The West Is Preparing for Moscow empire’s Disintegration I What ´d be EU main goal ?

Not a single word of truth in your post.
"Russia does not have a legitimate government."

Thit is you supporting an EU carving of the Russian Republic according to what you think should be done.

You can lie to you but you can't lie to me.
"Russia does not have a legitimate government."

Thit is you supporting an EU carving of the Russian Republic according to what you think should be done.

You can lie to you but you can't lie to me.
No, it is me stating a fact: if the power comes from the people and the government prevents the people from choosing their government, as the Russian government does, then that government is not legitimate.

By now, I'm sure you have searched my posts for evidence that I supported the EU forcing a new government on the Russian people and failed to find any, but you continue to tell that lie anyway. What is the point of telling such stupid lies?
Ya it is.

The Russians have more than we do. . . even if this could somehow come to pass w/o out Pandora's box being opened. What the hell would happen to all of the nukes that Russia now owns?

Instead of one nation that has 5,889, we would have what, 50 different nations with a few dozen each. :dunno:

We are led by morons now.

Complete idiots.
And that's why you support Russian imperialism, right?
And that's why you support Russian imperialism, right?
There is about as much "Russian imperialism," going on in the world, as there is Western Imperialism going on.

I remember the west making up excuses to Invade Iraq. They sounded, remarkably like the Russian excuses for invading Ukraine.

I know that they are so psychopathic, to want get Syria into the World Bank, and the IMFs financial system. They and their imperialist cronies, have admitted as much. We all know the story with Cuba, and why N. Korea has been made a pariah. You either let the international bankers colonize you, or they squash you like a potato bug.

I remember the Taliban, telling the US and its allies, to just give them some proof, that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were responsible for 911, and they would hand him right over. . . but nothing. Just some boots on the ground and some bombs on their homes.

When Libya was having internal political difficulties, (maybe agitated by these same goons?) NATO and the EU started bombing. . . it was not about the population, it was about the gold African dinar proposal, and about Libyan crude oil. What did Gaddafi get for his troubles in making Libya the most prosperous nation in Africa? An anal raping, and having his nation recolonized, and bombed back into the stone age, where women and children are now sold into slavery. . . .


THIS? Is the future Ukraine can now look forward to. . . and the only one who will profit are US and EU companies like Halliburton which will do the rebuilding. But lives and families will be permanently destroyed.. . but what the hell? Its great for the markets, wut wut. . . .

I don't know who the hell you think you are talking to, but I have read all of your dipping misinformation in this thread, and quite frankly, it is revolting stuff.

I know what our past leaders and founding fathers have said is the best course for our nation, especially regarding getting entangled in alliances and the affairs of other nations, and frankly, our establishment CFR politicians and the establishment elites, continually LIE to the masses, saying they are going to do one thing, and then, waste our nations money, trying to create a global technocratic world order, that will enslave everybody for the benefit of a tiny ruling global corporate cable, and toady political elite.

Hell, just last year we were working with Russia in Indonesia on the WHOs internation treaty, to control US policy on pandemics. We aren't really going to do anything on this, we are making a global government as we speak. It's all bullshit. This war, is only on the little people, I don't even think it is real, TBH.


Technocratic feudalism, whether practiced by the Russians or the Chinese, or by their European and American counterparts? It is all the same to me. . . and you aren't going to convince me that these dumb games they are playing, are substantially different on either side. I already know what is going on.

There is about as much "Russian imperialism," going on in the world, as there is Western Imperialism going on.

I remember the west making up excuses to Invade Iraq. They sounded, remarkably like the Russian excuses for invading Ukraine.

I know that they are so psychopathic, to want get Syria into the World Bank, and the IMFs financial system. They and their imperialist cronies, have admitted as much. We all know the story with Cuba, and why N. Korea has been made a pariah. You either let the international bankers colonize you, or they squash you like a potato bug.

I remember the Taliban, telling the US and its allies, to just give them some proof, that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were responsible for 911, and they would hand him right over. . . but nothing. Just some boots on the ground and some bombs on their homes.

When Libya was having internal political difficulties, (maybe agitated by these same goons?) NATO and the EU started bombing. . . it was not about the population, it was about the gold African dinar proposal, and about Libyan crude oil. What did Gaddafi get for his troubles in making Libya the most prosperous nation in Africa? An anal raping, and having his nation recolonized, and bombed back into the stone age, where women and children are now sold into slavery. . . .


THIS? Is the future Ukraine can now look forward to. . . and the only one who will profit are US and EU companies like Halliburton which will do the rebuilding. But lives and families will be permanently destroyed.. . but what the hell? Its great for the markets, wut wut. . . .

I don't know who the hell you think you are talking to, but I have read all of your dipping misinformation in this thread, and quite frankly, it is revolting stuff.

I know what our past leaders and founding fathers have said is the best course for our nation, especially regarding getting entangled in alliances and the affairs of other nations, and frankly, our establishment CFR politicians and the establishment elites, continually LIE to the masses, saying they are going to do one thing, and then, waste our nations money, trying to create a global technocratic world order, that will enslave everybody for the benefit of a tiny ruling global corporate cable, and toady political elite.

Hell, just last year we were working with Russia in Indonesia on the WHOs internation treaty, to control US policy on pandemics. We aren't really going to do anything on this, we are making a global government as we speak. It's all bullshit. This war, is only on the little people, I don't even think it is real, TBH.

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Technocratic feudalism, whether practiced by the Russians or the Chinese, or by their European and American counterparts? It is all the same to me. . . and you aren't going to convince me that these dumb games they are playing, are substantially different on either side. I already know what is going on.

Either you are supporting Russian imperialism, or you don't know what the word means. Russia is trying to acquire the land and people of Ukraine, and the US has not been guilty of doing this since before WWI.
No, it is me stating a fact: if the power comes from the people and the government prevents the people from choosing their government, as the Russian government does, then that government is not legitimate.

By now, I'm sure you have searched my posts for evidence that I supported the EU forcing a new government on the Russian people and failed to find any, but you continue to tell that lie anyway. What is the point of telling such stupid lies?
What is the point in continuing to declare russia's government illegitimate when you know it is an elected government that came to power after the revolution in the 90s?

Your words support the concept in the OP that the EU should decide what form of government Russia should ha ve AFTER carving up the Russian federation to suit themselves.

ERGO you want to destroy the Russian government and install a government you think would be better.

If you haven't learned that lesson over the last 65 years you never will.
What is the point in continuing to declare russia's government illegitimate when you know it is an elected government that came to power after the revolution in the 90s?

Your words support the concept in the OP that the EU should decide what form of government Russia should ha ve AFTER carving up the Russian federation to suit themselves.

ERGO you want to destroy the Russian government and install a government you think would be better.

If you haven't learned that lesson over the last 65 years you never will.
Even you must know this is bullshit, so why continue to post it?
Your words, your ideas. "I" should stop posting them?
Disabuse yourself of the idea that you are being clever. You are obviously trying to start a dispute with me because you have no real interest in or knowledge of the topic, so go masturbate somewhere else.
Disabuse yourself of the idea that you are being clever. You are obviously trying to start a dispute with me because you have no real interest in or knowledge of the topic, so go masturbate somewhere else.
Either you are supporting Russian imperialism, or you don't know what the word means. Russia is trying to acquire the land and people of Ukraine, and the US has not been guilty of doing this since before WWI.

Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation (complete with subtitles)​

Russia had 135,000 men volunteer. Meanwhile, Ukraine, already lost 8MM total population, has to round up men at gunpoint and ship them off to the front line

Make peace, you fools!!!

Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation (complete with subtitles)​

Are you trying to sound stupid? All you hear in that conversation is two diplomats discussing the possible replacements when Yanukovych left. There is nothing in the call about taking any action.
All you hear in that conversation is two diplomats discussing the possible replacements when Yanukovych left.


And yet there is nothing in the conversation that suggests US was planning take any action to influence events.

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