The White Man Breaks it down for Black Folks

Let's be honest Poet. The condescension and dismissiveness is going both ways. Not the worst sin in the world though and I'm sure we'll both survive. So! You think Elvis, Walt Disney and Bruce Lee weren't assassinated? I'll have you know that I have as much proof that they were assassinated as you have proof that there was a conspiracy behind the assassinations you listed. Wikipedia is generally accepted sound until proven otherwise? Alright, but it's proven otherwise quite often.

Honest? Are you sure you're up to it, John? Of course you're being intellectually "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that you possess "proof". I'm detecting a "pattern". Wikipedia is but one source. There are many others and more credible. But I'm thinking you're reluctant to want to go "there".

I'm not being "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that I possess "proof". I'm being sarcastic. I was using your own method of argument against you as a way to make a point. My point being that conspiracy theories are easily mocked. You say you detect a "pattern" with me. I certainly hope so! A pattern of facts and logic should be a pattern most would want to achieve. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thank you.
Honest? Are you sure you're up to it, John? Of course you're being intellectually "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that you possess "proof". I'm detecting a "pattern". Wikipedia is but one source. There are many others and more credible. But I'm thinking you're reluctant to want to go "there".

I'm not being "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that I possess "proof". I'm being sarcastic. I was using your own method of argument against you as a way to make a point. My point being that conspiracy theories are easily mocked. You say you detect a "pattern" with me. I certainly hope so! A pattern of facts and logic should be a pattern most would want to achieve. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thank you.

John, you're turning out to be a "riot". LOL. Your sarcasm went completely over my head. Sarcasm only works when you know someone for some time...only then can you detect what is "out of the box" or "off the charts" for them. We just met. Hello?
What you suggested as "fact", could, in fact, be construed as "conspiracy theories", as you provided no links, no evidence to support your claims. I, on the other hand "did".
And again, you provide "humor" in the middle of a serious discussion. Logic? Facts? Where are those? What you provided amounted to opinion, and a point of view, with facts and logic, nowhere in sight. The confusion about where you were trying to go with all that, still exists. You're welcome. And might I add, your "measured" civility is most certainly "appreciated", while being refreshing.
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JohnL.Burke said:
I'm not being "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that I possess "proof". I'm being sarcastic. I was using your own method of argument against you as a way to make a point. My point being that conspiracy theories are easily mocked. You say you detect a "pattern" with me. I certainly hope so! A pattern of facts and logic should be a pattern most would want to achieve. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thank you.

John, you're turning out to be a "riot". LOL. Your sarcasm went completely over my head. Sarcasm only works when you know someone for some time...only then can you detect what is "out of the box" or "off the charts" for them. We just met. Hello?
What you suggested as "fact", could, in fact, be construed as "conspiracy theories", as you provided no links, no evidence to support your claims. I, on the other hand "did".
And again, you provide "humor" in the middle of a serious discussion. Logic? Facts? Where are those? What you provided amounted to opinion, and a point of view, with facts and logic, nowhere in sight. The confusion about where you were trying to go with all that, still exists. You're welcome. And might I add, your "measured" civility is most certainly "appreciated", while being refreshing.

You sure use a lot of quotation marks.

Are you rdean? :dunno:
I'm not being "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that I possess "proof". I'm being sarcastic. I was using your own method of argument against you as a way to make a point. My point being that conspiracy theories are easily mocked. You say you detect a "pattern" with me. I certainly hope so! A pattern of facts and logic should be a pattern most would want to achieve. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thank you.

John, you're turning out to be a "riot". LOL. Your sarcasm went completely over my head. Sarcasm only works when you know someone for some time...only then can you detect what is "out of the box" or "off the charts" for them. We just met. Hello?
What you suggested as "fact", could, in fact, be construed as "conspiracy theories", as you provided no links, no evidence to support your claims. I, on the other hand "did".
And again, you provide "humor" in the middle of a serious discussion. Logic? Facts? Where are those? What you provided amounted to opinion, and a point of view, with facts and logic, nowhere in sight. The confusion about where you were trying to go with all that, still exists. You're welcome. And might I add, your "measured" civility is most certainly "appreciated", while being refreshing.

Thank you
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This message is hidden because Rat in the Hat is on your ignore list.
Dismissed. We're not talking to rats, in hats or out of them.
John, you're turning out to be a "riot". LOL. Your sarcasm went completely over my head. Sarcasm only works when you know someone for some time...only then can you detect what is "out of the box" or "off the charts" for them. We just met. Hello?
What you suggested as "fact", could, in fact, be construed as "conspiracy theories", as you provided no links, no evidence to support your claims. I, on the other hand "did".
And again, you provide "humor" in the middle of a serious discussion. Logic? Facts? Where are those? What you provided amounted to opinion, and a point of view, with facts and logic, nowhere in sight. The confusion about where you were trying to go with all that, still exists. You're welcome. And might I add, your "measured" civility is most certainly "appreciated", while being refreshing.

Thank you

The peanut gallery that is my ignore list, all believe that I am unable to engage an opponent, with whom I disagree with "with civility" and decorum. I cautioned them that one would have to bring some to get some....and you have. You've allowed me to dispel the rumor and the notion that everyone I disagree with is a racist. I didn't get that vibe from you, and such accusations will not be forthcoming from me. My compliments.
No need to mention the fact that it was on "his watch", and the CIA operations were what? Without his knowledge or approval??? LOL.

The Boston bombings were on Obama's watch. So using your logic we can say that Obama is to blame.

The fact of the matter is you claimed that Reagan put crack on the streets to ruin black America. And you knew it was a lie when you said it.

Fuck you. It's what I believe. What? You think minorities were flying planes and dumping cocaine into the U.S.??? Better yet, let's imagine a "grand scheme" which gets minorities "hooked" on a cheaper and more accessible form of cocaine, which distracts from important issues like "voting", and education....which makes them vulnerable to being arrested and placed in the criminal justice "system", which amounts to "institutionalized slavery", and the ensuing 'turf wars", which leads to black on black violence and confiscation of assets which the drug trade nets, and the authorities can use as a "nest egg" to fund everything from "toys" to personal gain, and the whole thing fuels itself.
Don't you fucking tell me what I knew and worst, accuse me of being a lowlife, leftover protoplasm of afterbirth.

So, Reagan forced you to smoke crack? Bullshit, you mental midget.
While you are right that it wasn't blacks bringing cocaine into the country, the street level dealers and end users were commonly blacks and Hispanics.

When the fuck will you learn that "It's what I believe" is not proof, or even valid support for bogus claims, in fact, here at USMB, when you claim to "believe" something, at least 69 people "know" you're full of shit.
Honest? Are you sure you're up to it, John? Of course you're being intellectually "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that you possess "proof". I'm detecting a "pattern". Wikipedia is but one source. There are many others and more credible. But I'm thinking you're reluctant to want to go "there".

I'm not being "dishonest", suggesting that the aforementioned were assassinated and that I possess "proof". I'm being sarcastic. I was using your own method of argument against you as a way to make a point. My point being that conspiracy theories are easily mocked. You say you detect a "pattern" with me. I certainly hope so! A pattern of facts and logic should be a pattern most would want to achieve. I hope this clears up any confusion. Thank you.

I predict imminent addition of your name to the USMB Hall of Fame, AKA, po it's awesome list of ignore.
Thank you

The peanut gallery that is my ignore list, all believe that I am unable to engage an opponent, with whom I disagree with "with civility" and decorum. I cautioned them that one would have to bring some to get some....and you have. You've allowed me to dispel the rumor and the notion that everyone I disagree with is a racist. I didn't get that vibe from you, and such accusations will not be forthcoming from me. My compliments.

who are you trying to kid? soon as John here sees the REAL you he will be considered a racist just like the rest of us and put on your ridiculous are going to great lenghts here to not offend John.....gee i wonder why?... are such a dishonest piece of shit Poet......
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The peanut gallery that is my ignore list, all believe that I am unable to engage an opponent, with whom I disagree with "with civility" and decorum. I cautioned them that one would have to bring some to get some....and you have. You've allowed me to dispel the rumor and the notion that everyone I disagree with is a racist. I didn't get that vibe from you, and such accusations will not be forthcoming from me. My compliments.

who are you trying to kid? soon as John here sees the REAL you he will be considered a racist just like the rest of us and put on your ridiculous are going to great lenghts here to not offend John.....gee i wonder why?... are such a dishonest piece of shit Poet......

He actually was insulting to John earlier. But then I commented about how he'd turned on John, and in poet comes to make nice to John again. Too funny.
who are you trying to kid? soon as John here sees the REAL you he will be considered a racist just like the rest of us and put on your ridiculous are going to great lenghts here to not offend John.....gee i wonder why?... are such a dishonest piece of shit Poet......

He actually was insulting to John earlier. But then I commented about how he'd turned on John, and in poet comes to make nice to John again. Too funny.

John im sure like everyone else here will see the ass for what he is....
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Legal action, pending.

There is no legal action pending.

Lying makes you look even weaker.

And that's very difficult, but you just managed to pull it off.

He's like Kirk...he found a way!

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