The Whoppers Being Told By The Agw Climate Crusaders

Okay, jc refuses to condemn the stochastic terrorism. Fully expected, since asskissing the other cult members is all he's capable of.

Anyone other deniers want to condemn it, or are you all in favor of it?
Okay, jc refuses to condemn the stochastic terrorism. Fully expected, since asskissing the other cult members is all he's capable of.

Anyone other deniers want to condemn it, or are you all in favor of it?
Are you of the belief that everyone must believe you or else?
Okay, jc refuses to condemn the stochastic terrorism. Fully expected, since asskissing the other cult members is all he's capable of.

Anyone other deniers want to condemn it, or are you all in favor of it?

Are you aware there's an election on November 4th?
Frank, how about you? Like the other 4 deniers on this thread, do you also believe that it would be understandable if someone were to shoot climate scientists? Not that you're promoting such a thing, of course. You just think it's justifiable.
zero substance = gay

And curious folks should know that it is the people associated with climate science who are advocating for people who are skeptical about climate science to be jailed ( most recently, that communist, Robert Kennedy Jr )

These people are more dangerous to America than ISIS will ever be.........people are offshoots of the NAZI party.....motto is burn the books.
Frank, how about you? Like the other 4 deniers on this thread, do you also believe that it would be understandable if someone were to shoot climate scientists? Not that you're promoting such a thing, of course. You just think it's justifiable.
Answer the question k00ks.... Are you of the belief that everyone must believe you or else?

Just like you guys, you want an answer to the question but won't provide the subject matter needed to answer. I've asked and asked and yet you avoid. YOu're so LoSiNg.
So Westwall, Billy and Skook proudly announce how those awful liberals deserve to be shot, but that they wouldn't think of doing it themselves. They're not saying to do it, they're just saying that it would be a good and justified thing if it were to happen.

That's called "stochastic terrorism". They know there are a few unstable people are out there who will get violent if you simply urge them on enough, so they try to urge them on. They don't know who will snap and start shooting, but eventually someone will, so they keep up the propaganda, trying to provoke those unstable minds into acting. And then when an unstable mind does does kill someone, they play innocent and declare there's no possible way they could have foreseen someone acting on their propaganda.

It's gutless, and evil, and a staple denier tactic.

NO, What is evil, gutless, and satanic, is the encroachment by the left to take away my rights. Ever so slowly taking my property, my money and thinking they are the smart ones, who know better how my money and the fruits of my labors should be spent on their vile socialist programs. When they use lies and deceit to take what doesn't belong to them i get angery. Democrats been doing it for better than 100 years. LBJ put much of it in place and we have suffered ever since.

CAGW is just another scam to get people to give up their rights without bloods shed... Useful idiots helped Hitler and he was extremely evil. I will not allow a Hitler again if it is within my power to prevent it.

"Don't Tread on Me" is a slogan used to show the disdain for the king of England and the European slime our founding fathers CHOOSE to leave. If you like socialism so much, pick a country and go.. IF you choose to force it on me, expect a fight.
I'm one of those people, Billy.

Do you have the stones to tell me outright you want to shoot me too, or will you squeal and run when called on your tough guy act?

So you think its Ok to trample on my rights so the you can have total control and power in making me a slave... Good to know... You are a socialist fascist with power and control of all people as your goal. And all without facts or science. You appear to think that deception to gain control is ok.

I took an oath many years ago to protect and defend the United States of America and the US Constitution from all enemies Foreign or Domestic. Rest assured that if it comes to pass I will defend them. The founding fathers built this nation on American exceptionalism and Capitalism. Those made this country great. I have watched as Socialists and Communists have come to power and the lies they use to take away rights from WE THE PEOPLE in the name of 'social justice'. Social Justice is the rationalization of the trampling on anothers rights for their own purposes just as Climate Justice is now being used. The phrase "all men are created equal" should have ruled, by law, giving no man or skin color rights above an other. this was from day one and ratification. They have taken lands, money, and lives and CAGW is just one more lie in that progression.

The federal government has become to big and out of control headed into giving up of our sovereignty to the UN and its criminals.. This is so much bigger than just the climate change lie and people like you fall victim to the lie and become useful idiots..

Now you know why Obama and democrats fear those of us who have served and know what the Constitution means. The founding fathers knew that without the right to keep and bear arms to defend them, all other unalienable rights become open to seizure. No man has that right to deprive me or anyone else of these.

Americans will take oppression to a point, having known freedom they will rebel readily to regain them.

Man are you one fucked up totally stupid and ignorant asshole. There are a great many more of us out here with dd214's that state Honorable that will defend our nation from wigged out idiots like you if you decide to try to destroy it. And if it comes to that, it will not be liberals or conservatives you will be fighting, or Democrats or Republicans. It will be Americans.

But then, we really know that this is all bluster from an idiot that is safe hiding behind a name on a screen.
Man are you one fucked up totally stupid and ignorant asshole. There are a great many more of us out here with dd214's that state Honorable that will defend our nation from wigged out idiots like you if you decide to try to destroy it. And if it comes to that, it will not be liberals or conservatives you will be fighting, or Democrats or Republicans. It will be Americans.

But then, we really know that this is all bluster from an idiot that is safe hiding behind a name on a screen.

"Man are you one fucked up totally stupid and ignorant asshole.There are a great many more of us out here with dd214's that state Honorable that will defend our nation from wigged out idiots like you if you decide to try to destroy it."

The projection is astounding.. I was Honorably discharged! May I suggest you GO fuck yourself! The subversion of the US Constitution is a far left wacko thing... WE are a Representative Republic which means there are laws and boundaries that leftist are not supposed to cross but Obama and his cronies do it everyday.. It's going to be a very rude awaking to you Socialists, Communists, Stalinist, when this country rises up and deals with you.
So Westwall, Billy and Skook proudly announce how those awful liberals deserve to be shot, but that they wouldn't think of doing it themselves. They're not saying to do it, they're just saying that it would be a good and justified thing if it were to happen.

That's called "stochastic terrorism". They know there are a few unstable people are out there who will get violent if you simply urge them on enough, so they try to urge them on. They don't know who will snap and start shooting, but eventually someone will, so they keep up the propaganda, trying to provoke those unstable minds into acting. And then when an unstable mind does does kill someone, they play innocent and declare there's no possible way they could have foreseen someone acting on their propaganda.

It's gutless, and evil, and a staple denier tactic.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: You reek of desperation clown. Nowhere did I say that and you bloody well know it. What a asshat you are. You bring nothing beneficial to any Board, I can see that quite clearly. You're nothing more than a simpering troll lying your ass off.
Westwall, when you stop raving about how we're targets for your justifiable self-defense, I'll stop pointing out your backing of stochastic terrorism.

(And I do get it, concerning the source of your anger. You will forever be enraged about how the rational people stopped your death-cult from killing millions of brown people.)

And Billy, as another DD214 holder, I am also obligated by oath to oppose seditious ratfucks such as you. Consider just what a tiny lunatic fringe you are. As Old Rocks said, it won't be liberals or conservatives who squash your sedition, it will be Americans.

Anyways, no point in talking about it further. The trap I set was so obvious, I shouldn't even call it a trap. Only the dullest here walked into it. Any others who believe in stochastic terrorism are at least smart enough to not make it obvious.
Westwall, when you stop raving about how we're targets for your justifiable self-defense, I'll stop pointing out your backing of stochastic terrorism.

(And I do get it, concerning the source of your anger. You will forever be enraged about how the rational people stopped your death-cult from killing millions of brown people.)

And Billy, as another DD214 holder, I am also obligated by oath to oppose seditious ratfucks such as you. Consider just what a tiny lunatic fringe you are. As Old Rocks said, it won't be liberals or conservatives who squash your sedition, it will be Americans.

Anyways, no point in talking about it further. The trap I set was so obvious, I shouldn't even call it a trap. Only the dullest here walked into it. Any others who believe in stochastic terrorism are at least smart enough to not make it obvious.
who cares?
And Billy, as another DD214 holder, I am also obligated by oath to oppose seditious ratfucks such as you. Consider just what a tiny lunatic fringe you are. As Old Rocks said, it won't be liberals or conservatives who squash your sedition, it will be Americans.

This DD214 holder agrees wholeheartedly.
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

You say "we". The only other person that can logically be included in that "we" is Billy Bob. Now Billy Bob believes we already need to be looking down the barrel of a gun - for things we have already done. So don't try to tell us you're not supporting violence.

Fucking asshole.
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

You say "we". The only other person that can logically be included in that "we" is Billy Bob. Now Billy Bob believes we already need to be looking down the barrel of a gun - for things we have already done. So don't try to tell us you're not supporting violence.

Fucking asshole.

I have never, and will never advocate violence, asshat. You made a post that it would be good for all the "deniers" to be killed. Well, chickenshit.... put your money where your mouth is. Let's see how far you get.
Still not have seen one answer to this question from the AGW cult members here:

Are you of the belief that everyone must believe you or else?
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

You say "we". The only other person that can logically be included in that "we" is Billy Bob. Now Billy Bob believes we already need to be looking down the barrel of a gun - for things we have already done. So don't try to tell us you're not supporting violence.

Fucking asshole.

I'm laughing.......just goes to show how the limpwristers think. These statements like "supporting violence".........spectacular levels of intellectual arrogance.

The limpwristers have no clue about how passionate real Americans are because they cant comprehend the concept of absolute truths which real Americans hold dear......truths like American traditions the far left works daily on to extinguish. I talk to these people all the time and they are many. The AGW k00ks and the rest of the faggoty left think that the 70 million guns sold the last 6 years are bought by nuts with a gun obsession:funnyface::funnyface:. LOL.....we all laugh about that.

The AGW k00ks should be praying that the Senate becomes red in fact, they should ALL be going out and voting for a red candidate.
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

You say "we". The only other person that can logically be included in that "we" is Billy Bob. Now Billy Bob believes we already need to be looking down the barrel of a gun - for things we have already done. So don't try to tell us you're not supporting violence.

I have never, and will never advocate violence, asshat. You made a post that it would be good for all the "deniers" to be killed. Well, chickenshit.... put your money where your mouth is. Let's see how far you get.

You've misquoted me. I said, as SSDD's sig has so often shown, that "HYPOTHETICALLY, it would be BETTER" were the deniers to be offed. The distinction is quite important. You suggest that I think it would be good to kill certain people. My use of the term "better", the COMPARATIVE version of good, clearly indicates that I was speaking in reference and comparison to another commenter. My actual comment, as everyone on your side of this argument wants to ignore, was in response to a comment from one of yours (Stephanie, I think it was) who said that the world would be a better place if all of us on my side of the argument were to be killed. My use of the term "hypothetically" means (to anyone with a high school education in the English language) that I was not expressing my own opinion but a hypothesis, an unsupported conjecture existing only as an idea or concept.

That SSDD and other, including you, have chosen to willfully misinterpret what I actually said and to ignore the DOZENS of denier expressions of violence towards those of us on the other side which I have identified for you: Most recently Billy Bob's comment that we needed to be looking down the barrel of a gun, has pleased me to no end. It's very easy to think of one's debating opponents as operating with the intellectual capacity of a retarded Neanderthal when they actually do so with such clarity and on such a regular basis.

See if this looks familiar. I see the original was addressed to you.

westwall;9524965 said:
Cricky and company are embarrassed that they got caught wanting to murder people so now they are trying to foist their opinions off and claim that they are our ideas. They truly are a sad, pathetic little group...:cuckoo:

Crick said:
There's no company here. It's you and me. And if you think someone ought to be embarrassed that they got caught wanting people dead, perhaps you ought to talk to THESE folks:

boedicca;9470539 said:
In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

SSDD;9341885 said:
I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

CrusaderFrank;9351969 said:
It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

daveman;9286914 said:
So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

Kosh;9265767 said:
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

Kosh;9265767 said:
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

dilloduck;9222002 said:
I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Redfish;9002464 said:
Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

HenryBHough;8907868 said:
Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

CrusaderFrank;8907884 said:
Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

gallantwarrior;8850843 said:
Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

CrusaderFrank;8850029 said:
This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Kosh;8268794 said:
Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Sunshine;8197631 said:
Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

gallantwarrior;8152161 said:
I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

gallantwarrior;8043002 said:
The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

flacaltenn;8043233 said:
"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"

Uncensored2008;9525238 said:
So why wouldn't you stop the damage you do by killing yourself?
Last edited:
Well, it is you and yours who wish to place any sceptic in prison, or kill them, so I think self defense is a legitimate option if you idiots ever try and go that far. But please will be a response to YOUR actions. We will never initiate such a vile act. That's the purview of scum like you.

You say "we". The only other person that can logically be included in that "we" is Billy Bob. Now Billy Bob believes we already need to be looking down the barrel of a gun - for things we have already done. So don't try to tell us you're not supporting violence.

I have never, and will never advocate violence, asshat. You made a post that it would be good for all the "deniers" to be killed. Well, chickenshit.... put your money where your mouth is. Let's see how far you get.

You've misquoted me. I said, as SSDD's sig has so often shown, that "HYPOTHETICALLY, it would be BETTER" were the deniers to be offed. The distinction is quite important. You suggest that I think it would be good to kill certain people. My actual comment, as everyone on your side of this argument wants to ignore, was in response to a comment from one of yours (Stephanie, I think it was) who said that the world would be a better place if all of us on my side of the argument were to be killed. My use of the term "better", the COMPARATIVE version of good, clearly indicates that I was speaking in reference and comparison to another commenter. My use of the term "hypothetically" means (to anyone with a high school education in the English language) that I was not expressing my own opinion but a hypothesis, an unsupported conjecture existing only as an idea or concept.

That SSDD and other, including you, have chosen to willfully misinterpret what I actually said and to ignore the DOZENS of denier expressions of violence towards those of us on the other side I have identified for you: Most recently Billy Bob's comment that we needed to be looking down the barrel of a gun, has pleased me to no end. It's very easy to think of one's debating opponents as operating with the intellectual capacity of a retarded Neanderthal when they actually do so with such clarity and on such a regular basis.

See if this looks familiar. I see the original was addressed to you.

westwall;9524965 said:
Cricky and company are embarrassed that they got caught wanting to murder people so now they are trying to foist their opinions off and claim that they are our ideas. They truly are a sad, pathetic little group...:cuckoo:

Crick said:
There's no company here. It's you and me. And if you think someone ought to be embarrassed that they got caught wanting people dead, perhaps you ought to talk to THESE folks:

boedicca;9470539 said:
In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

SSDD;9341885 said:
I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

CrusaderFrank;9351969 said:
It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

daveman;9286914 said:
So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

Kosh;9265767 said:
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

Kosh;9265767 said:
If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

dilloduck;9222002 said:
I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Redfish;9002464 said:
Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

HenryBHough;8907868 said:
Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

CrusaderFrank;8907884 said:
Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

gallantwarrior;8850843 said:
Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

CrusaderFrank;8850029 said:
This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Kosh;8268794 said:
Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Sunshine;8197631 said:
Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

gallantwarrior;8152161 said:
I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

gallantwarrior;8043002 said:
The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

flacaltenn;8043233 said:
"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"

Uncensored2008;9525238 said:
So why wouldn't you stop the damage you do by killing yourself?

LOL.....these people have no ability to think on the margin. Its fascinating.

They think that there are a handful of people out there that think like myself, Billy, SSDD et. al.........:coffee:
I'm laughing.

I don't believe you are. You are always telling us that you're laughing at us. I don't think you ever do. I think - actually I'm quite certain - that your claim to be amused is about the only strategy you have. You think it makes you look above it all intellectually; as if the actual points under discussion are beneath the level of scholarly dissertation necessary to actually involve you in the discussion. It is a strategy that requires almost nothing from you. But in truth, it only makes you look an ignorant fool.

......just goes to show how the limpwristers think. These statements like "supporting violence".........spectacular levels of intellectual arrogance.

Conflating a concern with AGW with effeminism; for god's sake man, that's the tactic of a 12 year old.

The limpwristers have no clue about how passionate real Americans are because they cant comprehend the concept of absolute truths which real Americans hold dear......truths like American traditions the far left works daily on to extinguish. I talk to these people all the time and they are many. The AGW k00ks and the rest of the faggoty left think that the 70 million guns sold the last 6 years are bought by nuts with a gun obsession:funnyface::funnyface:. LOL.....we all laugh about that.

And here, along with more of your bigotry, the clear implication of a threat of violence.

The AGW k00ks should be praying that the Senate becomes red in fact, they should ALL be going out and voting for a red candidate.

Are you suggesting that a Democratically controlled Senate would lead to violence from all you true Americans?

You're more stupid and much more of an ass than you've led us all to believe. How tricky of you to have hidden that from us all this while...

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