The Wealth Of An Empire

I don't see my daughter as having a nice salary. She makes around 48 grand per year. That is chump change...a joke...a salary where one cannot get ahead. No way would I have dealt with parents, kids, etc for that measely pittance. Yes someday she will collect her pension which she will have dutifully earned. Where she works the town just voted to increase their taxes so the school could keep functioning. They voted to raise their own property taxes overwhelmingly. Mine went up 75 bucks per year...small price to pay.
What about states where there are no teacher's unions? Didn't know that, did you?
To Admiral Rockwell: Research my messages before you assume what I do not know.

As to the rest of your stupidity here is a sampling that addresses your major talking points:

Teachers began their long march in 1857. (Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto 9 years earlier).

Around 1960, in spite of the longstanding opposition to giving public sector employees the power inherent in collective bargaining, teachersā€™ unions began enriching their members with tax dollars negotiated through collective bargaining. I use the word negotiated loosely since the taxpayer never has a seat at bargaining tables. In effect, pubic sector unions negotiate with themselves.

The exorbitant salaries teachers ā€œnegotiatedā€ allows them to contribute part of their SALARY to Democrats, and to causes advancing socialismā€™s ideology, without breaking the law that prohibits contributing union DUES to political parties, candidates and causes.

More importantly, NEA membership before 1960 was much less than one million. Today it is approximately 3.5 million. [INSERT: Irrespective of 5 states without teachersā€™ unions.] Indeed, after JFKā€™s assassination the entire parasite class began its phenomenal growth in tandem with LBJā€™s Great Society and the parasites in the education industry. Surprise, surprise! LBJ was a teacher before running for elected office.

Identifying The Caring Enemy


As Iā€™ve said many times, in addition to all of the harm teachersā€™ unions do to this country the elected officials who did the most lasting harm all came from the academic community; Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, W. J. Clinton, and his mentor J. William Fulbright. Barack Taqiyya also has a background in academia, and he is not finished yet. (FDR is on a level all by himself.)​

NOTE: FDR opposed public sector unions.

Fragile Children v. Teachers


Iā€™ve posted countless messages about strengthening real property Rights since my first message board in 2000. I must admit that I never thought Iā€™d live long enough to see a state do what North Dakota is on the verge of doing.

After I read a NY Times article I felt that my first love had returned; so I want to go over some things I posted over the years. Keep in mind that property taxes are levied and collected by state and local communities, while protecting real property Rights crosses over to the federal government. Eminent domain abuses shows that the federal government opposes property Rights. Let me set the tone with this:
ā€œThe theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.ā€ That definition is attributed to Karl Marx (1818 ā€“ 1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820 ā€“ 1895), German social philosophers, revolutionaries.

At the time that pronouncement was laid down in Europe it sounded pretty good to people who had no property. The basic method used to impose a Communist dictate on American homeowners is quite simple: Confiscation.

Donā€™t pay your property taxes and the Socialist teachersā€™ unions will bounce you out into the street faster than an old-time slum lord ever dreamed of doing. Iā€™m singling out the teachersā€™ unions because they are the primary beneficiaries of property taxes but not the only ones.

Incidentally, from a Socialist/Communist perspective property taxes are a far greater detriment to individual liberties than the income tax because property taxes gives the government and the teachersā€™ unions far more leverage over the homeowner than does the income tax.

Let me clarify taxation in the context of my premise.

Fear of the federal government turning to property taxes for income should be a very real fear to Americans because candidates for federal office sweat bullets at the thought of turning the teachersā€™ unions against them. Why should that be? Property taxes are levied by each state or local community; so anyone running for federal office should not be afraid of the teachersā€™ unions. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority are afraid because local property taxes pay salaries and fund lucrative pension plans.

Major and minor political parties cater to, as well as fear, the teachersā€™ unions because the Ministry of Propaganda is squarely on the side of teachers. Not squarely behind teaching the three Rā€™s at the elementary level which no one is against, but squarely behind teachers feeding at the tax trough for all they can get.

Obviously, the members of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the NEA do not want anyone holding federal office they donā€™t approve of. They know that the day might come when the federal government challenges the things teachersā€™ unions have been getting away with for so long. Teachersā€™ unions want office-holders in Washington who are indebted to teachers.

First Love

Finally, why have teachers been getting away with forcing Socialism/Communism on children and young adults? I use the word forcing because without balance no other word describes it so well. My opinion: There are two popular images of teachers; Mr. Chipping and Ichabod Crane. Hollywood movies, and television shows worked long and hard to make Americans believe that Mr. Chips is the true picture of todayā€™s teachers. It is not working. The image of Ichabod Crane persists because he, too, was an accomplished parasite before there was a public trough as it exists today. The fact is that Americans should view teachers collectively as Ichabod Crane rather than Mr Chipping.

Where do you dig up this bullshit?

That is the biggest load of manure I have seen in quite a while.

Congrats on reaching a new level of wasted time and energy to convince yourself how stupid you are!
So let me get thisstraight...teachers get together and conspire to. Plan out how to create socialists....i see. My daughter teaches first grade...i gotta let her know she is an indoctrinator....
To initforme: Get real. Every classroom teacher is not a player in one big conspiracy, but they do help the tightly controlled curriculum originating in Washington, D.C. get the brainwashing job done just the same. Teachers in coming generations will be so brainwashed themselves before they are permitted to set a foot in a classroom, they will not question what they are a part of because everything will appear normal to them. Even todayā€™s teachers, along with their young charges, are accepting the Socialistic garbage that has been taught for six or so decades. Is it any wonder that top Communist strategists running the Democratic party join with Department of Education spokes people in insisting that public education is a success? From their perspective it is!

Teachers do as they are told. A substantial number of teachers have no use for Socialism; however they work in an industry that is governed by Department of Education Socialists. Most teachers probably belong to a teacherā€™ union tightly controlled by outright Communists.

Bottom line: Teachers are no different than any employee working for a company that produces goods or services they personally hate. It is awfully difficult to walk away from a nice income with the best medical and pension plans.

NOTE: There is no shortage of mean spirited Socialists in teaching who just love breaking children to collectivism.

Parenthetically, the poor are never going to live as well Socialists/Communists in government live even if they work harder because the poor do not have the institutional skills necessary to acquire sufficient income in a Socialist institution anymore than they have the skills required to gather enough of the wherewithal in any other institutional climate. When you take individual liberty, mainly expressed through freedom of choice, away from everyone as Socialism does, the poor have absolutely nothing left except Communistic Democratic party good intentions standing over them with a club in hand.

Education is unquestionably the best way to rise above poverty, but teaching the three Rā€™s is not the purpose of a Socialist/Communist education in the United States; paying off the teachersā€™ unions to institutionalize the young is the real deal.

The American education establishment is only interested in identifying and rewarding those children whose personalities are compatible with Socialism. Such children are pushed forward and given material rewards after they complete their education and are deemed to be loyal Socialists ā€”ā€” they are welcomed to feast at the public trough. If education continues down the same road it has been traveling on since the FDR years, it is inevitable that one day soon this country will be governed by a handful of teacherā€™s pets. Wonā€™t it be a wonderful country then?

As for the undeserving: They are simply given obedience training that passes for education. There is no help available for those youngsters who simply do not do well, or even belong, in an institutional setting. Such kids and American education contradict each other. The only thing that will help those youngsters in life is to teach them how to avoid being exploited by institutional types ā€”ā€” and that will never be taught by the government.

It is because of those kids that failing grades are taboo. Socialism/Communism itself cannot be associated with failure of any kind in the publicā€™s mind. If a few million kids are given failing grades every year in spite of the billions of dollars spent on teaching the three Rā€™s, opponents of the current education system would then point to solid numbers and ask ā€œWhy?ā€ Whenever Department of Education defenders admit in doublespeak that a few kids do ā€œfall between the cracks,ā€ they mean that those kids just wonā€™t be broken to the Socialist/Communist institutional bit. When funding time rolls around like clockwork, the media never reports that it has to be one big-ass crack if so many kids keep falling through it every year.

In the modern world, as well as in mediaeval times, every religion that ever controlled a government behaved in the exactly same way insofar as the children are concerned. Religion always boils down to indoctrinating the young. The leaders of Islamā€™s radical organizations were children once, and Iā€™ll wager they were Islamā€™s most adept pupils for all the wrong reasons.

In the same vain, the Roman Catholic Church always said, ā€œGive me the child at six and I will have it for life.ā€ The Communist/Socialist religion is not as good as Catholicism, or any traditional religionā€™s priesthood held in check for that matter; so Communists must get their hands on kids at an even younger age in order to get a head start on their competitors. And thatā€™s not the worst of it. With all of this talk about even more funding for higher education, we can see that the Socialists want to keep their neophytes in indoctrination centers until they are old enough to collect Social Security. It all goes to show what a lousy religion Socialism/Communism really is; it has to get ā€˜em younger and keep ā€˜em longer just to get the job done properly.

Leading Democrats and Republicans not only conspired in supporting Communist/Socialist indoctrination centers with lots of money, they ordered the media to spin their skullduggery into a positive score for bipartisan deceit. However, one thing does become clearer with each bipartisan vote on education and that is this: There are three kinds of sneaks ā€”ā€” sneaks, filthy sneaks, and legislators. It really drives me crazy trying to figure out why everyone elected to federal office thinks their office grants them a license to be a sneak? Or does high office attract those characters who are sneaks to begin with?

For those people who say ā€œCommunism in the United States is not that big of a threat,ā€ I can only reply ā€œNo religion should exercise governmental powers, no matter how slight those powers might be.ā€ If Socialismā€™s religious evolution to full-blown Communism in the United States is not frustrated before much more time goes by, it will soon have the power it requires to drop any pretense of government by and for ā€œall of the people.ā€ Once Communists/Socialists are in position, they will govern in the same way religious fanatics always govern. They will control and punish the heretics while they reward and pardon the faithful. If enough non-Communist Americans finally come to understand they are being taxed into supporting and promoting a religion that is not their religion, there might still be a chance to turn the US around. Unfortunately, support for Bernie Sanders shows that each year more young people are accepting Socialist/Communist doctrine as shining truth without realizing whatā€™s happening to them.

The first day I set foot in a classroom was the day after I left my job at that highly socialist company known as AT&T. Clueless does not begin to describe you.
I don't see my daughter as having a nice salary. She makes around 48 grand per year.
To initforme: Tell her move to New Jersey:

Incidentally, the starting pay for teachers in the most liberal states begins around $48,000 a year. Now, look at pensions plans.

Overtime in the final year before retiring determines the benefit. In short: School principles pile on the overtime for a retiring teacher. In some cases the basic MORE-THEN-GENEROUS pension payout is doubled by padding overtime sheet in that last year on the job.

Finally, Iā€™ll leave it to Governor Christie to set the record straight on pay and days worked:

"They say teachers only make on average in New Jersey 60,000 dollars a year. They only work 180 days."

ā€” Chris Christie on Friday, November 18th, 2011 in a speech at Notre Dame's law school​


In a speech last month to students at Notre Dame, the governor said New Jersey teachers on average only work 180 days a year and get $60,000 salaries. New Jerseyā€™s school year averages 185 days and the average teacher salary in the state is $65,130. Christie was a bit off on both of his numbers, but not by much. Based strictly on numbers, we rate his statement Mostly True.

Chris Christie says New Jersey teachers only work 180 days a year, average $60K salaries

NOTE: My totals do not count sick days:

365 days a year
104 weekend days
Subtract 104 from 185 tells us that teachers do not work 76 WORKDAYS a year. I do not know of any private sector business that pays their employees that many holidays and vacation time for not working.

Divide $65,130 by 185 and you get $352 a day. That is how much NJ teachers are paid per day for working less than 8 hours a day. Teachers in some states earn more. A very few states pay less.

Iā€™d say that the vast majority of teachers are cutting a fat hog in the ass.

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