The Winning Message on Abortion: Boldly and Courageously Defend/Promote Human Life

The Catholic Church has morphed into a cult when they believe as you do in their superiority. You really should read up on your own church's history of cult-like activities throughout its evolution to the modern-day cult that it has become.
The RCC is the perfect teachings of Jesus Christ. The imperfections of its members have no bearing on that perfection
The RCC is the perfect teachings of Jesus Christ. The imperfections of its members have no bearing on that perfection
Why do you have so much trouble in following Jesus' teachings? The golden rule isn't exactly rocket science, it's pretty easy. Seems the most you religious fanatics are capable of is to stick your fucking snout into someone else's crotch, trying to sniff out sin.
I never said that, so where did you come up with that? I said I oppose abortion used as a form of birth control, which unfortunately is the most common cause.

You should oppose abortion in anything but special circumstances.

Mother's health, non viable pregnancy, rape (and I'm torn on that) and incest.
Why do you have so much trouble in following Jesus' teachings? The golden rule isn't exactly rocket science, it's pretty easy. Seems the most you religious fanatics are capable of is to stick your fucking snout into someone else's crotch, trying to sniff out sin.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Thats absolutely nuts. You are crazy bro.
"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 2:14
Why do you have so much trouble in following Jesus' teachings? The golden rule isn't exactly rocket science, it's pretty easy. Seems the most you religious fanatics are capable of is to stick your fucking snout into someone else's crotch, trying to sniff out sin.
OK. Here's the golden rule for you. You were allowed to be born. Why will you not afford that opportunity to everyone else?
The Book "How to Lose Elections" was written by Pro Israel Christian "Republicans" who cannot define the word CONSERVATIVE.
We have now ceded the false premise to the Democrats that abortion pertains to the woman, and not what it really is.
That is right. It isn't just about the woman's body because the unborn is ANOTHER body growing inside her. And it isn't just about a woman's right or right to chose because she already MADE that choice by having unprotected sex where a child was not even wanted. If you didn't want a kid, you should have been more careful. That said, no woman should be forced to carry a child she does not want derived from forced sex, rape, incest or the like, or if there is a serious medical problem or risk to the mother.

Be actively pro-life, first and foremost, because it is the RIGHT thing.
The other side of the coin is that it is no longer the year 400 AD. The world has 9 billion people in it, more than it can support. And a lot of people have kids without any means to even raise them. Worse, a lot of people are not fit to be parents. An ideal solution would be to put people on contraceptives then apply for being a parent. Select people of good standing and education and means, then have kids as needed to maintain the population allowing the global population to gradually decline over several generations to a more manageable number. This alone would solve both climate change and resource allocation. Those not interested in kids or not filling the bill can have sterilization procedures. I know this sounds draconian, but it really is the best thing to do for the long term health of humanity and the planet. GONE are the days of just having twelve children just because you WANT to.

Now go ahead and yell at me and tell me I'm crazy.

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