The Way You Live Is Deplorable, Says Chuck Grassley




Lol, when did she start speaking for the president? Trumptards are just to funny.
You made a lot of bad choices, if you're poor in America
Like voting for Trump in the Republican primary.
I think most Trumpbots were lower earners before they voted for Trump, but there could be common denominator.
The irony is that most of Trump's core support is lower or working class; their support of him is mind boggling.

It's simple really, if the person has an (R) next to their name then they can do no wrong.
You made a lot of bad choices, if you're poor in America
Like voting for Trump in the Republican primary.
I think most Trumpbots were lower earners before they voted for Trump, but there could be common denominator.
The irony is that most of Trump's core support is lower or working class; their support of him is mind boggling.
Yet 78% of Republicans are still supporting him. Not all of them can possibly be his "base," and they sure aren't all lower or working class. LOOK at the tax bill they're about to pass.
View attachment 164275

If you require all the pretty shiny things instead of doing without that is your prerogative. The taxes for the money spent on a estate have already been paid for with sweat and blood by the family that owns said estate. It's theirs not yours.

"The people that once bestowed commands, consulships, legions, and all else, now concerns itself no more, and longs eagerly for just two things - bread and circuses."



Yeah, I get it. The GOP says we can't tax the rich more, we need to tax the middle class more.

I get it. I totally get it.

The middle class is wasting their money on things they don't need, and the government needs to punish them for that.

The emperor needs new clothes.


What makes you think I'm not middle class?

What makes you think a estate worth say... one or three million dollars makes a lot of money?


If you liberals really cared about Americas poor, why would you want to have millions of illegal Hispanics here?
I'm not a liberal. I am a conservative. If you think Trump and the GOP are enacting a conservative tax plan, you are seriously retarded.

They are enacting an oligarchical tax plan.

You mean like the Clinton or Kennedy oligarchy?


Work ethic required to get inheritance from daddy - ZERO


Next lifetime you can walk the fields for weeds, clean the animal pens, make sure the animals are feed, assist with the harvests, assist with repair the fences and buildings, and whatever else that needs to be done, and be glad that you have a roof over your head and food on the table when you're still considered a child because your parents can't afford to pay you anything else while attempting to make the mortgage.


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Chuck was talking about the Estate tax. Where you have to be worth at least 5 million if you are single or 11 million if you are married for it to matter.

Typical for most Republicans on the USMB, right?
Given Trump's business interests in casinos, resorts, etc., I doubt he disapproves of drinking and womanizing.

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