thefogbow is mad


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
the famous fog and his followers are really going to "get organized now..."

Post subject: "Someone, and I think it should be us, needs to organize to fight it."

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:43 am

After yesterday's press conference, kate520 wrote:

This is the Swiftboat, folks. There will be Tea Partiers in Congress who take this as their opportunity to spread the smear so close to the election. Low information voters ... will hear Sheriff Joe and immediately give the story more weight than it deserves.

Someone, and I think it should be us, needs to organize to fight it. We have the talent, the savvy and the knowledge. Maybe even a connection to the campaign? Among the associated blogs, we have every corner of the "debate" covered. It is up to us.
I agree with every word. As the early PUMA/birther ladies I encountered would say,

When I began to realize, sometime after the election but before the inauguration, that I was being inexorably pulled into the swirling vortex of insanity that is birtherism, and that I was going to spend a substantial part of my life over the next few years fighting the madness, I kept telling myself: "When this is all over, I want to be proud of the part I played in it."

So far, so good.

Yes, I'm damn proud of what I've managed to achieve so far. Yes, it has come at a cost, and I've gladly paid the price. Yes, I'd do it all over again. I have no regrets. Like many of you, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. It's good for my soul, to fight for truth and justice and the best President in my lifetime.

But kate520 is right: There's a lot more to do. I'm ready. It's time to escalate. This thread is for ideas and suggestions for further efforts to publicize anti-birther debunking information, and ideas about how to coordinate our efforts. We can't all write outstanding legal briefs. This is the opportunity for all the IANALs to pitch in, too also.

I don't mean publicizing Fogbow per se. I mean publicizing the anti-birther community as a whole, including our bloggers, RC Radio, our other resources, and so forth.

After I solicit a lot of ideas and suggestions, when it comes to the actual planning, organization and implementation, we should probably discuss in an area not readable by anyone but the team (or possibly, teamS, as in one team for each project). That way, the birthers will find out our plans when we're ready, and not before.

NOTE: I'm not suggesting anything illegal and I won't agree to any suggestion that might violate the laws of this great nation. Publicity stunts are a different matter; if they don't cross the line and generate some buzz, why not get creative?

We've built a great body of knowledge and we have a huge stockpile of expertise. You're the smartest group of people I've ever run across. It's time to take action now. Please give me your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and so forth.

"Someone, and I think it should be us, needs to organize to fight it." • Fogbow

i really do enjoy these guys...
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I'd like to see us put together a versatile press kit that's easy to adjust depending on the recipient. We need to make sure there's a concerted effort to contact the press in localities where birfing is about to be committed, well in advance of the events.

We provide the media with some local TFB contacts (or any willing Rooster), with a some choices of press photos for publication, some 'zibits, and a press release outlining why the birthing at hand is so wrong. We make contact and try to establish a dialogue with the local reporters, so they are more likely to focus on the whole story, including the anti-birther cause. The 'packet' could be sent electronically, or it could be printed on any laser printer to look really slick in a pocket folder, if someone was planning on making an in-person visit to their local media contact (preferable).

We should even consider a dedicated media website, with everything we might ever put in a press release, whose addy can be disseminated (no Orly, that's a different word) everywhere we can send it. For this, we have the technology, the substance, and the expertise.

Essentially we create a common body of resources that any of our operatives could use at will to target any media they want to go after.

For instance, check out Toyota | Home. All the contacts, photos with reprint rights, all digital, documents, press releases, announcements - a treasure chest for the [mostly (work with me here, Bill)] lazy journalists who don't ever seek out information, but wait for it to show up in their emailbox or fax machine. So we put the entire story in their hands, with quotes, photos, etc., at the right time, develop a rapport, and we stay in touch. We cannot fail to affect the dialogue.

At the very least, everyone here who comments on other blogs or news websites should be posting direct links to the Birther Scorecard, or any of W4's amazing special reports. I've found that the reporters moderate their own comments, and they appreciate having these resources magically providid. I try to supplement every comment thread I enter with at least a link or two back to TFB.

Anyway, since LM K is taking the reins, I'll let her direct me. But I'm available to put some hours into this project.

110 days until the election. Almost 20,000 people watched the UStream live feed of Joe Arpaio's nightmare of a fallacious press event.

PS: What about approaching an Obama superPAC to see if they'll fund a PR firm for our cause? Surely Romney has refused to denounce birficism because he plans to unleash it as a campaign tactic.

they have some pretty good ideas, i must admit, too bad they're on the wrong side of history

they are fogbow strong

i want to help too foggy !
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foggy's post:

These are all excellent ideas. I'm gonna ponder and mull some more.

Strangely enough, I do have some email addresses of prominent journalists, thanks to Daniel Cabrera of Merrillville, Indiana. Remember Daniel?

One word of clarification:

kimba wrote:

"Publicity stunt" sounds particularly bad to me. The CCP news conferences were publicity stunts. Notice how badly those turned out for them in the media.

There are publicity stunts and publicity stunts. I was thinking of street theater, not pretentious blather. That was no publicity stunt.


Using the police report (PDF), we re-enact the arrest of Leiutenant Quarles Harris.

"the Tinted Window Act" == black crepe paper taped on all the windows

"when he rolled down the window, marijuana smoke emanated..." == clouds of smoke billowing from the car, our actor stumbles out coughing ...

"a large clear Ziplock bag ... 13 smaller Ziplock bags of weed" == make the big one GALLON size, exaggerated amounts, offer some to the "cop"

"21 credit cards and 8 (passport applications)" == some delightful repartee between Quarles and the cop ... "I was thinkin' about a vacation, Ossifer"

Not every birther knows about Lt. Quarles Harris. That's not the best idea I ever had, allow me to confess. But it's the kind of thing I meant when I wrote the phrase "publicity stunt".

On a more mature, less humorous level, an email list of potentially receptive journalists/news outlets would be helpful.

Without even remembering the Anti-Birther YouTube channel, yesterday I obtained the domain name: The Anti-Birthers | Just another WordPress site. I've already got the hosting. I'm looking for an idea of something to do with that. A WordPress blog (I put one in just for funzies)? A series of YouTubes? A redirect back to Fogbow?

It's a pickle

don't forget to metion the fun antics with bumford and the gang on the rachel show.

i'm reporting this thread to!
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"Someone, and I think it should be us, needs to organize to fight it." • Fogbow

Those are not minor. They're major if anything is. Those are great ideas.

Those will be too long and involved for a press release, but they can be the SUBJECT of press releases as they are completed. We can put them in any number of places: Fogbow and ... the wiki ... give 'em to our bloggers ...

The important thing with ideas like that is links, links and more links to the facts and to evidence.

We already have a reputation of being the experts and being completely credible. The next step is to spread that reputation around a bit.

please help these folks if you can, i think they take donations. the more attention they get the quicker the vault gets opened by congress, that's all.
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Hey Dipshit.....

No one cares about what goes on on another messageboard here.

it's history jefferson. in the making. watch and learn. learn and burn, el presidente was born in kenya. but don't tell no one go T

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