The Zapruder Film Of 9/11...

Destroying the building would not necessarily destroy files and computer hard drives. Truthers refuse to admit truth.........
I haven't seen any stories about 9/11 hard drives being found. Apparently only the hijackers passports survived. :rolleyes:

Keep telling yourself that.........
Please show us what hard drives survived and what was taken from them.
Meanwhile, the hijackers passports were found. This from CNN:
[ame=""]CNN - Hijacker's passport found in WTC rubble Saturday - YouTube[/ame]

You gonna' tell me that was a fake news report?
I haven't seen any stories about 9/11 hard drives being found. Apparently only the hijackers passports survived. :rolleyes:

Keep telling yourself that.........
Please show us what hard drives survived and what was taken from them.
Meanwhile, the hijackers passports were found. This from CNN:
[ame=""]CNN - Hijacker's passport found in WTC rubble Saturday - YouTube[/ame]

You gonna' tell me that was a fake news report?
I see you suffer from reading comprehension too. They found ONE passport. You make it sound like they found ALL of them. NEXT!!!:lol::lol:
Amazing!! Google hard drives WTC 9/11 and you get all kinds of web sites YOU LOVE that talk about the hard drives found at the WTC site and how expensive it is to recover the data and how there is "proof" that over $100,000,000 was transfered before the towers collapsed.

You idiots will believe anything.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
You're talking about the insider trading that was done just prior to 9/11. But we know that can't be true because only Congress conducts insider trading, Wall Street would NEVER and has NEVER done that! :lol:
Keep telling yourself that.........
Please show us what hard drives survived and what was taken from them.
Meanwhile, the hijackers passports were found. This from CNN:
[ame=""]CNN - Hijacker's passport found in WTC rubble Saturday - YouTube[/ame]

You gonna' tell me that was a fake news report?
I see you suffer from reading comprehension too. They found ONE passport. You make it sound like they found ALL of them. NEXT!!!:lol::lol:
Another one was found at Shanksville: - 9/11 panel describes how attackers got money - Aug 22, 2004
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Mental midget threads like paulytishy's OP underscore why Ron Paul is simply not even marginally suited to be President.

He's a twoofer, too.

Fucking dumbass.
Please show us what hard drives survived and what was taken from them.
Meanwhile, the hijackers passports were found. This from CNN:
CNN - Hijacker's passport found in WTC rubble Saturday - YouTube

You gonna' tell me that was a fake news report?
I see you suffer from reading comprehension too. They found ONE passport. You make it sound like they found ALL of them. NEXT!!!:lol::lol:
Another one was found at Shanksville: - 9/11 panel describes how attackers got money - Aug 22, 2004

there were lots of paper things found.........
And there are so many conspiracy theories about the hard drives that one cannot find the truth. Just like most of the shit you believe no one can shift through it all to find anything that is credible...........
Please show us what hard drives survived and what was taken from them.
Meanwhile, the hijackers passports were found. This from CNN:
CNN - Hijacker's passport found in WTC rubble Saturday - YouTube

You gonna' tell me that was a fake news report?
I see you suffer from reading comprehension too. They found ONE passport. You make it sound like they found ALL of them. NEXT!!!:lol::lol:
Another one was found at Shanksville: - 9/11 panel describes how attackers got money - Aug 22, 2004
Logic would say that the next question should be asked:

Were there any other passports found at ANY of the crash sites?
I see you suffer from reading comprehension too. They found ONE passport. You make it sound like they found ALL of them. NEXT!!!:lol::lol:
Another one was found at Shanksville: - 9/11 panel describes how attackers got money - Aug 22, 2004
Logic would say that the next question should be asked:

Were there any other passports found at ANY of the crash sites?

Not that I heard of, however, remember most of the passengers were Americans flying within the USA. They would not necessarily had passports with them...
Logic would say that the next question should be asked:

Were there any other passports found at ANY of the crash sites?

Not that I heard of, however, remember most of the passengers were Americans flying within the USA. They would not necessarily had passports with them...
Good point. Thank you.
destroying the building would not necessarily destroy files and computer hard drives. Truthers refuse to admit truth.........
i haven't seen any stories about 9/11 hard drives being found. Apparently only the hijackers passports survived. :rolleyes:

keep telling yourself that.........

ollie is confused,the story is they left the baggage behind and it had the quran and the terrorist hand book and lap top in it
Keep telling yourself that.........
Please show us what hard drives survived and what was taken from them.
Meanwhile, the hijackers passports were found. This from CNN:
[ame=""]CNN - Hijacker's passport found in WTC rubble Saturday - YouTube[/ame]

You gonna' tell me that was a fake news report?
I see you suffer from reading comprehension too. They found ONE passport. You make it sound like they found ALL of them. NEXT!!!:lol::lol:
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keep telling yourself that.........

ollie is confused,the story is they left the baggage behind and it had the quran and the terrorist hand book and lap top in it

What are you talking about? :cuckoo:
he's yammering about the luggage that one (I forget which one) of the hijackers left at their apt.
you can google it.
needless to say but eot's thinks that the luggage was planted by the men in black!:eusa_angel:
ollie is confused,the story is they left the baggage behind and it had the quran and the terrorist hand book and lap top in it

what are you talking about? :cuckoo:

Just filling you in on the the official story lil Ollie:cuckoo:

The passports of two other hijackers, Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al-Ghamdi, were recovered from the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, and a fourth passport, that of Abdulaziz al-Omari was recovered from luggage that did not make it onto American Airlines Flight 11.[30]
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United Airlines Flight 93 slammed into the earth Sept. 11 near Shanksville, Somerset County, at more than 500 mph, with a ferocity that disintegrated metal, bone and flesh. It took more than three months to identify the remains of the 40 passengers and crew, and, by process of elimination, the four hijackers.

Those remains were gathered by the FBI and other investigators from the 50-foot-deep pit the Boeing 757 jet gouged in a reclaimed strip mine, and from the woods adjoining the crash site.

But searchers also gathered surprisingly intact mementos of lives lost.

Those items, such as a wedding ring and other jewelry, photos, credit cards, purses and their contents, shoes, a wallet and currency, are among seven boxes of identified personal effects salvaged from the site. They sit in an El Segundo, Calif., mortuary and will be returned to victims' families in February.

Flight 93 victims' effects to go back to families

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