Their moment is fast coming to and end.

Nearly ALL instigated by the Proud Boys. Your team loser. ;)

Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

The "Crybaby" is the one who is hiding in the White House because he lost, and he knows it.
What you need to know is that his lack of cooperation with Biden and the transfer of power is putting our national security at stake.
As John Kelly said, "...the downside to not doing so could be catastrophic to our people regardless of who they voted for."

That means your sorry ass is just at much at risk as everybody else.
Trump needs to denounce what happened last night.
And you need to grow the fuck up.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).

Nope. Almost 6,000,000

Joe Biden
Democratic Party

Donald Trump
Republican Party

We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
Illegal votes don't count. Thought the left were supposed to be smart?!? Your side can't win a fair fight.

Your side is full of corruption, who know nothing but how to lie, cheat and steal. The party of the sucker punch......Cowards.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.
We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
none of them were legitimate voters. They were illegal aliens.
After winning in 2016 Trump put together a committee to investigate voter fraud. We all know what they found. Crickets.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

Don't bet on it. Trump supporters went looking for a fight last night. I am already seeing whispers on the Internet that if
this continues or if there is a second coming of the Tea Party, it's ready to be met with counterprotests.

The Tea Party was a Sunday picnic compared to what would happen to you guys and girls, if we Americans finally had enough of the left's bullshit.

Maybe you should be thankful that we are showing as much restraint and patience as we are. But I wouldn't push your luck too far, you might not like the results.
I was here yesterday! There were not thousands, there were over 1 million people there.


The rally ended after 4 hours, and many people stayed around to check out DC. I did see BLM there but they only had about 50 people and the millions just ignored them and walked right through them despite their trying to block the street.

They waited in to late at night after most people had left to pick on a straggler here and there. They are punks and if you stand up to them they run, and that’s what they did when some MAGA allies showed up and faced down BLM Terrorists who were picking on little old ladies and old men who were isolated.
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We already know. Hillary beat him by 3.5 million votes and Biden beat him by 4.5 million votes (or thereabouts).
Illegal votes don't count. Thought the left were supposed to be smart?!? Your side can't win a fair fight.

Your side is full of corruption, who know nothing but how to lie, cheat and steal. The party of the sucker punch......Cowards.
Your side is full of baseless allegations.

Trump's claims of massive voter fraud are baseless, election integrity panel member says

VP Pence was the chair of the committee.
Crybaby BKM and fellow communist Antifa movement are about to find the fuck out how America feels about you.

Don't bet on it. Trump supporters went looking for a fight last night. I am already seeing whispers on the Internet that if
this continues or if there is a second coming of the Tea Party, it's ready to be met with counterprotests.

The Tea Party was a Sunday picnic compared to what would happen to you guys and girls, if we Americans finally had enough of the left's bullshit.

Maybe you should be thankful that we're blessed with as much restraint as we are.
1. You always resort to violence

Polite discussion in State politics is an illusion. At the end of this discussion, it really doesn’t matter who’s right or who’s wrong, the person with the superior numbers is going to force their bad ideas on everybody else at gun point. Just imagine doing this in reverse, where you start with a threat instead of ending with it. Nobody would try to be polite about their disagreement under those circumstances.

Since we know we have inferior numbers, and the minority always gets screwed and threatened by democracy, this is exactly what this discussion looks like to us. It begins and ends with the threat of violence, so the fact that we don’t shoot you in the face really speaks volumes to our civility.


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