The Zapruder Film Of 9/11...

[ame=]9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]9/11 Truth Movement, please go away - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Clinton "how dare you!" to 911 conspiracy heckler - YouTube[/ame]
Why would building 7 come down at ALL? This is one of many pieces of proof that 9/11 was to some extent, an inside job, and anyone who thinks it isn't, can blow me.

It has something to do with a 110 story building falling on it and being on fire for 7 + hours without anyone trying to put the fire out...
. Not difficult to figure out at all.

And you can go find some crack whore for a blow job, she might even agree to agree with the 911 conspiracy theories for an hour if the price is right.......

then why did it take NIST 8yrs to come uo with the column 79 theory lil oliie gomer ? know the report you dont agree with...the NIST report
if we're doing battle of the utube clips:[ame=]9/11 Debunked: Controlled Demolition Not Possible - YouTube[/ame]
Why would building 7 come down at ALL? This is one of many pieces of proof that 9/11 was to some extent, an inside job, and anyone who thinks it isn't, can blow me.
is that your best hookup line!?

there are a lot of hot women who have fallen for the 'official' story, so yeah, and 60% of the time, it works every time.
why do I get the impression the only hot women you've seen are on video.
Anthony Saltalamacchia – WTC Survivor. Maintenance Supervisor at the World Trade Center, overseeing over 100 American Building Maintenance employees.

It was very smoky, very cloudy. It just looked very serious. We knew we had to get out of the building. ...

The amount of explosions I've heard from 8:46 until the time we got out was so many, at least ten. It was just like multiple explosions to where I felt like there were different grenades. That's what it sounded like, it was different grenades being set off in the building. It was like -- There was one major explosion, and then there was different explosions throughout that period of time until we got out.

Do I believe six years after 9/11? I don't know the truth. I don't believe a word that they say. I just don't believe Everything they say is a cover up. ... No, definitely don't leave it alone. I think that we should get documents to know the truth of what was really going on that we didn't know that we should know now." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Felipe David – WTC Survivor. An Aramark Co. maintenance employee at the World Trade Center
Article by Greg Szymanski 7/13/05:

"Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.

The pair not only reported hearing an underground blast, but were both injured, one suffering severe burns to the face, arms and hands and the other cuts and bruises after being trapped in a stalled basement elevator.

Burn victim, Felipe David, employed by Aramark Co. and Salvatore Giambanco, a WTC office painter trapped in a basement elevator, were both unavailable for comment, but made their explosive testimony - never before released in America - to a Colombian television station in 2002 on the first anniversary of 9/11. ...

Standing in front of a freight elevator on sub level 1 near the office where Willie Rodriguez and 14 others were huddled together when the explosion erupted below, David said in the taped interview:

"That day I was in the basement in sub-level 1 sometime after 8:30am. Everything happened so fast, everything moved so fast. The building started shaking after I heard the explosion below, dust was flying everywhere and all of a sudden it got real hot.

Chief Frank Cruthers – WTC survivor. Chief of Department, FDNY. Incident commander on 9/11.
Statement recorded by FDNY 10/31/01: "And while I was still in that immediate area, the south tower, 2 World Trade Center, there was what appeared to be at first an explosion. It appeared at the very top, simultaneously from all four sides, materials shot out horizontally. And then there seemed to be a momentary delay before you could see the beginning of the collapse."

Kevin McPadden – First Responder Volunteer at the WTC on 9/11. Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue specialist and Medic. Arrived after the collapse of the Twin Towers, but prior to the collapse of WTC 7. Eyewitness to the collapse of WTC 7. He spent the next four days searching through the rubble and nearby buildings for survivors.
Video interview with WeAreChangeUK 11/19/04: Regarding his observations at WTC 7, immediately prior to its collapse. "The Red Cross rep was like, he goes over and he says, 'Well, you got to stay behind this line because they're thinking about bringing a building down.' They didn't say what building. They just said bringing a building down. So, we're like, 'Ok, you know, we'll take their word for it. You know, we'll stay behind the line.'

And he went over and he talked to one of the -- through all the commotion -- he goes over and he asked one of the Red Cross -- er, one of the firefighters what was going on.. I guess -- I don't know if he got an answer or not. He came back over with his hand over the radio and what sounded like a countdown. And at the last few seconds he took his hand off and you heard '3 - 2 - 1'. And he was just saying, 'Just run for your life! Just run for your life!'

And then it was like another 2 - 3 seconds, you heard explosions, like BA-BOOM! It was like a distinct sound. It's not like when compression, like boom boom boom boom boom, like floors that were dropping and collapsing. This was BA-BOOM!, and like you felt a rumble in the ground, like almost like you wanted to grab onto something. That to me, I knew that was an explosion. There was no doubt in my mind. ... That was Building 7 that fell." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Brian Clark – WTC survivor. Manager at Euro Brokers, WTC South Tower, 84th floor.

Interviewed in the documentary film Zero: An Investigation Into 9/11 10/26/07:

"On September 11, 2001, I was employed by a company called Euro Brokers and our offices were on the 84th floor of the South Tower, which was the second building to be hit that day with an airplane. And I was working away at my computer and at 8:46 in the morning, there was this loud BOOM. ...

Two or three minutes later I started talking with one fellow named Bobby Call ... and as he was telling me this -- BOOM BOOM -- this double explosion and our building shook. ... Everything just exploded in our room. Now we're on the 84th floor. What I didn't know at the time was that the second plane had hit six floors below us on the 78th floor. ... We dusted ourselves off and I said, "Come on. Let's go home." .

Despite hundreds of eyewitness reports of explosions throughout the Twin Towers by doomed victims, survivors, emergency service personnel, reporters, and bystanders, the 9/11 Commission Report contains virtually no mention of them and entirely ignores them in its conclusions. Graeme MacQueen's analysis of oral histories of 9/11 taken from 503 FDNY survivors reveals more than 100 FDNY personnel reported explosions in the Twin Towers.
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.

Thousands of gallons of jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts after the plane crashed into the tower.

Planes did crash into the WTC, right?

If the jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts to cause the basement explosions, then it couldn't have pooled up on the upper floors causing the heat fatigue they claim caused the collapse.

If the jet fuel stayed in the upper floors to cause the heat fatigue, it couldn't have poured down the elevator shafts causing the basement explosions.

If the jet fuel was consumed in the impact fireball we all witnessed, it couldn't have caused either.

You can't win 'em all...

the problem with your pathetic ramblings toddsterparrot is at the time when one of the towers were struck,witnesses heard an explosions in the basement that happened before the plane struck above.about five seconds later they then heard the plane strike above and the films back their storys up because around the time the plane struck one of the towers, witnesses recorded workers carrying a man out of the buildings with severe burns who was coming out of the elevater yelling to his fellow co workers yelling-explosions,explosions. also witnesses said they were thrown upwards from explosions in the basement. the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all bsuh dupes really enjoy making kackasses out of yourselfs here.You Bush dupes pathetic denials will work in your fairy tale land you live in,but not in the real world.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.

Thousands of gallons of jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts after the plane crashed into the tower.

Planes did crash into the WTC, right?

If the jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts to cause the basement explosions, then it couldn't have pooled up on the upper floors causing the heat fatigue they claim caused the collapse.

If the jet fuel stayed in the upper floors to cause the heat fatigue, it couldn't have poured down the elevator shafts causing the basement explosions.

If the jet fuel was consumed in the impact fireball we all witnessed, it couldn't have caused either.

You can't win 'em all...

Some went down the elevator shaft, some was consumed in the fireball, some remained near the impact point.
I guess you can win 'em all.

I guess you enjoy showing off what a dumbfuck troll you are.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Why would building 7 come down at ALL? This is one of many pieces of proof that 9/11 was to some extent, an inside job, and anyone who thinks it isn't, can blow me.

This is a fact that the loyal Bush dupes always run off and ignore or in the case of disinfo agent Moron in the Hat,has to lie to try and save face in his posts.they cant get around the testimony of Barry Jennings from bld 7 though which is the smoking gun that explosives were used.They always ignore the fact that there were other buildings in the area much closer to the towers that had far more greater damage done to them,had far more debris them-bld 7 had minimal damage to it compared to what they received as these pics below prove,yet all those buildings remained standing.

Here is the post I was talking about below.The of Paulitics on this page in that linkl below takes the Bush dupes to school that explosives were used.Like he said and showed so well in his post with pics,those fires were far more severe,and the buildings much closer to the towers that bld 7 had far more extensive damage,yet that tower in madrid that was lit up like a torch remained standing and so did those other buildings next to the towers.The Bush dupes cant get around this.they can only make up shit to try and avoid defeat showing off what idiots they are.:lol:

Only the towers and bld 7 which were all owed by JEW Larry Silverstein,came down.somehow the coincidence theorists have the logic that for the first time in history,those three buildings collapsed due to fires which agin,bld 7 had little fires in it compared to the other below,yet the only three buildings in the area owned by Silverstein collapsed.just a mre coincidence according to the coincidence theorists.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: some people like to remain in denial.

Here is the post I was talking about below.This post of Paulitics took the Bush dupes to school that explosives were used.Like he said and showed so well in his post with pics,those fires were far more severe,and the buildings much closer to the towers that bld 7 had far more extensive damage,yet that tower in madrid that was lit up like a torch remained standing and so did those other buildings next to the towers.The Bush dupes cant get around this.they can only make up shit to try and avoid defeat showing off what idiots they are.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

two farts in a row from you after this post of mine candycunt.congrats.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.

Thousands of gallons of jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts after the plane crashed into the tower.

Planes did crash into the WTC, right?

If the jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts to cause the basement explosions, then it couldn't have pooled up on the upper floors causing the heat fatigue they claim caused the collapse.

If the jet fuel stayed in the upper floors to cause the heat fatigue, it couldn't have poured down the elevator shafts causing the basement explosions.

If the jet fuel was consumed in the impact fireball we all witnessed, it couldn't have caused either.

You can't win 'em all...

the problem with your pathetic ramblings toddsterparrot is at the time when one of the towers were struck,witnesses heard an explosions in the basement that happened before the plane struck above.about five seconds later they then heard the plane strike above and the films back their storys up because around the time the plane struck one of the towers, witnesses recorded workers carrying a man out of the buildings with severe burns who was coming out of the elevater yelling to his fellow co workers yelling-explosions,explosions. also witnesses said they were thrown upwards from explosions in the basement. the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all bsuh dupes really enjoy making kackasses out of yourselfs here.You Bush dupes pathetic denials will work in your fairy tale land you live in,but not in the real world.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And besides, you know that if you blow out the columns at the base of the building, the building will remain standing an hour or more, and no one will see any damage when they're fleeing for their lives.

And also, blowing out the columns at the base perfectly explains why the towers collapsed from the top down.

Only in the world of the self-named "Truthers". :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.

Thousands of gallons of jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts after the plane crashed into the tower.

Planes did crash into the WTC, right?

If the jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts to cause the basement explosions, then it couldn't have pooled up on the upper floors causing the heat fatigue they claim caused the collapse.

If the jet fuel stayed in the upper floors to cause the heat fatigue, it couldn't have poured down the elevator shafts causing the basement explosions.

If the jet fuel was consumed in the impact fireball we all witnessed, it couldn't have caused either.

You can't win 'em all...

the problem with your pathetic ramblings toddsterparrot is at the time when one of the towers were struck,witnesses heard an explosions in the basement that happened before the plane struck above.about five seconds later they then heard the plane strike above and the films back their storys up because around the time the plane struck one of the towers, witnesses recorded workers carrying a man out of the buildings with severe burns who was coming out of the elevater yelling to his fellow co workers yelling-explosions,explosions. also witnesses said they were thrown upwards from explosions in the basement. the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all bsuh dupes really enjoy making kackasses out of yourselfs here.You Bush dupes pathetic denials will work in your fairy tale land you live in,but not in the real world.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wow, split second timing!
Are there any other areas that you feel the government is that precise?

and the films back their storys up

Show me.

the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all gone.

Show me.
If the jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts to cause the basement explosions, then it couldn't have pooled up on the upper floors causing the heat fatigue they claim caused the collapse.

If the jet fuel stayed in the upper floors to cause the heat fatigue, it couldn't have poured down the elevator shafts causing the basement explosions.

If the jet fuel was consumed in the impact fireball we all witnessed, it couldn't have caused either.

You can't win 'em all...

the problem with your pathetic ramblings toddsterparrot is at the time when one of the towers were struck,witnesses heard an explosions in the basement that happened before the plane struck above.about five seconds later they then heard the plane strike above and the films back their storys up because around the time the plane struck one of the towers, witnesses recorded workers carrying a man out of the buildings with severe burns who was coming out of the elevater yelling to his fellow co workers yelling-explosions,explosions. also witnesses said they were thrown upwards from explosions in the basement. the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all bsuh dupes really enjoy making kackasses out of yourselfs here.You Bush dupes pathetic denials will work in your fairy tale land you live in,but not in the real world.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wow, split second timing!
Are there any other areas that you feel the government is that precise?

and the films back their storys up

Show me.

the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all gone.

Show me.

with you,you wouldnt watch it anways,these films have been shown ALL over the we both know,you only see what you WANT to see so you have never done any serious research on this and never will,you have blatantly ignored many videos we have shown you that proves it was an inside job proving that you did not watch them already so you think I am going to waste anymore time with a parrot like you who covers their eyes anytime we DO show you films? .

Maybe your a moron who would waste time on someone like that, but not me.we have proven it in spades in multiple posts it was an inside job and like the arrogant fuck you are,you wont look at the have alzheimers diseace as you have proven anyways so you would not even remember it if I did waste my time on you.well you wouldnt remember anyways cause like the coward you are,you wont look at videos that prove you have proven that MULTIPLE times know it,I know it.your pathetic and not worth of wasting anymore of my breath on.if you hadnt already proven you have alzheimers diseace asking eots the same question that you had already asked him earlier when he already gave you an the answer and hadnt already ignored watching videos we have shown you,I would show them to you but because of your cowardness to watch them and your alzhemiers diseace you have,then forget I said before,solve your alzhemiers diseace problem that you inherited from CANDYCUNT "FIRST" before I waste anymore time with you,its not to late to check into the hospital and admit you have that problem you know?
Last edited:
Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.

Thousands of gallons of jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts after the plane crashed into the tower.

Planes did crash into the WTC, right?

If the jet fuel poured down the elevator shafts to cause the basement explosions, then it couldn't have pooled up on the upper floors causing the heat fatigue they claim caused the collapse.

If the jet fuel stayed in the upper floors to cause the heat fatigue, it couldn't have poured down the elevator shafts causing the basement explosions.

If the jet fuel was consumed in the impact fireball we all witnessed, it couldn't have caused either.

You can't win 'em all...

the problem with your pathetic ramblings toddsterparrot is at the time when one of the towers were struck,witnesses heard an explosions in the basement that happened before the plane struck above.about five seconds later they then heard the plane strike above and the films back their storys up because around the time the plane struck one of the towers, witnesses recorded workers carrying a man out of the buildings with severe burns who was coming out of the elevater yelling to his fellow co workers yelling-explosions,explosions. also witnesses said they were thrown upwards from explosions in the basement. the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all bsuh dupes really enjoy making kackasses out of yourselfs here.You Bush dupes pathetic denials will work in your fairy tale land you live in,but not in the real world.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You are either lying or confused, probably both.
the problem with your pathetic ramblings toddsterparrot is at the time when one of the towers were struck,witnesses heard an explosions in the basement that happened before the plane struck above.about five seconds later they then heard the plane strike above and the films back their storys up because around the time the plane struck one of the towers, witnesses recorded workers carrying a man out of the buildings with severe burns who was coming out of the elevater yelling to his fellow co workers yelling-explosions,explosions. also witnesses said they were thrown upwards from explosions in the basement. the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all bsuh dupes really enjoy making kackasses out of yourselfs here.You Bush dupes pathetic denials will work in your fairy tale land you live in,but not in the real world.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Wow, split second timing!
Are there any other areas that you feel the government is that precise?

and the films back their storys up

Show me.

the photos taken show they are telling the truth as well with the windows all gone.

Show me.

with you,you wouldnt watch it anways,these films have been shown ALL over the we both know,you only see what you WANT to see so you have never done any serious research on this and never will,you have blatantly ignored many videos we have shown you that proves it was an inside job proving that you did not watch them already so you think I am going to waste anymore time with a parrot like you who covers their eyes anytime we DO show you films? .

Maybe your a moron who would waste time on someone like that, but not me.we have proven it in spades in multiple posts it was an inside job and like the arrogant fuck you are,you wont look at the have alzheimers diseace as you have proven anyways so you would not even remember it if I did waste my time on you.well you wouldnt remember anyways cause like the coward you are,you wont look at videos that prove you have proven that MULTIPLE times know it,I know it.your pathetic and not worth of wasting anymore of my breath on.if you hadnt already proven you have alzheimers diseace asking eots the same question that you had already asked him earlier when he already gave you an the answer and hadnt already ignored watching videos we have shown you,I would show them to you but because of your cowardness to watch them and your alzhemiers diseace you have,then forget I said before,solve your alzhemiers diseace problem that you inherited from CANDYCUNT "FIRST" before I waste anymore time with you,its not to late to check into the hospital and admit you have that problem you know?

LOL! Run away. Clown.

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