The way its really going to be.

I honor the JW'S for that , hardly no religion upholds the name Jehovah.

I know they made errors through the years, but have corrected every one they found--only those earnestly seeking truth, makes correction in front of all the hearts of men. The whole supposed Christian world watched and mocked them for it.

Incredible how they tried to remove that name in so many bibles. They also tried to remove universal salvation.
If it were left up to you ,how many people would you save?

How many people would you condemn? Why would you save them , and tell us why you would condemn them?
I honor the JW'S for that , hardly no religion upholds the name Jehovah.

I know they made errors through the years, but have corrected every one they found--only those earnestly seeking truth, makes correction in front of all the hearts of men. The whole supposed Christian world watched and mocked them for it.

Incredible how they tried to remove that name in so many bibles. They also tried to remove universal salvation.

Teaching universal salvation for all is calling Jesus a liar---He said--FEW will find the road--Believe Jesus. And he said Many walk the broad and spacious path to destruction.
I honor the JW'S for that , hardly no religion upholds the name Jehovah.

I know they made errors through the years, but have corrected every one they found--only those earnestly seeking truth, makes correction in front of all the hearts of men. The whole supposed Christian world watched and mocked them for it.

Incredible how they tried to remove that name in so many bibles. They also tried to remove universal salvation.

Teaching universal salvation for all is calling Jesus a liar---He said--FEW will find the road--Believe Jesus. And he said Many walk the broad and spacious path to destruction.

He said few will find it because few are chosen to find it now; the calling of God is just a matter of time.
I honor the JW'S for that , hardly no religion upholds the name Jehovah.

I know they made errors through the years, but have corrected every one they found--only those earnestly seeking truth, makes correction in front of all the hearts of men. The whole supposed Christian world watched and mocked them for it.

Incredible how they tried to remove that name in so many bibles. They also tried to remove universal salvation.

Teaching universal salvation for all is calling Jesus a liar---He said--FEW will find the road--Believe Jesus. And he said Many walk the broad and spacious path to destruction.

He said few will find it because few are chosen to find it now; the calling of God is just a matter of time.

God has been calling for years.
The destiny of all of humanity is revealed by the creator of humanity ; this is not what religion is saying , its not what any human is saying , its what God himself has "Sworn!" God makes an incredible Holy Vow that nothing can stop! In Isaiah 45:22-23 , "Look to me ALL the ends of the earth and be saved; for I am God and there is none else ; I have sworn by myself , the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness , and shall not return to me empty ; that to me EVERY knee shall bow , and EVERY mouth shall confess." This is the future of ALL of humanity!

When God returns he will NOT be asking for free will acceptance of him , he will NOT be offering choices from anyone , everyone will submit to him and believe in him; that is the way its really going to be.

Here's the thing, He won't be asking for acceptance because every one will see His Glory. When Christ returns this time, He isn't leaving. The Jews will know He is the Messiah. He will call the Muslim countries His blessings. He will recreate the borders in the Middle East that all involved will be happy with. He will remove the Muslim/Jewish hatred and replace it with brotherly love.
And yet, because of free will, (which we will always posses) Christ will rule for one thousand years with an iron rod. The reason that is necessary is because there will be people that survive the Tribulation and remember sin and practice it. There is going to be another battle at the end of the Millennium Era. For the 1,000 year reign, Satan will have been tethered. Jesus is going to let Him loose and crush him for good. And sin with Him. Earth will return to a modern Eden status. No sickness, no pain, no hatred, no murder, no rape, no violence...
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The destiny of all of humanity is revealed by the creator of humanity ; this is not what religion is saying , its not what any human is saying , its what God himself has "Sworn!" God makes an incredible Holy Vow that nothing can stop! In Isaiah 45:22-23 , "Look to me ALL the ends of the earth and be saved; for I am God and there is none else ; I have sworn by myself , the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness , and shall not return to me empty ; that to me EVERY knee shall bow , and EVERY mouth shall confess." This is the future of ALL of humanity!

When God returns he will NOT be asking for free will acceptance of him , he will NOT be offering choices from anyone , everyone will submit to him and believe in him; that is the way its really going to be.

Here's the thing, He won't be asking for acceptance because every one will see His Glory. When Christ returns this time, He isn't leaving. The Jews will know He is the Messiah. He will call the Muslim countries His blessings. He will recreate the borders in the Middle East that all involved will be happy with. He will remove the Muslim/Jewish hatred and replace it with brotherly love.
And yet, because of free will, (which we will always posses) Christ will rule for one thousand years with an iron rod. The reason that is necessary is because there will be people that survive the Tribulation and remember sin and practice it. There is going to be another battle at the end of the Millennium Era. For the 1,000 year reign, Satan will have been tethered. Jesus is going to let Him loose and crush him for good. And sin with Him. Earth will return to a modern Eden status. No sickness, no pain, no hatred, no murder, no rape, no violence...

I am beginning to doubt the1,000 year Christ rule thing , and then satan is loosed again to ruin the Kingdom; I know its in the bible , but it does not make sense to me ; so I don't understand it.I don't see how if God and Christ are on earth and the kingdom is established for 1,000 years , that anything could deceive his people again ; I don't believe that.
I don't understand why Christ doesn't dispatch Satan after Armageddon and be done with it. But if I accept the Bible as the inspired word of God, I can't pick and choose what I like and just discard what doesn't make sense to me. We are even warned in the Bible not to lean on our own understanding. His thoughts are so far beyond our own, we have to rely on His understanding not ours.
I have a feeling, that the millennial reign has to do with the different eras or ages God has designed , e.g. the age of the Innocents, the age of the Law, the age of the Gentiles.

Don't be so surprised about the nature of man. God Almighty, Himself, sat in the Temple of the Jews, (after He had just taken them OUT of slavery), and they politely asked Him to leave. They wanted a mortal King instead. That decision lead them right back into slavery for years.
Man saw the goodness and miracles of Jesus Christ and hung Him on a tree.
And then there will be those that see Christ's return. You would think they would say, OMG It IS Him! It was all true. Let's go to Him. But the opposite is going to happen. Man is going to try to kill Him again. They will choose to fight Him alongside their leader, the anti-Christ.

If you run into something that you don't understand, pray for discernment and wisdom. God loves to honor that request.
And look to a consensuses of Bible scholars who have done their homework and can make sense of it for you. :)
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I don't understand why Christ doesn't dispatch Satan after Armageddon and be done with it. But if I accept the Bible as the inspired word of God, I can't pick and choose what I like and just discard what doesn't make sense to me. We are even warned in the Bible not to lean on our own understanding. His thoughts are so far beyond our own, we have to rely on His understanding not ours.
I have a feeling, that the millennial reign has to do with the different eras or ages God has designed , e.g. the age of the Innocents, the age of the Law, the age of the Gentiles.

Don't be so surprised about the nature of man. God Almighty, Himself, sat in the Temple of the Jews, (after He had just taken them OUT of slavery), and they politely asked Him to leave. They wanted a mortal King instead. That decision lead them right back into slavery for years.
Man saw the goodness and miracles of Jesus Christ and hung Him on a tree.
And then there will be those that see Christ's return. You would think they would say, OMG It IS Him! It was all true. Let's go to Him. But the opposite is going to happen. Man is going to try to kill Him again. They will choose to fight Him alongside their leader, the anti-Christ.

If you run into something that you don't understand, pray for discernment and wisdom. God loves to honor that request.
And look to a consensuses of Bible scholars who have done their homework and can make sense of it for you. :)

The thousand year period makes no sense to me, but its in scripture in Rev. 20: I have serious questions about it, but I cannot change scripture, but God is not against us not understanding things. It makes absolutely no sense at all. Not to me.
When Enoch walked away with God, he asked God not to flood the earth until his son died. Enoch's son's name was Methuselah. The name means, "When I go, it starts." What starts was the flood. Methuselah lived longer than any other human. Because God waited for His children to turn away from sin.

Christ rose from the dead and never had to leave here again. But He did. And almost two thousand years of Gentiles will now spend an eternity with their Father, because of it.

Is God giving humans 1,000 more years to come to Him? Is it yet another era to become a child of God?

Did you know that the el at the end of Mickiel means Micki belongs to God?
When Enoch walked away with God, he asked God not to flood the earth until his son died. Enoch's son's name was Methuselah. The name means, "When I go, it starts." What starts was the flood. Methuselah lived longer than any other human. Because God waited for His children to turn away from sin.

Christ rose from the dead and never had to leave here again. But He did. And almost two thousand years of Gentiles will now spend an eternity with their Father, because of it.

Is God giving humans 1,000 more years to come to Him? Is it yet another era to become a child of God?

Did you know that the el at the end of Mickiel means Micki belongs to God?

My real name is Michael , which means " Who is like God". But I did not know that el means what it means. Thanks.

I don't understand everything about God, and I rarely question scripture; believe me rarely , but with this topic we are discussing , I sense something is wrong ; it just does not fit.
God sent his son into the world to save the world , 1 John 4:14; that is the way its going to be; WORLD salvation, everybody!

And don't let these short sighted Christians tell you any different.
God sent his son into the world to save the world , 1 John 4:14; that is the way its going to be; WORLD salvation, everybody!

And don't let these short sighted Christians tell you any different.

1John 3---a mirror for all--it teaches who are the real children of God or who are the children of the devil--It says---Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
See any sin in this world?
God sent his son into the world to save the world , 1 John 4:14; that is the way its going to be; WORLD salvation, everybody!

And don't let these short sighted Christians tell you any different.

1John 3---a mirror for all--it teaches who are the real children of God or who are the children of the devil--It says---Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
See any sin in this world?

Your deeply stuck on that " Special calling of God thingy", its got you thinking that not all humans are God's children. That's why you say things like , "The real children of God" , you think only JW's are the children of God. You think God has no other sheep in his fold.

Your religion shuts the Kingdom off from men. You hog salvation unto yourselves.
God sent his son into the world to save the world , 1 John 4:14; that is the way its going to be; WORLD salvation, everybody!

And don't let these short sighted Christians tell you any different.

1John 3---a mirror for all--it teaches who are the real children of God or who are the children of the devil--It says---Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
See any sin in this world?

Your deeply stuck on that " Special calling of God thingy", its got you thinking that not all humans are God's children. That's why you say things like , "The real children of God" , you think only JW's are the children of God. You think God has no other sheep in his fold.

Your religion shuts the Kingdom off from men. You hog salvation unto yourselves.

Serving a non existent trinity daily makes one a worker of iniquity--they will hear these words from Jesus at judgement-Matt 7:22-23
YHWH(Jehovah) is the only true God--all the rest are false.
God sent his son into the world to save the world , 1 John 4:14; that is the way its going to be; WORLD salvation, everybody!

And don't let these short sighted Christians tell you any different.

1John 3---a mirror for all--it teaches who are the real children of God or who are the children of the devil--It says---Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
See any sin in this world?

Your deeply stuck on that " Special calling of God thingy", its got you thinking that not all humans are God's children. That's why you say things like , "The real children of God" , you think only JW's are the children of God. You think God has no other sheep in his fold.

Your religion shuts the Kingdom off from men. You hog salvation unto yourselves.

Serving a non existent trinity daily makes one a worker of iniquity--they will hear these words from Jesus at judgement-Matt 7:22-23
YHWH(Jehovah) is the only true God--all the rest are false.

I said God " the special calling of God Thingy", or thing; not trinity. YHWH is true all the rest are false. See your locked in , you have narrow tunnel vision ;; you see one path, and everyone that makes it must walk on your path ,they have to walk like you , talk like you , smell like you , have the same bible as you , dress like you. Think like you. And those who do not are considered false by you. Just knowing that about your group , turns me off from it. JWS repel me , but attracts you. But what you can't see is that we still end up in the same place with God.

I did not walk your path , talk your talk or wear your clothes, but salvation was still given to me. And your religion still tries to figure out ways to take my salvation back. Why? Because I did not use the term " Yahweh" enough , or I mis spelled it.
God sent his son into the world to save the world , 1 John 4:14; that is the way its going to be; WORLD salvation, everybody!

And don't let these short sighted Christians tell you any different.

1John 3---a mirror for all--it teaches who are the real children of God or who are the children of the devil--It says---Its impossible for a child of God to practice even one sin.
See any sin in this world?

Your deeply stuck on that " Special calling of God thingy", its got you thinking that not all humans are God's children. That's why you say things like , "The real children of God" , you think only JW's are the children of God. You think God has no other sheep in his fold.

Your religion shuts the Kingdom off from men. You hog salvation unto yourselves.

Serving a non existent trinity daily makes one a worker of iniquity--they will hear these words from Jesus at judgement-Matt 7:22-23
YHWH(Jehovah) is the only true God--all the rest are false.

I said God " the special calling of God Thingy", or thing; not trinity. YHWH is true all the rest are false. See your locked in , you have narrow tunnel vision ;; you see one path, and everyone that makes it must walk on your path ,they have to walk like you , talk like you , smell like you , have the same bible as you , dress like you. Think like you. And those who do not are considered false by you. Just knowing that about your group , turns me off from it. JWS repel me , but attracts you. But what you can't see is that we still end up in the same place with God.

I did not walk your path , talk your talk or wear your clothes, but salvation was still given to me. And your religion still tries to figure out ways to take my salvation back. Why? Because I did not use the term " Yahweh" enough , or I mis spelled it.

The JW teachers teach--YHWH,S WAY. There is only one way--YHWH,S way. Didn't listen to Jesus??? Matt 7:21-- Only those living now to do the Fathers( YHWH) will get to enter his kingdom--the Fathers will= YHWH,S WAY. That is what the JW teachers teach. So how is it you reject YHWH,S way?
Listen , all the unbelievers who reject Jesus and the Kingdom of God, all those rotten people who do not do the Fathers will , all of us mixed up people who fall short of the Jehovah Witnesses high standards ; Jesus taught in Matthew 12:31 that ALL manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven. You may not forgive us , your holy JW's may not forgive our blasphemy , but Jesus taught that he will.

You can't stop us ,you can't block us. Forgiveness is the way its going to be.
Listen , all the unbelievers who reject Jesus and the Kingdom of God, all those rotten people who do not do the Fathers will , all of us mixed up people who fall short of the Jehovah Witnesses high standards ; Jesus taught in Matthew 12:31 that ALL manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven. You may not forgive us , your holy JW's may not forgive our blasphemy , but Jesus taught that he will.

You can't stop us ,you can't block us. Forgiveness is the way its going to be.

Not what Jesus taught--Matt 7:21-23---the 100% truth from Jesus---Enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life, FEW are the ones finding it, for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION. The opposite of your misleading words.
Listen , all the unbelievers who reject Jesus and the Kingdom of God, all those rotten people who do not do the Fathers will , all of us mixed up people who fall short of the Jehovah Witnesses high standards ; Jesus taught in Matthew 12:31 that ALL manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven. You may not forgive us , your holy JW's may not forgive our blasphemy , but Jesus taught that he will.

You can't stop us ,you can't block us. Forgiveness is the way its going to be.

Not what Jesus taught--Matt 7:21-23---the 100% truth from Jesus---Enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life, FEW are the ones finding it, for MANY have entered the broad and spacious path that leads to DESTRUCTION. The opposite of your misleading words.

The world needs saving mostly from religions like yours ; because your religion uses the bible to condemn , not to save. Your religion is the real danger to salvation , not the devil.

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