Their Blood Is On the Hands of All Illegal Drug Users

Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
the key to this story was..."excessive use".....most smokers are moderate or light....tipsy finds the real rare happenings and then acts like this kind of stuff happens all the time....what she and others of her mind set dont get is, that many people here know better......

Well tipsy thinks drug users should be killed.

I don't know who she thinks drug laws do benefit- she wants drug users killed, she is okay with drug cartels making money off of pot.

She is an odd bird
odd?.....when someone admits they hate sex that says a lot right there.....
yea very rarely.....
Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
the key to this story was..."excessive use".....most smokers are moderate or light....tipsy finds the real rare happenings and then acts like this kind of stuff happens all the time....what she and others of her mind set dont get is, that many people here know better......

Well tipsy thinks drug users should be killed.

I don't know who she thinks drug laws do benefit- she wants drug users killed, she is okay with drug cartels making money off of pot.

She is an odd bird
odd?.....when someone admits they hate sex that says a lot right there.....

Seems like she probably is against anyone enjoying anything.
something else very rarely......geezus you pick such rare things and you wonder why no one will discuss this sensibly with you...and you are also conversing with people who know better...
Consider those 'rare' circumstances and then consider potheads inflicting that condition onto them out of sheer ignorance.

The question really is: why are you against the successes of Portugal?

Why don't you want heroin use to fall? Why don't you want HIV infections in drug users to fall?

Why don't you want the government to save money?
Typically, it's the effect of the Reefer Madness brainwash which is media-driven and vigorously promoted by the powerful entities which are served by the drug war, the most prominent of which are the pharmaceutical industry, the liquor and beer industries, the legal profession, the law-enforcement establishment, the drug-testing industry, et al. These interests are represented by well-funded Washington lobbies -- which is why the drug war is so tenacious in spite of its obvious futility.
Skunk weed and burn the lungs. People that have no clue about pot are usually the same ones that believe booze is not as or more dangerous as pot!
Do you know how many Americans die each year from and are made very sick from booze-related causes? The quick answer is hundreds of thousands. If you don't know, look it up.

Do you know how many Americans (and others) die each year from and are made sick from using marijuana? The answer is none! Look it up.

Smoking anything can cause lung cancer. They may not be dead yet, but their time is coming.

Also, many hospitals are seeing people getting sick from too much legal marijuana in places like Colorado.
Link? They shut down one test because no one drove worse stoned and some people drove better.

You're either intentionally ignorant or find lying natural.

Your desperation is also duly noted. I can only presume you are making a futile effort to defend your own stoned driving. Stating that some stoners drove better stoned is just nonsense.

Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization
By Andrea Noble - The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Roughly 10 percent of Washington state drivers involved in fatal car crashes between 2010 and 2014 tested positive for recent marijuana use, with the percentage of drivers who had used pot within hours of a crash doubling between 2013 and 2014, according to a new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Although the uptick in fatal crashes comes after Washington citizens voted in 2012 to legalize marijuana — and as other states are expected to consider similar measures — a second AAA study discourages lawmakers from adopting “arbitrary legal limits” on marijuana use because of a lack of adequate methods to determine impairment by the drug.

AAA officials said the studies about marijuana and driving, released Tuesday, are meant to encourage more comprehensive enforcement measures to improve road safety.

Authorities in Washington recorded 436 fatal crashes in 2013, and determined that drivers involved in 40 crashes tested positive for THC, the active chemical in marijuana, according to the study. In 2014 they found that of 462 fatal crashes, 85 drivers tested positive for THC.


Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization

More? Okay

Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S., Study Finds
Researchers note that increase included men and women, and all age groups

By Dennis Thompson

HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, Feb. 4, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- The legalization of marijuana is an idea that is gaining momentum in the United States, but there may be a dark side to pot becoming more commonplace, a new study suggests.

Fatal crashes involving marijuana use tripled during the previous decade, fueling some of the overall increase in drugged-driving traffic deaths, researchers from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health report.

"Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana," said co-author Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia. "If this trend continues, in five or six years non-alcohol drugs will overtake alcohol to become the most common substance involved in deaths related to impaired driving."


Read more: Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S., Study Finds

and yet you come to these pot threads acting like you know all about drugs and drinking,when you know only what you have either heard or have read....stay in the politics section,you might fare better......

Either you are being facetious or you are far more ignorant than even I expected.

Obviously the truth and facts confuse your drug addled mind. Is there a forum here for stoners only? Perhaps they serve Cheeto's too!
Pot laws enrich criminals and lead to the death of Americans. Why would anyone support that?

No one does.

Why do you support children and adolescents subjecting themselves to drugs which will alter the development of their brains?
yea very rarely.....
Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
the key to this story was..."excessive use".....most smokers are moderate or light....tipsy finds the real rare happenings and then acts like this kind of stuff happens all the time....what she and others of her mind set dont get is, that many people here know better......

Well tipsy thinks drug users should be killed.

I don't know who she thinks drug laws do benefit- she wants drug users killed, she is okay with drug cartels making money off of pot.

She is an odd bird
odd?.....when someone admits they hate sex that says a lot right there.....

Of course it does. I feel entitled to hate sex. It's something I earned. It is my absolute right and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it.
Lol you people are fucking idiots
"So what if it disintegrates the black market? There will still be someone doing it illegally! Therefore we should keep it illegal dddduuuuuurrrrrr"
Legalize pot and let the cartels deal with it all. In ten years the cartels have eliminated 70 thousand users and dealers.
Because of course after we legalized alcohol, the mobs dealt with it all- and the mob eliminated all of the booze users and dealers.....LOL
Who do you think is in those mass graves?
there were more things wrong with that guy mentally,
then there is this....
Marijuana Didn't Trigger Miami Face-Eater's Munchies
Yes pot does trigger paranoid delusion

Pot's Dark Side: Delusions, Psychotic Symptoms
yea very rarely.....
Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
something else very rarely......geezus you pick such rare things and you wonder why no one will discuss this sensibly with you...and you are also conversing with people who know better...
Consider those 'rare' circumstances and then consider potheads inflicting that condition onto them out of sheer ignorance.
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Smoking anything can cause lung cancer.[...]
While smoking anything is not good there is an enormous difference between smoking a standard cigarette and a one rolled with marijuana -- provided the marijuana is known to be purely grown and uncontaminated with pesticides and growth hormones.

All commercial cigarettes are contaminated with a number of chemicals: pesticides, growth hormones (gibarillic acid) and nicotine enhancing properties, some of which are known to be carcinogenic. If you will examine the paper of a rolled cigarette you will see that it is encircled from top to bottom with vague grey lines. These lines are dried potassium nitrate dilute, an explosive and volatile substance. It is there to keep the cigarette burning. It has an extremely carcinogenic effect over time.

Purely grown marijuana plant is perfectly benign. None of the rolling papers commonly available are treated with potassium nitrate. If you will do some simple research you will find that smoking marijuana is infinitely less harmful than smoking cigarettes. One outstanding reason for this is the average cigarette smoker consumes twenty or more cigarettes a day, whereas the average marijuana smoker consumes far less than that in a week.

But the bottom line in this discussion is I do not recommend smoking marijuana cigarettes. A pipe or bong or vaporizer is much healthier -- and the effect is better. Even better than that is the effect from marijuana edibles, which are slowly becoming more popular.

Also, many hospitals are seeing people getting sick from too much legal marijuana in places like Colorado.
To be expected -- but nothing serious. They are getting sick from improperly trying to cook with marijuana, which calls for a certain level of knowledge and experience. Too many think all you need to do is toss it in a pot with some cake mix and that's it. Not so. There is much preparation involved in first creating a base substance called "pot butter," or "cannabutter," and one must know the potency level to correctly measure the ingredient mixture. If it's done wrong it can make one sick.

But no one has ever died from it.
and yet you come to these pot threads acting like you know all about drugs and drinking,when you know only what you have either heard or have read....stay in the politics section,you might fare better......

Either you are being facetious or you are far more ignorant than even I expected.

Obviously the truth and facts confuse your drug addled mind. Is there a forum here for stoners only? Perhaps they serve Cheeto's too!
anyone who thinks if you smoke a joint today,and just because its still can show up in a blood test 2 weeks from that day,and say you are still high,tells me all i need to know about that persons knowledge of pot....
Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
the key to this story was..."excessive use".....most smokers are moderate or light....tipsy finds the real rare happenings and then acts like this kind of stuff happens all the time....what she and others of her mind set dont get is, that many people here know better......

Well tipsy thinks drug users should be killed.

I don't know who she thinks drug laws do benefit- she wants drug users killed, she is okay with drug cartels making money off of pot.

She is an odd bird
odd?.....when someone admits they hate sex that says a lot right there.....

Of course it does. I feel entitled to hate sex. It's something I earned. It is my absolute right and I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it.
just because men could not stand you is no reason to hate sex.....try it with may like it....well you maybe not....
Yes, pot included.

Mexico drug war investigators unearth 47 more skulls in mass graves.

Veracruz, on Mexico’s Gulf coast, has long been a stomping ground for criminal gangs, who fight over lucrative drug and migrant smuggling routes.

Giving details on the latest grisly find, Jorge Winckler said the skulls and remains of multiple body parts were unearthed from eight unmarked graves, clustered in a 120 sq metre area, about 10 kilometres (6 miles) from the town of Alvarado.

So far, Winckler said, investigators had positively identified one three-person family, missing since September 2016, and the remains of two other men.

“The work continues,” Winckler told a news conference, vowing to track down the perpetrators.

Just days earlier, investigators recovered more than 250 skulls from another unmarked grave 60 kilometres (37 miles)further north in the Gulf state of Veracruz.

That burial site was uncovered by relatives of missing family members, impatient with officials’ apathetic response, who launched their own search for missing family members.
I prefer to blame our alleged, "War on Drugs".

We have a Commerce Clause not any form of Prohibition clause, since the repeal of that historical mistake and precedent, last millennium.
This is to be expected -- and it was expected prior to legalization. It is the result of the anticipated surge following the legal availability of a substance which has been prohibited for so long.

If you will research the experience of The Netherlands where marijuana became lawfully available in 1976 you will find there was a similar surge in improper use which gradually diminished. Today marijuana use by minors in The Netherlands has significantly decreased, mainly because the "lure of the illicit" is no longer there to entice them, and stoned driving has also decreased to a negligible level.

What these "stoned driving" reports fail to mention is the determination is made via blood testing of victim drivers which is wholly deceptive in the case of THC (marijuana), evidence of which remains in the blood stream for up to a month after even mild use. So it's impossible to know if the effect of marijuana use has anything to do with a traffic accident.

Also not mentioned is the dramatic increase in out-of-state traffic in those "legal" states. Millions of cars are flowing in and out of "legal" states for the express purpose of buying marijuana. When it becomes legal in all 50 states that trend will stop and things will balance.

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