...

Trump is thus far batting zero.

Where is HIS "proof" from his "investigators"?

The Kenyan grandmother was proven long ago to be a bad "witness" for Phillip Berg's nonstop lawsuits because she's in her 90's, doesn't speak English, and the translator believes she got confused between Barack Obama Sr. and Barack Obama Jr. having been born in Kenya. Obviously it was the senior.

How many high profile Hawaiian officials, including the governor, would have had to be "in on" the alleged scam?

Trump first "claims" that Obama's grandparents manipulated to have the birth announcement appear in Hawaiian newspaper in order to get welfare. Wait, amend that, Donald: He later said that they put it in the Hawaiian newspaper because "back in those days, Kenyans were more proud to have one of their own as an American citizen..." [Paraphrased]

Sure. But would they have thought to surreptitiously sneak it into BOTH the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin? Especially since birth announcements can ONLY come from the Department of Health?


This conspiracy theory is the same type of thing Alex Jones continues to generate regarding the 911 attacks. Isn't it strange that the Republicans (along with most everyone else with their sanity still in check) remain outraged over the allegations that the Bush Administration conspired to either cause or allow the attacks of 911 to happen, yet so many on the "right" think THIS conspiracy theory regarding Barack Obama is gospel, regardless how many truths are in their faces.

And Alex Jones is taking the Obama conspiracy even further, with this latest absurdity. IT WAS A CIA PLOT ALL ALONG!!!!

Repubx | Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation

I'm really curious where all the brain droppings can be found.
i like that the 'controversy' is still going on. just makes the loonies and jackasses easier to spot.
It's not a conspiracy anymore, it's mainstream now. This is the most explanitory piece written about Obama's eligibility problem published by a mainstream news publication . I am suprised at the detail it gets into about Obama not releasing school records, etc. Trump is having a major effect. He’s been fed with tons of Ammo in the last few days to fire at the Media and the democrats which is forcing the story into the mainstream which they do not want. The White House is in damage control like with the early stages of Watergate. Obama's sister Maya Soetoro, who we rarely see, went on Piers Morgan and was extremely nervous talking about the birth questions surrounding her brother. It was evident in her body language. She still wouldn't say which hospital he was born in. This story is not going away until Obama settles the matter as the story states below.

Hawaiian Certificate Of Live Birth recieved last month dated March 15, 2011 stamped by Registrar Alvin Onaka

'President should just release full birth documentation ending legitimacy questions'

KUHNER: Trump poll triumph built on doubting Obama's birth - Washington Times
KUHNER: Trump poll triumph built on doubting Obama's birth - Washington Times

Donald Trump’s potential candidacy for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination has forced the issue of whether Barack Obama was born in America into the mainstream, a question the establishment media has been frantically avoiding. Mr. Trump is demanding the president reveal his long-form birth certificate. The real estate mogul believes Mr. Obama is deliberately withholding embarrassing or damaging information.


Even some liberals, such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, are calling for Mr. Obama to release his birth records. Hawaii’s Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie recently vowed to settle the issue once and for all. He sought to pressure state officials to prove conclusively that Mr. Obama was born in Honolulu. He failed. The records remain sealed.


Yet, the issue has profound ramifications. Mr. Obama has been the most secretive president since Richard Nixon. In fact, much is still not known about Mr. Obama’s past. His medical records, academic records and thesis as an undergraduate student all remain hidden from the public. This is not trivial. Rather, it is crucial to understanding the man occupying the Oval Office - his background, worldview, intellectual influences as a student, academic performance and overall physical ability to do the toughest job in the world. The American people have a right to full disclosure about their commander in chief.


The reality is that until Mr. Obama shows his proper, documented long-form birth certificate, the issue will not go away - nor should it. Many in Kenya’s political and media class say he was born there before being brought to the United States. His Kenyan family members make the same claim, while others in Hawaii insist he was born in Honolulu. There is only one way to end the controversy: Show us the birth certificate.

Instead, what Mr. Obama has revealed is a certificate of live birth, which is not the same thing. It simply states that Mr. Obama was born in Hawaii; it does not prove it. Documents can be fraudulently manufactured after the fact.


If Mr. Obama was not born in America, then it would serve as the final (*)(*)(*)(*)ing indictment of the establishment media’s complicity with the Democratic Party.


Moreover, it would spark a constitutional crisis. The Constitution is absolutely clear that to be president one has to be a “natural born citizen.” Therefore, every major initiative implemented during the Obama administration - the health care overhaul, the massive stimulus package, the government takeovers of the auto companies, big banks and insurance firms, the sweeping anti-carbon regulations, allowing homosexuals to openly serve in the military, the nearly unprecedented expansion of state power, the new START Treaty - would be invalid and possibly illegal. It would drive a stake through the heart of Mr. Obama’s regime, triggering impeachment and his removal from office.

how many presidents were even asked about birth certificates ? you just hate black men

How many Presidents have we had who refused when asked? How many have we had who hold Citizenship in more than one Country? This has nothing to do with Obama's Skin Color. It has to do with his past, and his unwillingness to release simple information you and me would have to show to get any job worth the time.
Why submit to the demands of crazies?

Will it make them any less crazy?

OIf you saw my minding my own business driving along on the sidewalk, you might ask me if I passed my drivers test. I would say yes and you would say "Prove it!" I would say no. You probably wouldn't believe me unless I showed you...then even wonder, lol!

Almost the same thing. We have a president that no one has been able to find a bonafide birth certificate, family members say he was born in Kenya and when asked to prove he was born in the US, he says , "No!..." The Mr. Transparency President.

And you call the askers "crazy?" Why hasn't he even given an answer to why he cannot provide one? Everyone agrees what he has given is not a birth certificate, The Gov. in Hawaii tried to help, but made it worse, and we are crazy?

Obviously, what is going on is not good, or he would have explained it and the country would have had a big laugh by now.


Hawaii's health director reiterated Monday afternoon that she has personally seen Obama's birth certificate in the Health Department's archives:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen...."

But then again she does have a funny sounding name too.......
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Ah what a combination. Bithers and Baggers. What a hoot.

Nothing beats free publicity!

The President thanks you.
I blame Bush for this.

When Obama was elected to the US Senate Bush should have made a big deal out of the first foreign born citizen serving in the Senate

drunk and stoned and laid... frank... ah... zappa... good work USAR

some liberals, such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, are calling for Mr. Obama to release his birth records... LOLOLOL

if it's a nice day tomorrow, i might gather a small group of friends and exercise my right to stand in front of the white house with signs that say. "show us your long.... form". Mr. President. it's true that any legal things he did as president... well,... still want to be president.
they're comparing him to nixon as "the most secret" of the transparent presidents.

Oh, please do. That would be awesome. Could you record it and post the video here? I'd love to see that :lol::lol::lol:
I love it how there are actually people in the world who would call The Washington Times a "mainstream" news source.

I prefer to not consider cults "mainstream".
Hawaii's health director reiterated Monday afternoon that she has personally seen Obama's birth certificate in the Health Department's archives:

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen...."

iirc, that's because the Hawaii state laws dictate they only release the short version, and keep the long version

as i understand it, even the potus needs fly to the HDH to view his own long version

which is why we keep getting this cyclical 'won't release the records' hype , now from the Turnimp camp (who i suspect now the deal all to well)

what we really need is 'made in America' umbillical cords that last for 40 years or so....
I love it how there are actually people in the world who would call The Washington Times a "mainstream" news source.

I prefer to not consider cults "mainstream".

The Washington Times: just a hair less wingnutty than NewsMax and WND.

When it comes down to it, I have more respect for NewsMax and WND than the Washington Times. Partisanship and bias is more understandable to me than Rev. Sun Myung Moon's cult.
April 7, 2011 - Transcripts
BLITZER: Despite hard evidence to the contrary, there's still people who question whether President Obama was born in the United States. They've been dubbed birthers, and now their doubts are being stoked by the possible Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump. We asked CNN's Brian Todd to do a fact check for us.

Brian, what did you learn?

BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Wolf, Donald Trump is not only questioning the president's stated birth place; he says he's investigating it. We'll look at some of Trump's key claims as he ratchets up his public challenges of the president.


TODD (voice-over): He may soon announce that he'll take on President Obama in 2012, and to gear up, Donald Trump's slamming the president's leadership on the economy and on Libya. But Trump has recently spent almost as much time talking about the president's birth, as he did on "The Today Show."

DONALD TRUMP, DEVELOPER/REALITY SHOW HOST: Three weeks ago when I started, I thought he was probably born in this country. And now I really have a much bigger doubt.

TODD: CNN and other news outlets have investigated and so far found no evidence that the president was not born in the U.S. But Trump says he sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to check on the president's past. And he says they can't believe what they're finding.

We called Trump's office to find out who the investigators are and what they found.
They had no comment on that. In a CNN phone interview, Trump laid out some of his key intentions.

TRUMP (via phone): There's no birth certificate. There's only a certificate of live birth, which is a totally different thing.

TODD (on camera): We checked on that distinction. The Obama team and the state of Hawaii have released a certification of live birth, saying the president was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu. This is not the original birth certificate. But we're told by state officials that in Hawaii and some other states, they don't release the original birth certificates when they're requested later on. They release documents like this one.

The director of Hawaii's Department of Health says she has personally viewed the president's original vital records and verified that he was born in Hawaii.

Donald Trump also says there's no signature on this document. Well, the group, which viewed the original document. took a picture of the back of it, and you'll see here that there is a signature, but the signature is on a stamp. We're told most of these records are like this.

(voice-over) Trump says certificates of live birth like those issued by the president have other credibility problems.

TRUMP: You can't even get a driver's license with a certificate of live birth.

TODD (on camera): We've checked on a couple of state regulations on that, and we have excerpts from the Web sites here. In the president's adopted home state of Illinois, it says to get a driver's license, birth certificates must be original or certified by a board of health or bureau of vital statistics.

In Georgia, it says to get a license, you need an original U.S. birth certificate or a certified copy of one.

Also we checked with the state of Hawaii. And officials there have told us that a certification of live birth is accepted to get a driver's license or to even buy land.

(voice-over) Donald Trump makes one claim about President Obama's step-grandmother.

TRUMP: His grandmother in Kenya said that he was born in Kenya. Now, he could have been born -- and she said it very strongly, that he was born in Kenya. She was there when he was born.

TODD: But the interview in which the grandmother said that was done by a man characterized as a street preacher through a translator. And there appeared to be confusion over her answer. The translator then came back several times and said Sarah Obama was saying that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

In one new poll from NBC and "The Wall Street Journal," Trump is now in second place among Republican presidential prospects. Are voters responding to Trump's focus on the birther issue?

STU ROTHENBERG, "ROLL CALL": I think his strength in the polls is the function of the fact that there were a lot of people out there who hate politicians and are looking for somebody who's a straight shooter and tough and in-your-face, but that's now. They're not really picking a president of the United States.


TODD: Stu Rothenberg says Trump could risk his credibility with other voters, including establishment Republicans, if he becomes too closely associated with this birther crowd, Wolf.

BLITZER: You know, it's amazing to me how many people, though, believe, you know, what Donald Trump is suggesting, despite all of the evidence, including the newspapers, the two -- Honolulu newspapers that contemporaneously, within a matter of days, got the announcements from the hospital, published the birth of Barack Hussein Obama II in these two Honolulu newspapers. But yet, a significant number of Americans believe he wasn't born in the United States.

TODD: Trump's got his own questions about those birth announcements and whether the grandparents might have planted it.

BLITZER: Hospitals did that, notified the newspapers who was born. They do it within a few days.

TODD: Right. That's true. Trump, he's questioning whether they got that information accurately, too. There's all sorts of questions about the announcements, too.

On the numbers you're right. One in four Americans in a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, one in four, believe he was either definitely or probably born outside the United States. Now, there's a partisan divide here: many more Republicans than Democrats who believe that. But the numbers, as you say, are significant. One in four people at least have their doubts about this. Donald Trump clearly -- you know, I would say clearly is playing into those numbers, Wolf.

BLITZER: I've interviewed Donald Trump on many occasions, a very intelligent guy.

TODD: Absolutely.

BLITZER: He's got a good record. But, you know, he's flip- flopping on a lot of these issues lately. When I've interviewed him over the years, he used to be pro-abortion rights for women. Now he's anti-abortion rights. He used to be for gay rights, gay marriage. Now he's against gay -- gay marriage. On this whole birther issue, I don't understand why he's decided to make this a big issue. But, look, he's cast doubt. Among Tea Party activists, he's now at the top...

Trump is thus far batting zero.

Where is HIS "proof" from his "investigators"?

The Kenyan grandmother was proven long ago to be a bad "witness" for Phillip Berg's nonstop lawsuits because she's in her 90's, doesn't speak English, and the translator believes she got confused between Barack Obama Sr. and Barack Obama Jr. having been born in Kenya. Obviously it was the senior.

How many high profile Hawaiian officials, including the governor, would have had to be "in on" the alleged scam?

Trump first "claims" that Obama's grandparents manipulated to have the birth announcement appear in Hawaiian newspaper in order to get welfare. Wait, amend that, Donald: He later said that they put it in the Hawaiian newspaper because "back in those days, Kenyans were more proud to have one of their own as an American citizen..." [Paraphrased]

Sure. But would they have thought to surreptitiously sneak it into BOTH the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin? Especially since birth announcements can ONLY come from the Department of Health?



you can't just "call trump's office" something is misjuxtaposed here. ... well nbc... this is a good example of shoddy journalism.
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I blame Bush for this.

When Obama was elected to the US Senate Bush should have made a big deal out of the first foreign born citizen serving in the Senate

drunk and stoned and laid... frank... ah... zappa... good work USAR

some liberals, such as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, are calling for Mr. Obama to release his birth records... LOLOLOL

if it's a nice day tomorrow, i might gather a small group of friends and exercise my right to stand in front of the white house with signs that say. "show us your long.... form". Mr. President. it's true that any legal things he did as president... well,... still want to be president.
they're comparing him to nixon as "the most secret" of the transparent presidents.

Oh, please do. That would be awesome. Could you record it and post the video here? I'd love to see that :lol::lol::lol:

okay.. it won't be till late afternoon, i'm playing golf with the president in the morning. if i do i wont need to post the video here... if you know what i mean.
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