The Zoonotic Origin of Covid

The covid virus is not a retrovirus, nor does it have any of the other indicators that it's been manipulated by man to be used as a bioweapon. It is one of many viruses that are zoonotic, which means it is easily transmissible from animals to humans. Link:
your non-link isnt any good,,
You really think a good source to use is the people that helped fund the research? :lol:
The covid virus is not a retrovirus, nor does it have any of the other indicators that it's been manipulated by man to be used as a bioweapon. It is one of many viruses that are zoonotic, which means it is easily transmissible from animals to humans. Link:National Center for Biotechnology Information

Paid Chinese stooge trying to rewrite history as fast as possible.

Go fuck yourself, stooge.
The covid virus is not a retrovirus, nor does it have any of the other indicators that it's been manipulated by man to be used as a bioweapon. It is one of many viruses that are zoonotic, which means it is easily transmissible from animals to humans. Link:National Center for Biotechnology Information
But retroviral elements can integrate into the coronavirus genome in nature. How easily is easily? C-19 has not been found in bats.
But retroviral elements can integrate into the coronavirus genome in nature. How easily is easily? C-19 has not been found in bats.

Don't bother with facts. Stann/Jake/ slash a host of other socks, is merely a paid Chinese stooge trying to rewrite history.
Orrrrr maybe i can just fuckin read ;)
Obviously you read what you wanted to hear into the story. There was nothing wrong with that article, it went so far as to clear Obama from any wrongdoing. but you keep seeing what you want to see I hope that works for you.
Obviously you read what you wanted to hear into the story. There was nothing wrong with that article, it went so far as to clear Obama from any wrongdoing. but you keep seeing what you want to see I hope that works for you.
Between 2014 and 2019, the EcoHealth Alliance was awarded a series of grants totaling approximately $3.7 million by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (a division of the National Institutes of Health) to study the “risk of future coronavirus (CoV) emergence from wildlife using in-depth field investigations across the human-wildlife interface in China.”
If you could comprehend, you would see snopes only debunked all of it got awarded under obama.
Keep ignoring reality and seeing what you want to see. I hope that works for you.
The covid virus is not a retrovirus, nor does it have any of the other indicators that it's been manipulated by man to be used as a bioweapon. It is one of many viruses that are zoonotic, which means it is easily transmissible from animals to humans. Link:National Center for Biotechnology Information
Yes they studied it, they did not alter it in anyway, microscopic examination of the virus proves that. you wouldn't believe the things that they're starting right here in the United States. Some of it is quite dangerous. Starting a virus is different is a total different thing from creating a bio weapon. You're one sick puppy.
Between 2014 and 2019, the EcoHealth Alliance was awarded a series of grants totaling approximately $3.7 million by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (a division of the National Institutes of Health) to study the “risk of future coronavirus (CoV) emergence from wildlife using in-depth field investigations across the human-wildlife interface in China.”
If you could comprehend, you would see snopes only debunked all of it got awarded under obama.
Keep ignoring reality and seeing what you want to see. I hope that works for you. How does it feel living life with blinders on ?
Covid is not a retrovirus. That ends the conspiracy theories period.
Yes they studied it, they did not alter it in anyway, microscopic examination of the virus proves that. you wouldn't believe the things that they're starting right here in the United States. Some of it is quite dangerous. Starting a virus is different is a total different thing from creating a bio weapon. You're one sick puppy.
Fucking liar....The Wuhan lab -from whence the engineered virus leaked- is a PLA controlled bioweapons facility.

You're a piss poor lackey for Xi and the CCP, Jake.
Obviously you read what you wanted to hear into the story. There was nothing wrong with that article, it went so far as to clear Obama from any wrongdoing. but you keep seeing what you want to see I hope that works for you.
Horse manure. Arab son, Obama, and his sidekick JoeXi funded DUKE-NUS Singapore. That adenovirus technology is the same that vacccinated the Russian military.

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