The year the ruling class got woke.

Virtually every country on earth has skeletons in their closet. It is time to move on, but that doesn’t work for leftist because division and some sort of excuse is needed for them to keep getting elected. Africans from Africa tend to do very well here in the US as do many poor immigrants from other countries. Success in this country really isn’t nearly as much about race or wealth, it is much more about hard work and ambition. This is the antithesis of the Democratic platform unfortunately.

No, guy, the reason why black vote Democratic is because for 50 years, the Republicans have embraced racism, from Nixon to Trump.

Of course, if you have the resources to immigrate here legally in this day in age, you are going to do well.

Check your privilege.

When I used to work in kitchens, there were a couple real Africans who absolutely hated American blacks.
The African fellers worked multiple jobs and didn't care for the lack of work ethic from his American cousins.
Worked with a gal from India who came in once pissed because someone called her a Ni**er in traffic. Her words. " I am no ni**er, I work three jobs".

Wow, sounds like she is kind of clueless, then. First, if you are working three jobs, you are doing it wrong. That anyone should have to work two jobs to make ends meet is a sad commentary on where we are at as a society.

But the fact that being non-white (I have to assume she was a particularly dark skinned Indian woman to be called the N-word) still subjects you to abuse no matter how hard you work should say a lot about how we still need to solve the problems of racism in this country.
No, guy, the reason why black vote Democratic is because
They are low IQ Voters and keep believing the lies the Democrats tell them. For 75 years the have voted democratic and have seen no improvement in their lives. That is just being stupid
A black vp is no progress to the right wing? It was the left who also elected a black guy as president.

When they kneel to the top 1% just like Republicans it's not progress.
The one percent identify with black African colored scarfs?

They care less about fluff like this as long as their $$$$ needs are met.
Yes, I’m sure you had no time for Captain Kangaroo because you were so engrossed by current events

Actually, I was more concerned with the fact my Dad took us up to Wisconsin on very short notice to get us out of a riot zone.... The fact we had no TV up there didn't help.

When the left makes threats like that, many from tenured black professors at major universities it would be foolish not to take them seriously

Yeah, somehow, Tenured Professors don't have all that much power, do they?

But thanks for admitting your racism is based on fear. That's progress.
When I used to work in kitchens, there were a couple real Africans who absolutely hated American blacks.
The African fellers worked multiple jobs and didn't care for the lack of work ethic from his American cousins.
Worked with a gal from India who came in once pissed because someone called her a Ni**er in traffic. Her words. " I am no ni**er, I work three jobs".
Working construction now and every race except blacks are represented. They always wash out, as the work is brutal and punctuality is required. The Mexicans work circles around blacks and whites.

Around here, there are no white people working in construction that involves anything outside. Latinos do all the real dirty work building the foundation, framing and drywalling. A few blacks too. But zero whites. Whites start working on the job site when the air conditioning goes in.
I do it all from the framing to finish. Small builder though. Right now just old white dudes like me and lots of Mexican fellers. That's pretty much it, no other groups represented. I see this in all the local builders here.
It was far more diverse in my cooking days. I worked with people from all over the globe in many restaurants. Some hilarious people, everyone pretty much got along great, and the only animosity I ever witnessed was resident and non resident black.
That gal from India the JoeB assumes was quite dark, as if that matters, I still consider one of the funniest and most wide open personalities I ever met.
No, it comes from the right. The belief that everybody else sees themselves as a group but right wing whites is part of the psychosis. The same thing goes for the lie you tell yourself about identity politics.
yes, the hate-filled racial politics and group identity practiced by liberal whites and minorities is something new for most whites living today

We (whites) were mostly born after WWII and grew up thinking of ourselves as just Americans with no hyphen

much of the civil rights struggle was over by the time most whites were old enough to notice

including I suspect JoeB131. View attachment 433619

and those who did notice tended to side with the minority complaints because separate-but-equal was wrong

but a funny thing happened on the way to racial nirvana

minorities - meaning blacks - were not ready to bury the hatchet and move on

they were infected with racial hate and envy - and still are

something obama once said sums it up nicely

he said that the new majority, meaning non whites, were moving forward to a new America

the rest of us could come along, but we will have to ride in the back of the bus
It's funny that Joe picks Indy as his heroic avi.

Didn't Indiana Jones shoot a brown guy point blank for simply juggling knives?
images (3).jpeg
No, it comes from the right. The belief that everybody else sees themselves as a group but right wing whites is part of the psychosis. The same thing goes for the lie you tell yourself about identity politics.
yes, the hate-filled racial politics and group identity practiced by liberal whites and minorities is something new for most whites living today

We (whites) were mostly born after WWII and grew up thinking of ourselves as just Americans with no hyphen

much of the civil rights struggle was over by the time most whites were old enough to notice

including I suspect JoeB131. View attachment 433619

and those who did notice tended to side with the minority complaints because separate-but-equal was wrong

but a funny thing happened on the way to racial nirvana

minorities - meaning blacks - were not ready to bury the hatchet and move on

they were infected with racial hate and envy - and still are

something obama once said sums it up nicely

he said that the new majority, meaning non whites, were moving forward to a new America

the rest of us could come along, but we will have to ride in the back of the bus
Yeah, somehow, Tenured Professors don't have all that much power, do they?
they train the next generation of angry black college grads, many of whom take up positions of power in the democrat power structure
they train the next generation of angry black college grads, many of whom take up positions of power in the democrat power structure


Uh, guy, you aren't seeing anything new here... heck, if anything, they are more laid back than they were in the 1980's when I went to college and you saw some truly crazy stuff.

Here's the funny thing about college. Most college students (regardless of race) realize their professors are largely full of shit and this is something they have to endure for 4 years to get that Golden Ticket to the Middle Class.

Now for those playing along at home, I write resumes for a business. Out of thousands of clients, I only encountered ONE PERSON who took "Black Studies" as a minor (Nobody took it as a major). And even that guy realized that it wasn't something that was going to help him get a job, so we left it off to emphasize his business studies.
Now for those playing along at home, I write resumes for a business. Out of thousands of clients, I only encountered ONE PERSON who took "Black Studies" as a minor (Nobody took it as a major). And even that guy realized that it wasn't something that was going to help him get a job, so we left it off to emphasize his business studies.
Black studies and induced white gullt is embedded in practically every aspect of education starting in pre school
Virtually every country on earth has skeletons in their closet. It is time to move on, but that doesn’t work for leftist because division and some sort of excuse is needed for them to keep getting elected. Africans from Africa tend to do very well here in the US as do many poor immigrants from other countries. Success in this country really isn’t nearly as much about race or wealth, it is much more about hard work and ambition. This is the antithesis of the Democratic platform unfortunately.

No, guy, the reason why black vote Democratic is because for 50 years, the Republicans have embraced racism, from Nixon to Trump.

Of course, if you have the resources to immigrate here legally in this day in age, you are going to do well.

Check your privilege.

When I used to work in kitchens, there were a couple real Africans who absolutely hated American blacks.
The African fellers worked multiple jobs and didn't care for the lack of work ethic from his American cousins.
Worked with a gal from India who came in once pissed because someone called her a Ni**er in traffic. Her words. " I am no ni**er, I work three jobs".

Wow, sounds like she is kind of clueless, then. First, if you are working three jobs, you are doing it wrong. That anyone should have to work two jobs to make ends meet is a sad commentary on where we are at as a society.

But the fact that being non-white (I have to assume she was a particularly dark skinned Indian woman to be called the N-word) still subjects you to abuse no matter how hard you work should say a lot about how we still need to solve the problems of racism in this country.
No, guy, the reason why black vote Democratic is because
They are low IQ Voters and keep believing the lies the Democrats tell them. For 75 years the have voted democratic and have seen no improvement in their lives. That is just being stupid
A black vp is no progress to the right wing? It was the left who also elected a black guy as president.
Obama and Harris are not black they are at best mulatto
They are black. If they were criminals you would not be splitting hairs about their DNA. They would be black.
Why should they bury the hatchet when the fundemental problems still exist?
The problem of racial inequality still exists - aka low black achievement

but the cause is no longer racist white people holding black people down

blacks have opportunity but fail to take advantage of it
That's not the case. It is easy for whites to talk stupid.

Turn black and live then talk.
Identity politics has become the new secular religion. We need more heretics.

Those asshats would be eaten alive in the ghetto. No manner of ass kissing can save you from the likes of average criminals.
What was it Biden said? Oh yeah "America is doomed....and not just because of blacks"

But more precisely because of politicians like them.
In lib history class all the old dead white guys were evil bastards who mistreated minorities and women

You mean what they did has been ACCURATELY REPORTED?

That's terrible.

The tragedy of America is that we were a country stolen from one group of people of color and built with the impressed labor of another group. We have lofty ideals that we've never lived up to.

Now, that in and of itself is very human. You show me a man who realizes he doesn't live up to his principles, and that man is honest.
Or do you think history is just about old dead white guys?
In lib history class all the old dead white guys were evil bastards who mistreated minorities and women
There is no lib history. There is complete history and there is history revised so loser white racists can believe they are superior.
Identity politics has become the new secular religion. We need more heretics.

Those asshats would be eaten alive in the ghetto. No manner of ass kissing can save you from the likes of average criminals.
What was it Biden said? Oh yeah "America is doomed....and not just because of blacks"

But more precisely because of politicians like them.
Your white ass knows nothing about the hood. Your use of the term ghetto shows this.
Identity politics has become the new secular religion. We need more heretics.

Those asshats would be eaten alive in the ghetto. No manner of ass kissing can save you from the likes of average criminals.
What was it Biden said? Oh yeah "America is doomed....and not just because of blacks"

But more precisely because of politicians like them.
Your white ass knows nothing about the hood. Your use of the term ghetto shows this.
I grew up in the ghetto dumbass. Unless you're being your usual racist self and suggesting that only blacks live there....

That's not the case. It is easy for whites to talk stupid.

Turn black and live then talk.
Doesnt seem like a fair statement to some others.
What about interracial children, what are they suppose to do ?
Why should they bury the hatchet when the fundemental problems still exist?
The problem of racial inequality still exists - aka low black achievement

but the cause is no longer racist white people holding black people down

blacks have opportunity but fail to take advantage of it
That's not the case. It is easy for whites to talk stupid.

Turn black and live then talk.
Do you really think blacks have no chance to succeed in America?

i know better and so do you

In fact I could get your side to prove it for me just by started a thread titled “Black People Are Losers Who Contribute Nothing To America” and we would be deluged with indignant libs claiming I am uninformed and racist while listing all the successful blacks

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