The way Dems are behaving about 2020 is itself evidence that 2016 wasn't rigged

Marŝi tra la Cindro

Active Member
Nov 6, 2020
After the 2016 election they kicked and screamed and rioted and killed innocent people demanding that Hillary be installed despite the election. "No Hillary, no peace!" That continued up to and through the 2020 election. Their excuse was that Russia "hacked the election" so it was illegitimate. They wasted four years on probes and investigations trying to prove that but have come up with nothing. The only hard evidence of foreign interference we've seen is British intelligence being leveraged by Obama to spy on the Trump campaign alongside the FBI.

Now here in 2020 they're insisting that our elections are secure, foreign interference is impossible, every legal ballot has been counted, only legal ballots have been counted, and there have been exactly zero issues of voter fraud, machine tampering, or malfeasance by election officials. Despite that we see numerous cases of fucked up machines registering every vote for their candidate, of Trump ballots disappeared or destroyed, of turn out higher than the number of registered voters... It's been a complete fucking mess and they're telling us everything is fine and we just need to move on because they won. Had the numbers somehow been different they would be out looting stores and murdering grandma in the street again, but because their guy somehow won every battleground state with more votes than should be possible we should believe there has never been anything but a clean, upright election in this country and just stop asking questions.

And they wonder why they're widely considered a demonic cult...
After the 2016 election they kicked and screamed and rioted and killed innocent people demanding that Hillary be installed despite the election. "No Hillary, no peace!" That continued up to and through the 2020 election. Their excuse was that Russia "hacked the election" so it was illegitimate. They wasted four years on probes and investigations trying to prove that but have come up with nothing. The only hard evidence of foreign interference we've seen is British intelligence being leveraged by Obama to spy on the Trump campaign alongside the FBI.

Now here in 2020 they're insisting that our elections are secure, foreign interference is impossible, every legal ballot has been counted, only legal ballots have been counted, and there have been exactly zero issues of voter fraud, machine tampering, or malfeasance by election officials. Despite that we see numerous cases of fucked up machines registering every vote for their candidate, of Trump ballots disappeared or destroyed, of turn out higher than the number of registered voters... It's been a complete fucking mess and they're telling us everything is fine and we just need to move on because they won. Had the numbers somehow been different they would be out looting stores and murdering grandma in the street again, but because their guy somehow won every battleground state with more votes than should be possible we should believe there has never been anything but a clean, upright election in this country and just stop asking questions.

And they wonder why they're widely considered a demonic cult...

Post one quote from a Democrat stating the accusations in your first paragraph..that happened in the run up to, on election day, during the vote count, or in the immediate aftermath of the election. I don't care about what happened after the Russia investigation began. Trump did that to himself.

Otherwise, I'll paraphrase Trump, "Sit Down, and Shut Up". He lost. I get you're pissed. But now, you and the rest of Trumpworld are just proving to the rest of us that you really ARE the cancers we thought you were.
I just think it's funny how you fuckers were rioting and killing people when your candidate lost then wasted four years on bullshit conspiracy theories, while ignoring actual conspiracies playing out in front of you, but now claim none of that ever happened and we just need to forget and move on and stop questioning truth, freedom, and the American way.

And they wonder why they're widely considered a demonic cult...
After the 2016 election they kicked and screamed and rioted and killed innocent people demanding that Hillary be installed despite the election. "No Hillary, no peace!" That continued up to and through the 2020 election. Their excuse was that Russia "hacked the election" so it was illegitimate. They wasted four years on probes and investigations trying to prove that but have come up with nothing. The only hard evidence of foreign interference we've seen is British intelligence being leveraged by Obama to spy on the Trump campaign alongside the FBI.

Now here in 2020 they're insisting that our elections are secure, foreign interference is impossible, every legal ballot has been counted, only legal ballots have been counted, and there have been exactly zero issues of voter fraud, machine tampering, or malfeasance by election officials. Despite that we see numerous cases of fucked up machines registering every vote for their candidate, of Trump ballots disappeared or destroyed, of turn out higher than the number of registered voters... It's been a complete fucking mess and they're telling us everything is fine and we just need to move on because they won. Had the numbers somehow been different they would be out looting stores and murdering grandma in the street again, but because their guy somehow won every battleground state with more votes than should be possible we should believe there has never been anything but a clean, upright election in this country and just stop asking questions.

And they wonder why they're widely considered a demonic cult...
Sure it was Trump said it was.

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