The year the ruling class got woke.

Do you really think blacks have no chance to succeed in America?

No, but the deck is stacked against them.

In fact I could get your side to prove it for me just by started a thread titled “Black People Are Losers Who Contribute Nothing To America” and we would be deluged with indignant libs claiming I am uninformed and racist while listing all the successful blacks

No, that would just prove you are a racist twit.

The problem with institutionalized racism is that it's pretty much cradle to grave.

White folks get the better schools, the better nutrition, the better opporutunities,I could go on and on.

And, no, Affirmative Action doesn't make up for that. The biggest winners from AA have been White women and Asian Men.
No, but the deck is stacked against them.
Not by government

if anything being black can be an advantages as several high profile imposters have demonstrated

or by Obama who very likely still be a backbencher is not for being black
Not by government

if anything being black can be an advantages as several high profile imposters have demonstrated

or by Obama who very likely still be a backbencher is not for being black

Actually, Obama won despite being black.

Obama won because the people who ran against him were kind of incompetent.

First, he had to beat the Chicago Machine, which was all in on a guy named Blair Hull. But Blair turned out to be a wifebeater.

Then he ran against a guy named Jack Ryan. Then it was found out he took Seven of Nine to a Sex Club....


(Seriously, how can you be married to that and STILL need to go to a sex club to get a woody?)

Then the Illinois GOP torpedoed Ryan without any help from Obama.. only to find they didn't have an alternative candidate.

Now, why did Obama get the nomination? Not because he was black, but because all the White alternatives had written Bush a blank check in Iraq.
Actually, Obama won despite being black.

if he were white hillary would have won the nomination

But after being nominated guilt-ridden white libs though obama would be the great racial instead of the divider he became

if he were white hillary would have won the nomination

But after being nominated guilt-ridden white libs though obama would be the great racial instead of the divider he became

Actually, it was nothing of the sort.

Obama had a following because while Hillary, Edwards and yes, Biden, had voted for the war authorization for Iraq, Obama opposed it.

Obama was the only one willing to say affirmatively that he'd get us out of Iraq... the others didn't say that.

And the only reason why Obama was a divider is you guys freaked out when the black guy got elected.
Why should they bury the hatchet when the fundemental problems still exist?
The problem of racial inequality still exists - aka low black achievement

but the cause is no longer racist white people holding black people down

blacks have opportunity but fail to take advantage of it
That's not the case. It is easy for whites to talk stupid.

Turn black and live then talk.

So how is that black people come over here from Africa and do so well on average? If racism is such an issue, how do they manage to climb the economic and professional ladder in this country? I can tell you why. They are educated and don’t have a chip on their shoulder. A black person born in this country that takes the initiative to be educated and NOT to act as if they are owed everything or that they are such victims, can do exactly the same. White Democrats don’t do black people any favors by promoting that they play the victim card.
And the only reason why Obama was a divider is you guys freaked out when the black guy got elected.

One of the many non-race based reasons I “freaked out” when Obama was elected was because he said he wanted to “fundamentally change America”. Sorry, but I don’t want America to be fundamentally changed. Some changes are warranted, but not a wholesale fundamental change. His skin color made no difference to me. I am “freaking out” because of Biden and he is as white as the driven snow. Policies matter to us thinking folks. Everything isn’t about race and gender as it is to brain-dead Democrats.
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In lib history class all the old dead white guys were evil bastards who mistreated minorities and women

You mean what they did has been ACCURATELY REPORTED?

That's terrible.

The tragedy of America is that we were a country stolen from one group of people of color and built with the impressed labor of another group. We have lofty ideals that we've never lived up to.

Now, that in and of itself is very human. You show me a man who realizes he doesn't live up to his principles, and that man is honest.
If you hate America so much, take your communist ass amd move to a country more of your liking. The US would be better off without people who hate it.
So how is that black people come over here from African and do so well on average?

Because if you have the resources to move, you have the resources to start a business, Cleetus. I already explained this to you. If you come here as an adult, you've already gained skills that make you worth admitting to start with.

They are educated

Exactly. They have advanced degrees they got in their own countries... you are kind of getting it. You aren't completely stupid.

and don’t have a chip on their shoulder. A black person born in this country that takes the initiative to be educated and NOT to act as if they are owed everything or that they are such victims, can do exactly the same.

Uh, guy, if you live in a society where you are a second class citizen your entire life, you are going to have a chip on your shoulder and rightfully so. When the police can kick down your door with a no-knock warrent and shoot you and then say, "Whoops, wrong address" and there are no consequences, you are going to totally have a chip on your shoulder the size of the Rock of Gibraltar.

White Democrats don’t do black people any favors by promoting that they play the victim card.

White Democrats recognize reality and try to fix it. White Republicans cower in fear that if liberals are ever in charge, they won't have privilege anymore.

One of the many reasons I “freaked out” when Obama was elected was because he said he wanted to “fundamentally change America”. Sorry, but I don’t want America to be fundamentally changed. Some changes are warranted, but not a wholesale fundamental change.

So one word freaked you out? They all promise to "Change" America... Trump changed America, he made it into a fucking Apocalypse dystopia and you praise him to the hilt. "Well, before the Zombies, came, Trump was doing an awesome job!!!"

His skin color made no difference to me. I am “freaking out” because of Biden and he is as white as the driven snow. Policies matter to us thinking folks. Everything isn’t about race and gender as it is to brain-dead Democrats.

Everything in America is about race. Racism is America's Original Sin. It started when the first slave ships came here in 1619, and continued when blacks were counted at 3/5th of a white person in the constitution.

Here's the thing.

The last three Republican Presidents left office with the economy in ruins.... This isn't a bug, it's a design feature.
The last two Democrats inherited economies in very bad shape and turned them around. So if you just go by history, Biden is probably going to do very well. My only concern is because of his age, he'll probably only serve one term.
If you hate America so much, take your communist ass amd move to a country more of your liking. The US would be better off without people who hate it.

Okay, little thought experiment.

"Billy, don't draw on the walls with your crayons."

"Racism is bad, but African-American men need to be responsible for their families."

"America has a long history of racism it needs to atone for."

You see a pattern here, buddy? Oh, wait, you probably don't.
They are low IQ Voters and keep believing the lies the Democrats tell them. For 75 years the have voted democratic and have seen no improvement in their lives. That is just being stupid

They are idiots, the very people who claim to be their savior are the ones keeping them poor and hopeless. Trump offers them a once in a lifetime opportunity and the idiots just keep voting for Dem broken promises.
They are idiots, the very people who claim to be their savior are the ones keeping them poor and hopeless. Trump offers them a once in a lifetime opportunity and the idiots just keep voting for Dem broken promises.

Uh, guy, here's what we got with Trump.

332,000 dead.
19,000,000 sick
46,000,000 people laid off or downsized
160,000 businesses shuttered.
They are idiots, the very people who claim to be their savior are the ones keeping them poor and hopeless. Trump offers them a once in a lifetime opportunity and the idiots just keep voting for Dem broken promises.

Uh, guy, here's what we got with Trump.

332,000 dead.
19,000,000 sick
46,000,000 people laid off or downsized
160,000 businesses shuttered.

Shut the hell up CNN you lying stupid tard. Go blame your BFF CHINA for the virus.
Shut the hell up CNN you lying stupid tard. Go blame your BFF CHINA for the virus.

China didn't make Trump mishandle the virus.

China didn't make Trump call it a hoax.

China didn't make Trump fail to prepare with adequate stocks of PPE.

China didn't make Trump hold super-spreader events.

China didn't make Trump sit on an economic relief package for seven months.

China didn't make Trump tell people to inject bleach.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
They are idiots, the very people who claim to be their savior are the ones keeping them poor and hopeless. Trump offers them a once in a lifetime opportunity and the idiots just keep voting for Dem broken promises.

Uh, guy, here's what we got with Trump.

332,000 dead.
19,000,000 sick
46,000,000 people laid off or downsized
160,000 businesses shuttered.

EVERY SINGLE thing you list is to to COVID, not Trump. If COVID had not mysteriously showed up, Trump would have won in an absolute landslide. There are many very low IQ folks out there who fell for the “its all Trump’s fault” narrative pushed by the MSM.
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They are idiots, the very people who claim to be their savior are the ones keeping them poor and hopeless. Trump offers them a once in a lifetime opportunity and the idiots just keep voting for Dem broken promises.

Uh, guy, here's what we got with Trump.

332,000 dead.
19,000,000 sick
46,000,000 people laid off or downsized
160,000 businesses shuttered.
Hey asswipe stop proving you are an idiot. Trump did not do that, China's biological attack did that with the help of paranoid hypochondriac democrats are the one that did that
Because if you have the resources to move, you have the resources to start a business, Cleetus. I already explained this to you. If you come here as an adult, you've already gained skills that make you worth admitting to start with.

Sorry, but many Africans coming from African don’t have many financial resources. Yeah, they work to get educated in their country. They aren’t handed a degree and in fact most have more hurdles in their country to jump than black people in the US. I might add, they are black and yet decide that the US is the place to come to succeed. Weird they would choose a place where they will most certainly be vilified for their skin color.

Exactly. They have advanced degrees they got in their own countries... you are kind of getting it. You aren't completely stupid.

Yes, they worked for them, they didn’t sit back and complain about how x and y isn’t fair and how “whitey” in South Africa has it so easy due to white privilege.

Uh, guy, if you live in a society where you are a second class citizen your entire life, you are going to have a chip on your shoulder and rightfully so. When the police can kick down your door with a no-knock warrent and shoot you and then say, "Whoops, wrong address" and there are no consequences, you are going to totally have a chip on your shoulder the size of the Rock of Gibraltar.

Police don’t kick down down people’s door just because the tenants are black. You are very confused.

White Democrats recognize reality and try to fix it. White Republicans cower in fear that if liberals are ever in charge, they won't have privilege anymore.

No, Democratic politicians realize they must keep the divide strong in order to maintain the black vote. God forbid black people start realizing they are being taking advantage of by the folks they have been voting for in mass for years. Democratic politicans also realize they must continue to sew the seeds of guilt in white folks so they can get their vote. They do this through our public education system. The more educated/indoctrinated, but more likely one is to buy into the mind-meld. Democrats hate those who think for themselves. Don’t challenge a liberal professor or you fail the class. That is how it works. Sad but true.

So one word freaked you out? They all promise to "Change" America... Trump changed America, he made it into a fucking Apocalypse dystopia and you praise him to the hilt. "Well, before the Zombies, came, Trump was doing an awesome job!!!"

Ok, so maybe it was a Freudian slip. The guy meant what he said. Like much of the left, he doesn’t like the US and doesn’t want to put us first. He is a globalist.

Everything in America is about race. Racism is America's Original Sin. It started when the first slave ships came here in 1619, and continued when blacks were counted at 3/5th of a white person in the constitution.

Here's the thing.

The last three Republican Presidents left office with the economy in ruins.... This isn't a bug, it's a design feature.
The last two Democrats inherited economies in very bad shape and turned them around. So if you just go by history, Biden is probably going to do very well. My only concern is because of his age, he'll probably only serve one term.

Everything is not about race. That is your indoctrination speaking again. I am certain it is a hard thing to break, which is exactly why my children attend a private school. No reason to subject them to such nonsense that takes a lifetime to fix.

The economy went down because of COVID. It is that simple. Sorry you don’t understand. I don’t really care anymore. I have enough money invested that I will make money no matter what loser in office. I actually prefer someone who actually instill work ethic in folks and to increase the salary for the lower and lower middle-class families. Democrats do the opposite. My main concern is our freedoms and our culture, which is being completely destroyed by an immoral group of crooked thugs...the Democrats.
Shut the hell up CNN you lying stupid tard. Go blame your BFF CHINA for the virus.

China didn't make Trump mishandle the virus.

China didn't make Trump call it a hoax.

China didn't make Trump fail to prepare with adequate stocks of PPE.

China didn't make Trump hold super-spreader events.

China didn't make Trump sit on an economic relief package for seven months.

China didn't make Trump tell people to inject bleach.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
You have a very vivid imagination and very poor reading comprehension
If you hate America so much, take your communist ass amd move to a country more of your liking. The US would be better off without people who hate it.

Okay, little thought experiment.

"Billy, don't draw on the walls with your crayons."

"Racism is bad, but African-American men need to be responsible for their families."

"America has a long history of racism it needs to atone for."

You see a pattern here, buddy? Oh, wait, you probably don't.
The only pattern I see, is that you are a sorry excuse for a human and even a sorrier excuse for an American
Shut the hell up CNN you lying stupid tard. Go blame your BFF CHINA for the virus.

China didn't make Trump mishandle the virus.

China didn't make Trump call it a hoax.

China didn't make Trump fail to prepare with adequate stocks of PPE.

China didn't make Trump hold super-spreader events.

China didn't make Trump sit on an economic relief package for seven months.

China didn't make Trump tell people to inject bleach.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

Yeah, we get the idea. You lack the ability to reason.

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