The wrath of Trump

Despite doomsday rhetoric, Obamacare markets are stabilizing
First quarter results suggest insurers are on a path to profitability.Holy shit!

The thing of it is I don't like my pharmacy who now has control to make decisions on changing my med. to generic without my Doc or my consent.
My Doc is livid because of my allergies to many genic drugs.
This is what happens when government gets involved.
Johnson's big government polices are bankrupting us. The new one just added a trillion more.
When I picked it up they said I had to call them in order to request the brand name drug because it isn't covered.
What happened to calling me first before they switched it?
I've said this time and time again and none of you libs listen. The only way to pass a sufficient healthcare bill is to do it in bipartisan fashion. The dems passed a bill through reconciliation and look at what it got us. You need to open up free market competition in the insurance market and more importantly initiate tort reform. That's the only thing that will drive prices down. Right now you libs own healthcare. I know you would like to put the onus on republicans to fix your mess, but unfortunately they can't do it without some of you smarting up. Which won't happen.

Trump is the President.....he owns healthcare

Nonsense. Hussein and the dems are responsible for our current healthcare system. It's impossible for trump and the GOP to fix it unless they get bipartisan support on a bill that makes sense, which won't happpen, so we're all fucked.

No, the current President is responsible

He can either repeal it and replace it with something better like he promised or fix the current plan

Walking away and doing nothing is not an answer

The President does not have the power to do that.
He can veto but not repeal or replace, that's congress job.

Health and Human Services is an Executive Department

He is responsible for the execution of Obamacare or its replacement

How about reading how our government works?
Trump is the President.....he owns healthcare

Nonsense. Hussein and the dems are responsible for our current healthcare system. It's impossible for trump and the GOP to fix it unless they get bipartisan support on a bill that makes sense, which won't happpen, so we're all fucked.

No, the current President is responsible

He can either repeal it and replace it with something better like he promised or fix the current plan

Walking away and doing nothing is not an answer

The President does not have the power to do that.
He can veto but not repeal or replace, that's congress job.

Health and Human Services is an Executive Department

He is responsible for the execution of Obamacare or its replacement

How about reading how our government works?

How about reading about the duties of the Executive Branch?
The only 'WRATH' I want to see from Trump is sending out his US AG and DOJ to start putting Hillary and as many as Obama's criminal administration behind bars as possible for all their crimes and seditious acts in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President / govt of the United States.

Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Susan Rice, and any / all leakers in Intel agencies, in the FBI (Comey), and/or the WH.... all should be wearing orange jumps suits, especially after this latest bogus snowflake scheme against Trump / Jr blew up in their faces and exposed their 'treason'.
Why stop there? Why not go back to the Teapot Dome or the fact that John Adams bought a billiards table. That'll really make America great again!
Nice....just go to the extreme in an attempt to defend today's criminals from the crimes they just committed and / or are still committing.
How about reading about the duties of the Executive Branch?
They don't include illegally sharing classified for political reasons, illegal unmasking of political opposition during an election, Felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine / overthrow a newly elected President, etc....those are actually CRIMES committed by Obama / the Obama administration.
The only 'WRATH' I want to see from Trump is sending out his US AG and DOJ to start putting Hillary and as many as Obama's criminal administration behind bars as possible for all their crimes and seditious acts in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President / govt of the United States.

Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Susan Rice, and any / all leakers in Intel agencies, in the FBI (Comey), and/or the WH.... all should be wearing orange jumps suits, especially after this latest bogus snowflake scheme against Trump / Jr blew up in their faces and exposed their 'treason'.
Why stop there? Why not go back to the Teapot Dome or the fact that John Adams bought a billiards table. That'll really make America great again!
Nice....just go to the extreme in an attempt to defend today's criminals from the crimes they just committed and / or are still committing.
Do you want to live in the past and distract Americans from the great policies and legislation we could put in place or do you want to make America great again? Prosecuting these knuckleheads won't get you tax reform or health care. Or a wall.
Trump threatens anger if health care fails -

That's it?

Pass it or I will be angry? Where is the leadership Mr. President? Obama was out stumping for healthcare, selling it to the people, getting input and making changes

Does Trump even know what is in it other than it doesn't have Obama's name on it?


Primary every republican out there and campaign for democrats and republicans who are somewhat sane. Sounds okay to me.
How about reading about the duties of the Executive Branch?
They don't include illegally sharing classified for political reasons, illegal unmasking of political opposition during an election, Felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine / overthrow a newly elected President, etc....those are actually CRIMES committed by Obama / the Obama administration.
Then why did Trump do it?
Trump has threatened those Republicans who don't support Trumpcare with Covfefe
Despite doomsday rhetoric, Obamacare markets are stabilizing
First quarter results suggest insurers are on a path to profitability.Holy shit!

The thing of it is I don't like my pharmacy who now has control to make decisions on changing my med. to generic without my Doc or my consent.
My Doc is livid because of my allergies to many genic drugs.
This is what happens when government gets involved.
Johnson's big government polices are bankrupting us. The new one just added a trillion more.
When I picked it up they said I had to call them in order to request the brand name drug because it isn't covered.
What happened to calling me first before they switched it?

Insurance companies make those decisions, not the government.

Contrary to republican spew, we still get health care from insurance companies under Obamacare.

republicans have zero memory. They have totally forgotten (ie lied) about how bad insurance was before Obamacare.

Obamacare was designed to remove insurance company Death Panels.
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Do you want to live in the past and distract Americans from the great policies and legislation we could put in place or do you want to make America great again?

1. 'Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.'
- The only way the lesson can be learned is to address the hold those accountable.
- Stop trying to weasel out of holding Democrats accountable for crimes.

2. The last 4 years is not truly 'in the past' and 4 - even 8 - years is insignificant when compared to the crimes committed:
- Illegally spying on the American people
- Illegally spying on the media
- Illegally spying on CONGRESS and the USSC
* The severity of these crimes are too great to simply ignore / sweep under the carpet

- Subversion, Sedition, Treason, Illegally using classified for political reasons, Illegal unmasking of political opponents, Felony Espionage - illegally leaking classified information, continued schemes carried out by Democrats (even the former President and his criminal administration)
* AGAIN, the severity of these crimes is too great just to allow the supporters of the party or the party who committed these acts - still continue to do so - simply sweep these crimes under the carpet.

The entire reason 'Lady Justice' wears a blindfold is because JUSTICE is supposed to be BLIND - it is supposed to be equally enforced among EVERYONE/ For far too long we have allowed politicians - especially Democrats...and brainwashed snowflakes who support them - demonstrate justice only applies to Republicans, Conservatives, and/or the 'little people'...never THEM.

Today's politicians are ALLOWED to get away with violating the Constitution EVERY SINGLE their declaring that there are laws - like the ACA - that they pass that simply don't pertain to them. That is BS!

Enough! Either the law applies to EVERYONE or it applies to NO ONE. There should be no 'gray ' BS area where only SOME of the American people are to be held accountable to the law.

YOU may moronically advocate that your Democratic Party elitists - NOT EVEN YOU - are above the law and should be 'given a pass' while YOU are held accountable to the law, but I refuse to do so.

You are either FOR enforcing law or you are not. If you advocate giving people a pass on being held accountable based on party affiliation then you really AREN'T for enforcing laws.
Then why did Trump do it?
Why do you lie? Why do Democrats / snowflakes continue to make false accusation after false accusation?

No crime.
No collusion.
...yet you continually lie and make false accusation after false accusation.

I am simply going to ignore you from now on when you make false accusations like this yet do so without providing any evidence to support your lies.....
Then why did Trump do it?
Why do you lie? Why do Democrats / snowflakes continue to make false accusation after false accusation?

No crime.
No collusion.
...yet you continually lie and make false accusation after false accusation.

I am simply going to ignore you from now on when you make false accusations like this yet do so without providing any evidence to support your lies.....

Crooked Donnie
Where is the Great Negotiator when we need him?

Out President was supposed to be different than Presidents in the past. You know....Presidents who actually worked to get key legislation passed

All Trump can do is tweet
So Republicans, after two weeks of additional effort.....release the NEW Trumpcare

All it does is allow barebone plans that cover nothing and provided funds to fight opioid addiction.....a buyout for Moderates

This is what Trump will be "very angry" about?
Do you want to live in the past and distract Americans from the great policies and legislation we could put in place or do you want to make America great again?

1. 'Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.'
- The only way the lesson can be learned is to address the hold those accountable.
- Stop trying to weasel out of holding Democrats accountable for crimes.

2. The last 4 years is not truly 'in the past' and 4 - even 8 - years is insignificant when compared to the crimes committed:
- Illegally spying on the American people
- Illegally spying on the media
- Illegally spying on CONGRESS and the USSC
* The severity of these crimes are too great to simply ignore / sweep under the carpet

- Subversion, Sedition, Treason, Illegally using classified for political reasons, Illegal unmasking of political opponents, Felony Espionage - illegally leaking classified information, continued schemes carried out by Democrats (even the former President and his criminal administration)
* AGAIN, the severity of these crimes is too great just to allow the supporters of the party or the party who committed these acts - still continue to do so - simply sweep these crimes under the carpet.

The entire reason 'Lady Justice' wears a blindfold is because JUSTICE is supposed to be BLIND - it is supposed to be equally enforced among EVERYONE/ For far too long we have allowed politicians - especially Democrats...and brainwashed snowflakes who support them - demonstrate justice only applies to Republicans, Conservatives, and/or the 'little people'...never THEM.

Today's politicians are ALLOWED to get away with violating the Constitution EVERY SINGLE their declaring that there are laws - like the ACA - that they pass that simply don't pertain to them. That is BS!

Enough! Either the law applies to EVERYONE or it applies to NO ONE. There should be no 'gray ' BS area where only SOME of the American people are to be held accountable to the law.

YOU may moronically advocate that your Democratic Party elitists - NOT EVEN YOU - are above the law and should be 'given a pass' while YOU are held accountable to the law, but I refuse to do so.

You are either FOR enforcing law or you are not. If you advocate giving people a pass on being held accountable based on party affiliation then you really AREN'T for enforcing laws.
I'll read your paperback when it comes out.
I'll read your paperback when it comes out.
Yes, please do avoid the facts and common sense - I would hate to be responsible for you becoming educated.
I skip through life blythely ignorant and unencumbered by facts. I've been active in enforcing laws for my entire career and so know the two dimensional straw man you create isn't even remotely close to how justice is dispensed. Even Sir Thomas More knew that. But you know better than he and I and I'll just have to live with the pain of inferiority.

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