The way liberals cannot and will not answer a simple question.

Who would ever vote for a retard like Rand Paul...

Certainly not his neighbor...and he knows Paul better than any of us ever will

HE beat the crap out of the little weasel
One never knows when leftys violent tendencies will take over . I'm sure like the rioting all summer long you enjoy the attacking of Mr. Paul. Typical democrat loves violence.

Senator Paul, "Do the American citizens have the right to know how their tax dollars are spent?"

This loser is the biden administration,"blah blah blah blah blah dance dance."

Senator Paul, ""Do the American citizens have the right to know how their tax dollars are spent?"

This loser in the biden administration, "tip toe tippy toe, dance dance dance blah blah blah."

HE WOULD JUST LOVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT entrepreneurial PROGRAMS but he is under strict instruction to NEVER EVER EVER ANSWER ANY QUESTION about transparency and accountability.

These are the democrats in a nutshell.

This is what all of these folks in the Biden Adm are doing.
Lying their asses off about what they're up to.
You need to know how one neighbor would know another?

As far as policies...Paul is a dick. THAT is what got his ass beat
Still has nothing to do with what Paul was asking and what the other poster is asking you…

Paul can be a total asshole but it does not give someone the right to physically assault the other person, well in your World it does because you believe anyone to the right of you should be genocide, so there is that.

Now I know you will not answer the question “ should the Federal Government be transparent about how funds are spent “ but instead you will focus on my comment about you instead…
Still has nothing to do with what Paul was asking and what the other poster is asking you…

Paul can be a total asshole but it does not give someone the right to physically assault the other person, well in your World it does because you believe anyone to the right of you should be genocide, so there is that.

Now I know you will not answer the question “ should the Federal Government be transparent about how funds are spent “ but instead you will focus on my comment about you instead…
hyperbole much?

Assholes get their asses kicked all the time. Kinda comes with being an asshole
hyperbole much?

Assholes get their asses kicked all the time. Kinda comes with being an asshole
So you believe physical violence is the appropriate response to someone with whom you disagree. Please be an adult and admit it.
Well Senator, how much much did the Senate vote to spend keeping classified data secret from the American people?

You've been in the Senate for how long and voted on how many classified budgets?

Quit playing games Senator. Your PR stunt is a failure unless you're willing to publicly discuss all those classified budgets!

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