The world backs America and Trump.

GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
What it is IS for eight years you supported someone who thought that the terrorist were justified in killing innocent Americans with their terrorist actions, HIS INITIALS were BHO. remember him???
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

No I use history repeating itself, have you forgotten Iraq, Afghanistan, is this going to be ANY different?

Have I Triggered you or something? Good.

I would hope that the sane people prevail and this stays at only a one off happening from Trump lobbing Tomahawks on Syria and he isn't FORCED to escalate things....he needs to reread his OWN fucking words going right back to 2012 and what he said himself about military intervention in Syria and that it would "lead to bad things happening"
Trump needs to rid the WH of Priebus,His whore jewess daughter and her zionist husband. If he kicks Bannon to the curb which is what I am hearing he wants to do he will drop faster than a stone in the polls. Bannon CONTROLS Breitbart and is part of the reason Trump is president. I won't back Trump in 2020 not a chance if this all keeps up.What kind of moron brings in establishment cuck (priebus),zionist CONS (Ivanka and Jared Kushner) and an American Nationalist (Bannon) into his inner circle....should have known it was not going to end well.
Trump needs to rid the WH of Priebus,His whore jewess daughter and her zionist husband. If he kicks Bannon to the curb which is what I am hearing he wants to do he will drop faster than a stone in the polls. Bannon CONTROLS Breitbart and is part of the reason Trump is president. I won't back Trump in 2020 not a chance if this all keeps up.What kind of moron brings in establishment cuck (priebus),zionist CONS (Ivanka and Jared Kushner) and an American Nationalist (Bannon) into his inner circle....should have known it was not going to end well.
Jeb's ready to step in for Rince and Bannon!
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.

No what it is is that the Neo-Conservative vipers never went away, they were there the entire eight years of Obama also, there will be Perpetual Warmongering and Perpetual War until the Neo-Conservatives vipers are decapitated.

There of course is NOTHING Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives and their realm is purely American Foreign Policy, specifically a small patch of the Middle East which they're obsessed about and they intend if need be to destroy EVERYTHING in order to get their ultimate wet dream.

This doesn't stop with Syria, next it'll be Lebanon and Iran and Jordan and the southern half of Egypt.
Wow, one missile strike and you claim to see the history of the world for the next fifty years. You must win a lottery jackpot every week.

Have you ever asked yourself why they never give a shit about taking military action unless it's in specific areas of the Middle East?

This Tomahawk missile Warmongering Masturbating exercise on the premise of "those poor people, including children and babies being gassed by chemical weapons" is absolute horsecrap, they don't give a SHIT about those people.

Why didn't they bomb Sudan because of what was happening in Darfur where more than 250,000 people have been hacked to death with machetes INCLUDING children and babies?

Fucking hypocrites.
GOD DAMN //// THE BUSHES ARE BACK. That's what I'm talkin' about.
Eight years referred to the Obama years, but I guess you're counting in dog years.
Oh screw the Chosen One. He didn't have the stones for the middle east. We're back to building the middle east. the DEEEP STATE RISES
Yes he did. Kept all the unsuspecting in the belief that he didn't. He did everything according to the plan. ISIS has been created and armed on our money, Europe is flooded by so called "refugees"...etc...That's why he was elected to be elected....
Oh please, if the Chosen One tried to create ISIS they'd have burned themelves alive trying to figure out how to pump gas.

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