The younger generation have become Wusses!

ONCE and for all YOU IDIOTS who bring up IRAQ... REMEMBER YOU people are the ones that after the Liberation of Iraq was Accomplished in less then 6 weeks...
YOU and idiots like THESE PROLONGED the conflict by giving HOPE, ENCOURAGEMENT... EMBOLDENMENT to the bad guys by calling our guys the bad guys!!
READ what you idiots and these traitors believe and SAID that in the attached HARVARD study proved YOU helped kill 3,000 US TROOPS!
This Harvard showed : THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!!
According to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center
at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across
Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to
information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.

Now THESE STATEMENTS are what the above study clearly shows... attacks increased when statements like these were made:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

ASK any military person if those above statements WERE HELPFUL!!!!
I want you traitors and WUSSES alike to tell me that those Democrats DIDN"T say those things!
I want you traitors and WUSSES alike tell me that these words HELPED our troops! RIGHT!!!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost", (Wouldn't the insurgent barbarians find this statement helpful in recruiting?"Hey we have USA on the Run"!!!)
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” (A barbarian says "SEE even their politicians admit USA are cold blooded killers"!
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children." Kerry calling our troops TERRORISTS!!!
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Ask any veteran if being called "terrorists", "cold blooded civilian killers", or that their effort was useless i.e. "war is lost" was HELPFUL!
Reading the article for the 12year old is adult? thread about earlier puberty, I don't think they're wusses so much as clinically insane.

If kids hit puberty on average now of 11 and change, say 12 for bookkeeping, but aren't allowed to have sex until say 16, then for 4 years they're sexually charged and desirious but forced to conceal whatever sexuality they have. Ask Catholics how well suppressing your sexuality works. I think then all the self-harm we see, the violence and aggression is the result of that sexual repression and suppression.

The children aren't all right, they're sexually frustrated and being driven insane.

Uh-huh.... yeah.... that's the reason......

"Wuss" a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.

When he agreed to appear at Center for Americans Progress (CAP), Netanyahu certainly knew that he would be facing an audience that would be hostile to some degree and he would be forced to confront some pointed questions. And it sounds like he did this in a way that was respectful, even conciliatory.
But instead of viewing this as an opportunity to influence Netanyahu, or even expose how his leadership and policies are inferior, CAP employees were worried about how engaging in mere dialogue with someone they find disagreeable has placed them "in a place of confusion and hurt."

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

Oh by the way the major contributor to CAP multibillionaire hedge fund manager George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. From 2005 through 2010, the two organizations gave CAP over $5.4 million. CAP receives money from other liberal-leaning foundations, including the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the foundation of Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis.
Center for American Progress | Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts

Is it no wonder we have a generation of people growing up AFRAID of opinions!

Notice it's only liberals who are whining about needing protection from opinions! Hearing something they don't like or disagree with is considered some kind of assault on their fragile little minds.

The liberals are starting to "wussify" kids early in school in hopes that they will be fearful throughout their lives and in need of government protection. College students demanding safe zones are a product of instilling fear in students from kindergarten on. And now we see so many adults who have that same mentality that you normally see in little children.

Even though we supposedly have freedom of speech, it's being treated like a crime now. At the U of Missouri, students are encouraged to report unfriendly language to police. Though they admit it's not a crime, the university is set to take disciplinary action. It's the official PC Police in action. Wouldn't want to freak anyone out by voicing an opposing view. And what they call hate speech these days is anything that might possibly offend someone. And since they are teaching students to be offended by virtually everything, it's a matter of time before freedom of speech is gone and were stuck with a limited list of things that are okay to say.

"As tensions at the University of Missouri continue to rage, the college’s police department has sent a new email to students advising them to call the police if they witness any incidents of "hurtful speech."

The email arrived in the inboxes of Missouri students Tuesday morning, and copies of it were quickly posted on Twitter."

Has it ever occurred to anyone that these people really don't value your freedom of speech. Why create a plethora of situations where another person's freedom of speech can be stifled.
"Wuss" a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.

When he agreed to appear at Center for Americans Progress (CAP), Netanyahu certainly knew that he would be facing an audience that would be hostile to some degree and he would be forced to confront some pointed questions. And it sounds like he did this in a way that was respectful, even conciliatory.
But instead of viewing this as an opportunity to influence Netanyahu, or even expose how his leadership and policies are inferior, CAP employees were worried about how engaging in mere dialogue with someone they find disagreeable has placed them "in a place of confusion and hurt."

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

Oh by the way the major contributor to CAP multibillionaire hedge fund manager George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. From 2005 through 2010, the two organizations gave CAP over $5.4 million. CAP receives money from other liberal-leaning foundations, including the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the foundation of Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis.
Center for American Progress | Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts

Is it no wonder we have a generation of people growing up AFRAID of opinions!

Yeah, because it was the older generation that went to Iraq and Afghanistan to be blown up, shot, killed, maimed etc.

Has it ever occurred to anyone that these people really don't value your freedom of speech. Why create a plethora of situations where another person's freedom of speech can be stifled.

It's obvious that they don't value other people's freedom of speech. They want their voices heard without any dissenting views. They act like hearing opposing views somehow makes them feel unsafe.

This whole effort is designed to stifle opposing views and it's the liberals behind this bullshit.
"Wuss" a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.

When he agreed to appear at Center for Americans Progress (CAP), Netanyahu certainly knew that he would be facing an audience that would be hostile to some degree and he would be forced to confront some pointed questions. And it sounds like he did this in a way that was respectful, even conciliatory.
But instead of viewing this as an opportunity to influence Netanyahu, or even expose how his leadership and policies are inferior, CAP employees were worried about how engaging in mere dialogue with someone they find disagreeable has placed them "in a place of confusion and hurt."

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

Oh by the way the major contributor to CAP multibillionaire hedge fund manager George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. From 2005 through 2010, the two organizations gave CAP over $5.4 million. CAP receives money from other liberal-leaning foundations, including the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the foundation of Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis.
Center for American Progress | Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts

Is it no wonder we have a generation of people growing up AFRAID of opinions!

Yeah, because it was the older generation that went to Iraq and Afghanistan to be blown up, shot, killed, maimed etc.

Volunteered to go and provide the Liberation of Iraq!
And then have traitors like you call them "cold blooded Killers", "terrorists" "civilian killers"... and then tell these same volunteers that their efforts were for nought!
YOU tell me if you are on a team and YOUR cheerleaders are cheering for the other team... does that really help you play better knowing the people you are
playing for or in this case our soldiers protecting these same traitors who are telling the bad guys they are right!!!
"Wuss" a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.

When he agreed to appear at Center for Americans Progress (CAP), Netanyahu certainly knew that he would be facing an audience that would be hostile to some degree and he would be forced to confront some pointed questions. And it sounds like he did this in a way that was respectful, even conciliatory.
But instead of viewing this as an opportunity to influence Netanyahu, or even expose how his leadership and policies are inferior, CAP employees were worried about how engaging in mere dialogue with someone they find disagreeable has placed them "in a place of confusion and hurt."

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

Oh by the way the major contributor to CAP multibillionaire hedge fund manager George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. From 2005 through 2010, the two organizations gave CAP over $5.4 million. CAP receives money from other liberal-leaning foundations, including the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the foundation of Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis.
Center for American Progress | Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts

Is it no wonder we have a generation of people growing up AFRAID of opinions!

Yeah, because it was the older generation that went to Iraq and Afghanistan to be blown up, shot, killed, maimed etc.

Volunteered to go and provide the Liberation of Iraq!
And then have traitors like you call them "cold blooded Killers", "terrorists" "civilian killers"... and then tell these same volunteers that their efforts were for nought!
YOU tell me if you are on a team and YOUR cheerleaders are cheering for the other team... does that really help you play better knowing the people you are
playing for or in this case our soldiers protecting these same traitors who are telling the bad guys they are right!!!

Volunteered to go? Many of them didn't volunteer to go. Many volunteered to join the armed forces, because they wanted an education, or they were down and out in ghettos etc.

They didn't liberate Iraq either.

So you're saying everyone should support a war, even if the war is clear wrong? Er..... Playing football's a lot different to invading a country, you know.
"Wuss" a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.

When he agreed to appear at Center for Americans Progress (CAP), Netanyahu certainly knew that he would be facing an audience that would be hostile to some degree and he would be forced to confront some pointed questions. And it sounds like he did this in a way that was respectful, even conciliatory.
But instead of viewing this as an opportunity to influence Netanyahu, or even expose how his leadership and policies are inferior, CAP employees were worried about how engaging in mere dialogue with someone they find disagreeable has placed them "in a place of confusion and hurt."

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

Oh by the way the major contributor to CAP multibillionaire hedge fund manager George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. From 2005 through 2010, the two organizations gave CAP over $5.4 million. CAP receives money from other liberal-leaning foundations, including the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the foundation of Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis.
Center for American Progress | Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts

Is it no wonder we have a generation of people growing up AFRAID of opinions!

Yeah, because it was the older generation that went to Iraq and Afghanistan to be blown up, shot, killed, maimed etc.

Volunteered to go and provide the Liberation of Iraq!
And then have traitors like you call them "cold blooded Killers", "terrorists" "civilian killers"... and then tell these same volunteers that their efforts were for nought!
YOU tell me if you are on a team and YOUR cheerleaders are cheering for the other team... does that really help you play better knowing the people you are
playing for or in this case our soldiers protecting these same traitors who are telling the bad guys they are right!!!

Volunteered to go? Many of them didn't volunteer to go. Many volunteered to join the armed forces, because they wanted an education, or they were down and out in ghettos etc.

They didn't liberate Iraq either.

So you're saying everyone should support a war, even if the war is clear wrong? Er..... Playing football's a lot different to invading a country, you know.

But they did liberate Iraq.
Tell me the majority of Iraqis disagree with this statement:

The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins, who wrote the best book on Iraq (“The Forever War”), recently recalled a visit, shortly after the invasion, to one of Saddam’s torture chambers, a place called Al Hakemiya. He met a man there who identified himself as Al-Musawi.
The two visited a room where Al-Musawi’s “arms had been nearly torn from their sockets.” He had been hung from the ceiling and electrocuted.

I took Filkins’s charge to heart, and asked another graduate of Saddam’s torture chambers, a man named Barham Salih, what he thought of the invasion, 10 years on.
Today, Salih is the chairman of the board of the American University of Iraq in Sulaimani, which provides a liberal education in a place not previously known for such a phenomenon. In recent years, Salih has served as both the deputy prime minister of Iraq and as prime minister of the Kurdish regional government. He was in the camp of people who argued that Saddam’s decision to commit genocide against Iraqi Kurds (sometimes with chemical weapons) in the late 1980s made his removal a moral imperative. I asked him if he thought the invasion was worth it.
“From the perspective of the Kurdish people -- and I dare say the majority of the Iraqi people -- it was worth it,” he said. “War is never a good option, but given our history and the brutality of Saddam’s regime, it may have been the only other option to end the genocidal campaign waged by Saddam against the Kurds and other communities in Iraq.”Was the Iraq Invasion Worthwhile? Ask an Iraqi - Bloomberg View

For the life of me I don't understand what happened to Americans obviously like you that loved Saddam. That would have LOVED to see 1.2 million children starving because of ONE MAN who would NOT ADMIT that his WMDs had been destroyed!
People like you that love to see children's parents brutalized by Saddam's sons using electric drills on their parents. YOU loved to see that I'm sure.
More practically though:
A) Under Saddam Per person GDP when Saddam was removed in 2003 per capita GDP never rose above $637

B) After Saddam removed, i.e. Surge,etc.... $5,790.US dollars in 2013. an increase of over 900% over 10 years.
Gross domestic product (GDP); Iraq; 1970-2013

NOW to all you people that unlike you frigidweirdo loved to see children starve, loved to see Saddam pull arms from sockets, I ask you one simple question:
Where are the links supporting the comments that people like frigidweirdo just pull out of their butts!

I've provided links for my comments... but people like frigidweirdo who were happy when Saddam destroyed the cradle of civilization known as Mesopotamia which
Scott Pelley of CBS news called "
It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now: after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
"... the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?" Pelley asked.
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction. And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.
Resurrecting Eden

And of course YOU people like frigidweirdo that were happy to let Saddam destroy environments, slaughter thousands with gas, and torture people were against our troops by agreeing with these traitors that called our troops "cold blooded killers", "Terrorists", "Civilian killers"...
"Wuss" a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.

When he agreed to appear at Center for Americans Progress (CAP), Netanyahu certainly knew that he would be facing an audience that would be hostile to some degree and he would be forced to confront some pointed questions. And it sounds like he did this in a way that was respectful, even conciliatory.
But instead of viewing this as an opportunity to influence Netanyahu, or even expose how his leadership and policies are inferior, CAP employees were worried about how engaging in mere dialogue with someone they find disagreeable has placed them "in a place of confusion and hurt."

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

Oh by the way the major contributor to CAP multibillionaire hedge fund manager George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. From 2005 through 2010, the two organizations gave CAP over $5.4 million. CAP receives money from other liberal-leaning foundations, including the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the foundation of Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis.
Center for American Progress | Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts

Is it no wonder we have a generation of people growing up AFRAID of opinions!

Yeah, because it was the older generation that went to Iraq and Afghanistan to be blown up, shot, killed, maimed etc.

Volunteered to go and provide the Liberation of Iraq!
And then have traitors like you call them "cold blooded Killers", "terrorists" "civilian killers"... and then tell these same volunteers that their efforts were for nought!
YOU tell me if you are on a team and YOUR cheerleaders are cheering for the other team... does that really help you play better knowing the people you are
playing for or in this case our soldiers protecting these same traitors who are telling the bad guys they are right!!!

Volunteered to go? Many of them didn't volunteer to go. Many volunteered to join the armed forces, because they wanted an education, or they were down and out in ghettos etc.

They didn't liberate Iraq either.

So you're saying everyone should support a war, even if the war is clear wrong? Er..... Playing football's a lot different to invading a country, you know.

But they did liberate Iraq.
Tell me the majority of Iraqis disagree with this statement:

The New Yorker’s Dexter Filkins, who wrote the best book on Iraq (“The Forever War”), recently recalled a visit, shortly after the invasion, to one of Saddam’s torture chambers, a place called Al Hakemiya. He met a man there who identified himself as Al-Musawi.
The two visited a room where Al-Musawi’s “arms had been nearly torn from their sockets.” He had been hung from the ceiling and electrocuted.

I took Filkins’s charge to heart, and asked another graduate of Saddam’s torture chambers, a man named Barham Salih, what he thought of the invasion, 10 years on.
Today, Salih is the chairman of the board of the American University of Iraq in Sulaimani, which provides a liberal education in a place not previously known for such a phenomenon. In recent years, Salih has served as both the deputy prime minister of Iraq and as prime minister of the Kurdish regional government. He was in the camp of people who argued that Saddam’s decision to commit genocide against Iraqi Kurds (sometimes with chemical weapons) in the late 1980s made his removal a moral imperative. I asked him if he thought the invasion was worth it.
“From the perspective of the Kurdish people -- and I dare say the majority of the Iraqi people -- it was worth it,” he said. “War is never a good option, but given our history and the brutality of Saddam’s regime, it may have been the only other option to end the genocidal campaign waged by Saddam against the Kurds and other communities in Iraq.”Was the Iraq Invasion Worthwhile? Ask an Iraqi - Bloomberg View

For the life of me I don't understand what happened to Americans obviously like you that loved Saddam. That would have LOVED to see 1.2 million children starving because of ONE MAN who would NOT ADMIT that his WMDs had been destroyed!
People like you that love to see children's parents brutalized by Saddam's sons using electric drills on their parents. YOU loved to see that I'm sure.
More practically though:
A) Under Saddam Per person GDP when Saddam was removed in 2003 per capita GDP never rose above $637

B) After Saddam removed, i.e. Surge,etc.... $5,790.US dollars in 2013. an increase of over 900% over 10 years.
Gross domestic product (GDP); Iraq; 1970-2013

NOW to all you people that unlike you frigidweirdo loved to see children starve, loved to see Saddam pull arms from sockets, I ask you one simple question:
Where are the links supporting the comments that people like frigidweirdo just pull out of their butts!

I've provided links for my comments... but people like frigidweirdo who were happy when Saddam destroyed the cradle of civilization known as Mesopotamia which
Scott Pelley of CBS news called "
It turns out Saddam Hussein did possess a weapon of mass destruction and he used it in a slaughter that few have heard of until now: after the Gulf War in 1991, the dictator spent untold millions on this weapon, designed to exterminate an ancient civilization called the "Ma'dan," also known as the "Marsh Arabs."
In a five-year project 90 percent of the marshes were drained - an area of more than 3,000 square miles.
"... the marsh dwellers were important elements in the uprising against Saddam Hussein’s regime. To end the rebellion, the regime implemented an intensive system of drainage and water diversion structures that desiccated over 90% of the marshes. The reed beds were also burned and poison introduced to the waters.
It is estimated that more than 500,000 were displaced, 95,000 of them to Iran, 300,000 internally displaced, and the remainder to other countries. By January 2003, the majority of the marshes were wastelands.
"As an engineer, I'm telling you, drying of the marshes is definitely not an easy task. It's a monumental engineering project," Alwash explained. "He put every piece of equipment available in Iraq under his control at the services of the projects needed to dry the marshes."
"Saddam was using water as a weapon?" Pelley asked.
"You know, the world was looking for weapons of mass destruction. And the evidence was right under its nose," Alwash.
Resurrecting Eden

And of course YOU people like frigidweirdo that were happy to let Saddam destroy environments, slaughter thousands with gas, and torture people were against our troops by agreeing with these traitors that called our troops "cold blooded killers", "Terrorists", "Civilian killers"...


liberate: definition of liberate in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

"Free (a country, city, or people) from enemy occupation:"

Well Iraq clearly wasn't under enemy occupation, was it?

"Set (someone) free from a situation, especially imprisonment or slavery, in which their liberty is severely restricted:"

Set free? No, took a situation and made it WORSE more like.

The ONLY people who thought it was a liberation were the Americans. No one else did. Everyone else saw it for what it was, an INVASION.

invasion: definition of invasion in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

"An instance of invading a country or region with an armed force:"

See, that's EXACTLY what happened. An invasion.

I'm not saying Saddam was a nice guy. I'm not saying I was sad to see him go.

What I'm saying is that it was an invasion, Bush didn't give a flying fuck about the Iraqi people, he didn't invade to free them from Saddam. He invaded to stop OPEC having so much power.

2002 - coup d'etat supported by the US govt against Hugo Chavez, who had in 2000 tried to get OPEC together and more powerful to drive oil prices up.
2003 - Invasion of Iraq.
2006 - Sanctions against Iran.

That's three of the four OPEC countries who hated the US and refused to cooperate with the US in 2001. The other was Libya, and massive pressure from John McCain helped Obama make that decision to bomb there. But not Syria, I wonder why.

If Bush cared about democracy, he wouldn't have tried to get rid of democratically elected Hugo Chavez.
If Bush cared about the Iraqi people he wouldn't have disbanded the Iraqi armed forces and police.

He didn't care about the people. He cared about OIL.
The younger generation have become Wusses!

can you really blame them? After listening to constant RW crybaby BS about everything under the sun,

now the morons are crying about the younger generation, guess who listens to them whine?

yup, the younger generation.
The younger generation have become Wusses!

can you really blame them? After listening to constant RW crybaby BS about everything under the sun,

now the morons are crying about the younger generation, guess who listens to them whine?

yup, the younger generation.

So tell us more about the voices in your head, Delusion Boy.
Volunteered to go? Many of them didn't volunteer to go. Many volunteered to join the armed forces, because they wanted an education, or they were down and out in ghettos etc.

They didn't liberate Iraq either.

So you're saying everyone should support a war, even if the war is clear wrong? Er..... Playing football's a lot different to invading a country, you know.

The left can't seem to distinguish between supporting our military members, who have no choice, and the war itself. It's entirely possible to be against the war and still show respect for our troops.

A hospital was hit yesterday by accident. If Bush were in office, the media would be bashing him over it and we'd hear nothing else on the news. Since it was Obama, the media shrugs and figures mistakes happen. Or they blame the troops who were following orders. Huge difference in the way things are reported, but what is always the same is who the left blames for virtually everything.

When people enlist in the military, they know it could very well mean being deployed. Some only want the benefits without the sacrifice, but it's not like they don't understand what they are signing up for when they choose to join.
"Wuss" a person afraid to act or not up to the task because of fear.

When he agreed to appear at Center for Americans Progress (CAP), Netanyahu certainly knew that he would be facing an audience that would be hostile to some degree and he would be forced to confront some pointed questions. And it sounds like he did this in a way that was respectful, even conciliatory.
But instead of viewing this as an opportunity to influence Netanyahu, or even expose how his leadership and policies are inferior, CAP employees were worried about how engaging in mere dialogue with someone they find disagreeable has placed them "in a place of confusion and hurt."

It's Not Just Campuses—Liberal Think Tank Employees Want Safe Space From Netanyahu

Oh by the way the major contributor to CAP multibillionaire hedge fund manager George Soros through two of his nonprofit groups, the Foundation to Support Open Society and the Open Society Institute. From 2005 through 2010, the two organizations gave CAP over $5.4 million. CAP receives money from other liberal-leaning foundations, including the Tides Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the foundation of Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis.
Center for American Progress | Funding sources, staff profiles, and political agenda | Activist FactsActivist Facts

Is it no wonder we have a generation of people growing up AFRAID of opinions!

Reading the article for the 12year old is adult? thread about earlier puberty, I don't think they're wusses so much as clinically insane.

If kids hit puberty on average now of 11 and change, say 12 for bookkeeping, but aren't allowed to have sex until say 16, then for 4 years they're sexually charged and desirious but forced to conceal whatever sexuality they have. Ask Catholics how well suppressing your sexuality works. I think then all the self-harm we see, the violence and aggression is the result of that sexual repression and suppression.

The children aren't all right, they're sexually frustrated and being driven insane.
umm...youre a fuckin idiot. Kids dont wait till legal age to have sex, thats just the dorky ones or the ones who choose not to based on preference..not cuz of the law. Wow

The younger generation have become Wusses!

can you really blame them? After listening to constant RW crybaby BS about everything under the sun,

now the morons are crying about the younger generation, guess who listens to them whine?

yup, the younger generation.

Laughable considering it's the left doing their best to convince minorities that there are armed racists around every corner who are out to get them. They have made dire predictions about global warming for the last few decades. They teach young students to freak out at the mention of a gun. They act like no one has the ability to make their own decisions and act like government is the only way people can know what to eat and how to survive. They tell people they are in more danger of being killed by mass shooters than by the rampant violence in Dem controlled cities.

On the other hand, they say there is little threat from terrorists, even as hundreds of thousands have been slaughtered at the hands of radical Muslims. So easy for the left to turn a blind eye to the plight of Christians in Muslim countries as if it's nothing to be concerned about. No need to panic, but we should be taking steps to keep them out of our country. Instead, the left wants to import them. I mean, I don't panic when I drive, but I wear my seatbelt and drive carefully. The left would worry more about another driver giving them the finger.

Liberals are nothing but alarmists, who are now teaching students that words are dangerous and they are trying to "protect" them from the evil free speech.
Last edited:
Volunteered to go? Many of them didn't volunteer to go. Many volunteered to join the armed forces, because they wanted an education, or they were down and out in ghettos etc.

They didn't liberate Iraq either.

So you're saying everyone should support a war, even if the war is clear wrong? Er..... Playing football's a lot different to invading a country, you know.

The left can't seem to distinguish between supporting our military members, who have no choice, and the war itself. It's entirely possible to be against the war and still show respect for our troops.

A hospital was hit yesterday by accident. If Bush were in office, the media would be bashing him over it and we'd hear nothing else on the news. Since it was Obama, the media shrugs and figures mistakes happen. Or they blame the troops who were following orders. Huge difference in the way things are reported, but what is always the same is who the left blames for virtually everything.

When people enlist in the military, they know it could very well mean being deployed. Some only want the benefits without the sacrifice, but it's not like they don't understand what they are signing up for when they choose to join.

You say there's a difference between supporting the troops, and not supporting the war. Sure there is. However if someone bashes the war, the right will say this is bashing the troops. So there being a difference works both ways.

Perhaps the media do report things differently. Perhaps they see a difference in Bush starting wars and Obama inheriting wars and see the need to report things differently. OR perhaps you just see things differently.

There was a hospital hit at the beginning of October and there was a lot of criticism over this. Perhaps there could have been more.
US military 'mistakenly' hit Afghan hospital
US troops didn't have eyes on Afghan hospital before attack

Troops who sought strike on Afghan hospital thought it was run by Taliban

Then again even al-jazeera dodn't go around pointing the blame at Obama.

Afghan troops requested an airstrike which hit a hospital, killing 22 people

Nor did Fox

So... if the right's own media arm isn't criticizing Obama, perhaps it's because there isn't much to criticize.

You just want there to be criticism because it meets your own partisan politics.
LOL. Every older generation has said the same of every younger generation since the beginning of time. Same was said of the younger generation of young men in England in the 1930's, those same young men that stopped the Nazi might in the sky's of England.

Now this old man rubs shoulders with this new generation every week in college classes. I find them to be admirable young people generally, ones that have a more accurate view of the world than we did 50 years ago because of the knowledge readily available to them. And I find most of the people belly aching about these kids mostly to be dried up prunes, irrelevant of their age.

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