Their Blood Is On the Hands of All Illegal Drug Users

Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
something else very rarely......geezus you pick such rare things and you wonder why no one will discuss this sensibly with you...and you are also conversing with people who know better...
Consider those 'rare' circumstances and then consider potheads inflicting that condition onto them out of sheer ignorance.
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Wrong. THC is a debilitating, anxiety and depression inducing substance for some people and is especially risky for younger, developing brains.
But you insist on your own ignorance because reality is inconvenient. And/or your propagandists have avoided mentioning the inconvenience.
for some people,which means rare.....i see you agree with me....reality for you is inconvenient,but then your the guy who said he smells pot everywhere around his neighborhood and thinks getting a whiff of pot means you can get a high....
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
something else very rarely......geezus you pick such rare things and you wonder why no one will discuss this sensibly with you...and you are also conversing with people who know better...
Consider those 'rare' circumstances and then consider potheads inflicting that condition onto them out of sheer ignorance.
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Wrong. THC is a debilitating, anxiety and depression inducing substance for some people and is especially risky for younger, developing brains.
But you insist on your own ignorance because reality is inconvenient. And/or your propagandists have avoided mentioning the inconvenience.

Eating too much is anxiety and depression inducing in some people.
Besides the fact that your attempted rationale demonstrates your close-minded ignorance, do you force-feed those people?
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
How come I never smell pot smoke? Where do you live? And don't you agree that marijuana smoke is rather pleasant compared with the odor of tobacco smoke, which is offensive.
Reefer Madness?

You potheads are so cutting-edge. Get out of the 1960's and progress a little.
The commentary in these threads make it clear that Reefer Madness fanaticism is alive and well. Consider the fact that marijuana was decriminalized in New York City (and elsewhere) throughout the '60s and '70s. Possession of less than 27 grams (one ounce) was a summons offense with a $25 fine as penalty -- but unless one distributed to minors, engaged in public use, or trafficked in large quantities the police just didn't bother with marijuana. In fact, if one were arrested for some felony or misdemeanor and was in possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, the marijuana was held in his/her personal property and returned with any other items of property. It was no big deal -- and real crime was way down because the police were focused on it.

That's the way it was in back then. Compare that with today and tell us it's not Reefer Madness all over again -- if not worse.
Reefer Madness was rooted in ignorance.
You current potheads refuse to acknowledge the empirical and instead keep falling back on ancient bullshit like it's so contemporary.
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
How come I never smell pot smoke? Where do you live? And don't you agree that marijuana smoke is rather pleasant compared with the odor of tobacco smoke, which is offensive.
Pot smoke is disgusting even to those non-smokers who have no issues with it.
Why you never smell pot smoke could be because you're always smoking it. Duh.
Are you OK with inhaling pepper spray?
something else very rarely......geezus you pick such rare things and you wonder why no one will discuss this sensibly with you...and you are also conversing with people who know better...
Consider those 'rare' circumstances and then consider potheads inflicting that condition onto them out of sheer ignorance.
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Wrong. THC is a debilitating, anxiety and depression inducing substance for some people and is especially risky for younger, developing brains.
But you insist on your own ignorance because reality is inconvenient. And/or your propagandists have avoided mentioning the inconvenience.
for some people,which means rare.....i see you agree with me....reality for you is inconvenient,but then your the guy who said he smells pot everywhere around his neighborhood and thinks getting a whiff of pot means you can get a high....
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
now what the fuck does pepper spray have to do with what we are talking about?..i live in a place were its legal and i never smell it....when i was delivering mail walking through neighborhoods with lots of teens i still very seldom smelled pot.....
Consider those 'rare' circumstances and then consider potheads inflicting that condition onto them out of sheer ignorance.
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Wrong. THC is a debilitating, anxiety and depression inducing substance for some people and is especially risky for younger, developing brains.
But you insist on your own ignorance because reality is inconvenient. And/or your propagandists have avoided mentioning the inconvenience.
for some people,which means rare.....i see you agree with me....reality for you is inconvenient,but then your the guy who said he smells pot everywhere around his neighborhood and thinks getting a whiff of pot means you can get a high....
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
now what the fuck does pepper spray have to do with what we are talking about?..i live in a place were its legal and i never smell it....when i was delivering mail walking through neighborhoods with lots of teens i still very seldom smelled pot.....
Shouldn't have to smell it once.
Pepper spray bothers you and pot smoke hurts others. Why you feel so comfortable in hurting other people is a matter of your conscience.
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
How come I never smell pot smoke? Where do you live? And don't you agree that marijuana smoke is rather pleasant compared with the odor of tobacco smoke, which is offensive.
Pot smoke is disgusting even to those non-smokers who have no issues with it.
Why you never smell pot smoke could be because you're always smoking it. Duh.
Are you OK with inhaling pepper spray?
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Wrong. THC is a debilitating, anxiety and depression inducing substance for some people and is especially risky for younger, developing brains.
But you insist on your own ignorance because reality is inconvenient. And/or your propagandists have avoided mentioning the inconvenience.
for some people,which means rare.....i see you agree with me....reality for you is inconvenient,but then your the guy who said he smells pot everywhere around his neighborhood and thinks getting a whiff of pot means you can get a high....
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
now what the fuck does pepper spray have to do with what we are talking about?..i live in a place were its legal and i never smell it....when i was delivering mail walking through neighborhoods with lots of teens i still very seldom smelled pot.....
Shouldn't have to smell it once.
Pepper spray bothers you and pot smoke hurts others. Why you feel so comfortable in hurting other people is a matter of your conscience.
you are about as ridiculous as your girlfriend tipsy is....if you are out doors and you get a wiff of pot smoke,nothing is going to happen.....if you are in the same room you might have a point...
The blood of the tens of thousands of innocents who have been murdered because of illegal drugs is on the hands of drug users.

So you of course also believe that the blood of tens of thousands of innocents who have been murdered because of legal drugs- alcohol in particular- is on the hands of beer drinkers.
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Wrong. THC is a debilitating, anxiety and depression inducing substance for some people and is especially risky for younger, developing brains.
But you insist on your own ignorance because reality is inconvenient. And/or your propagandists have avoided mentioning the inconvenience.
for some people,which means rare.....i see you agree with me....reality for you is inconvenient,but then your the guy who said he smells pot everywhere around his neighborhood and thinks getting a whiff of pot means you can get a high....
I smell pot smoke as often as tobacco smoke and you can be sure some of those tobacco's are blunts.
I suppose you're OK with a whiff of pepper spray.
now what the fuck does pepper spray have to do with what we are talking about?..i live in a place were its legal and i never smell it....when i was delivering mail walking through neighborhoods with lots of teens i still very seldom smelled pot.....
Shouldn't have to smell it once.
Pepper spray bothers you and pot smoke hurts others. Why you feel so comfortable in hurting other people is a matter of your conscience.

Oh to live in a world where all of us are protected from smelling anything that offends us.........
Reefer Madness?

You potheads are so cutting-edge. Get out of the 1960's and progress a little.
The commentary in these threads make it clear that Reefer Madness fanaticism is alive and well. Consider the fact that marijuana was decriminalized in New York City (and elsewhere) throughout the '60s and '70s. Possession of less than 27 grams (one ounce) was a summons offense with a $25 fine as penalty -- but unless one distributed to minors, engaged in public use, or trafficked in large quantities the police just didn't bother with marijuana. In fact, if one were arrested for some felony or misdemeanor and was in possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, the marijuana was held in his/her personal property and returned with any other items of property. It was no big deal -- and real crime was way down because the police were focused on it.

That's the way it was in back then. Compare that with today and tell us it's not Reefer Madness all over again -- if not worse.
Reefer Madness was rooted in ignorance.
You current potheads refuse to acknowledge the empirical and instead keep falling back on ancient bullshit like it's so contemporary.

Reefer Madness was rooted in hysterical fear- just like your fears.

Prohibition taught those who have read history that Prohibition results in:
a) more deaths from illegal drug use
b) more violent deaths from black market activity
c) the enrichment of organized crime.

Why exactly do you support pot prohibition when you know it has resulted in all of the same things?
Pot laws enrich criminals and lead to the death of Americans. Why would anyone support that?

No one does.

Why do you support children and adolescents subjecting themselves to drugs which will alter the development of their brains?

Why do you lie?

I have already stated that I am opposed to kids using pot- just as I am opposed to kids using alcohol.

So we agree that pot laws enrich criminals and lead to the deaths of Americans- are you for or against the pot prohibition laws?
Lol you people are fucking idiots
"So what if it disintegrates the black market? There will still be someone doing it illegally! Therefore we should keep it illegal dddduuuuuurrrrrr"
Legalize pot and let the cartels deal with it all. In ten years the cartels have eliminated 70 thousand users and dealers.
Because of course after we legalized alcohol, the mobs dealt with it all- and the mob eliminated all of the booze users and dealers.....LOL
Who do you think is in those mass graves?

The mass graves in Mexico?

The people killed because of our drug laws.
yea very rarely.....
Rarely but not very rarely. This is far more common.

Marijuana Can Lead To Permanent Impotence |

I've always found this complaint endlessly amusing.
something else very rarely......geezus you pick such rare things and you wonder why no one will discuss this sensibly with you...and you are also conversing with people who know better...
Consider those 'rare' circumstances and then consider potheads inflicting that condition onto them out of sheer ignorance.
ill consider that many of those "rare" incidences are caused by the "pothead" also doing other harder drugs,or drinks a lot,or was mentally unstable to begin with....
Wrong. THC is a debilitating, anxiety and depression inducing substance for some people and is especially risky for younger, developing brains..

And alcohol is a poison that is a killer for some people.

Why do you want pot treated differently than alcohol- more to the point- why do you want government telling adults what they can and cannot do with their own bodies?

Why do you want the government telling you what you can do?
Reefer Madness?

You potheads are so cutting-edge. Get out of the 1960's and progress a little.
The commentary in these threads make it clear that Reefer Madness fanaticism is alive and well. Consider the fact that marijuana was decriminalized in New York City (and elsewhere) throughout the '60s and '70s. Possession of less than 27 grams (one ounce) was a summons offense with a $25 fine as penalty -- but unless one distributed to minors, engaged in public use, or trafficked in large quantities the police just didn't bother with marijuana. In fact, if one were arrested for some felony or misdemeanor and was in possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, the marijuana was held in his/her personal property and returned with any other items of property. It was no big deal -- and real crime was way down because the police were focused on it.

That's the way it was in back then. Compare that with today and tell us it's not Reefer Madness all over again -- if not worse.
Reefer Madness was rooted in ignorance.
You current potheads refuse to acknowledge the empirical and instead keep falling back on ancient bullshit like it's so contemporary.

Reefer Madness was rooted in hysterical fear- just like your fears.

Prohibition taught those who have read history that Prohibition results in:
a) more deaths from illegal drug use
b) more violent deaths from black market activity
c) the enrichment of organized crime.

Why exactly do you support pot prohibition when you know it has resulted in all of the same things?
Do you inject shellfish into people who have shellfish allergies or penicillin into those who are allergic to penicillin?
Why are you pot advocates so abjectly stupid?
Link? They shut down one test because no one drove worse stoned and some people drove better.

You're either intentionally ignorant or find lying natural.

Your desperation is also duly noted. I can only presume you are making a futile effort to defend your own stoned driving. Stating that some stoners drove better stoned is just nonsense.

Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization
By Andrea Noble - The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Roughly 10 percent of Washington state drivers involved in fatal car crashes between 2010 and 2014 tested positive for recent marijuana use, with the percentage of drivers who had used pot within hours of a crash doubling between 2013 and 2014, according to a new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Although the uptick in fatal crashes comes after Washington citizens voted in 2012 to legalize marijuana — and as other states are expected to consider similar measures — a second AAA study discourages lawmakers from adopting “arbitrary legal limits” on marijuana use because of a lack of adequate methods to determine impairment by the drug.

AAA officials said the studies about marijuana and driving, released Tuesday, are meant to encourage more comprehensive enforcement measures to improve road safety.

Authorities in Washington recorded 436 fatal crashes in 2013, and determined that drivers involved in 40 crashes tested positive for THC, the active chemical in marijuana, according to the study. In 2014 they found that of 462 fatal crashes, 85 drivers tested positive for THC.


Marijuana-related fatal car accidents surge in Washington state after legalization

More? Okay

Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S., Study Finds
Researchers note that increase included men and women, and all age groups

By Dennis Thompson

HealthDay Reporter

TUESDAY, Feb. 4, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- The legalization of marijuana is an idea that is gaining momentum in the United States, but there may be a dark side to pot becoming more commonplace, a new study suggests.

Fatal crashes involving marijuana use tripled during the previous decade, fueling some of the overall increase in drugged-driving traffic deaths, researchers from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health report.

"Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana," said co-author Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia. "If this trend continues, in five or six years non-alcohol drugs will overtake alcohol to become the most common substance involved in deaths related to impaired driving."


Read more: Fatal Car Crashes Involving Pot Use Have Tripled in U.S., Study Finds


Sure- now show an increase in fatal car crashes that are linked to pot use.

How about this one?

States that enact medical marijuana laws see dips in fatal car crashes
States that enact medical marijuana laws see dips in fatal car crashes

When examining 19 states that had medical marijuana laws on the books by 2014, researchers found that their average rate of traffic deaths fell 11 percent after the laws were enacted. The happy side-effect wasn’t uniform, however; only seven states saw significant reductions, while two states saw increases. Nevertheless, the authors of the new report in the American Journal of Public Health argue that the data bucks the common criticism that more pot access should increase car crashes and injuries
There were several patterns within these states. For instance, California saw an immediate 16 percent drop in traffic deaths after medical marijuana laws were enacted in 1996. However, the death rate inched back up in subsequent years. In Colorado, on the other hand, medical marijuana laws enacted in 2010 initially had no statistically significant effect, but the state later saw yearly reductions.
Reefer Madness?

You potheads are so cutting-edge. Get out of the 1960's and progress a little.
The commentary in these threads make it clear that Reefer Madness fanaticism is alive and well. Consider the fact that marijuana was decriminalized in New York City (and elsewhere) throughout the '60s and '70s. Possession of less than 27 grams (one ounce) was a summons offense with a $25 fine as penalty -- but unless one distributed to minors, engaged in public use, or trafficked in large quantities the police just didn't bother with marijuana. In fact, if one were arrested for some felony or misdemeanor and was in possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, the marijuana was held in his/her personal property and returned with any other items of property. It was no big deal -- and real crime was way down because the police were focused on it.

That's the way it was in back then. Compare that with today and tell us it's not Reefer Madness all over again -- if not worse.
Reefer Madness was rooted in ignorance.
You current potheads refuse to acknowledge the empirical and instead keep falling back on ancient bullshit like it's so contemporary.

Reefer Madness was rooted in hysterical fear- just like your fears.

Prohibition taught those who have read history that Prohibition results in:
a) more deaths from illegal drug use
b) more violent deaths from black market activity
c) the enrichment of organized crime.

Why exactly do you support pot prohibition when you know it has resulted in all of the same things?
Do you inject shellfish into people who have shellfish allergies or penicillin into those who are allergic to penicillin?
Why are you pot advocates so abjectly stupid?

And by 'abjectly stupid' you mean we are not ignorant and frightened like you are.

Why are you so terrified to answer the question?

Prohibition taught those who have read history that Prohibition results in:
a) more deaths from illegal drug use
b) more violent deaths from black market activity
c) the enrichment of organized crime.

Why exactly do you support pot prohibition when you know it has resulted in all of the same things?

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