The White House Needs A Bush/Obama Housecleaning


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Especially after Obama, chitlin grease, watermelon wallpaper and rabid libtarts everywhere...

April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

McMaster appears to have solidified control over the NSC. That's great news for anyone who thinks that the Bush admin had Islamic terrorism figured out and what we need is even more slavish adherence to Islamocorrectness.Meanwhile Yael Lempert keeps pushing the administration back into the same anti-Israel settlement freeze/negotiations swamp it was in under Obama.

At Gatestone, Soeren Kern has a good overview of the mess with a roundup of leftovers who shouldn't be there. McMaster is the old kind of bad. But there are truly outrageous figures.


The larger issue, as always, is that the left understands that it's the staffers who really make policy, not the elected officials. When you retain Obama's people, you retain his policies.

The White House Needs a Bush/Obama Housecleaning

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Because they're civil servants, it's nearly impossible to just fire them. However, they can be transferred to other agencies in similar positions. In other words, kick them out of the White House and send them to Omaha or Texarkana.
....Especially after Obama, chitlin grease, watermelon wallpaper and rabid libtarts everywhere...

How racist.

Gatestone is a joke. Y'all want to make this a war against an entire religion. I imagine that the more are killed, the happier you are.

Hopefully, Trump will listen to those who are experienced, not Islamophobic.
....Especially after Obama, chitlin grease, watermelon wallpaper and rabid libtarts everywhere...

How racist.

Gatestone is a joke. Y'all want to make this a war against an entire religion. I imagine that the more are killed, the happier you are.

Hopefully, Trump will listen to those who are experienced, not Islamophobic.
The islamic moderates need to say and do more to condemn radical islam. Their anti west preaching in certain mosque and no go zones have to go, the cutting off heads has to go. They need to do like other religions and modernize get out of the 7th century...:alirulz:
....Especially after Obama, chitlin grease, watermelon wallpaper and rabid libtarts everywhere...

How racist.

Gatestone is a joke. Y'all want to make this a war against an entire religion. I imagine that the more are killed, the happier you are.

Hopefully, Trump will listen to those who are experienced, not Islamophobic.
The islamic moderates need to say and do more to condemn radical islam. Their anti west preaching in certain mosque and no go zones have to go, the cutting off heads has to go. They need to do like other religions and modernize get out of the 7th century...:alirulz:
They say plenty, you just ignore it.

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