The West Is Preparing for Moscow empire’s Disintegration I What ´d be EU main goal ?


Where does the EU get the authority to decide what is or is not Russia?

This is how we get Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq.
Where does Russia get the authority to decide what is or what isi not Ukraine? In fact, where does the Russian government get the authority to decide what is or what is not Russia? Certainly not from the Russian people.

So if you came across a woman being raped, you would say, "Well, I don't know her, so why should I care?" Some people who are capable of compassion, even if you are not, would want to help her because they are moved by her humiliation and pain. Some other people would want to help her because they reason, if the law is not enforced for everyone, then everyone is in danger.

It is the same with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Some people are moved by compassion for the Ukrainian people who are being raped and tortured and killed by the Russians and want to help the Ukrainians, and others understand that if Russia can ignore all relevant laws and treaties and contracts whenever the Russian dictator wants, then the whole fabric of laws and treaties that make international commerce possible is in danger, that effects the quality of life for nearly the whole world.

There can be no question but that if Russia had stayed within its borders both the Ukrainian and Russian people would be much better off today and would have much brighter future prospects and the whole world would be a safer place, so by sending military assistance to Ukraine to try to restore order in that part of the world, the US and Ukraine's other allies are investing in a safer, more prosperous future for both the Russian people and he Ukrainian people and all the people who have suffered because of this war.
Well done Nazi Titty Winkle . The coloured drawing in post number 6 is the 153 rd time you have produced that piece of garbage . Good to see Moscow over running the barbaric Nazi hordes in Khazaria .
Where does Russia get the authority to decide what is or what isi not Ukraine? In fact, where does the Russian government get the authority to decide what is or what is not Russia? Certainly not from the Russian people.

So if you came across a woman being raped, you would say, "Well, I don't know her, so why should I care?" Some people who are capable of compassion, even if you are not, would want to help her because they are moved by her humiliation and pain. Some other people would want to help her because they reason, if the law is not enforced for everyone, then everyone is in danger.

It is the same with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Some people are moved by compassion for the Ukrainian people who are being raped and tortured and killed by the Russians and want to help the Ukrainians, and others understand that if Russia can ignore all relevant laws and treaties and contracts whenever the Russian dictator wants, then the whole fabric of laws and treaties that make international commerce possible is in danger, that effects the quality of life for nearly the whole world.

There can be no question but that if Russia had stayed within its borders both the Ukrainian and Russian people would be much better off today and would have much brighter future prospects and the whole world would be a safer place, so by sending military assistance to Ukraine to try to restore order in that part of the world, the US and Ukraine's other allies are investing in a safer, more prosperous future for both the Russian people and he Ukrainian people and all the people who have suffered because of this war.
The russian people choose their government
I support UKR defending itself from the invasion.

To claim the Russian people don't choose their government is a parochial and bigoted stance. Twice in the last 100+ years those people rose up to throw out governments that did not suit their needs.
The russian people choose their government
I support UKR defending itself from the invasion.

To claim the Russian people don't choose their government is a parochial and bigoted stance. Twice in the last 100+ years those people rose up to throw out governments that did not suit their needs.
So you are arguing that unless the people rise up in armed rebellion, they have chosen their government? Nonsense. Without a free press, freedom of speech and regularly scheduled transparent elections, the people have no way to choose their government or influence its policies. It is fair to say that since the Russian people do not have any way to influence their government short of armed rebellion, Russia does not have a legitimate government.
So you are arguing that unless the people rise up in armed rebellion, they have chosen their government? Nonsense. Without a free press, freedom of speech and regularly scheduled transparent elections, the people have no way to choose their government or influence its policies. It is fair to say that since the Russian people do not have any way to influence their government short of armed rebellion, Russia does not have a legitimate government.

I don't understand where you get the idea that your ways must be imposed upon other cultures so they can be "good" like you.

The Russian people rose up in rebellion in the mid 1910s establishing their socialist government.
They did so again in the 90s creating the current government.

Declaring a government "illegitimate" based on your views is how we got into Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and many other conflicts.


What happened in each case?

I don't understand where you get the idea that your ways must be imposed upon other cultures so they can be "good" like you.

The Russian people rose up in rebellion in the mid 1910s establishing their socialist government.
They did so again in the 90s creating the current government.

Declaring a government "illegitimate" based on your views is how we got into Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and many other conflicts.


What happened in each case?
If the power comes from the people, and the government does not allow the people to choose new leaders or policies short of armed rebellion, then that government is illegitimate.
I think it is the right of THE PEOPLE to decide what their government is.
lol , how can Moscow colonial subjects can exercise this right ? you simply dont understand how a Mongol empire functions , (as a Moscow colonial subject ) you will be in prison just for watching or liking this video

If the power comes from the people, and the government does not allow the people to choose new leaders or policies short of armed rebellion, then that government is illegitimate.
And your "solution" is to force upon them a government of your choice?
Do you not understand your government would be just as illegitimate as you claim theirs to be?
If the power comes from the people, and the government does not allow the people to choose new leaders or policies short of armed rebellion, then that government is illegitimate.

And your "solution" is to force upon them a government of your choice?

And your "solution" is to force upon them a government of your choice?
Do you not understand your government would be just as illegitimate as you claim theirs to be?
Why are you pretending I said anything about forcing any government on the Russian people? In response to your statement that the EU had no authority to decide what should happen to Russia, I pointed out the Russian government had no authority to decide what should happen in Ukraine and since the Russian government does not gain its power from the people from preventing the Russian people from exercising their rights, the Russian government has no legitimate authority to govern Russia. I never suggested a solution to this problem.
Strong statements in support of Russian imperialism.

No, a reality. Pootin is a scumbag, but if he is backed into a corner what do you think a scumbag is going to do?

Play nice?

No, he is going to make EVERYONE suffer.
No, a reality. Pootin is a scumbag, but if he is backed into a corner what do you think a scumbag is going to do?

Play nice?

No, he is going to make EVERYONE suffer.
He is already backed into a corner and there is not much more he can do without turning Russia, itself, into a battlefield.
He is already backed into a corner and there is not much more he can do without turning Russia, itself, into a battlefield.

No, the powers that be could let him slink away. But, they are saying they want to try him as a war criminal. Which he is, a war criminal with nukes.

In for a penny in for a pound as they say.
No, the powers that be could let him slink away. But, they are saying they want to try him as a war criminal. Which he is, a war criminal with nukes.

In for a penny in for a pound as they say.
Forget the prattle about nukes. It is suicide to use nukes against another nuclear power. The Russian leadership understands that the only way they can have a soft leadership in Ukraine is to persuade the West to abandon Ukraine, and the only two ways it can do that is to drag the war out so long the West will lose interest, which will never happen, or to frighten he West into abandoning Ukraine for fear of Russia's nukes, which will never happen.

Putin is barely five foot six in three inch elevator shoes who thinks of himself as Peter the Great, who was six foot seven inches, and that is what he has turned Russia into, a midget that thinks it is a giant.
Forget the prattle about nukes. It is suicide to use nukes against another nuclear power. The Russian leadership understands that the only way they can have a soft leadership in Ukraine is to persuade the West to abandon Ukraine, and the only two ways it can do that is to drag the war out so long the West will lose interest, which will never happen, or to frighten he West into abandoning Ukraine for fear of Russia's nukes, which will never happen.

Putin is barely five foot six in three inch elevator shoes who thinks of himself as Peter the Great, who was six foot seven inches, and that is what he has turned Russia into, a midget that thinks it is a giant.

No shit Sherlock. Pootin is looking at prison for life, or execution if convicted.

You think someone like him is going to meekly accept that?

Get real, he WILL commit suicide long before that ever happens and the fact that he takes a few million with him is music to his ears.

He is unhinged as you all have said.

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