the whole indian name thing is very strange to me


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
I don't see how naming a sports team after an Indian tribe is anything but an honor.

A sports team takes the name Redskins , puts on a logo, says "says we are the Redskins", "we are to be feared". How is that anything but respect?

Basically, the left-wing kooks are saying 'you never mention Indians unless you are talking about negativity and tragedy' . It's like they make some kind of satanic shrine.

By the left-wing logic, Nordic people should be offended a sports team calls themselves the Vikings, and politicians should be offended a sports team calls themselves the Senators.
I don't see how naming a sports team after an Indian tribe is anything but an honor.

A sports team takes the name Redskins , puts on a logo, says "says we are the Redskins", "we are to be feared". How is that anything but respect?

Basically, the left-wing kooks are saying 'you never mention Indians unless you are talking about negativity and tragedy' . It's like they make some kind of satanic shrine.

By the left-wing logic, Nordic people should be offended a sports team calls themselves the Vikings, and politicians should be offended a sports team calls themselves the Senators.

There is no tribe named the Redskins. Just like there's no African people ever named the n*ggers.
I don't see how naming a sports team after an Indian tribe is anything but an honor.

A sports team takes the name Redskins , puts on a logo, says "says we are the Redskins", "we are to be feared". How is that anything but respect?

Basically, the left-wing kooks are saying 'you never mention Indians unless you are talking about negativity and tragedy' . It's like they make some kind of satanic shrine.

By the left-wing logic, Nordic people should be offended a sports team calls themselves the Vikings, and politicians should be offended a sports team calls themselves the Senators.

First of all, let's correct some misinformation. Indians are people from the country of India. The term "redskin" was used to describe the indigenous tribal people of North America. They were also mistakenly called "Indians" and later, the more politically-correct (but also inaccurate) Native American. The indigenous tribal people of North America were not "Native Americans" because America didn't exist until European settlers came here... THEY (the Pilgrims) were the "Native Americans" the indigenous tribes were here long before America.

The PC liberal crowd needs to understand, the term "Native American" is just as offensive to a Cherokee or Choctaw as the term "Redskin" or "Indian." It serves to erase our identity as a tribal people. Everyone has their heritage of which they are proud of... German, Italian, Japanese, etc. What if someone took all the assorted heritages from European countries and instead of calling them what they are, they became known as Euro-Immigrants? So it wouldn't matter if you were German, Italian, Irish or Polish... you're just another Euro-immigrant! Doesn't feel too good to lose your identity, does it?

I laugh at the silliness of the left-wing PC nuts who decry "redskins" as offensive on behalf of the indigenous tribes. What's offensive is having idiots think they understand what offends you and not having a clue how far off they are. It's like a white person thinking it's somehow better to call someone a "colored boy" instead of "negro."

What was offensive to MY people was being lied to by the US Government and run off our lands, marched thousands of miles into the desert and put in reservations. Liberal PC fruitcakes need to find a way to rectify THAT injustice before falling all over themselves to feel better about what they did to us.
Love how non Indians tell Indians what they think is offensive .

Vikings is not a racial slur by the way .
When Northern Europeans had the same chip on their shoulders, they were condemned as Nazis.

Why are these other groups given a pass?

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