The Whoppers Being Told By The Agw Climate Crusaders


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Thought it important to list a few of the mega-lies being spouted by the handful of climate obsessed mental cases who regularly post in this forum. They are identified as Mamooth, Crick, Rolling Thunder, Star, Dot Com and Orangeman.

Here is a partial list of the lies we see all the time in this forum from the above referenced boneheads:

1) "The world is still warming!!"

Nasa says it is not warming for the last 18 it and find about 50 links backing this. Scientists refer to it as "The Pause".

2) "The artic ice is decreasing at dramatic rates!!"

No it is not.......satellite photo's confirm that ice coverage almost doubled the last two it.......scores of photos to see!!!

3) "Solar and wind power are on the precipice of becomming the leading source of power for world economies!!!"

Both are still fringe energy sources ( solar energy accounts for 0.2% of our energy ) and will be until at least 2050. Even the Obama Energy Information Agency ( EIA) concurs. Google it....about 4 billion links.

4) "Electric vehicle sales are exploding!"

No.....they are actually falling in 2014. They are still less than 3% of the car market and waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to expensive still for ordinary folks. Compare sales #'s of gas powered cars/trucks and its easy to see.......EV's are still a joke and Americans dont want them.

5) "The California drought and warm temperatures are a direct cause of man-made climate change."

A complete fabrication of the facts. Even the NOAA came out last month and stated it was "due to natural causes". But dont take my word for it and it will come right up.......factual information printed in the LA Times Science section just a week ago!!!!

Are these climate crusaders bonafide sock puppets? Not sure.......but its either that or they are so obsessed with sticking to the established narrative, emerging data and information is of no consequence. But facts are facts............easily verified with a quick google search.:coffee:

"because winning is the greatest feeling in the world"
~NASCAR champion, Jimmie Johnson
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I had a kitten who would pester me endlessly, as he wanted attention, any attention, good or bad. Even if I nailed him with the squirt bottle, he counted that as a win.

Skook is similar. He needs to be trained, to be taught that trying to get attention by being annoying won't get him the results he wants.
At first I thought I heard something... But then I realized that is was just an echo from another thread..

What I find funny is they choose the talking points from the DU and Huffpo.. And you can tell what their points will be by simply looking at those sites before coming here.. Their lists of talking points is dying a sorted death and all by Mother Nature and the Earth doing it all by themselves.
I had a kitten who would pester me endlessly, as he wanted attention, any attention, good or bad. Even if I nailed him with the squirt bottle, he counted that as a win.

Skook is similar. He needs to be trained, to be taught that trying to get attention by being annoying won't get him the results he wants.


Open Letter to Miriam O’Brien of HotWhopper (a.k.a. Sou)

Bob Tisdale eviscerates Mirima O'Brien on her blogg showing just how much of a decietful alarmist she is.

Dear Miriam:

I wanted to thank you for admitting you had little grasp of the subject matter in a recent post at your blog HotWhopper. Your post was Human influence on the Californian drought. (Archived version is here, just in case you decide to change your post.) Under the heading of “Disclaimer and further reading” you wrote (my boldface):
I make no assurances that I’ve interpreted the work properly. I think I’ve got the gist of it but please point out if you think I’ve gone astray anywhere.

He not only removes any doubt she is clueless but he teaches the rest who read what Rossbey waves are and how they really affect the world in general. ie: California drought not man made/induced.
Bob Tisdale? Now you're scraping the very bottom of the WUWT kook barrel.

The article was a fine gish gallop. Kind of weird and obsessive. I'm sure it impressed the deniers, and volumes of crap always do. And as usual, the comments section is really ugly. Uglier than the usual for WUWT, being they have a woman as a target.
Open Letter to Miriam O’Brien of HotWhopper (a.k.a. Sou)

Bob Tisdale eviscerates Mirima O'Brien on her blogg showing just how much of a decietful alarmist she is.

Dear Miriam:

I wanted to thank you for admitting you had little grasp of the subject matter in a recent post at your blog HotWhopper. Your post was Human influence on the Californian drought. (Archived version is here, just in case you decide to change your post.) Under the heading of “Disclaimer and further reading” you wrote (my boldface):
I make no assurances that I’ve interpreted the work properly. I think I’ve got the gist of it but please point out if you think I’ve gone astray anywhere.

He not only removes any doubt she is clueless but he teaches the rest who read what Rossbey waves are and how they really affect the world in general. ie: California drought not man made/induced.
unless you count this California Water Officials Made the Drought Worse California Water Officials Made the Drought Worse East Bay Express
2.By wasting surface water and letting 800,000 acre-feet go out to sea instead of capturing and storing it for the bad years, California’s dysfunctional policies combined with uber-restrictive Federal endangered species protections have created over-dependency on groundwater.

These bills, which obliterate private property rights and local control, are being sold as a port in a storm, when the reality is that they are the recipe for the perfect storm. By granting the State Water Resources Control Board, the last vestige of control over all our water, the farmers and ranchers who were denied their allocation of water from the State Water Project, will be at the mercy of a merciless government. The tactics of the left never vary. They use a government created crisis such as the drought, which is the culmination of years of their own mismanagement and corruption, to consolidate power. Leftist Lawmakers and Enviro-Extremists Created CA Water Crisis
Open Letter to Miriam O’Brien of HotWhopper (a.k.a. Sou)

Bob Tisdale eviscerates Mirima O'Brien on her blogg showing just how much of a decietful alarmist she is.

Dear Miriam:

I wanted to thank you for admitting you had little grasp of the subject matter in a recent post at your blog HotWhopper. Your post was Human influence on the Californian drought. (Archived version is here, just in case you decide to change your post.) Under the heading of “Disclaimer and further reading” you wrote (my boldface):
I make no assurances that I’ve interpreted the work properly. I think I’ve got the gist of it but please point out if you think I’ve gone astray anywhere.

He not only removes any doubt she is clueless but he teaches the rest who read what Rossbey waves are and how they really affect the world in general. ie: California drought not man made/induced.
unless you count this California Water Officials Made the Drought Worse California Water Officials Made the Drought Worse East Bay Express
2.By wasting surface water and letting 800,000 acre-feet go out to sea instead of capturing and storing it for the bad years, California’s dysfunctional policies combined with uber-restrictive Federal endangered species protections have created over-dependency on groundwater.

These bills, which obliterate private property rights and local control, are being sold as a port in a storm, when the reality is that they are the recipe for the perfect storm. By granting the State Water Resources Control Board, the last vestige of control over all our water, the farmers and ranchers who were denied their allocation of water from the State Water Project, will be at the mercy of a merciless government. The tactics of the left never vary. They use a government created crisis such as the drought, which is the culmination of years of their own mismanagement and corruption, to consolidate power. Leftist Lawmakers and Enviro-Extremists Created CA Water Crisis

What does'nt the left do to consolidate power by CREATING THE EMERGENCY(false flag event) and then running in as the savior to collect power. These fuckers need to be looking in the buisness end of a gun as they try to trample and take our rights from us. IMHO
I'm one of those people, Billy.

Do you have the stones to tell me outright you want to shoot me too, or will you squeal and run when called on your tough guy act?
I'm one of those people, Billy.

Do you have the stones to tell me outright you want to shoot me too, or will you squeal and run when called on your tough guy act?

So you think its Ok to trample on my rights so the you can have total control and power in making me a slave... Good to know... You are a socialist fascist with power and control of all people as your goal. And all without facts or science. You appear to think that deception to gain control is ok.

I took an oath many years ago to protect and defend the United States of America and the US Constitution from all enemies Foreign or Domestic. Rest assured that if it comes to pass I will defend them. The founding fathers built this nation on American exceptionalism and Capitalism. Those made this country great. I have watched as Socialists and Communists have come to power and the lies they use to take away rights from WE THE PEOPLE in the name of 'social justice'. Social Justice is the rationalization of the trampling on anothers rights for their own purposes just as Climate Justice is now being used. The phrase "all men are created equal" should have ruled, by law, giving no man or skin color rights above an other. this was from day one and ratification. They have taken lands, money, and lives and CAGW is just one more lie in that progression.

The federal government has become to big and out of control headed into giving up of our sovereignty to the UN and its criminals.. This is so much bigger than just the climate change lie and people like you fall victim to the lie and become useful idiots..

Now you know why Obama and democrats fear those of us who have served and know what the Constitution means. The founding fathers knew that without the right to keep and bear arms to defend them, all other unalienable rights become open to seizure. No man has that right to deprive me or anyone else of these.

Americans will take oppression to a point, having known freedom they will rebel readily to regain them.
I'm one of those people, Billy.

Do you have the stones to tell me outright you want to shoot me too, or will you squeal and run when called on your tough guy act?

Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.
I'm one of those people, Billy.

Do you have the stones to tell me outright you want to shoot me too, or will you squeal and run when called on your tough guy act?

Oh Gawd....... such a fucking faggot.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::up:Do you do your road work wearing those little tight Richard Simmons shorts s0n??:boobies:
So Westwall, Billy and Skook proudly announce how those awful liberals deserve to be shot, but that they wouldn't think of doing it themselves. They're not saying to do it, they're just saying that it would be a good and justified thing if it were to happen.

That's called "stochastic terrorism". They know there are a few unstable people are out there who will get violent if you simply urge them on enough, so they try to urge them on. They don't know who will snap and start shooting, but eventually someone will, so they keep up the propaganda, trying to provoke those unstable minds into acting. And then when an unstable mind does does kill someone, they play innocent and declare there's no possible way they could have foreseen someone acting on their propaganda.

It's gutless, and evil, and a staple denier tactic.
So Westwall, Billy and Skook proudly announce how those awful liberals deserve to be shot, but that they wouldn't think of doing it themselves. They're not saying to do it, they're just saying that it would be a good and justified thing if it were to happen.

That's called "stochastic terrorism". They know there are a few unstable people are out there who will get violent if you simply urge them on enough, so they try to urge them on. They don't know who will snap and start shooting, but eventually someone will, so they keep up the propaganda, trying to provoke those unstable minds into acting. And then when an unstable mind does does kill someone, they play innocent and declare there's no possible way they could have foreseen someone acting on their propaganda.

It's gutless, and evil, and a staple denier tactic.
did you say something? Crap, I keep hearing crickets!!!!!!
jc, do you agree with the other three deniers on this thread, that global warming scientists deserve to be shot?

Not that you're advocating doing it, of course. Like the others, you'd just be saying that, if it were to happen, you can see how it would be justifiable. That way, you can encourage violence and then wash your hands of it.

Is there any denier here possessing the guts and morality to denounce the stochastic terrorism tactic being used by their side?
I had a kitten who would pester me endlessly, as he wanted attention, any attention, good or bad. Even if I nailed him with the squirt bottle, he counted that as a win.

Skook is similar. He needs to be trained, to be taught that trying to get attention by being annoying won't get him the results he wants.

...or you could just post an experiment that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 can raise temperature 2-7 degrees.

I notice that the AGWCult is very Nazi-like in their drive to silence opposition
jc, do you agree with the other three deniers on this thread, that global warming scientists deserve to be shot?

Not that you're advocating doing it, of course. Like the others, you'd just be saying that, if it were to happen, you can see how it would be justifiable. That way, you can encourage violence and then wash your hands of it.

Is there any denier here possessing the guts and morality to denounce the stochastic terrorism tactic being used by their side?
Are you of the belief that everyone must believe you or else?

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