The White Man Breaks it down for Black Folks

I agree with you. I also think left wing racists are the same way. Every group has it's idiots.

But John, may I ask you....where is the evidence of any left wing racists? I haven't found any. There are no white left wingers calling black Republicans 'Uncle Toms" or "race traitors", as some here suggest. Blacks calling out other blacks is about accountability, not racism, as are whites calling out whites, or anyone calling out their own. I, personally, don't have anything against whites, or anyone. I have something against "racism', itself, which knows no boundaries of skin color, nationality, religion or creed. And as vocal and outspoken as I am, I have never been cautioned or rebuked for my comments by any of my white friends, who, I'm certain, would never put up with any racism or bigotry, on my part. People seem to think that my friends are "special" or different from anyone else. I am not fragile and can take constructive criticism. But not from the sorted imbeciles here.
Fist off, I have a feeling we're going to have a difference of opinion on what racism is. We'll agree to disagree. I will also disagree with you that there is no evidence of any left wing racists. The KKK was a splinter group from the democratic party. I consider them racists. Bull Conner was a democrat. I consider him a racist. Rober Byrd (democrat) started his own chapter of the KKK. Was he a racist then? I suspect so. Also, just to get a better understanding of what you consider racist. Do you think Jeanine Garofalo calling Micheal Steele a "self loathing black man" was a racist jab? I also would ask you to google Uncle Tom and Colin Powel. Not everybody calling Colin Powel an uncle tom was a black man/woman. Plenty of white liberal elitists had fun with the race card as well.
My point about Bull Connor, KKK, and Robert Byrd was frikin brilliant! Admit it! LOL! :)

Of course the KKK was related to the Democratic Party...but what time period??? Back in the 1920's.
I had heard of Bull Connor, but never really knew his info.
Bull Connor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eugene Connor was a member of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Connor entered politics as a Democrat in 1934, winning a seat in the Alabama Legislature. As a legislator he supported populist measures and pro-union issues. He voted for extending the poll tax and against an anti-sedition bill meant to stifle union activity.[citation needed] He did not stand for a second term in 1936, instead running for Commissioner of Public Safety for the City of Birmingham. In 1936, Connor was elected to the office of Commissioner of Public Safety, beginning the first of two stretches that spanned a total of 26 years. Connor's first term ended in 1952, but he resumed the post four years later.

In 1938, Connor became a candidate for Governor of Alabama. He announced he would be campaigning on a platform of "protecting employment practices, law enforcement, segregation and other problems that have been historically classified as states' rights by the Democratic party."
Again, note the time frame. And conservatives tend to always bring up Robert Byrd, who, indeed, was a klansman, who later renounced his involvement with the klan, and changed his views and positions to ones more favorable to minorities, in his later days.
How is all of that relevant, today? Are you aware that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, switched ideologies and loyalties from the late 60's thru the 80's, and essentially what was the Democratic Party, is now known as The Republican Party, after the Southern Democrats ("Dixiecrats") flooded the Republican Party after their "great white hope", George Wallace, was defeated by Hubert Humphrey????? The present KKK identifies with the Republican and Tea Parties. You won't find one in the Democratic Party, "visible", that's for sure.
And yes, I believe that Garofalo's comments about Michael Steele were "racist"...she as a "white woman" cannot talk about a black man, negatively, without the supposition of "inherent racism". But I can. And I would tell Michael Steele, to his face, that he is a "self-loathing" black man. Yes I would. And it wouldn't be racist.
Any whites (liberal or otherwise) calling Colin Powell an "Uncle Tom" would be classified as "racist". They have no authority or wherewithal, to do that. Only another black person can label a "black", 'Uncle Tom" or "Aunt Susie" with any authority. And since you claimed that white liberal elitists "played the race card", I would expect you to back up that claim with links, evidence or sources...rather than me having to go looking for it.
Your "point" about Connor, KKK, and Robert Byrd, was irrelevant, as they had or have no bearing on the present state of affairs. Both Colin Powell, a revered Republican, and his former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkerson testified to the Republican Party being "full of racists". And Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama, "twice", in 2008, and 2012, 'at the 11th hour". Now that's what you call "brilliant".
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Poet, what are your thoughts about blacks selling off captives during wars in Africa...and the buyers were white? Another question is...did whites invade Africa and kidnap the majority of blacks 2000 years ago? (According to the racist assinine cartoon you posted in the link). Or did that supply come from the Africans themselves?

Man has enslaved man for thousands of years. Blacks do not get top billing in the slavery market.

However..I would appreciate a balanced answer from you, if you care to give one. I find it amazing at the double edged sword that whites magically got blacks and other blacks had nothing to do with it..even though the supply usually came from Africa other blacks.

My thoughts are my own. I don't care to share them with someone who has no problem demonizing blacks, while absolving whites of clear blame as it relates to chattel slavery in America and beyond. You lecture me, and then claim you'd appreciate a "balanced answer"?> Apparently, you're "unbalanced". I have nothing for you. And apparently, the video "hit a nerve", which was the point.

You are a very bitter man. You have my pity.

I have no pity for racists......
My thoughts are my own. I don't care to share them with someone who has no problem demonizing blacks, while absolving whites of clear blame as it relates to chattel slavery in America and beyond. You lecture me, and then claim you'd appreciate a "balanced answer"?> Apparently, you're "unbalanced". I have nothing for you. And apparently, the video "hit a nerve", which was the point.

You are a very bitter man. You have my pity.

I have no pity for racists......

Me, either.
But John, may I ask you....where is the evidence of any left wing racists? I haven't found any. There are no white left wingers calling black Republicans 'Uncle Toms" or "race traitors", as some here suggest. Blacks calling out other blacks is about accountability, not racism, as are whites calling out whites, or anyone calling out their own. I, personally, don't have anything against whites, or anyone. I have something against "racism', itself, which knows no boundaries of skin color, nationality, religion or creed. And as vocal and outspoken as I am, I have never been cautioned or rebuked for my comments by any of my white friends, who, I'm certain, would never put up with any racism or bigotry, on my part. People seem to think that my friends are "special" or different from anyone else. I am not fragile and can take constructive criticism. But not from the sorted imbeciles here.
Fist off, I have a feeling we're going to have a difference of opinion on what racism is. We'll agree to disagree. I will also disagree with you that there is no evidence of any left wing racists. The KKK was a splinter group from the democratic party. I consider them racists. Bull Conner was a democrat. I consider him a racist. Rober Byrd (democrat) started his own chapter of the KKK. Was he a racist then? I suspect so. Also, just to get a better understanding of what you consider racist. Do you think Jeanine Garofalo calling Micheal Steele a "self loathing black man" was a racist jab? I also would ask you to google Uncle Tom and Colin Powel. Not everybody calling Colin Powel an uncle tom was a black man/woman. Plenty of white liberal elitists had fun with the race card as well.
My point about Bull Connor, KKK, and Robert Byrd was frikin brilliant! Admit it! LOL! :)

Of course the KKK was related to the Democratic Party...but what time period??? Back in the 1920's.
I had heard of Bull Connor, but never really knew his info.
Bull Connor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eugene Connor was a member of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Connor entered politics as a Democrat in 1934, winning a seat in the Alabama Legislature. As a legislator he supported populist measures and pro-union issues. He voted for extending the poll tax and against an anti-sedition bill meant to stifle union activity.[citation needed] He did not stand for a second term in 1936, instead running for Commissioner of Public Safety for the City of Birmingham. In 1936, Connor was elected to the office of Commissioner of Public Safety, beginning the first of two stretches that spanned a total of 26 years. Connor's first term ended in 1952, but he resumed the post four years later.

In 1938, Connor became a candidate for Governor of Alabama. He announced he would be campaigning on a platform of "protecting employment practices, law enforcement, segregation and other problems that have been historically classified as states' rights by the Democratic party."
Again, note the time frame. And conservatives tend to always bring up Robert Byrd, who, indeed, was a klansman, who later renounced his involvement with the klan, and changed his views and positions to ones more favorable to minorities, in his later days.
How is all of that relevant, today? Are you aware that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, switched ideologies and loyalties from the late 60's thru the 80's, and essentially what was the Democratic Party, is now known as The Republican Party, after the Southern Democrats ("Dixiecrats") flooded the Republican Party after their "great white hope", George Wallace, was defeated by Hubert Humphrey????? The present KKK identifies with the Republican and Tea Parties. You won't find one in the Democratic Party, "visible", that's for sure.
And yes, I believe that Garofalo's comments about Michael Steele were "racist"...she as a "white woman" cannot talk about a black man, negatively, without the supposition of "inherent racism". But I can. And I would tell Michael Steele, to his face, that he is a "self-loathing" black man. Yes I would. And it wouldn't be racist.
Any whites (liberal or otherwise) calling Colin Powell an "Uncle Tom" would be classified as "racist". They have no authority or wherewithal, to do that. Only another black person can label a "black", 'Uncle Tom" or "Aunt Susie" with any authority. And since you claimed that white liberal elitists "played the race card", I would expect you to back up that claim with links, evidence or sources...rather than me having to go looking for it.
Your "point" about Connor, KKK, and Robert Byrd, was irrelevant, as they had or have no bearing on the present state of affairs. Both Colin Powell, a revered Republican, and his former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkerson testified to the Republican Party being "full of racists". And Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama, "twice", in 2008, and 2012, 'at the 11th hour". Now that's what you call "brilliant".

1. I brought up the past because you said you were unaware of left wing racists. I didn't realize the past didn't count, especially since it still affects us today. O.K. then, we'll play by your rules.
2. Saying the republican and democratic party switched ideologies from the 60's and 80's is a bit of an oversimplification. Certainly, as society and values change then different parties may change certain aspects of their platform. This has always been the case. I don't think racial attitudes have changed though. Most people are not racist in either party even though this doesn't stop the hyperbole.
3. The south turned republican because of certain economic and social issues. Not because of race issues.
4. I'm sure you're right when you say the KKK identifies with the republicans and Tea Party. However, republicans and the Tea Party don't identify with the KKK. To try to smear the republicans with the current KKK is like me attempting to smear the democratic party with The New Black Panthers, Ecoterrorists and Muslim extremists.
5. On the bright side, you and I are making some progress. At first you said you were unaware of left wing racists so I gave you an example of Jeanine Garafalo's rhetoric and you agreed that it was indeed racist. I'm glad we can at least now admit that left wing racism does exist. I'll give you more examples of course. It's just nice that we made some progress.
6. Finally, what is being called a "reverse migration" is occurring. Many black people are moving to the south (probably not because they want to bathe in all the alleged republican racism) but because the south is making economic progress while creating an emerging black middle class thanks to republican homies.
Oh yea, Collin Powell is a revered republican? You mean among the democrats?
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Fist off, I have a feeling we're going to have a difference of opinion on what racism is. We'll agree to disagree. I will also disagree with you that there is no evidence of any left wing racists. The KKK was a splinter group from the democratic party. I consider them racists. Bull Conner was a democrat. I consider him a racist. Rober Byrd (democrat) started his own chapter of the KKK. Was he a racist then? I suspect so. Also, just to get a better understanding of what you consider racist. Do you think Jeanine Garofalo calling Micheal Steele a "self loathing black man" was a racist jab? I also would ask you to google Uncle Tom and Colin Powel. Not everybody calling Colin Powel an uncle tom was a black man/woman. Plenty of white liberal elitists had fun with the race card as well.
My point about Bull Connor, KKK, and Robert Byrd was frikin brilliant! Admit it! LOL! :)

Of course the KKK was related to the Democratic Party...but what time period??? Back in the 1920's.
I had heard of Bull Connor, but never really knew his info.
Bull Connor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eugene Connor was a member of the Alabama Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Connor entered politics as a Democrat in 1934, winning a seat in the Alabama Legislature. As a legislator he supported populist measures and pro-union issues. He voted for extending the poll tax and against an anti-sedition bill meant to stifle union activity.[citation needed] He did not stand for a second term in 1936, instead running for Commissioner of Public Safety for the City of Birmingham. In 1936, Connor was elected to the office of Commissioner of Public Safety, beginning the first of two stretches that spanned a total of 26 years. Connor's first term ended in 1952, but he resumed the post four years later.

In 1938, Connor became a candidate for Governor of Alabama. He announced he would be campaigning on a platform of "protecting employment practices, law enforcement, segregation and other problems that have been historically classified as states' rights by the Democratic party."
Again, note the time frame. And conservatives tend to always bring up Robert Byrd, who, indeed, was a klansman, who later renounced his involvement with the klan, and changed his views and positions to ones more favorable to minorities, in his later days.
How is all of that relevant, today? Are you aware that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, switched ideologies and loyalties from the late 60's thru the 80's, and essentially what was the Democratic Party, is now known as The Republican Party, after the Southern Democrats ("Dixiecrats") flooded the Republican Party after their "great white hope", George Wallace, was defeated by Hubert Humphrey????? The present KKK identifies with the Republican and Tea Parties. You won't find one in the Democratic Party, "visible", that's for sure.
And yes, I believe that Garofalo's comments about Michael Steele were "racist"...she as a "white woman" cannot talk about a black man, negatively, without the supposition of "inherent racism". But I can. And I would tell Michael Steele, to his face, that he is a "self-loathing" black man. Yes I would. And it wouldn't be racist.
Any whites (liberal or otherwise) calling Colin Powell an "Uncle Tom" would be classified as "racist". They have no authority or wherewithal, to do that. Only another black person can label a "black", 'Uncle Tom" or "Aunt Susie" with any authority. And since you claimed that white liberal elitists "played the race card", I would expect you to back up that claim with links, evidence or sources...rather than me having to go looking for it.
Your "point" about Connor, KKK, and Robert Byrd, was irrelevant, as they had or have no bearing on the present state of affairs. Both Colin Powell, a revered Republican, and his former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkerson testified to the Republican Party being "full of racists". And Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama, "twice", in 2008, and 2012, 'at the 11th hour". Now that's what you call "brilliant".

1. I brought up the past because you said you were unaware of left wing racists. I didn't realize the past didn't count, especially since it still affects us today. O.K. then, we'll play by your rules.
2. Saying the republican and democratic party switched ideologies from the 60's and 80's is a bit of an oversimplification. Certainly, as society and values change then different parties may change certain aspects of their platform. This has always been the case. I don't think racial attitudes have changed though. Most people are not racist in either party even though this doesn't stop the hyperbole.
3. The south turned republican because of certain economic and social issues. Not because of race issues.
4. I'm sure you're right when you say the KKK identifies with the republicans and Tea Party. However, republicans and the Tea Party don't identify with the KKK. To try to smear the republicans with the current KKK is like me attempting to smear the democratic party with The New Black Panthers, Ecoterrorists and Muslim extremists.
5. On the bright side, you and I are making some progress. At first you said you were unaware of left wing racists so I gave you an example of Jeanine Garafalo's rhetoric and you agreed that it was indeed racist. I'm glad we can at least now admit that left wing racism does exist. I'll give you more examples of course. It's just nice that we made some progress.
6. Finally, what is being called a "reverse migration" is occurring. Many black people are moving to the south (probably not because they want to bathe in all the alleged republican racism) but because the south is making economic progress while creating an emerging black middle class thanks to republican homies.
Oh yea, Collin Powell is a revered republican? You mean among the democrats?

Uh John, we really didn't make that much progress. I disagree with your points 2, 3, 4, and 6. Colin Powell is still revered by the establishment "moderate" wing of the Republican Party, no matter what you think.
He can't be "thrown under the bus", without throwing the entire Bush Administration "under the bus", as he lent "gravitas", which only he had, when he signed on as Sec. of State, but was summarily made the "scapegoat" in the aftermath of his testimony at the U.N., in the Bush administration's "rush to war", which was deemed "dubious" and "fraudulent". Why do you think he "turned tables" and decided to endorse Barack Obama? Payback is, in fact, "a bitch".
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I'm just not sure if Colin Powell is still revered by the establishment "moderate" wing of the republican party. After all, the moderate wing of the republican party tend to still vote republican. I do think you make a good point about Powell "turning the tables" on Bush though. I'm going to disagree with the whole "rush to war" thing but since I'm a conservative I can't get excited about defending Bush (never been a big fan) so I'l let it slide. lol
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I'm just not sure if Colin Powell is still revered by the establishment "moderate" wing of the republican party. After all, the moderate wing of the republican party tend to still vote republican. I do think you make a good point about Powell "turning the tables" on Bush though. I'm going to disagree with the whole "rush to war" thing but since I'm a conservative I can't get excited about defending Bush (never been a big fan) so I'l let it slide.

Uh, maybe not "now", after his "much publicized" endorsement of President Obama, but his credentials and his history and service cannot be denied, in any event. And we weren't talking about the "moderate wing of the Republican Party" as to who they vote for, but who they "revere".
You can disagree, all you like, about the "rush to war", but the evidence is irrefutable.
Bush "canned" the U.N. inspectors, before they could complete their mission. He passed along faulty intel in his SOTU address about Saddam procuring "yellowcake uranium" from Niger, which Joe Wilson exposed as "false" in an Op-Ed...and his "payback" for that, was having his wife, Valerie Plame, exposed as a CIA operative, undoubtedly, at the behest of none other than Dick Cheney, whom Scooter Libby took the fall for. And because George Bush refused to pardon Libby, he and Bush have since been "at odds" and not talking to one another. Go figure. The fact remains that several European countries have indicted both Bush and Cheney as "war criminals" a trip "overseas", for either of them, would be "ill-advised". I'm a liberal....and why would you let anything "slide"? Bush/Cheney cannot be defended...according to conventional wisdom.
I'm just not sure if Colin Powell is still revered by the establishment "moderate" wing of the republican party. After all, the moderate wing of the republican party tend to still vote republican. I do think you make a good point about Powell "turning the tables" on Bush though. I'm going to disagree with the whole "rush to war" thing but since I'm a conservative I can't get excited about defending Bush (never been a big fan) so I'l let it slide.

Uh, maybe not "now", after his "much publicized" endorsement of President Obama, but his credentials and his history and service cannot be denied, in any event. And we weren't talking about the "moderate wing of the Republican Party" as to who they vote for, but who they "revere".
You can disagree, all you like, about the "rush to war", but the evidence is irrefutable.
Bush "canned" the U.N. inspectors, before they could complete their mission. He passed along faulty intel in his SOTU address about Saddam procuring "yellowcake uranium" from Niger, which Joe Wilson exposed as "false" in an Op-Ed...and his "payback" for that, was having his wife, Valerie Plame, exposed as a CIA operative, undoubtedly, at the behest of none other than Dick Cheney, whom Scooter Libby took the fall for. And because George Bush refused to pardon Libby, he and Bush have since been "at odds" and not talking to one another. Go figure. The fact remains that several European countries have indicted both Bush and Cheney as "war criminals" a trip "overseas", for either of them, would be "ill-advised". I'm a liberal....and why would you let anything "slide"? Bush/Cheney cannot be defended...according to conventional wisdom.
Wow! LOL! That's a lot of "information" to chew on. You do realize that your Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame conspiracy theory is disproven by fact. We already know what happened. Richard Armitage told reporter Robert Novac about Valerie Plame in a casual conversation. Richard Armitage is already on record admitting this. Also, I don't know what European countries indicted Bush and Cheney for being "war criminals" but do you really think any country would arrest the ex president of the United States? Seriously? Oh sure, I'm assuming it's a liberals wettest dream, but like the Dick Cheney conspiracy theory, one should apply a few facts so we don't get lost in the tin foil hat section of WalMart. Also, Bush went through congress and the U.N. and Nato. Sure, you may not like the results but this was hardly a rush job.
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I'm just not sure if Colin Powell is still revered by the establishment "moderate" wing of the republican party. After all, the moderate wing of the republican party tend to still vote republican. I do think you make a good point about Powell "turning the tables" on Bush though. I'm going to disagree with the whole "rush to war" thing but since I'm a conservative I can't get excited about defending Bush (never been a big fan) so I'l let it slide.

Uh, maybe not "now", after his "much publicized" endorsement of President Obama, but his credentials and his history and service cannot be denied, in any event. And we weren't talking about the "moderate wing of the Republican Party" as to who they vote for, but who they "revere".
You can disagree, all you like, about the "rush to war", but the evidence is irrefutable.
Bush "canned" the U.N. inspectors, before they could complete their mission. He passed along faulty intel in his SOTU address about Saddam procuring "yellowcake uranium" from Niger, which Joe Wilson exposed as "false" in an Op-Ed...and his "payback" for that, was having his wife, Valerie Plame, exposed as a CIA operative, undoubtedly, at the behest of none other than Dick Cheney, whom Scooter Libby took the fall for. And because George Bush refused to pardon Libby, he and Bush have since been "at odds" and not talking to one another. Go figure. The fact remains that several European countries have indicted both Bush and Cheney as "war criminals" a trip "overseas", for either of them, would be "ill-advised". I'm a liberal....and why would you let anything "slide"? Bush/Cheney cannot be defended...according to conventional wisdom.
Wow! LOL! That's a lot of "information" to chew on. You do realize that your Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame conspiracy theory is disproven by fact. We already know what happened. Richard Armitage told reporter Robert Novac about Valerie Plame in a casual conversation. Richard Armitage is already on record admitting this. Also, I don't know what European countries indicted Bush and Cheney for being "war criminals" but do you really think any country would arrest the ex president of the United States? Seriously? Oh sure, I'm assuming it's a liberals wettest dream, but like the Dick Cheney conspiracy theory, one should apply a few facts so we don't get lost in the tin foil hat section of WalMart. Also, Bush went through congress and the U.N. and Nato. Sure, you may not like the results but this was hardly a rush job.
Wow, indeed. Spoken, like a true partisan Republican, who is "drunk" on the koolaid. Of course you have evidence to support your claim of a conspiracy theory....because I have ample evidence that no WMD was ever found, and that Saddam was, in fact, being contained by the UN sanctions, so there was no need for a rush to war, which was about George W. Bush being seen as a wartime president more than anything else.
And not only do I believe that a bevy of European nations would jump at the opportunity to arrest Bush/Cheney, they would relish it, as much as they are despised around the world. I, personally, would hope so. So, I would appreciate you getting your little ducks in a row, and provide the evidence for your claims. I have mine....and they await your next "chess move". Thanks.
Uh, maybe not "now", after his "much publicized" endorsement of President Obama, but his credentials and his history and service cannot be denied, in any event. And we weren't talking about the "moderate wing of the Republican Party" as to who they vote for, but who they "revere".
You can disagree, all you like, about the "rush to war", but the evidence is irrefutable.
Bush "canned" the U.N. inspectors, before they could complete their mission. He passed along faulty intel in his SOTU address about Saddam procuring "yellowcake uranium" from Niger, which Joe Wilson exposed as "false" in an Op-Ed...and his "payback" for that, was having his wife, Valerie Plame, exposed as a CIA operative, undoubtedly, at the behest of none other than Dick Cheney, whom Scooter Libby took the fall for. And because George Bush refused to pardon Libby, he and Bush have since been "at odds" and not talking to one another. Go figure. The fact remains that several European countries have indicted both Bush and Cheney as "war criminals" a trip "overseas", for either of them, would be "ill-advised". I'm a liberal....and why would you let anything "slide"? Bush/Cheney cannot be defended...according to conventional wisdom.
Wow! LOL! That's a lot of "information" to chew on. You do realize that your Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame conspiracy theory is disproven by fact. We already know what happened. Richard Armitage told reporter Robert Novac about Valerie Plame in a casual conversation. Richard Armitage is already on record admitting this. Also, I don't know what European countries indicted Bush and Cheney for being "war criminals" but do you really think any country would arrest the ex president of the United States? Seriously? Oh sure, I'm assuming it's a liberals wettest dream, but like the Dick Cheney conspiracy theory, one should apply a few facts so we don't get lost in the tin foil hat section of WalMart. Also, Bush went through congress and the U.N. and Nato. Sure, you may not like the results but this was hardly a rush job.
Wow, indeed. Spoken, like a true partisan Republican, who is "drunk" on the koolaid. Of course you have evidence to support your claim of a conspiracy theory....because I have ample evidence that no WMD was ever found, and that Saddam was, in fact, being contained by the UN sanctions, so there was no need for a rush to war, which was about George W. Bush being seen as a wartime president more than anything else.
And not only do I believe that a bevy of European nations would jump at the opportunity to arrest Bush/Cheney, they would relish it, as much as they are despised around the world. I, personally, would hope so. So, I would appreciate you getting your little ducks in a row, and provide the evidence for your claims. I have mine....and they await your next "chess move". Thanks.

aren't you the same wacko that stated Reagan put crack on the streets to ruin black
Wow! LOL! That's a lot of "information" to chew on. You do realize that your Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame conspiracy theory is disproven by fact. We already know what happened. Richard Armitage told reporter Robert Novac about Valerie Plame in a casual conversation. Richard Armitage is already on record admitting this. Also, I don't know what European countries indicted Bush and Cheney for being "war criminals" but do you really think any country would arrest the ex president of the United States? Seriously? Oh sure, I'm assuming it's a liberals wettest dream, but like the Dick Cheney conspiracy theory, one should apply a few facts so we don't get lost in the tin foil hat section of WalMart. Also, Bush went through congress and the U.N. and Nato. Sure, you may not like the results but this was hardly a rush job.
Wow, indeed. Spoken, like a true partisan Republican, who is "drunk" on the koolaid. Of course you have evidence to support your claim of a conspiracy theory....because I have ample evidence that no WMD was ever found, and that Saddam was, in fact, being contained by the UN sanctions, so there was no need for a rush to war, which was about George W. Bush being seen as a wartime president more than anything else.
And not only do I believe that a bevy of European nations would jump at the opportunity to arrest Bush/Cheney, they would relish it, as much as they are despised around the world. I, personally, would hope so. So, I would appreciate you getting your little ducks in a row, and provide the evidence for your claims. I have mine....and they await your next "chess move". Thanks.

aren't you the same wacko that stated Reagan put crack on the streets to ruin black

Yes. And?
Wow, indeed. Spoken, like a true partisan Republican, who is "drunk" on the koolaid. Of course you have evidence to support your claim of a conspiracy theory....because I have ample evidence that no WMD was ever found, and that Saddam was, in fact, being contained by the UN sanctions, so there was no need for a rush to war, which was about George W. Bush being seen as a wartime president more than anything else.
And not only do I believe that a bevy of European nations would jump at the opportunity to arrest Bush/Cheney, they would relish it, as much as they are despised around the world. I, personally, would hope so. So, I would appreciate you getting your little ducks in a row, and provide the evidence for your claims. I have mine....and they await your next "chess move". Thanks.

aren't you the same wacko that stated Reagan put crack on the streets to ruin black

Yes. And?

at least you admit you are delusional
Wow, indeed. Spoken, like a true partisan Republican, who is "drunk" on the koolaid. Of course you have evidence to support your claim of a conspiracy theory....because I have ample evidence that no WMD was ever found, and that Saddam was, in fact, being contained by the UN sanctions, so there was no need for a rush to war, which was about George W. Bush being seen as a wartime president more than anything else.
And not only do I believe that a bevy of European nations would jump at the opportunity to arrest Bush/Cheney, they would relish it, as much as they are despised around the world. I, personally, would hope so. So, I would appreciate you getting your little ducks in a row, and provide the evidence for your claims. I have mine....and they await your next "chess move". Thanks.

aren't you the same wacko that stated Reagan put crack on the streets to ruin black

Yes. And?

Then prove it!

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