The weaponization of the 'white supremacy' label

Trump will escalate violence if he sees his popularity showing signs of slipping away.
Projection again. If he runs in '24, he WINS IN '24. People like you who claim he will institute violence are the very ones who will cheer on those on the Left that refuse to accept the victory and begin violence in the streets of the blue cesspools. You'll be saying they're justified because "Trump". Just be aware, Cletus, THIS time, we'll be fighting back.
It is

1. Because it is unfair and unreasonable.
Unfair sounds like the word of a safe space needing little cuck. Fair or unfair is a subjective distinction fucktard, I'm more interested in facts and its a fact that the Founders you worship as heroes were slavers and rapists.
2. Because it will give you a false view of history and how the world works.
Name one thing I said that was false you ignorant dipshit.
Sorry sad little cuck boy. I'm not here to play word games with you. A slaver is a perfectly acceptable term for someone who owns slaves. You aren't going to hide the fact the Washington was a piece of shit slaver by pretending not to understand that.

Lol. Hey dipshit, you yourself admitted in the last sentence in the quote above that "A 'slave owners used 'slave labor which was legal and common back in the 1700s." You can't even keep your own fucking argument straight. Lol. That's what you get when you try to reconcile the incompatible ideas of rapists and slavers are pieces of shit/Washington was a slaver/Washington was a hero. One of those things is incompatible with the rest. Unless your someone who hero worship slavers that is. Which apparently a bunch of you do, you just seem real triggered when people point out your hero was a piece of shit.

Lol. Who gives a shit about polls? The reality is that we changed the culture on the Confederacy. They used to be venerated and now there is pressure everywhere to stop waving old Dixie and to remove statues idolizing Confederates. That culture shift didn't happen over night. It took decades of fighting against an alternative history of States Rights and the noble Lost Cause bullshit. We've only just started doing the same to the Founders and I have no doubt we will eventual see their statues fall as well.

Again, your link admits most scholars agree DNA evidence points to Jefferson raping Sally Hemings starting when he was in his 40s and she was a teenager and fathering all of her children.
1. Okay, you can misuse words if that makes you feel more oppressed and inferior or whatever you're feeling. Without George Washington there would be no United States, we honor his sacrifice and that of all of the Founding Fathers and patriots, who pledged "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" . Who cares that they owned slaves? Everyone owned slaves back then, so what?

2. I'm sorry that your low IQ doesn't allow you to follow the conversation. You stated:
"In fact that makes the Founders even bigger pieces of shit because they're the ones who actually wrote the law."
So my question is "what law regarding slavery did Washington and Jefferson write"? Still waiting.

3. You said "...because the people who see slavers and rapists as deplorable pieces of shit are slowly becoming the majority."
My link shows that to be a 63-15 lie. You have no majority, now or ever. You're just a tiny whiny "minority" and always will be. The school boards will be required to teach real history not fake history. Confederate statues can be moved to Civil War sites, but the Founding Fathers will always be respected, except maybe in the Urban Plantations, soon to be slums.

4. Prove Jefferson "forcibly raped" Hemings. If you are referring to "statutory rape" because of their age difference, fine, I agree. I objected to the inference that he forcibly raped her. Was it consensual? Who knows? If you're going to claim "rape" at least use the correct term, "statutory".
Jefferson wrote the US Constitution. That is what matters, and why he deserves statues.
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1. Okay, you can misuse words if that makes you feel more oppressed and inferior or whatever you're feeling.
lol. Obviously calling your heroes slavers got you all in your feels. That's the point. Changing perspectives through rhetoric. Calling Washington a piece of shit slaver makes people stop and ask why and when I point out matter of factly that he was a slaver then one of three things can happen.

1. They can acknowledge that Washington was indeed a piece of shit slave owner. (Slave owner being one of those things that makes you a piece of shit by default like being a child rapist.)

2. You can deny history and look like a complete moron.

3. You can try to defend slavery and prove you're a deplorable, racist piece of shit yourself.

Obviously you're going with option 3.
Without George Washington there would be no United States, we honor his sacrifice and that of all of the Founding Fathers and patriots, who pledged "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" .
Lol. Even if that were true, that without Washington there would be no America, so what? There could very well be something better. There is literally no way to tell. Maybe the slaves that Washington oppressed and exploited would of had better lives.
Who cares that they owned slaves? Everyone owned slaves back then, so what?
I care, and the people who want to tear down the statues of rapist and slavers and the culture that idolizes them care.

2. I'm sorry that your low IQ doesn't allow you to follow the conversation. You stated:
"In fact that makes the Founders even bigger pieces of shit because they're the ones who actually wrote the law."
So my question is "what law regarding slavery did Washington and Jefferson write"? Still waiting.
Oh I can read just fine, like how I read you already admitting slavery was legal back then but you want to be pedantic because you can't deny that Washington and Jefferson were slavers, I get it, that's the best you got. Washington however did sign his name to the Constitution and Jefferson helped write it and Decleration of Independence which Founded this country, hence the term Founders. All our laws stem from Constitution including the ones regulating the importation of slaves in article 1 section 9, the famous 3/5s clause determing representation in the House in Article 1 section 2 and then there is article 4 section 2 that states "persons held to service" escaping from one state to another, remained in service. Even your heroes knew enough to be ashamed about slavery to not mention it by name. Lol.
3. You said "...because the people who see slavers and rapists as deplorable pieces of shit are slowly becoming the majority."
My link shows that to be a 63-15 lie. You have no majority, now or ever. You're just a tiny whiny "minority" and always will be.
Then you have nothing to worry about do you? Lol. I have to say though, I think in the long run, making the case that slavers and rapists are pieces of shit isn't that hard. I think the hard part is going to be trying to convince people that your heroes weren't pieces of shit.
The school boards will be required to teach real history not fake history. Confederate statues can be moved to Civil War sites, but the Founding Fathers will always be respected, except maybe in the Urban Plantations, soon to be slums.
Your children are overwhelmingly progressive and not down for celebrating old dead slavers either. Lol. You can brush off what's happening to Confederate idolatry but it wasn't that long ago to see Republican governors and Congressmen arguing on behalf of Confederate idolatry and now there is nothing but silence. Go ahead and ignore that cultural shift if you want to. In fact, we're counting on you being just as inept and out of touch with your defense of Founding slavers as you all were in your defense of piece of shit Confederates.
4. Prove Jefferson "forcibly raped" Hemings. If you are referring to "statutory rape" because of their age difference, fine, I agree. I objected to the inference that he forcibly raped her.
I never said forcibly raped and you can't quote one instance where I did. I called him a rapist because a 40 year old man having sex with a teenage girl is rape.
Was it consensual? Who knows? If you're going to claim "rape" at least use the correct term, "statutory".
You think 14 year olds or slaves of any kind (who by definition are under duress) can give consent to 40 year old men for sex? That's some sick shit. Maybe keep that to yourself Epstein.
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What racist policies are supported today?
One of the most blatant and hard to deny is a federal judge stricking down Republican attempts at voter suppression in North Carolina and stating that they "systematically targeted black voters".
lol. Obviously calling your heroes slavers got you all in your feels. That's the point. Changing perspectives through rhetoric. Calling Washington a piece of shit slaver makes people stop and ask why and when I point out matter of factly that he was a slaver then one of three things can happen.

1. They can acknowledge that Washington was indeed a piece of shit slave owner. (Slave owner being one of those things that makes you a piece of shit by default like being a child rapist.)

2. You can deny history and look like a complete moron.

3. You can try to defend slavery and prove you're a deplorable, racist piece of shit yourself.

Obviously you're going with option 3.

Lol. Even if that were true, that without Washington there would be no America, so what? There could very well be something better. There is literally no way to tell. Maybe the slaves that Washington oppressed and exploited would of had better lives.

I care, and the people who want to tear down the statues of rapist and slavers and the culture that idolizes them care.

Oh I can read just fine, like how I read you already admitting slavery was legal back then but you want to be pedantic because you can't deny that Washington and Jefferson were slavers, I get it, that's the best you got. Washington however did sign his name to the Constitution and Jefferson helped write it and Declaration of Independence which Founded this country, hence the term Founders. All our laws stem from Constitution including the ones regulating the importation of slaves in article 1 section 9, the famous 3/5s clause determining representation in the House in Article 1 section 2 and then there is article 4 section 2 that states "persons held to service" escaping from one state to another, remained in service. Even your heroes knew enough to be ashamed about slavery to not mention it by name. Lol.

Then you have nothing to worry about do you? Lol. I have to say though, I think in the long run, making the case that slavers and rapists are pieces of shit isn't that hard. I think the hard part is going to be trying to convince people that your heroes weren't pieces of shit.

Your children are overwhelmingly progressive and not down for celebrating old dead slavers either. Lol. You can brush off what's happening to Confederate idolatry but it wasn't that long ago to see Republican governors and Congressmen arguing on behalf of Confederate idolatry and now there is nothing but silence. Go ahead and ignore that cultural shift if you want to. In fact, we're counting on you being just as inept and out of touch with your defense of Founding slavers as you all were in your defense of piece of shit Confederates.

I never said forcibly raped and you can't quote one instance where I did. I called him a rapist because a 40 year old man having sex with a teenage girl is rape.

You think 14 year olds or slaves of any kind (who by definition are under duress) can give consent to 40 year old men for sex? That's some sick shit. Maybe keep that to yourself Epstein.
1. I give you credit for quick responses. You are relatively new to the message board, and I hope you stick with us for a long time. You have a unique perspective...that said....

2. I don't give a fuck what you low-lifes call my heroes. Just keep your fucking hands off their statues, in our areas. Your "fake grievances" don't negate our respect and gratitude for the Founding Father's sacrifices. Our perspective will never change, no matter how much whining the cancel culture does. #3? I'm not defending slavery, I'm saying it happened. I'm also saying so what? That's not defending slavery, its saying history is history, its in the past, its only part of the record, a very immaterial part. Slavery was very common in the 1700s. You trying to impose judgmental 2021 "woke" or "cancel culture" policies back to the 1700s is simply stupid, understand their world and their policies.

3. Washington was a general and the first president of the US, he earned our respect. Slavery really is a trigger for you, its not for me. So lets talk diversity and tolerance instead...

4. So you want to tear down all of the statues of people who owned slaves? Well I can't stand statues of people who committed adultery, like MLK. I also can't stand statues of any democrat. See where this can go? We can destroy all statues if that's what you prefer?

5. Thanks for explaining what parts of the Constitution regard slavery, I wasn't sure what "Laws" you meant. Please recall that back then, the 13 colonies were trying to form a nation. The southern states used slaves extensively, they were not going to give up that necessary labor. That's just the way the world worked back then. You can't put 2021 values on people from the 1700s, there was no "shame" just business.
As I showed you in a prior link, slavery started to unwind about 1833 in England as pushed by the Quakers. It took until 1865 until it ended in the US.

6. The Founding Fathers will never be POS in our history books. Maybe in your fake "1619 Project" history books you can whine about them. But in real history books the Revolutionary War was an amazing achievement, and the Founding Fathers will always be respected and the long run.

7. Our kids are very patriotic and celebrate the Founding Fathers as the heroes they are. The 4th of July is a great holiday, and will always be celebrated.

8. Jefferson's wife died, Heming was hot, shit happens. Meh.
Heming took care of Jefferson's daughters. She had a very nice life.
IMHO Jefferson fucked up, he should have married up, that doesn't make him a POS.
Know how many Epstein flights Bill Clinton took on the "Lolita Express"?

It could have been Thomas Jefferson's younger brother who fathered those Heming kids.
See my post #93 below.
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No, I'm just not a triggered little snowflake like you and can handle the fact that Washington was the one who threatened dignity and liberty by keeping hundreds of people enslaved for his own profit. What's hilarious is that sad little cucks like you hate liberals for hating Washington but not Washington for being a slaver. That's the kind of logic that only makes sense to trailer park white trash. Lol.

Lol. Don't look under your bed little boy, there's a commie hiding under there.
So, what are your thoughts on the Trans Sahara slave trade? Don't know anything about it? Of course not. That's black on black crime. I keep forgetting your virtue signaling. You know, how you pretend to care about minorities and the down trodden but in actuality you don't? Or else we would see a virtue signaling hypocrite like you call out the oppression of people by the China government or the oppression of the people in Venzeula or Cuba. You know? Things going on today. Not something that ended in 1865 thanks to Republicans and American whites.


You go ahead and keep pretending to care. Your so called righteousness doesn't pass the smell test of hypocrisy.


You think it does, which is all that you care about anyway. The optics.

Projection again. If he runs in '24, he WINS IN '24. People like you who claim he will institute violence are the very ones who will cheer on those on the Left that refuse to accept the victory and begin violence in the streets of the blue cesspools. You'll be saying they're justified because "Trump". Just be aware, Cletus, THIS time, we'll be fighting back.
One can hope.
8. Jefferson's wife died, Heming was hot, shit happens. Meh.
Heming took care of Jefferson's daughters. She had a very nice life.
IMHO Jefferson fucked up, he should have married up,
It was Jefferson's BROTHER. Younger brother, well-known to hell it up in the slave quarters and dance to the black music.
And what else??? Duh-----------------------

There's at least one book about this. It does hold together.
It was Jefferson's BROTHER. Younger brother, well-known to hell it up in the slave quarters and dance to the black music.
And what else??? Duh-----------------------
There's at least one book about this. It does hold together.
That's a good find! Every other "history" link to Jefferson and Hemings had it as certain that Thomas Jefferson was the father. It leaves some doubt if nothing else.

"The scholars also noted that Jefferson’s overseer, Edmund Bacon, had not only flatly denied that Jefferson had fathered any of Sally Hemings’ children, but reported that he had seen a white man—not Thomas Jefferson—leave Hemings’ bedchamber many mornings before work. The scholars pointed to Jefferson’s brother, often called “Uncle Randolph,” as the probable father of Heming’s children. Randolph Jefferson was reported to have a social relationship with the Monticello slaves and had possibly fathered other children through his own servants."
That's a good find! Every other "history" link to Jefferson and Hemings had it as certain that Thomas Jefferson was the father. It leaves some doubt if nothing else.

"The scholars also noted that Jefferson’s overseer, Edmund Bacon, had not only flatly denied that Jefferson had fathered any of Sally Hemings’ children, but reported that he had seen a white man—not Thomas Jefferson—leave Hemings’ bedchamber many mornings before work. The scholars pointed to Jefferson’s brother, often called “Uncle Randolph,” as the probable father of Heming’s children. Randolph Jefferson was reported to have a social relationship with the Monticello slaves and had possibly fathered other children through his own servants."
Yes, that. The genetic evidence has been known to be indefinite (could just as well have been Jefferson's brother) for decades now.

1. I give you credit for quick responses. You are relatively new to the message board, and I hope you stick with us for a long time. You have a unique perspective...that said....

2. I don't give a fuck what you low-lifes call my heroes.
lol. That's more like it. But I have to tell you, I like the framing of you racists calling us low-lifes while hero worshipping slavers. It really drives home how fucked up your value system is.
Just keep your fucking hands off their statues, in our areas.
That's not how Democracy works cuck boy. We'll get em all eventually. As a demographic white racists are a growing minority and mixed race Americans the fastest growing demographic. That's just simple math.
Your "fake grievances" don't negate our respect and gratitude for the Founding Father's sacrifices.
I'm not trying to negate your respect dumbass. We're going to use your respect for slavers to paint you and your culture as deplorable pieces of shits just like we did Confederate culture.
Our perspective will never change, no matter how much whining the cancel culture does.
A lot of good that's done you. Don't know if you've noticed but cancel culture has been kicking your ass. Lol. Look at BLM. When that came out you all tried your best to paint that as a terrorist organization and now it's mainstream. Your racist opposition helped propel it into an international brand and media influencer. There isn't a cultural issue you clowns haven't been man handled with from legal weed to gay marriage.
#3? I'm not defending slavery, I'm saying it happened. I'm also saying so what? That's not defending slavery, its saying history is history, its in the past, its only part of the record, a very immaterial part.
When you venerate slavers what you are saying is so what they raped and enslaved people, I like them anyway and that helps paint you as a piece of shit yourself, so thank you.
Slavery was very common in the 1700s. You trying to impose 2021 "woke" policies back to the 1700s is simply stupid.
No that statement is stupid. Slavery and rape were as deplorable in the 1700s as they are today.
3. Washington was a general and the first president of the US, he earned our respect.
Speak for yourself. He earned your respect because you're the type of deplorable piece of shit that respects slavers.
Slavery really is a trigger for you, its not for me. So lets talk diversity and tolerance instead...
That's my point. You're the type of deplorable piece of shit who's okay with slavers. I'm fine with being known as someone who hates slavers and fine with you being known as someone who respects them.
4. So you want to tear down all of the statues of people who owned slaves? Well I can't stand statues of people who committed adultery, like MLK. I also can't stand statues of any democrat. See where this can go? We can destroy all statues if that's what you prefer? Is that what you think a decent counter is? OK cuck boy. You go ahead and run with that one. Lol.
5. Thanks for explaining what parts of the Constitution regard slavery, I wasn't sure what "Laws" you meant. Please recall that back then, the 13 colonies were trying to form a nation. The southern states used slaves extensively, they were not going to give up that necessary labor. That's just the way the world worked back then.
Those just sound like excuses. The South refused to give up slavery so that's why Washington had to own some and why Jefferson raped one? Are they leaders or cucks who had no choice? You really need to decide on a logically consistent argument. Lol.
You can't put 2021 values on people from the 1700s, there was no "shame" just business.
What do you mean by 2021 values? In 2021 Afghan leaders think it's okay to throw gays off buildings, Indian community leaders think gang rape is an acceptable punishment for daughters disrespecting their families, and China sees nothing wrong with putting Muslims in prison camps. People all over the world have different values now and had different values then. I'm not judging old dead slavers by 2021 values, I'm judging them by my values and my values are that slavery and rape were always deplorable. Now maybe your values are that slavery and rape at some point were perfectly acceptable practices, I'll take you at your word for that.
As I showed you in a prior link, slavery started to unwind about 1833 in England as pushed by the Quakers. It took until 1865 until it ended in the US.
And? Do any of those facts make the argument that slavery and rape in 1700 weren't deplorable human practices?
6. The Founding Fathers will never be POS in our history books. Maybe in your fake "1619 Project" history books you can whine about them.
You say fake but you can't actually point to one thing I said that isn't true. What we have here is a difference of opinion not facts. The Founding Father were slavers. That's a fact. I think slavers are pieces of shit and you think slavers are worthy of respect, those are subjective opinions. I'm perfectly comfortable with what my opinions say about me, you're the one trying to pretend I've misrepresented history because even you in heart of hearts knows that you should be ashamed of it.
But in real history books the Revolutionary War was an amazing achievement, and the Founding Fathers will always be respected and the long run.
Lol. I'm sure Confederate Idolaters felt the same way.
7. Our kids are very patriotic and celebrate the Founding Fathers as the heroes they are. The 4th of July is a great holiday, and will always be celebrated.
Maybe, but when later generations celebrate it, they will be celebrating American heroes like Tubman and MLK, people who fought for actual freedom rather than the freedom to profit off of slavery.
8. Jefferson's wife died, Heming was hot, shit happens. Meh.
Heming took care of Jefferson's daughters. She had a very nice life.
IMHO Jefferson fucked up, he should have married up.
That's right. Defend raping teenagers, you really are making it hard for me to paint you as a deplorable piece of shit. Lol.
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So, what are your thoughts on the Trans Sahara slave trade? Don't know anything about it? Of course not. That's black on black crime. I keep forgetting your virtue signaling.
Its easier for cucks with weak arguments like you to have both sides of the conversation isn't it? Lol.
lol. That's more like it. But I have to tell you, I like the framing of you racists calling us low-lifes while hero worshipping slavers. It really drives home how fucked up your value system is.

That's not how Democracy works cuck boy. We'll get em all eventually. As a demographic white racists are a growing minority and mixed race Americans the fastest growing demographic. That's just simple math.

I'm not trying to negate your respect dumbass. We're going to use your respect for slavers to paint you and your culture as deplorable pieces of shits just like we did Confederate culture.

A lot of good that's done you. Don't know if you've noticed but cancel culture has been kicking your ass. Lol. Look at BLM. When that came out you all tried your best to paint that as a terrorist organization and now it's mainstream. Your racist opposition helped propel it into an international brand and media influencer. There isn't a cultural issue you clowns haven't been man handled with from legal weed to gay marriage.

When you venerate slavers what you are saying is so what they raped and enslaved people, I like them anyway and that helps paint you as a piece of shit yourself, so thank you.

No that statement is stupid. Slavery and rape were as deplorable in the 1700s as they are today.

Speak for yourself. He earned your respect because you're the type of deplorable piece of shit that respects slavers.

That's my point. You're the type of deplorable piece of shit who's okay with slavers. I'm fine with being known as someone who hates slavers and fine with you being known as someone who respects them. Is that what you think a decent counter is? OK cuck boy. You go ahead and run with that one. Lol.

Those just sound like excuses. The South refused to give up slavery so that's why Washington had to own some and why Jefferson raped one? Are they leaders or cucks who had no choice? You really need to decide on a logically consistent argument. Lol.

What do you mean by 2021 values? In 2021 Afghan leaders think it's okay to throw gays off buildings, Indian community leaders think gang rape is an acceptable punishment for daughters disrespecting their families, and China sees nothing wrong with putting Muslims in prison camps. People all over the world have different values now and had different values then. I'm not judging old dead slavers by 2021 values, I'm judging them by my values and my values are that slavery and rape were always deplorable. Now maybe your values are that slavery and rape at some point were perfectly acceptable practices, I'll take you at your word for that.

And? Do any of those facts make the argument that slavery and rape in 1700 weren't deplorable human practices?

You say fake but you can't actually point to one thing I said that isn't true. What we have here is a difference of opinion not facts. The Founding Father were slavers. That's a fact. I think slavers are pieces of shit and you think slavers are worthy of respect, those are subjective opinions. I'm perfectly comfortable with what my opinions say about me, you're the one trying to pretend I've misrepresented history because even you in heart of hearts knows that you should be ashamed of it.

Lol. I'm sure Confederate Idolaters felt the same way.

Maybe, but when later generations celebrate it, they will be celebrating American heroes like Tubman and MLK, people who fought for actual freedom rather than the freedom to profit off of slavery.

That's right. Defend raping teenagers, you really are making it hard for me to paint you as a deplorable piece of shit. Lol.
1. Its getting to the point that we really are moving from color-blind to racist. From antifa, to BLM, to flash mobs, to the kill zones that used to be safe cities, fucking animals. Whatever you think your "value system" is its not compatible with a civilized society. Just remember who pushed more racism.

2. True the US is becoming more multiracial. But low-life criminals are still a tiny minority. When I was young the US was 80% white, now its 60%. Hispanics are about 20%, blacks about 10%, actually closer to 3% with about 9% as "multi-racial". Its not the "race" that matters, its the politics, and democrats are growing in unpopularity, just watch 2022 and 2024, that's the simple math.

3. Paint away!! See how far your "cancel culture" gets you. The score now is 63%-15% who respect the founding fathers. Being racist is getting cool again!! Keep pushing!

4. Very true. BLM was supported by many corporations. That is cooling off, in fact I'm not seeing it as very popular now. In 2022 and 2024 it won't be tolerated.

6. We don't venerate slavers, we venerate the Founding Fathers. If they owned slaves or fucked slaves, so what? That was then, this is now. I don't care what low-IQ low-lifes think about me, seriously, I could care less.

7. Slavery was not deplorable back in the 1700s, it was a common practice. It was not a crime. Laws and concepts like "human rights" took time to evolve. You can call the Founding Fathers slavers, so what? Remember, you're not getting reparations no matter how much you whine <g>.

8. OK, you can hate the slavers and teach your kids to disrespect them, fine. We'll teach our kids that those brave men fought the Revolutionary War so that we could be free, and they deserve our respect even if they owned slaves.

9. Slavery was legal back in the 1700s. That kills any argument you have against the Founding Father "slavers". Slavery was LEGAL 250 years ago. That's the way the world was, until it wasn't. If that really bothers you ignore their statues. They aren't monuments to slavery, they are monuments to Revolutionary War heroes.

10. Here we go, the correct response!!
"I'm judging them by my values and my values are that slavery and rape were always deplorable. Now maybe your values are that slavery and rape at some point were perfectly acceptable practices, I'll take you at your word for that."
You are perfectly fine judging the Founding Fathers by your personal values, fine, but do not try to impose your values on us. We have a different perspective. We honor their valor and effort to create the US and accept any slavery as normal for that time period in history.

11. Slavery was a fact of life in the 1700s. If I look at slavery with 2021 values, yes it is a deplorable practice. But, if I look at it thru the lens of historic norms, it was an acceptable practice of the times, and was perfectly legal.

12. Long story short: I'm not ashamed of honoring the Founding Fathers, not even a tiny bit. I can overlook that they owned slaves, a common practice at that time.
The only history you may have misrepresented is that Thomas Jefferson raped Sally Hemings. It may have been Jefferson's brother.
"The scholars pointed to Jefferson’s brother, often called “Uncle Randolph,” as the probable father of Heming’s children."

13. I still do respect the Confederate heroes. They fought honorably for a cause, and lost. We're all brothers now.


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1. Its getting to the point that we really are moving from color-blind to racist. From antifa, to BLM, to flash mobs, to the kill zones that used to be safe cities, fucking animals. Whatever you think your "value system" is its not compatible with a civilized society. Just remember who pushed more racism.
And yours is the sort of ignorant belief system that arises from venerating slavers. Nothing I said is incompatible with civilized society and in fact it's your hero Washington who as a slaver had a value system incompatible with today's society.
2. True the US is becoming more multiracial. But low-life criminals are still a tiny minority. When I was young the US was 80% white, now its 60%. Hispanics are about 20%, blacks about 10%, actually closer to 3% with about 9% as "multi-racial". Its not the "race" that matters, its the politics, and democrats are growing in unpopularity, just watch 2022 and 2024, that's the simple math.
Again, your assclown of a party hasn't won the popular vote since 2004. You win elections because of the electoral college and gerrymandering not because your party receives more votes from actual people.
3. Paint away!! See how far your "cancel culture" gets you. The score now is 63%-15% who respect the founding fathers. Being racist is getting cool again!! Keep pushing!
Our cancel culture canceled the Confederacy, don't worry, we'll get to your Founders eventually.
4. Very true. BLM was supported by many corporations. That is cooling off, in fact I'm not seeing it as very popular now. In 2022 and 2024 it won't be tolerated.
Lol. BLM is more popular now than its ever been. What you are witnessing isn't a cooling off but a repositioning of BLM as mainstream. Obviously a short sited and politically ignorant moron like you doesn't know how to analyze that so let me help you. When radical organizations push the culture one way and become mainstream that means what takes its place as radical is even more extreme than before. We are pushing this country so far to the left that what your party once called a terrorist organization now has corporate sponsorship. On the other hand organizations that you all start, like the Proud Boys are actually classified as terrorist organizations by other governments. Lol.
6. We don't venerate slavers, we venerate the Founding Fathers. If they owned slaves or fucked slaves, so what? That was then, this is now. I don't care what low-IQ low-lifes think about me, seriously, I could care less.
Lol. Sounds like you care quite a bit. Look at the pretzel of stupidity you twist yourself in here to try and pretend you don't venerate slavers.

We don't venerate slavers, we venerate the Founding Fathers (who were slavers). lol. That's why we win these culture wars cuck boy. We're actually proud of what we stand for. If you were proud of venerating your heroes who were slavers you'd just admit they were slavers and that you venerate them anyway. That you try to deny the most basic of truths is evidence of the internal shame you have over your beliefs and its that shame we use to push your culture around. Lol.
7. Slavery was not deplorable back in the 1700s, it was a common practice. It was not a crime. Laws and concepts like "human rights" took time to evolve. You can call the Founding Fathers slavers, so what? Remember, you're not getting reparations no matter how much you whine <g>.
Slavery was always deplorable fucktard, something doesn't become less deplorable just because its popular or legal. There are Muslim countries were its still legal to marry 10 year old girls, you think it's legality makes it less disgusting? Lol. What kind of sick fuck are you?
8. OK, you can hate the slavers and teach your kids to disrespect them, fine. We'll teach our kids that those brave men fought the Revolutionary War so that we could be free, and they deserve our respect even if they owned slaves.
Lol. I have no problem with you teaching your children to be historically ignorant. Teach them fairytales over reality all you want. Our culture is just going to leave your ignorant children behind.
9. Slavery was legal back in the 1700s. That kills any argument you have against the Founding Father "slavers". Slavery was LEGAL 250 years ago. That's the way the world was, until it wasn't. If that really bothers you ignore their statues. They aren't monuments to slavery, they are monuments to Revolutionary War heroes.
No, I won't ignore that you and your culture venerate slavers. I'll use that disgusting hero worship to push your culture around and take your country from you. Lol.
10. Here we go, the correct response!!
"I'm judging them by my values and my values are that slavery and rape were always deplorable. Now maybe your values are that slavery and rape at some point were perfectly acceptable practices, I'll take you at your word for that."
You are perfectly fine judging the Founding Fathers by your personal values, fine, but do not try to impose your values on us. We have a different perspective. We honor their valor and effort to create the US and accept any slavery as normal for that time period in history.
I can impose my values all I want and expose yours for what they are. In fact that's what BLM did. Those who opposed it had to take the position that black lives didn't matter and that's a losing argument. Taking the position that it's fine to venerate slavers and pretend they believed in and fought for equality for all is a losing one because they didn't and they were slavers. We win because reality and morality are on our side.
11. Slavery was a fact of life in the 1700s. If I look at slavery with 2021 values, yes it is a deplorable practice. But, if I look at it thru the lens of historic norms, it was an acceptable practice of the times, and was perfectly legal.
You are free to adopt whatever value system you want cuck boy. If your value system is one that believes that at one time slavery and rape were OK then I'm cool with that. That's a useful example of the deplorable nature of your values. It's how we got the Confederates.
12. Long story short: I'm not ashamed of honoring the Founding Fathers, not even a tiny bit. I can overlook that they owned slaves, a common practice at that time.
The only history you may have misrepresented is that Thomas Jefferson raped Sally Hemings. It may have been Jefferson's brother.
"The scholars pointed to Jefferson’s brother, often called “Uncle Randolph,” as the probable father of Heming’s children."
What scholars? That link you provided looks like it goes to someone's blog. There isn't even a byline on the article so you can know who wrote it. Lol.
13. I still do respect the Confederate heroes. They fought honorably for a cause, and lost. We're all brothers now.
Or course you would be the type of assclown that thinks fighting to preserve slavery was honorable. You're what we call a useful idiot. Lol.
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And yours is the sort of ignorant belief system that arises from venerating slavers. Nothing I said is incompatible with civilized society and in fact it's your hero Washington who as a slaver had a value system incompatible with today's society.

Again, your assclown of a party hasn't won the popular vote since 2004. You win elections because of the electoral college and gerrymandering not because your party receives more votes from actual people.

Our cancel culture canceled the Confederacy, don't worry, we'll get to your Founders eventually.

Lol. BLM is more popular now than its ever been. What you are witnessing isn't a cooling off but a repositioning of BLM as mainstream. Obviously a short sited and politically ignorant moron like you doesn't know how to analyze that so let me help you. When radical organizations push the culture one way and become mainstream that means what takes its place as radical is even more extreme than before. We are pushing this country so far to the left that what your party once called a terrorist organization now has corporate sponsorship. On the other hand organizations that you all start, like the Proud Boys are actually classified as terrorist organizations by other governments. Lol.

Lol. Sounds like you care quite a bit. Look at the pretzel of stupidity you twist yourself in here to try and pretend you don't venerate slavers.

We don't venerate slavers, we venerate the Founding Fathers (who were slavers). lol. That's why we win these culture wars cuck boy. We're actually proud of what we stand for. If you were proud of venerating your heroes who were slavers you'd just admit they were slavers and that you venerate them anyway. That you try to deny the most basic of truths is evidence of the internal shame you have over your beliefs and its that shame we use to push your culture around. Lol.

Slavery was always deplorable fucktard, something doesn't become less deplorable just because its popular or legal. There are Muslim countries were its still legal to marry 10 year old girls, you think it's legality makes it less disgusting? Lol. What kind of sick fuck are you?

Lol. I have no problem with you teaching your children to be historically ignorant. Teach them fairytales over reality all you want. Our culture is just going to leave your ignorant children behind.

No, I won't ignore that you and your culture venerate slavers. I'll use that disgusting hero worship to push your culture around and take your country from you. Lol.

I can impose my values all I want and expose yours for what they are. In fact that's what BLM did. Those who opposed it had to take the position that black lives didn't matter and that's a losing argument. Taking the position that it's fine to venerate slavers and pretend they believed in and fought for equality for all is a losing one because they didn't and they were slavers. We win because reality and morality are on our side.

You are free to adopt whatever value system you want cuck boy. If your value system is one that believes that at one time slavery and rape were OK then I'm cool with that. That's a useful example of the deplorable nature of your values. It's how we got the Confederates.

What scholars? That link you provided looks like it goes to someone's blog. There isn't even a byline on the article so you can know who wrote it. Lol.

Or course you would be the type of assclown that thinks fighting to preserve slavery was honorable. You're what we call a useful idiot. Lol.
1. You keep looking at "slavers" instead of Revolutionary War heroes. You keep trying to impose 2021 values on people from the 1700s. That's simply moronic. Slavery was perfectly legal in the 1700s. A fact you keep ignoring. We venerate and honor the Founding Fathers, so what?

2. An election win is still a win. The Electoral College will never change, so stop whining about it, it was part of the "Great Compromise". Both parties gerrymander, that's politics.

3. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 how mainstream BLM is. The Proud Boys are not Republican, just like Qanon is not. Republicans are for "Law and Order" not chaos, not antifa, nor defunding the police, nor for flash mobs looting, and not for the shooting galleries the cities have become. Mainstream voters will decide how they want to live.

4. We venerate the Founding Fathers, who fought and won the Revolutionary war. They had slaves, which was perfectly legal back then, so what? I'm not denying that they owned slaves, I'm saying so what? Slavery was legal back then so it doesn't matter. What matters is the Revolutionary War.

5. Slavery is not always deplorable. You keep trying to impose your 2021 values on the world back in the 1700s. Slavery was legal back then. Muslims do what they do. Slavery exists today, so your "outrage" is misdirected. The Founding Fathers deserve respect, not criticism for what was perfectly legal.

6. LOL! You can keep your "culture" in your urban plantations. Enjoy. As for "real history" instead of "fake history" try reading the "1776 Commission" report, written by real historians:

7. Instead of Black Lives Matter, some tried to support "All lives matter", which is an even higher value and even more moral. Reality and morality are not on your side. Reality is that slavery was legal back in the 1700s, and the Founding Fathers won the Revolutionary War. Morality is a matter of conscience, "who are we to judge", that was then, this is now?

8. My ancestors fought with the union army. You're welcome. Your attitude sucks.
1. You keep looking at "slavers" instead of Revolutionary War heroes. You keep trying to impose 2021 values on people from the 1700s. That's simply moronic. Slavery was perfectly legal in the 1700s. A fact you keep ignoring. We venerate and honor the Founding Fathers, so what?
I haven't ignored the fact that slavery was legal then. I'm actually using the fact that slavery was legal to point out how deplorable their culture was and how deplorable the culture that venerates them is. You're the idiot trying to make the case that morality and legality are synonymous when they clearly aren't.
2. An election win is still a win. The Electoral College will never change, so stop whining about it, it was part of the "Great Compromise". Both parties gerrymander, that's politics.
Lol, I'm not whining about the electoral college. I'm making the point that you equating electoral victories to majority support is stupid and contrary to how our elections are decided. The true measure of majority support is through the popular vote and your party hasn't won that since 2004.
3. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 how mainstream BLM is. The Proud Boys are not Republican, just like Qanon is not. Republicans are for "Law and Order" not chaos, not antifa, nor defunding the police, nor for flash mobs looting, and not for the shooting galleries the cities have become. Mainstream voters will decide how they want to live.
If you really wanted voters to decide how they want to live you'd support the popular vote.
4. We venerate the Founding Fathers, who fought and won the Revolutionary war. They had slaves, which was perfectly legal back then, so what? I'm not denying that they owned slaves, I'm saying so what? Slavery was legal back then so it doesn't matter. What matters is the Revolutionary War.
That's exactly what I want you to say. So what as a response to why you hero worship slavers is great propaganda to use against you.
5. Slavery is not always deplorable. You keep trying to impose your 2021 values on the world back in the 1700s. Slavery was legal back then. Muslims do what they do. Slavery exists today, so your "outrage" is misdirected. The Founding Fathers deserve respect, not criticism for what was perfectly legal.
I don't believe legality and morality are the same thing but if you say you do then I guess you think Muslim societies that legally allow adult men to marry child brides are perfectly moral cultures. That is also useful propaganda to use against you and your culture.
6. LOL! You can keep your "culture" in your urban plantations. Enjoy. As for "real history" instead of "fake history" try reading the "1776 Commission" report, written by real historians:
I challenge you to name one thing I've misrepresented about the Founders.
7. Instead of Black Lives Matter, some tried to support "All lives matter", which is an even higher value and even more moral. Reality and morality are not on your side. Reality is that slavery was legal back in the 1700s, and the Founding Fathers won the Revolutionary War. Morality is a matter of conscience, "who are we to judge", that was then, this is now?
If morality is a matter of conscience and you are in possession of a conscience then the answer to your question of "who are we to judge" is you and everyone else with a conscience. My conscience tells me slavery and rape are morally reprehensible. Obviously yours tells you something different. I think most people in possession of a conscience agree with me, that rape and slavery are morally reprehensible. I also think most people are aware that the Founders were slavers. I think if I ask most people to put aside the fairytale hero worship and combine those two things that it becomes an inescapable fact that the Founders were morally reprehensible.
8. My ancestors fought with the union army. You're welcome. Your attitude sucks.
Lol. Why do you think my attitude sucks? In fact I will enthusiastically thank your ancestors for killing piece of shit Confederate whites who you said in your last post were honorable men. Lol. I have no problem with white on white violence that weakens your racist cultures and makes it easier to take your country from you. Do thank your dead relatives for me when you see them. Lol.
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