The Winning Message on Abortion: Boldly and Courageously Defend/Promote Human Life

Many people will agree to disagree, including many members of the Catholic cult.
Ah, "cult". You just revealed your true agenda. No, the RCC isn't a cult. In cults, you are forced to believe or face earthly consequences as in atheist cults. The RCC has no earthly consequences if you believe or not.
Ah, "cult". You just revealed your true agenda. No, the RCC isn't a cult. In cults, you are forced to believe or face earthly consequences as in atheist cults. The RCC has no earthly consequences if you believe or not.

He stumbled on that one
Ah, "cult". You just revealed your true agenda. No, the RCC isn't a cult. In cults, you are forced to believe or face earthly consequences as in atheist cults. The RCC has no earthly consequences if you believe or not.
The Catholic Church has morphed into a cult when they believe as you do in their superiority. You really should read up on your own church's history of cult-like activities throughout its evolution to the modern-day cult that it has become.
Why are you making my points? People should have the right to an abortion if they feel that their efforts at birth control failed them, as an example.

My personal views are that abortion as birth control needs to end.
Abortion is grievously immoral. It gravely damages all who participate as well as all of society. That's why it needs to be stopped.
Tearing innocent life out of the womb and killing it should be everybody's concern. My proposal is that we work to make it so.
That is where you and others disagree. Try working on convincing people of that rather than through legislation banning it completely. Your efforts need to be directed at the state level as the federal government has no constitutional business in this topic.
This is a thread on abortion. Several of you have tried to derail it with the IVF stuff. So I'll answer once. IVF is immoral because human dignity is best respected when a child is conceived through the sexual union of two people, not in a laboratory. It distorts the meaning of the sexual act between a husband and wife, it involves the destruction of human life at the embryonic stage, and establishes technology as the dominant force in determining the origin and destiny of a human person.
Thats absolutely nuts. You are crazy bro.
They then wouldn't be true Catholic, sorta like Pelosi and Potato
The vast majority of Catholics I have met in my lifetime are just exactly like Pelosi and Potato. You should check the voting records of so-called Catholic legislators if you don't believe in abortion on demand. Ever notice Catholics tend to be Democrats, despite their being pro-abortion? It's like LGBTQ+ for Hamas.

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