The Way You Live Is Deplorable, Says Chuck Grassley


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Senator Chuck Grassley says you don't have six million dollars because you spend all your money on booze, women, and movies.

No, really. I am not kidding.

His exact words: "I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing, as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

Rich people need a tax break, and the rest of you need to stop going to the goddam movies.

You'd be a multi-Millionaire if you weren't a drunken moviegoer.

Grassley blasts working class for spending on booze, women, and movies
If you are living paycheck to paycheck, that's your fault, prole. You need to give up any wasteful spending on snacks, movies, and women. And you need to turn your thermostat down and wear a sweater, you working class piece of shit! There are rich people who need a tax break and you have to pay for it!
Despite lawmakers' warnings, few Iowa farmers face estate tax

An estate tax effectively and unfairly taxes a person’s earnings twice, he argued: first when they earn it and again when they die. And, he added, it penalizes savers without touching spenders.

“I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley said, “as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

The seven-term senator runs an operation in Butler County with his son and grandson and frequently describes himself as a farmer.
You made a lot of bad choices, if you're poor in America
Sorry, baby. I was going to get you a Christmas present, but Senator Grassley says I shouldn't spend my money on you. Women are a waste of money.

If you require all the pretty shiny things instead of doing without that is your prerogative. The taxes for the money spent on a estate have already been paid for with sweat and blood by the family that owns said estate. It's theirs not yours.

"The people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now concerns itself no more, and longs eagerly for just two things - bread and circuses."


If you liberals really cared about Americas poor, why would you want to have millions of illegal Hispanics here?
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If you require all the pretty shiny things instead of doing without that is your prerogative. The taxes for the money spent on a estate have already been paid for with sweat and blood by the family that owns said estate. It's theirs not yours.

"The people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now concerns itself no more, and longs eagerly for just two things - bread and circuses."



Yeah, I get it. The GOP says we can't tax the rich more, we need to tax the middle class more.

I get it. I totally get it.

The middle class is wasting their money on things they don't need, and the government needs to punish them for that.

The emperor needs new clothes.
If you liberals really cared about Americas poor, why would you want to have millions of illegal Hispanics here?
I'm not a liberal. I am a conservative. If you think Trump and the GOP are enacting a conservative tax plan, you are seriously retarded.

They are enacting an oligarchical tax plan.
Buckle down, work harder, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and you can be a millionaire
Used to call it The American Dream

Now.......wages have been stagnant for 40 years while our wealthy have been slicing off bigger and bigger slices of the pie
If you liberals really cared about Americas poor, why would you want to have millions of illegal Hispanics here?
I'm not a liberal. I am a conservative. If you think Trump and the GOP are enacting a conservative tax plan, you are seriously retarded.

They are enacting an oligarchical tax plan.

A large contingent of modern American conservatism is in fact oligarchical, in many ways.
Well let's see here... do democrats ever say anything stupid? Hmmm... yeah they do, in fact lots of stupid shit, but what to pick as an example... OH... HERE'S A WINNER...

When a rich person buys a house in Miami for their mistress, a house in Orange County for when they come out that way to golf, an apartment in New York City for vacations, they aren't wasting their money.

But you deplorable fucks who wanted to see Rogue One are just wasteful people who deserve to be taxed more.

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