

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
With apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Mr. President....

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways."

Sort of.

1. The magnificent job you've done with the economy. (Slowest recovery, unemployment....)

2. ObamaCare....broke every promise (Not a single dime in taxes, deficit...keep your

3. Debt (more than all other President's combined....)

4. Defense policy (But he'll be more 'flexible'...)

5. Imperial Presidency (Unconstitutional executive orders, breaking of contracts....)

6. Foreign policy (Alienation of allies, failure in Iraq, submitting to Iran...)

7. Re-election campaign (Low-life attacks, more fund-raisers than cabinet meetings....)

8. Promises broken (Let's begin with signing statements...) promise kept:
[ame=]Obama said he should serve only one term - YouTube[/ame]

"...I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;..."

Care to pick up the gauntlet, Lefties?
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Nah, you're on a roll (stale & moldy) (yes, I know the difference between Role and Roll).

Your unabashed partisanship and attacks on anyone who disagrees with your (IMO) extreme politics is as fresh as that roll left in the pantry for months. Since you leave no room for debate/discussion I assume your need for attention far exceeds all other reasons for posting 'new' threads.

I do have several questions:

Do you ever read anything which does not reinforce your core beliefs?

Do you ever challenge yourself, that is, play the devils advocate as one might be forced to do in debate class?

Do you think critically (for example, do you evaluate effects by applying your biases and seeking a cause to meet your needs; or really examine what is and ask why)?

Maybe you do and maybe you think so little of the audience on this message board that you choose to withhold much so as to not confuse the echo chamber.
Oh well. PC would love him better were he losing us 750,000 jobs a month as her hero did in the waning days of his administration. She would love him better were he to let a terrorist that had killed 3000 Americans on American soil go while he was off adventuring in Iraq. And kept the costs of that adventure based on lies off of the books until his admin was gone.

Ah yes, so easy to condemn lukewarm success, and praise abject failure.
Oh well. PC would love him better were he losing us 750,000 jobs a month as her hero did in the waning days of his administration. She would love him better were he to let a terrorist that had killed 3000 Americans on American soil go while he was off adventuring in Iraq. And kept the costs of that adventure based on lies off of the books until his admin was gone.

Ah yes, so easy to condemn lukewarm success, and praise abject failure.

1. " easy to condemn lukewarm success,..."
Did you just use the term success in connection with the pretender in the people's house???
Then, why isn't he trumpeting same in his re-election bid?

2.Your amusing phrase reminds me of 'damning with faint praise.'
It means "to praise so unenthusiastically that the effect is condemnation."
damning with faint praise - definition of damning with faint praise by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

I'll drink to that.

3. Now, can be more astute than this....can't you?

Why build a 'straw-women' when I provided a fairly specific target in the OP.

You did read the OP, didn't you? One can't really tell from your post.....
With respect to the Defense Policy flexibility part...

"Flexible" enough to allow a Russian Ballistic Missile Submarine to lie undetected on the bottom of the Gulf Of Mexico, America's very own "Soft Underbelly", for an extended period of time while at the same time Russian Military aircraft attempted to penetrate US Airspace. Why aren't alarm bells going off in DOD right now. Sort of reminiscent of one of the novice radar operators calling headquarters one long ago December Sunday Morning to tell them of a large flight of aircraft bearing down on the islands and hearing "Don't worry! Be Happy!" "Its only a flight of B-17's we're expecting coming in from the mainland!"

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