The White Man Breaks it down for Black Folks

remember when that Dr talked of racism at the republican get together and confused the audience.

right wing racists just want everyone to pretend there is nothing to discuss.

they are minds with their emergency brakes prementantly enguaged
I agree with you. I also think left wing racists are the same way. Every group has it's idiots.

But John, may I ask you....where is the evidence of any left wing racists? I haven't found any. There are no white left wingers calling black Republicans 'Uncle Toms" or "race traitors", as some here suggest. Blacks calling out other blacks is about accountability, not racism, as are whites calling out whites, or anyone calling out their own. I, personally, don't have anything against whites, or anyone. I have something against "racism', itself, which knows no boundaries of skin color, nationality, religion or creed. And as vocal and outspoken as I am, I have never been cautioned or rebuked for my comments by any of my white friends, who, I'm certain, would never put up with any racism or bigotry, on my part. People seem to think that my friends are "special" or different from anyone else. I am not fragile and can take constructive criticism. But not from the sorted imbeciles here.
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remember when that Dr talked of racism at the republican get together and confused the audience.

right wing racists just want everyone to pretend there is nothing to discuss.

they are minds with their emergency brakes prementantly enguaged
I agree with you. I also think left wing racists are the same way. Every group has it's idiots.

But John, may I ask you....where is the evidence of any left wing racists? I haven't found any. There are no white left wingers calling black Republicans 'Uncle Toms" or "race traitors", as some here suggest. Blacks calling out other blacks is about accountability, not racism, as are whites calling out whites, or anyone calling out their own. I, personally, don't have anything against whites, or anyone. I have something against "racism', itself, which knows no boundaries of skin color, nationality, religion or creed. And as vocal and outspoken as I am, I have never been cautioned or rebuked for my comments by any of my white friends, who, I'm certain, would never put up with any racism or bigotry, on my part. People seem to think that my friends are "special" or different from anyone else. I am not fragile and can take constructive criticism. But not from the sorted imbeciles here.

That's a lie!!

Bring it!
This message is hidden because 007 is on your ignore list

You are one of the cowardly ******* the man in the video speaks of... message hidden or not, it's not hidden to the rest of the board, and they all know you are a complete racist, POS, cowardly idiot.

The white man explains how Black people can rule the world and obtain our Black Power!

Wow stupidest think coming from you and that says alot, because you only say stupid shit.

First, the white man has never RULED the world. Asia has always had powerful nations like China, Japan and now South Korea and India. In the west, the non-white Mayans and other Indian nations ruled over the entire hemisphere and some like the Mayans were some of the most advanced in the world at the time. Even today regardless of the supposed US influence the white man doesn't rule over Latin America, which actually has some emerging nations (Brazil, Mexico, Chile-which is already 1st world, Costa Rica and Argentina).

Second, the ignorant posting of course overplays European imperalism to 100s of years, when in fact it wasn't even 100 years of imperalism. The Europeans started to invade African nations in 1875 and none of the colonies were around in the 1970s or few were. What were the African nations doing for the 4,000 years were no white Europeans invaded? Don't say slavery was there. The slave trade was perpetratated by Africans tribes upon other African tribes. Black Africans didn't capture and sell off other Black African there would have NEVER been a slave trade. The Black African slave traders were necessary!

Third, ever wonder how North Africa became Arab and Muslim? Of course you don't because that was non-white conquest of Africa and your uneducated ass doesn't care about that. During the 7th century the great warlord Mohammad started the Arab Caliphates/Crusades that where carried on by two other (or three if you consider the Ottomans) to conquer the world. They took over all of North Africa and expell the vast majority of Black Africans (hence why there aren't many Black in counties like Egypt, Libya, Morocco), making their way across the sea into Espana and then finally being stopped by the Franks. During this time it was the Arab Age. They were the most advanced and strongest people of the time. They were not white Europeans!

Fourth, you retarded clip said they first need unity like white. Um, get a history book. Europe has been at war with each other for 1000s of years. Vikings/Saxons raiding Britian. Rome taking over England, Spain, German, France etc. All the barbarian raiders taking lands like Visgoth and Lombardis. France and Spain going to war. France and England fighting the 100 year war. Russia taking over other countries and establishing the Soviet Union that starved and messed up countries like Poland, Georgia and Ukraine for centuries. Franco-Pursa War, WWI and WW II!!! White have NEVER been unified. Heck in America you see it: War of 1812, the Civil War and 40%+ voted for Obama the 2nd time around, while 95% of blacks voted for their own kind!

You are an ignorant fuck. Maybe taking responsibility for yourself instead of taking a welfare check will get you ahead!
Hey poet, thanks for the 0 rep points! lol

And since you lack the balls to receive messages back, I'll answer your dumbass question out her in the open.

poet: "Is that a picture of you as a child....our future \"gun toting\" mass murderer????"

me: No you dumbass racist, it's a cute avatar I came across.
Time for everyone else to ignore poet.

Then maybe he'll get bored and leave, if we're lucky.
remember when that Dr talked of racism at the republican get together and confused the audience.

right wing racists just want everyone to pretend there is nothing to discuss.

they are minds with their emergency brakes prementantly enguaged

how about remembering Obama's bigoted comments and actions
Hey poet, thanks for the 0 rep points! lol

And since you lack the balls to receive messages back, I'll answer your dumbass question out her in the open.

poet: "Is that a picture of you as a child....our future \"gun toting\" mass murderer????"

me: No you dumbass racist, it's a cute avatar I came across.

Yep it's not like I needed an excuse to have less respect for Poet, but only a cowardly bastard would post on someone else's visitor board and have his turned off! Turn your's off fine, but posting on other's when your's is off is a move a coward!
Sorry, but you should know by my posts that I don't do "spits" or make appearances in trailer parks.

always figured you were a swollower

Trouble with parts of speech? I was referring to "spit" as a "noun", not a transitive verb, idiot. You did say "BBQ", didn't you?

2 [spit] Show IPA noun, verb, spit·ted, spit·ting.

a pointed rod or bar for thrusting through and holding meat that is to be cooked before or over a fire.

Don't fuck with me...I will embarrass you each and every time. Especially you being from Appalachia.

first of all there is no way you can embarrass me.

As for being from Appalachia, have at it. You will only look like the fool you are and have been all your miserable life.
remember when that Dr talked of racism at the republican get together and confused the audience.

right wing racists just want everyone to pretend there is nothing to discuss.

they are minds with their emergency brakes prementantly enguaged
I agree with you. I also think left wing racists are the same way. Every group has it's idiots.

But John, may I ask you....where is the evidence of any left wing racists? I haven't found any. There are no white left wingers calling black Republicans 'Uncle Toms" or "race traitors", as some here suggest. Blacks calling out other blacks is about accountability, not racism, as are whites calling out whites, or anyone calling out their own. I, personally, don't have anything against whites, or anyone. I have something against "racism', itself, which knows no boundaries of skin color, nationality, religion or creed. And as vocal and outspoken as I am, I have never been cautioned or rebuked for my comments by any of my white friends, who, I'm certain, would never put up with any racism or bigotry, on my part. People seem to think that my friends are "special" or different from anyone else. I am not fragile and can take constructive criticism. But not from the sorted imbeciles here.
Fist off, I have a feeling we're going to have a difference of opinion on what racism is. We'll agree to disagree. I will also disagree with you that there is no evidence of any left wing racists. The KKK was a splinter group from the democratic party. I consider them racists. Bull Conner was a democrat. I consider him a racist. Rober Byrd (democrat) started his own chapter of the KKK. Was he a racist then? I suspect so. Also, just to get a better understanding of what you consider racist. Do you think Jeanine Garofalo calling Micheal Steele a "self loathing black man" was a racist jab? I also would ask you to google Uncle Tom and Colin Powel. Not everybody calling Colin Powel an uncle tom was a black man/woman. Plenty of white liberal elitists had fun with the race card as well.
My point about Bull Connor, KKK, and Robert Byrd was frikin brilliant! Admit it! LOL! :)
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