The Zapruder Film Of 9/11...

You're just jealous cuz

You've been a member here for 4 years and still haven't learned that we do not attack family members? Slow learner?

speaking of slow learners about the guy that thinks wtc 7 collapsed because it had been "scooped out"from a 110 floor building falling on it even though that conflicts with the official report

Now Eots you are really showing how slow you are. I have never said that. Never ever and if that's what you say you are either a liar or a fool who cannot read and comprehend.

I said, and I still say that the NIST report got it mostly right but did not give enough credence to the damage caused by the falling debris. You are the fool who thinks there were invisible silent explosives..........
Make up your mind. Jesus Christ! In one post you call Dawgs a sleazebag for being an old guy chasing young women and in the very next post you're making fun of someone having to bang his old hag of a wife. Are you mentally challenged?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

If you'll actually open your eyes and read what are known as 'words' you will see that I was addressing two different sleezebags: Pale Rider and Daws101... you are one dumb motherfucker, sleezebag!

you hang out here long enough you will find this guy and his troll buddy dawgshit are easily the bigest trolls you will find at this site.they are in desperate need of attention,they quote me even though they know I have them on ignore,they are in so desperate need of attention,they talko to themselves.:lol::lol::lol::lol: that is scary stuff that they talk to themselves like that.:lol:
I see you're not threatening anyone anymore, you little asshole. Tell your ass fuck buddy Newpolitics that trashing family members will get his ass in trouble.

BTW, Rimjob, go fuck yourself.:lol::lol:
I was quoting anchorman, don't be such a tightass
so I'm right!

I play drums in a band and live in NYC. I see more hot woman than you have brain cells in your head.
Anyone can "SEE" hot women, you fucking moron. Too bad none of them will give you the time of day.

Oh, and if you're going to brag about being in a band gives us a name or what you say means nothing. Any YouTube videos? Yes, we will trash you if they suck.:lol::lol:
You've been a member here for 4 years and still haven't learned that we do not attack family members? Slow learner?

speaking of slow learners about the guy that thinks wtc 7 collapsed because it had been "scooped out"from a 110 floor building falling on it even though that conflicts with the official report

Now Eots you are really showing how slow you are. I have never said that. Never ever and if that's what you say you are either a liar or a fool who cannot read and comprehend.

I said, and I still say that the NIST report got it mostly right but did not give enough credence to the damage caused by the falling debris. You are the fool who thinks there were invisible silent explosives..........

and in doing show demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the NIST reject the cornerstone of the theory which is based entirely on a computer model that will not preform and initiate a collapse scenario as seen in wtc 7 if more "credence" is given to the building damage
Aaaaww... isn't that CUTE... "the little drummer boy" bragging about his little bubble headed groupies... :lol:


You're just jealous cuz
You do know it's against board rules to attack family members, right, you little cocksucker?:lol:

Do it again and you'll get turned in, bitch.

Turn me in then, you piece of shit. I don't need this stressball of a place. I don't know the dumb bitch anyway, if she even exists. Oops... I did it again. There are some serious assholes on this thread right now, most notably, you, Daws, and Penis Rider. Point is, if you can't take it, don't dish it out and be a bitch when someone gives you something back you don't like. Take the stick out of your ass, Obamerican... worst name ever.
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If you read those "words" you're talking about you'll see that I never said it was the same person, you fucking moron.

You sound like another Ron Paul cocksucker. BTW, I'll bet Dawgs and Pale Rider have at least had sex with a woman. Get back to us when you find out what that is like, asswipe.:lol::lol:

Who cares if I am making funning of two different people for two different things? Would you rather I just lump everone into the same category and generalize, and completely forego rational thought, like you? I can see that this is what you are used to. Here's a hint: it makes you an asshole, as you have aptly proven yourself to be. Nice job num nuts.

:lol: Nice try, but don't bother. They're paid Government Goose Stepper-Bots. They'll just keep spamming you with repetitive Gooose Stepping B.S. They're not here to debate. They're here to attack and insult. It's what they get paid to do. So don't waste too much of your time on them. They're just silly Government-Bots. But good effort though. :)

Thanks, and thanks for the tip.

I've never seen such aggression around here before as I have seen from them.
Who cares if I am making funning of two different people for two different things? Would you rather I just lump everone into the same category and generalize, and completely forego rational thought, like you? I can see that this is what you are used to. Here's a hint: it makes you an asshole, as you have aptly proven yourself to be. Nice job num nuts.

:lol: Nice try, but don't bother. They're paid Government Goose Stepper-Bots. They'll just keep spamming you with repetitive Gooose Stepping B.S. They're not here to debate. They're here to attack and insult. It's what they get paid to do. So don't waste too much of your time on them. They're just silly Government-Bots. But good effort though. :)

Thanks, and thanks for the tip.

I've never seen such aggression around here before as I have seen from them.
Fuck you, shit stain.
You're just jealous cuz
You do know it's against board rules to attack family members, right, you little cocksucker?:lol:

Do it again and you'll get turned in, bitch.

Turn me in then, you piece of shit. I don't need this stressball of a place. I don't know the dumb bitch anyway, if she even exists. Oops... I did it again. There are some serious assholes on this thread right now, most notably, you, Daws, and Penis Rider. Point is, if you can't take it, don't dish it out and be a bitch when someone gives you something back you don't like. Take the stick out of your ass, Obamerican... worst name ever.

I know,doesnt his pitiful user name crack you up? he must worship Obama or something.:lol: makes sense sense George W Obama has continued the policys of Bushwacker.

six farts in a row from the trolls since my last post.:lol::lol:
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Who cares if I am making funning of two different people for two different things? Would you rather I just lump everone into the same category and generalize, and completely forego rational thought, like you? I can see that this is what you are used to. Here's a hint: it makes you an asshole, as you have aptly proven yourself to be. Nice job num nuts.

:lol: Nice try, but don't bother. They're paid Government Goose Stepper-Bots. They'll just keep spamming you with repetitive Gooose Stepping B.S. They're not here to debate. They're here to attack and insult. It's what they get paid to do. So don't waste too much of your time on them. They're just silly Government-Bots. But good effort though. :)

Thanks, and thanks for the tip.

I've never seen such aggression around here before as I have seen from them.

Your now learning about the two biggest trolls at USMB.:lol::lol: They are pretty amusing though watching their tantrem fits they throw and watching them sling shit in defeat and get all angry like the monkeys they are.:lol::lol::lol:
You're just jealous cuz
You do know it's against board rules to attack family members, right, you little cocksucker?:lol:

Do it again and you'll get turned in, bitch.

Turn me in then, you piece of shit. I don't need this stressball of a place. I don't know the dumb bitch anyway, if she even exists. Oops... I did it again. There are some serious assholes on this thread right now, most notably, you, Daws, and Penis Rider. Point is, if you can't take it, don't dish it out and be a bitch when someone gives you something back you don't like. Take the stick out of your ass, Obamerican... worst name ever.

I turned the post in.......... Just so everyone understands.... We do not attack ones family.
You're just jealous cuz
You do know it's against board rules to attack family members, right, you little cocksucker?:lol:

Do it again and you'll get turned in, bitch.

Turn me in then, you piece of shit. I don't need this stressball of a place. I don't know the dumb bitch anyway, if she even exists. Oops... I did it again. There are some serious assholes on this thread right now, most notably, you, Daws, and Penis Rider. Point is, if you can't take it, don't dish it out and be a bitch when someone gives you something back you don't like. Take the stick out of your ass, Obamerican... worst name ever.
Go fuck yourself, you fucking slime ball. My online name was a jab at another poster in the past. Obama is a piece of shit and I would never vote for him.

Either back your shit up or shut the fuck up. If you had any brains at all you would look at the post history of the people you are siding with. Since it is obvious that you haven't done that you deserve to worry if you're going to get, uh, paused.

But thanks for playing, you piece of shit.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
The Trolls are all having hissy fits because they cant support the wacky NIST wacky even ollie pyle doesn't support them...but yet does ..but then doesn't or something like that
The Trolls are all having hissy fits because they cant support the wacky NIST wacky even ollie pyle doesn't support them...but yet does ..but then doesn't or something like that
You are a self admitted rock musician. Living proof you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Why am I not surprised?:lol::lol:
They have a difficult time with anything that doesn't fit into their wantittobe theories
Government Goose Stepper-Bots still trolling this thread? Yikes! They some craaazy Bots.
:lol: Nice try, but don't bother. They're paid Government Goose Stepper-Bots. They'll just keep spamming you with repetitive Gooose Stepping B.S. They're not here to debate. They're here to attack and insult. It's what they get paid to do. So don't waste too much of your time on them. They're just silly Government-Bots. But good effort though. :)

Thanks, and thanks for the tip.

I've never seen such aggression around here before as I have seen from them.

Your now learning about the two biggest trolls at USMB.:lol::lol: They are pretty amusing though watching their tantrem fits they throw and watching them sling shit in defeat and get all angry like the monkeys they are.:lol::lol::lol:
hey handlob what's a tantrem?

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