Zone1 The Way Some People Play With Race and The Law


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Mar 11, 2015
This is a shame and a disgrace. We see an idiot reporter on Newsmax comparing what happened to Trump in New York with what happened to Emmitt Till. It is sad and EVIL what some people do using race and the law.

Newsmax Host Makes OUTRAGEOUS Comparison Between Trump, Emmett Till​

Later I'm going to illustrate how some have used the 14th Amendment and civil rights laws in order to try reversing things those laws were created to solve based on a fake claim.
Emmett Till was the first modern day black thug.

Till was a smart ass city kid whose father was executed for rape and murder in WW II. He didn’t visit Mississippi in the summer of ’55 to hang out like Tom Sawyer. Till went because he was uncontrollable, including threatening his ex-step father with a butcher knife.

Till arrived in Mississippi, intent on showing the rubes what big city life in Chicago and Detroit was like. He just didn’t whistle at white woman-store owner Carolyn Bryant. He grabbed her around the hips and told Bryant he’s “fucked white women.” The proposition that Till whistled at the checkers game outside the store is preposterous.

Till’s mother, Maime, concocted cock & bull stories that the media ate up. She tried to blame Till’s whistle on a stutter when he was asking Bryant where the “bubble gum” is in the store. Well, isn’t that quaint? Little boy Emmett wasn’t just seeking gum, the precious youngster just wanted to blow some bubbles.

Others commented on Till’s joking manner, saying they never knew how to take him. You can bet that the audience for Till’s humor wasn’t listening to knock-knock jokes. Imagine this little smart ass telling dirty jokes to adults.

Till obviously did not deserve the treatment he got. He needed a good swift kick in the ass from his no good philandering father. But that didn’t happen because the father was a rapist and murderer. The media and other lapdogs are only interested in whitewashed accounts.
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The host is a total idiot using Black people's plight to win favor for Trump.

Nobody's buying it.
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We have seen white groups using the 14th Amendment to try overturning equal opportunity policies. According to racists, equal opportunity policies take away equal protection for whites. Now here is where our justice system needs reform. There are way too many white judges sitting in courts getting to decide cases involving the white racist misuse of the 14th Amendment.

The equal protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment was made after slavery to protect blacks from discrimination. When the 14th Amendment passed, whites were being given 100 percent of the opportunities; blacks zero. Today whites who are the majority of everything, take cases to court for discrmination using the equal protection clause when 1 white person can't get a job in a company that is majority white. Or when a college student doesn't get admitted into a majority white university

A black person cannot file a similar case if they are not hired in a company that is majority black. A black student at an HBCU cannot go to Edward Blum and whine about being discriminated against if they are not admitted but a white student is. Equal Protection would apply there of whites can use it as they do but the courts would never hear this. So then when we see whites taking these cases to court and the courts deciding in their favor based on the Equal Protection Clause, we see a classic example of systemic racism.
A black student at an HBCU cannot go to Edward Blum and whine about being discriminated against if they are not admitted but a white student is.
Black people need no occasion to “whine about” discrimination. They whine about it 24/7. When they run out of imagined micro-aggressions to whine about, they reach back 200 years to get their victimhood fix.

Who needs Edward Blum when you have Hey, Hey, Hey, it’s Fat Al-Sharpton!

This is a shame and a disgrace. We see an idiot reporter on Newsmax comparing what happened to Trump in New York with what happened to Emmitt Till. It is sad and EVIL what some people do using race and the law.

Newsmax Host Makes OUTRAGEOUS Comparison Between Trump, Emmett Till​

Later I'm going to illustrate how some have used the 14th Amendment and civil rights laws in order to try reversing things those laws were created to solve based on a fake claim.

That child certainly didn’t deserve his fate. How can anyone compare Emmitt’s torture and death to an orange idiot who has always gotten whatever he wanted?

You are a prime example of what I am talking about. White females benefitted most from Affirmative Action and DEI. But I am quite sure you are running your mouth about me being racist because I'm supposedy for some kind of advantage your dumb ass has been race hustled to believe blacks are given because of these policies.

You are a prime example of what I am talking about. White females benefitted most from Affirmative Action and DEI. But I am quite sure you are running your mouth about me being racist because I'm supposedy for some kind of advantage your dumb ass has been race hustled to believe blacks are given because of these policies.
Idiot. Prove where I have benefitted from anything that I didn’t work my ass off for. When have I EVER said blacks were given anything thru any policies? Stop insinuating lies about things I have never said nor insinuated.
IM2 is glossing over the “woman” part. It’s not about them being white, it’s because they are ladies. Diversity, equity and inclusion does not include white people. Women yes, white people no.
You guys should look into this “context” thing. It would really help your comprehension. That site (Newsmax?) did not compare Trump to Emit Till. It compare the judicial process by which they were both convicted.

Two non-connected persons can have a common denominator. Just because you and I both use the internet, does not mean we are comparable. Heck Trump has a felony conviction just like George Floyd. Ain’t that something?

IM2 is glossing over the “woman” part. It’s not about them being white, it’s because they are ladies. Diversity, equity and inclusion does not include white people. Women yes, white people no.
Black women have gotten favored over white women for decades.

Black AND female is like winning the lottery. You can be medicore on your best day and get a job as Vice President of the United States or White House Press Secretary.

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