The white boy on the bus

I hear one guy's hand is pretty messed up where the kid kept headbutting it. That should be worth something.
Eat shit and die you filthy little sack of cow puss.

I hope you get the shit beat out of you by three people and then someone makes a STUPID, IGNORANT joke about it like that.

You LOW RENT, rat fuck, piece of SHIT.

ME?!?! How about the assholes that are comparing a case where someone died to a beat down? That's the problem with people like you. You're so blinded by hate, you lose all sense of proportion. You're LOW RENT of the mind.

Your initial reply in this thread shows you are the one not only blinded by hatred, but by idiocy as well. You are must suck to be you.
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How much do you think the taxpayers will have to pony up once the school district is sued?

I hear one guy's hand is pretty messed up where the kid kept headbutting it. That should be worth something.

Konny, you just earned the appellation "troll" with that statement. You really are a douchebag...
How much do you think the taxpayers will have to pony up once the school district is sued?

I hear one guy's hand is pretty messed up where the kid kept headbutting it. That should be worth something.
Eat shit and die you filthy little sack of cow puss.

I hope you get the shit beat out of you by three people and then someone makes a STUPID, IGNORANT joke about it like that.

You LOW RENT, rat fuck, piece of SHIT.[/QUOTI

I owe you rep!
In the 90's I went to a school that was pretty much half black, half white. Since people tended to stick more with their own race everything was made a racial issue. People of both races being beat down for stupid crap was a normal occurrence. Either way, it was never right. But comparing this to a case where a young man lost his life at the hands of an overzealous neighborhood watchman playing Batman is just plain stupid.

If you could point such a case, you may be right.

But being as there hasn't been one, you are wrong this time.

That case where a dispatcher advised a neighborhood watchman not to follow a suspected burglar. The case where this burglar was carrying Skittles and an Iced Tea. Maybe you have heard of it. The difference is Batman's weapons were non-lethal. Hell, even the police will use bean bag guns from time to time. If only Zimmerman hadn't left his batarangs and tear gas at home that day, we would have two sides of the story.

In that particular case, the suspect was carrying skittles and watermelon drink, two of the three ingredients for "lean" or "purple drank" a new drug popular with the kids. When the dispatcher said "we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman said, "okay" and stopped following the suspect. The suspect then back tracked, broke Zimmerman's nose and pounded his head into the ground until, in fear of his own life, he shot the suspect. If only you watched the trial, you'd know the two sides to the story.
The Liberals will say there should not be a lawsuit I'm sure.
After all the kid just took a beat down.No real harm done.

I would think parents expect some sort of safety measures to be in place.
As I understand it those who did the beating we not supposed to even be on that bus.
Where was the monitor? The person at the door of the bus checking to make sure the
people who should be on the bus were and those not not allowed on.

The school should be held accountable.
As for the bus driver I think he did the best he could.
If he lands a hand on one of those thugs the lawyers would be lining up
to sue his ass off.

Reverend Al would be signing up protestors to stage a non stop rally at the drivers
front door.

And there is that word again. I think I am a liberal. I think the kid should sue. I also think the 3 perps should be tried in a court of law and then thrown in a slammer with lots of bubbas who like wannabe bullyboys and fresh meat. Does that still make me a liberal?

Don't worry about it. Don't let it bother you, Gracie. I've been called a liberal, all because I don't always agree with the GOP. I am a libertarian for that reason. There is rank childishness on both sides. But I digress.

What we should worry about is how real liberals employ this massive double standard regarding race. Finally, after analyzing this, the pieces came together. Hispanic man kills 17 year old black kid in self defense, but brings the full weight of the Democratic party down upon him. Three black boys brutally beat a white kid on the school bus, and none of them are to be seen or heard. So if they were truly champions of race, it would seem to me that they would be up in arms if the roles were what they were on that school bus. They would condemn this behavior no matter what race the victim was.

The Black man represents the inner demons of the Democratic party, or skeletons in the closet as it were. And so far those demons have taken hold of them all with an iron grip. Race is a specter they can't banish, since it was their party's forbearers who summoned it with their own racial animosity, that which spanned over 150 years before 1964.

They claim to champion racial equality but they cannot refrain from using race as a weapon. Whenever they label someone as racist, they expose their hypocrisy. Not many of us were alive during the civil rights era, but I am fortunate enough to live with my grandmother, who survived two race riots here in my hometown back in the 60s. It angers me when any liberal plays the race card. They have no idea what they're talking about. Zero. None.

If they want to know what real racism can do, just off someone who holds the same stature as Martin Luther King. THAT started race riots all over the country. No liberal my age or younger here has any idea what real life racism is, they've never experienced it. But oh hey, they love bandying about that term in place of a substantive argument on racial issues.
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Probably a fortune.

This is the price we pay for propping up trayvons and obamas and liberal voters in general in society.

Go back to stormfront.

We have already met our racist quota.

In fact, we've gone over, so take your bigotry elsewhere.
If the races of the involved parties were reversed, the NAACP would be demanding that the Bus Driver go to jail for being a racist and allowing the beating to continue.

Personally, at age 64, I think he was smart not to try to get physically involved. Those boys would have nearly killed him.

I would have had no problem if the driver had taken a taser to those punks to stop them tho.

Physically involved no, but he could have walked over and stated I called the police, this is on camera and screamed at the top of his lungs to stop. He did little to scare the kids that they would get in trouble.

In many robbery and rape cases, the perp stops because a third person yells at them and lets them know they called the authorities!

The driver didn't alert the kids to any of this!
If the races of the involved parties were reversed, the NAACP would be demanding that the Bus Driver go to jail for being a racist and allowing the beating to continue.

Personally, at age 64, I think he was smart not to try to get physically involved. Those boys would have nearly killed him.

I would have had no problem if the driver had taken a taser to those punks to stop them tho.

Physically involved no, but he could have walked over and stated I called the police, this is on camera and screamed at the top of his lungs to stop. He did little to scare the kids that they would get in trouble.

In many robbery and rape cases, the perp stops because a third person yells at them and lets them know they called the authorities!

The driver didn't alert the kids to any of this!

Perhaps I am seeing something different, but in the video it looks like the beating took place right behind the driver.
Probably a fortune.

This is the price we pay for propping up trayvons and obamas and liberal voters in general in society.

Go back to stormfront.

We have already met our racist quota.

In fact, we've gone over, so take your bigotry elsewhere.

How about you fuck off elsewhere if you don't like it.

Sub-human degenerate.

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Hack alert! The only thing Zimmerman didn't do right was wait too long before he shot TM. I'm glad he got it right in the end!


He used his gun when he should have.

AFTER he was attacked and had no chance of getting away.
Legally your right, but he could have lost his life for being dilitory. I would have had my weapon drawn if A suspicious character was in proximity, but inscrutable - it was extremely dark like Trayvon. As soon as Trayvon approached me I would have drawn. He would have been detered from the initial assault. When you carry a gun, you need to be prepaired to immediately use it. There has been many of cops killed with their own weapons! A pudgy guy needs to be more diligent.

If you pull a gun, it should be with the intent to shoot it. Waving it around and trying to act like a badass will generally result in you getting your ass kicked or having that gun placed where you most assuredly do not want it.
That video made me so mad I saw RED.....I'm a couple years older than that gutless bus driver but I wouldn't have stood and watched that....they'd have thought a human being wind-machine was on em....little cowards.....damn, would have felt good to lay them out cold.

Yeah, yeah, sure you would, you feeble old poseur. :rolleyes:

He used his gun when he should have.

AFTER he was attacked and had no chance of getting away.
Legally your right, but he could have lost his life for being dilitory. I would have had my weapon drawn if A suspicious character was in proximity, but inscrutable - it was extremely dark like Trayvon. As soon as Trayvon approached me I would have drawn. He would have been detered from the initial assault. When you carry a gun, you need to be prepaired to immediately use it. There has been many of cops killed with their own weapons! A pudgy guy needs to be more diligent.

If you pull a gun, it should be with the intent to shoot it. Waving it around and trying to act like a badass will generally result in you getting your ass kicked or having that gun placed where you most assuredly do not want it.
Your retarded: no one said anything about waving it around. A gun in the hand is ready to use. If you are in a very dark enviroment with a suspicious negro lurking, you better be ready! TM was the bad ass right up until he got shot. :lol:
How much do you think the taxpayers will have to pony up once the school district is sued?

What did that kid do to upset them? They were clearly provoked in some way. If Trayvon is at fault for Trayvon's death, then this white kid probably has to accept some blame for his beating too.

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