The wrath of Trump

In a way, House and Senate Republicans are in a great position, because no matter what they do Trump will claim it is the greatest victory in the history of America. But this means that they have to pass something. Even a complete ban on healthcare leading to the elimination of the healthcare industry would work out great for them, since Trump could claim victory and his rube base will eat it up.

Republicans do not want to pass Trumpcare. If they do, they will own all of its problems and misery

They want to float a stinker of a bill and let it fail and then tell their minions....We tried but the DEMOCRATS and liberal media would not let us

I've said this time and time again and none of you libs listen. The only way to pass a sufficient healthcare bill is to do it in bipartisan fashion. The dems passed a bill through reconciliation and look at what it got us. You need to open up free market competition in the insurance market and more importantly initiate tort reform. That's the only thing that will drive prices down. Right now you libs own healthcare. I know you would like to put the onus on republicans to fix your mess, but unfortunately they can't do it without some of you smarting up. Which won't happen.

Trump is the President.....he owns healthcare

Nonsense. Hussein and the dems are responsible for our current healthcare system. It's impossible for trump and the GOP to fix it unless they get bipartisan support on a bill that makes sense, which won't happpen, so we're all fucked.

No, the current President is responsible

He can either repeal it and replace it with something better like he promised or fix the current plan

Walking away and doing nothing is not an answer

The President does not have the power to do that.
He can veto but not repeal or replace, that's congress job.
Hillary was the overwhelming choice of the American People and republicans just cannot get over their butthurt


Mark, enough with the lies and delusion.

The FACT is almost half of Americans did not even vote. That means:

1. Hillary and Trump split the remaining actual votes cast - neither got half of the eligible votes in the united States.

2. The 'person' who got the majority of votes in this country and REALLY won the insignificant 'popularity vote' in the US was Mr. 'None of the Above', not Hillary.

It also means snowflakes such as yourself still have not gotten over Hillary's SECOND Presidential Election loss and therefor must cling to the delusional, FALSE claim that more people in the United States wanted Hillary Clinton.

It is also a reminder that not only was Hillary too stupid to know when she was breaking laws, she was also too stupid to know how a candidate actually wins the Presidential election. That would be via the Electoral College, Mark.
In a way, House and Senate Republicans are in a great position, because no matter what they do Trump will claim it is the greatest victory in the history of America. But this means that they have to pass something. Even a complete ban on healthcare leading to the elimination of the healthcare industry would work out great for them, since Trump could claim victory and his rube base will eat it up.

Republicans do not want to pass Trumpcare. If they do, they will own all of its problems and misery

They want to float a stinker of a bill and let it fail and then tell their minions....We tried but the DEMOCRATS and liberal media would not let us

I've said this time and time again and none of you libs listen. The only way to pass a sufficient healthcare bill is to do it in bipartisan fashion. The dems passed a bill through reconciliation and look at what it got us. You need to open up free market competition in the insurance market and more importantly initiate tort reform. That's the only thing that will drive prices down. Right now you libs own healthcare. I know you would like to put the onus on republicans to fix your mess, but unfortunately they can't do it without some of you smarting up. Which won't happen.

Trump is the President.....he owns healthcare

Nonsense. Hussein and the dems are responsible for our current healthcare system. It's impossible for trump and the GOP to fix it unless they get bipartisan support on a bill that makes sense, which won't happpen, so we're all fucked.

No, the current President is responsible

He can either repeal it and replace it with something better like he promised or fix the current plan

Walking away and doing nothing is not an answer

Just repealing it is not that simple, and if it's replaced by a bill that is constructed under the parameters of reconciliation it will be a dog with flees. Didn't candidate Obama say that a healthcare bill needs a broad coalition of bipartisan support if it's going to be effective? He was right. Too bad he didn't believe what he was preaching.
Trump threatens anger if health care fails -

That's it?

Pass it or I will be angry? Where is the leadership Mr. President? Obama was out stumping for healthcare, selling it to the people, getting input and making changes

Does Trump even know what is in it other than it doesn't have Obama's name on it?

Worked hard on getting lie of the year. You make Gruber proud. Obamacare is a failure.
Tell that, sweetie pie, to the millions of people who use it
Tell that to the people who can't afford to use it.
^^^ liberal projection, Obama couldn't even hold onto congress for 2 years. He suffered the most epic beating in the House since 1921 that's how bad the American people bitch slapped Dem's. :laugh:
That was another con. The Obamacare they were conned into hating but love today.

That's twice in a row now

The American People are pissed

2018 will be ugly for republicans

Believe me

They love today? Is it a poll that isn't a accurate what your going on?
Everyone including independents as well as docs do not want Obama care.
It's doing the country harm.

Obamacare tops 50 percent popularity among Americans for first time amid GOP push to gut health law

I thought so the Dems long arm of ideology and large contributions to their party to boot.

Trumpcare is supported by about 20% of the public

Yes which is why they are trying to compromise ,but they are being pressured to pass rather than not go on vacation in order to do it.
Walking away and doing nothing is not an answer
Sure it is.... it is a cowardly answer, but it is an answer.

in life you have 3 choices:
- Vote / Go one way
- Vote / go another way
- Stand there doing nothing, which is in itself a choice / action

As the saying goes, Lead, Follow, or GTF out of the way. McConnell needs to GTF out of the way.
The only 'WRATH' I want to see from Trump is sending out his US AG and DOJ to start putting Hillary and as many as Obama's criminal administration behind bars as possible for all their crimes and seditious acts in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President / govt of the United States.

Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Susan Rice, and any / all leakers in Intel agencies, in the FBI (Comey), and/or the WH.... all should be wearing orange jumps suits, especially after this latest bogus snowflake scheme against Trump / Jr blew up in their faces and exposed their 'treason'.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That's why she won her historic popular vote landslide.

Hillary was the overwhelming choice of the American People and republicans just cannot get over their butthurt

Yeah right.
But don't add in the Dems lost all across the nation.
Democrats picked up seats in both houses in Congress in 2016
Trump threatens anger if health care fails -

That's it?

Pass it or I will be angry? Where is the leadership Mr. President? Obama was out stumping for healthcare, selling it to the people, getting input and making changes

Does Trump even know what is in it other than it doesn't have Obama's name on it?

Worked hard on getting lie of the year. You make Gruber proud. Obamacare is a failure.

Who has gotten the lie of the year three years running?

And will continue to get it as long as he's in office. With his track record, they are going to have to come up with a lie of the month.
You got a media out to destroy Trump, they even admit they make up lies to make him look bad. Obama got lie of the year from the media that kissed his ass. Meaning they had to do it. That lie, by the way liberals are talking to say cost thousands of lives. People couldn't keep their doctor.
Trump threatens anger if health care fails -

That's it?

Pass it or I will be angry? Where is the leadership Mr. President? Obama was out stumping for healthcare, selling it to the people, getting input and making changes

Does Trump even know what is in it other than it doesn't have Obama's name on it?

Worked hard on getting lie of the year. You make Gruber proud. Obamacare is a failure.
Tell that, sweetie pie, to the millions of people who use it
Tell that to the people who can't afford to use it.

Exactly. If you have to use it it sucks!
Democrats picked up seats in both houses in Congress in 2016
So? 1,000+ losses, 5 Special Election losses, 2 historic record-setting losses....and a resume since the election started that reads like a police Rap Sheet.

Instead of trying to take down Trump, the Democrats should come up with a positive message to replace their current one of 'hate / obstruction'.

They should also be sending McConnell and al the other loser GOP 'leaders' thank you notes and fruit baskets, because the ONLY ones making a case for Democrats winning elections in 2018 / 2020 right now are REPUBLICANS!
Trump threatens anger if health care fails -

That's it?

Pass it or I will be angry? Where is the leadership Mr. President? Obama was out stumping for healthcare, selling it to the people, getting input and making changes

Does Trump even know what is in it other than it doesn't have Obama's name on it?

Worked hard on getting lie of the year. You make Gruber proud. Obamacare is a failure.
Tell that, sweetie pie, to the millions of people who use it
Ahh. Another butthurt snowflake sounds off with another meaningless thread.
Time to admit hand job that millions use the ACA every single day. I can if you want post an interview that CNN had with Obama supporters. To a person they didn't want the ACA repealed.
Finally, Trump can replace that fake Time cover he has hanging around his resorts with something more real.


Proud papa.
The only 'WRATH' I want to see from Trump is sending out his US AG and DOJ to start putting Hillary and as many as Obama's criminal administration behind bars as possible for all their crimes and seditious acts in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President / govt of the United States.

Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Susan Rice, and any / all leakers in Intel agencies, in the FBI (Comey), and/or the WH.... all should be wearing orange jumps suits, especially after this latest bogus snowflake scheme against Trump / Jr blew up in their faces and exposed their 'treason'.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That's why she won her historic popular vote landslide.

Hillary was the overwhelming choice of the American People and republicans just cannot get over their butthurt

Yeah right.
But don't add in the Dems lost all across the nation.
Democrats picked up seats in both houses in Congress in 2016

A few but not enough.
Despite doomsday rhetoric, Obamacare markets are stabilizing
First quarter results suggest insurers are on a path to profitability.

“Obamacare is dead,” President Donald Trump frequently declares.

But reports of its demise appear to be premature. For the first time ever this year, insurers selling plans in Obamacare’s markets appear to be on a path toward profitability. And despite the drumbeat of headlines about fleeing insurers, only about 25,000 Obamacare customers live in communities facing the prospect of having no insurer next year.

Insurers in the Obamacare marketplaces spent 75 percent of premiums on medical claims in this year's first quarter, an indication the market is stabilizing and insurers are regaining profitability, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation study released this week. By comparison, in the prior two years, insurers spent more than 85 percent of premiums on medical costs during the same period, which translated into huge losses.

“We’re not seeing any evidence of a death spiral or a market collapse,” said Cynthia Cox, Kaiser’s associate director of health reform and private insurance. “Rather, what it looks like is insurers are on track to have their best year since the [Affordable Care Act] began.”

Despite doomsday rhetoric, Obamacare markets are stabilizing

Holy shit!
Trump threatens anger if health care fails -

That's it?

Pass it or I will be angry? Where is the leadership Mr. President? Obama was out stumping for healthcare, selling it to the people, getting input and making changes

Does Trump even know what is in it other than it doesn't have Obama's name on it?

Hey listen I'm willing to give any President of any party the benefit of the doubt but Obama was horrible at relations with Capitol Hill. He was as bad as Carter, not even developing relationships with his own party. Ask anyone in the Hill they will tell you this. So he had some photo opps with people. That ain't stumping. LBJ was stumping. And stomping.

Obama worked with Capitol Hill to pass historic legislation
Trump can't do anything but send angry tweets
I'm not a big Trump Robot as many you see here but Trump is wayyyyyy better at outreach to the Hill than Obama was. Provable fact. Ask around on the Hill on the Democratic side.
The only 'WRATH' I want to see from Trump is sending out his US AG and DOJ to start putting Hillary and as many as Obama's criminal administration behind bars as possible for all their crimes and seditious acts in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President / govt of the United States.

Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Susan Rice, and any / all leakers in Intel agencies, in the FBI (Comey), and/or the WH.... all should be wearing orange jumps suits, especially after this latest bogus snowflake scheme against Trump / Jr blew up in their faces and exposed their 'treason'.
Why stop there? Why not go back to the Teapot Dome or the fact that John Adams bought a billiards table. That'll really make America great again!
It would be better for us if both sides "came up with a positive message to replace the current one of hate/ obstruction "
The President does not have the power to do that.
He can veto but not repeal or replace, that's congress job.
So if that Purple Assed Baboon of the Political Swamp wants the repeal and replace and Congress gets it done, the Idiot-in-Chief takes ALL the credit, but if it doesn't get done, he throws a tantrum and blames everybody else. Yup, that's exactly what a spoiled seven or eight year old would do.
Republicans do not want to pass Trumpcare. If they do, they will own all of its problems and misery

They want to float a stinker of a bill and let it fail and then tell their minions....We tried but the DEMOCRATS and liberal media would not let us

I've said this time and time again and none of you libs listen. The only way to pass a sufficient healthcare bill is to do it in bipartisan fashion. The dems passed a bill through reconciliation and look at what it got us. You need to open up free market competition in the insurance market and more importantly initiate tort reform. That's the only thing that will drive prices down. Right now you libs own healthcare. I know you would like to put the onus on republicans to fix your mess, but unfortunately they can't do it without some of you smarting up. Which won't happen.

Trump is the President.....he owns healthcare

Nonsense. Hussein and the dems are responsible for our current healthcare system. It's impossible for trump and the GOP to fix it unless they get bipartisan support on a bill that makes sense, which won't happpen, so we're all fucked.

No, the current President is responsible

He can either repeal it and replace it with something better like he promised or fix the current plan

Walking away and doing nothing is not an answer

The President does not have the power to do that.
He can veto but not repeal or replace, that's congress job.

Health and Human Services is an Executive Department

He is responsible for the execution of Obamacare or its replacement
Trump threatens anger if health care fails -

That's it?

Pass it or I will be angry? Where is the leadership Mr. President? Obama was out stumping for healthcare, selling it to the people, getting input and making changes

Does Trump even know what is in it other than it doesn't have Obama's name on it?

Hey listen I'm willing to give any President of any party the benefit of the doubt but Obama was horrible at relations with Capitol Hill. He was as bad as Carter, not even developing relationships with his own party. Ask anyone in the Hill they will tell you this. So he had some photo opps with people. That ain't stumping. LBJ was stumping. And stomping.

Obama worked with Capitol Hill to pass historic legislation
Trump can't do anything but send angry tweets
I'm not a big Trump Robot as many you see here but Trump is wayyyyyy better at outreach to the Hill than Obama was. Provable fact. Ask around on the Hill on the Democratic side.

Hasn't shown a single result

Obama passed historic legislation

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