The World is onThe Road to Armageddon

And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which stands before God,

14 saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Loose the four angels who are bound in the great river Euphrates.”

15 And the four angels were loosed, who had been prepared for an hour and a day and a month and a year, to slay a third part of men.

16 And the number of the army of horsemen was two hundred thousand thousand, and I heard the number of them.
Revelation 9:13-16 ===when this was written there was not 200 million people on earth but now China brags they can fieldan army of 200 million. By these three was a third part of men killed by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. Fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone WITH 21/2 BILLION KILLED??? SOUNDS LIKE A NUKE WAR!!! HUH?? TIME IS VERY SHORT!!! BEWARE!!!
BIBLE PROPHECY SAYS= . Israel destroys surrounding enemies and reaches temporary "peace and safety" setting up Gog/Magog invasion - Psalm 83
Stalemates in the Middle East peace process and other influences result in the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies in Psalm 83. Israel is forced to deal with the modern day terrorists and "Palestinians" who refuse to make peace with her. Jerusalem becomes an object of contention. The Russian (Gog/Magog) Invasion of Israel - Ezekiel 38:1 - 39:16
The "Gog/Magog" war is another name for the Russian led invasion of Israel in the end times. The Bible predicts that Russia followed by her islamic allies will attempt to come from the north parts for a "spoil" but are soundly defeated when God suddenly intervenes for Israel. God states in Ezekiel 38-39 that he intervenes in order to sanctify his Holy name and as a result saves Israel from what would be certain destruction. CS

We pine for the end of the world, and the Bible suggests that we do so, since we're spiritually frustrated with unrewarding labors and man-made droughts.

A stewardess is involved in an international airline narcotics-smuggling operation. Powerful prophets spread messages about capitalism profiteerism, and media moguls are not loyal to the needs of the people.

The powerful connectivity of the globally-coordinated Internet was supposed to create intensive multi-cultural dialogue that would motivate people towards profitable cooperative economics. While there has been good progress and financial markets have responded with global-connect tools such as eTrade, self-gratification scandals such as the Enron insider-trading fiasco persist.

Can dialogue steer us toward a hypothetical beneficial resource-illumination Armageddon?


Network film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


We pine for the end of the world, and the Bible suggests that we do so, since we're spiritually frustrated with unrewarding labors and man-made droughts.

A stewardess is involved in an international airline narcotics-smuggling operation. Powerful prophets spread messages about capitalism profiteerism, and media moguls are not loyal to the needs of the people.

The powerful connectivity of the globally-coordinated Internet was supposed to create intensive multi-cultural dialogue that would motivate people towards profitable cooperative economics. While there has been good progress and financial markets have responded with global-connect tools such as eTrade, self-gratification scandals such as the Enron insider-trading fiasco persist.

Can dialogue steer us toward a hypothetical beneficial resource-illumination Armageddon?


Network film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

View attachment 32771
Pretty cheap using GISMYS's old thread for a lure. Had my hopes up. Either way, I will ask a question of you first: Do you believe in God? (A little more than a yes or no answer would be nice.)
The Terror-Dome: Pale Riding

What do men owe each other? Could Armageddon be the time of utter betrayal, a time of catastrophic wars?

Modern society is gauged by profiteerism networking (i.e., eTrade). The new terrorist is the Internet hacker who eats our brainiac complacencies.

I'm excited about the new X-Men: Apocalypse movie which will present ideas about cataclysm management as it pertains to humble populism 'armchair warrior' fantasies.

The Bible states that at the time of this great tribulation, the prophetic AntiChrist, the dreaded manslayer, and the mysterious harlot of Babylon will sway men away from cheerfulness, and the valiant archangel Michael will descend upon Earth to control the turbulent powers beckoned by these cunning nihilistic characters.

"Be wary of the shark that gnaws at your funny-bone."



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