The winner of the 2024 Election may very well oversee WWIII


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I don't know what the range is, 25-40% chance perhaps? It is certainly frighteningly closer than in any time I can think of just due to America being more at parity with nations such as China than in history and they are emboldened I am guessing if Biden and his admin are in power the chances are higher than if Trump and his admin win. This is for a number of reasons, not least of which foreign adversaries fear the GOP War hawks more and.Trump.generally keeps enemies on their back heels Trump will have to accept that he may have to employ U.S troops and lead NATO if he wins, this is the reality of the world now,.it isn't 2016.
If we are attacked during a Trump administration, we're really screwed. He doesn't have the stomach to make tough decisions; as covid proved. He doesn't want to have to call families and tell them their daughter or son died which is the only reason he was so hesitant to use force. He's not man enough to do the job.
I remember drills in school for "Atomic Bomb" attacks. That was in the 1960s.

WWIII has been "just around the corner" for decades.
Yeah but Russia was a singular threat. Now Russia, weakened yes but still a military powerhouse has a Ig Brother, China. With so many regions, america spread thin and record global.debt coupled with the inept investments in the militaries of many in the E.U and the situation is ripe. Thankfully Finland and Poland are in NATO, they could provide an important buffer.
Yeah but Russia was a singular threat. Now Russia, weakened yes but still a military powerhouse has a Ig Brother, China. With so many regions, america spread thin and record global.debt coupled with the inept investments in the militaries of many in the E.U and the situation is ripe. Thankfully Finland and Poland are in NATO, they could provide an important buffer.

China was always a threat as well.

And should WWIII actually break out, the fear should be the use of nukes, not who is in the White House.
China was always a threat as well.

And should WWIII actually break out, the fear should be the use of nukes, not who is in the White House.
Who is in the WH absolutely matters. We are seeing Ukranians leave the countyy in droves because of lack of faith in Zelensky. If war breaks out, it may be due to poor leadership and/or a underqualified administration. Certainly the aforementioned circumstances greatly hurt the chances of peace or a successful campaign to thwart the enemy.
If we are attacked during a Trump administration, we're really screwed. He doesn't have the stomach to make tough decisions; as covid proved. He doesn't want to have to call families and tell them their daughter or son died which is the only reason he was so hesitant to use force. He's not man enough to do the job.
does the Isis caliphate that raged across the middle east or the name Soleimani ring any bells ?

Yeah but Russia was a singular threat. Now Russia, weakened yes but still a military powerhouse has a Ig Brother, China. With so many regions, america spread thin and record global.debt coupled with the inept investments in the militaries of many in the E.U and the situation is ripe. Thankfully Finland and Poland are in NATO, they could provide an important buffer.
And yet you've pledged your everloving allegiance to the guy who doesn't value NATO.

And you're worried about military security.... make us laugh harder will you (PS. I don't think that is possible).
And yet you've pledged your everloving allegiance to the guy who doesn't value NATO.

And you're worried about military security.... make us laugh harder will you (PS. I don't think that is possible).
Trump was negotiating and it worked. Thanks to his approach NATO has tens of BILLIONS more in their coffers. Understand his methods, it's fairly easy when countries don't pay their fair share.
Trump was negotiating and it worked. Thanks to his approach NATO has tens of BILLIONS more in their coffers. Understand his methods, it's fairly easy when countries don't pay their fair share.
Meanwhile back in reality...

Terrorists don't hold ground; never have.

As for Soleimani, a drone strike isn't what I'm talking about.
Isis controlled large swaths of ground across the ME before Trump unleashed the military and took the hand cuffs off our generals !
Meanwhile back in reality...

I am not inclined to search out the reality of the increases he secured for NATO. I don't know what to say when people can't acknowledge good policies simply because he wasn't an Establishment swamp creature, I don't get why some carry the water for the political class.

However, I will leave you with this, from the horses mouth:

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

If we are attacked during a Trump administration, we're really screwed. He doesn't have the stomach to make tough decisions; as covid proved. He doesn't want to have to call families and tell them their daughter or son died which is the only reason he was so hesitant to use force. He's not man enough to do the job.
Are you kidding, Candy? Trump was the guy who kept us OUT of wars by making the tough decisions! Joe Biden is literally "appeasing" his way into a major conflict BECAUSE he doesn't have the backbone to use force and our adversaries know it! You think Trump would have let Iran and it's proxies attack US forces a hundred and fifty times and not respond? He would have hit them back hard after the first attack and they would have rethought their strategy. Instead we have 3 dead service members and dozens that are badly wounded. That's on Joe Biden and who ever is really running things in that White House!
I am not inclined to search out the reality of the increases he secured for NATO.
Of course you're not.
I don't know what to say when people can't acknowledge good policies simply because he wasn't an Establishment swamp creature, I don't get why some carry the water for the political class.
Because the "political class" built the most successful civilization on the planet. I can't understand why people think those who came before were failures.
However, I will leave you with this, from the horses mouth:

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

As I just demonstrated, the actual impact your blob had was the footprint of an ant and certainly not worth the strained relations he was solely responsible for.
Are you kidding, Candy? Trump was the guy who kept us OUT of wars by making the tough decisions!
Really...can you give us an example.
Joe Biden is literally "appeasing" his way into a major conflict BECAUSE he doesn't have the backbone to use force and our adversaries know it!
I guess you'd rather have US forces on the ground in Ukraine and Gaza?
You think Trump would have let Iran and it's proxies attack US forces a hundred and fifty times and not respond?
Yes. He let our troops get bombed in Syria and barely responded.

He would have hit them back hard after the first attack and they would have rethought their strategy.
As long as he didn't have to make phone calls to the families of fallen soldiers, he was fine. The moment he had to break bad news to people and couldn't revel in their misery--a must in his book--he chickened out. Thus the promises of miracles in the face of a killer virus.
Instead we have 3 dead service members and dozens that are badly wounded. That's on Joe Biden and who ever is really running things in that White House!
And the troops who died in Syria during your blob's watch? Those are "on him" right?

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