The year the ruling class got woke.

^ For me, the defining image of 2020 was also the funniest: that of Democratic lawmakers in the US taking the knee, in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, draped in Ghanaian kente cloth.

Watching thoroughly establishment politicians, House speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer to the fore, literally kneeling before the new woke politics was striking. It provoked so many questions, not least if Pelosi and Schumer (80 and 70 respectively) would be able to rise again unassisted.

But this absurd attempt at virtue-signalling – which provoked mockery rather than plaudits, even among those it was meant to impress – made one thing clear: that wokeness is the new orthodoxy, and the old elites know this.

Keep thinking that backing a billionaire trust fund baby who gave a huge tax break to multi millionaires and billionaire was a backlash to establishment...

How fucking dumb are ye?
Shut the hell up CNN you lying stupid tard. Go blame your BFF CHINA for the virus.

China didn't make Trump mishandle the virus.

China didn't make Trump call it a hoax.

China didn't make Trump fail to prepare with adequate stocks of PPE.

China didn't make Trump hold super-spreader events.

China didn't make Trump sit on an economic relief package for seven months.

China didn't make Trump tell people to inject bleach.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

You have been debunked 100 times I won't even bother debunking you nonsense again. Oh this a bot? ^^^
They are idiots, the very people who claim to be their savior are the ones keeping them poor and hopeless. Trump offers them a once in a lifetime opportunity and the idiots just keep voting for Dem broken promises.

Uh, guy, here's what we got with Trump.

332,000 dead.
19,000,000 sick
46,000,000 people laid off or downsized
160,000 businesses shuttered.
Hey asswipe stop proving you are an idiot. Trump did not do that, China's biological attack did that with the help of paranoid hypochondriac democrats are the one that did that

That's the Dem talking point list, they go right on spewing it no matter how many times it's debunked. I love how the left show us just how dishonest and disgusting they are, pure scum.
And that's your real fear, isn't it? That when non-whites are the majority in this country, white people will get treated they way they used to treat them.
When the left makes threats like that, many from tenured black professors at major universities it would be foolish not to take them seriously
Back that up with a tenured black professors quote.
Relax. Kente scarves are pretty. Unlike your hate.

Even the BBC couldn't figure out why the hell Pelosi and Schumer were wearing those scarves.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::21:
Was NAN wearing it around her neck to hide her sagging flab?
Ask Her. Such a tough guy poster. Ask Her.
If you do not know the answer to my question, do not respond. You added ZERO to this thread.
Actually, I did. It apparently missed your Big Brain on the way in there.
EVERY SINGLE thing you list is to to COVID, not Trump. If COVID had not mysteriously showed up, Trump would have won in an absolute landslide. There are many very low IQ folks out there who fell for the “its all Trump’s fault” narrative pushed by the MSM.

Yes, as the old saying goes, "YOU HAD ONE JOB!"

It was Trump's job to make sure that Covid didn't become the disaster it became... and he fucked it up.

Back in March, I said that Covid would be Trump's Katrina, the day the mask got ripped off and we saw that he was incompetent.

I was too optimistic. Trump's incompetence makes Bush's handling of Katrina look human and professional by comparison.
It was Trump's job to make sure that Covid didn't become the disaster it became... and he fucked it up.

Don’t forget just how much Democratic governors contributed to the “disaster”. Even the President can’t control their actions. Democrats are stupid..but we all knew that.
while Im not defending what Trump did

I find it funny that half the people were railing that Trump had abandoned the country by not jumping to sign the bill while the other half excoriates him for adding to the debt, meantime, the actual press suggests that most everyone benefited from the bill with a mostly positive spin to the result:

Now the first half will bitch again because he didn't hold out for more while the other half will threaten to leave the party for his ever signing it at all.
while Im not defending what Trump did

I find it funny that half the people were railing that Trump had abandoned the country by not jumping to sign the bill while the other half excoriates him for adding to the debt, meantime, the actual press suggests that most everyone benefited from the bill with a mostly positive spin to the result:

Now the first half will bitch again because he didn't hold out for more while the other half will threaten to leave the party for his ever signing it at all.
I for one was glad Trump didnt sign at first, and in doing so, also glad he publicly exposed the pork.
Im not glad he signed the bill "as is", and Im not sure negotiations are quite through yet.
Im fortunate enough to not worry about receiving any additional income, but I feel for those who are not as fortunate and wish a bill could be more specifically targeted.
In regards to context, my comment that you quoted was in reference to a publicity stunt, and not directly about the stimulus bill, but Im guessing you knew that.
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Yeah, a bunch of octogenarians trying to act hip in order to get votes.

Don't worry, they are still cynical racists
Don’t forget just how much Democratic governors contributed to the “disaster”. Even the President can’t control their actions. Democrats are stupid..but we all knew that.

Yes, how dare those Democratic governors put lives ahead of the profits of the One Percent.

I find it funny that half the people were railing that Trump had abandoned the country by not jumping to sign the bill while the other half excoriates him for adding to the debt, meantime, the actual press suggests that most everyone benefited from the bill with a mostly positive spin to the result:

Actually, it was Trump going out like a little bitch, but we expected no less from him.

Seriously, no matter how bad Trump messes things up, we can count on his cultist to come here with "positive spin".
Yes, how dare those Democratic governors put lives ahead of the profits of the One Percent.

They did no such thing. They put politics ahead of lives AND the financial well being of the people in their states, but by all means, don’t let the facts get in the way.

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