Their Promises: Impossible To Fulfill

And not a second too soon!!!!

I recommend that you begin with this thread.....I have several more posts in store....and try to find any errors.

And....I have authored one or two other should peruse same.
And take notes.

I am always open to debating any points I endorse.
What are you talking about? It's not like you supplied any links or anything. - Did you OD on your estrogen pillls..? - Thought so. - - Good luck with that.

So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Liberal response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
I'm left baffled. - -? I have no idea of what your trying to communicate. Regardless, don't worry about me, get back to the business of dialogue.

What am I 'Scrubbing Bubbles...we work hard so you don't have to'?????

You bring nothing to the table, and, clearly...I do.
That's what brought you here, and brought out the ire. some real work and produce a substantive post.....

....assuming, of course, that that is possible.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Lol. - you silly Twa_! We're actually advocating for the same side. - - you are just too 'unbridled' to pause and reflect. - - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism". Your doing a 'piss poor job' in your of recognition of such. - -

If no one recognized "We're actually advocating for the same side. - -.... - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism"....

....imagine how inarticulate you must be.

Your first post...
"That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--"

...certainly appears to cast the lie to your current attempt.

Do a better job.
What are you talking about? It's not like you supplied any links or anything. - Did you OD on your estrogen pillls..? - Thought so. - - Good luck with that.

So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Liberal response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
I'm left baffled. - -? I have no idea of what your trying to communicate. Regardless, don't worry about me, get back to the business of dialogue.

What am I 'Scrubbing Bubbles...we work hard so you don't have to'?????

You bring nothing to the table, and, clearly...I do.
That's what brought you here, and brought out the ire.

OK, 'Super Political Chick', pick apart my latest post, sentence / fragment. & report back. - What do you find? some real work and produce a substantive post.....

....assuming, of course, that that is possible.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Lol. - you silly Twa_! We're actually advocating for the same side. - - you are just too 'unbridled' to pause and reflect. - - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism". Your doing a 'piss poor job' in your of recognition of such. - -

If no one recognized "We're actually advocating for the same side. - -.... - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism"....

....imagine how inarticulate you must be.

Your first post...
"That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--"

...certainly appears to cast the lie to your current attempt.

Do a better job.
So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Liberal response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
I'm left baffled. - -? I have no idea of what your trying to communicate. Regardless, don't worry about me, get back to the business of dialogue.

What am I 'Scrubbing Bubbles...we work hard so you don't have to'?????

You bring nothing to the table, and, clearly...I do.
That's what brought you here, and brought out the ire.

OK, 'Super Political Chick', pick apart my latest post, sentence / fragment. & report back. - What do you find? some real work and produce a substantive post.....

....assuming, of course, that that is possible.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Lol. - you silly Twa_! We're actually advocating for the same side. - - you are just too 'unbridled' to pause and reflect. - - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism". Your doing a 'piss poor job' in your of recognition of such. - -

If no one recognized "We're actually advocating for the same side. - -.... - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism"....

....imagine how inarticulate you must be.

Your first post...
"That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--"

...certainly appears to cast the lie to your current attempt.

Do a better job.

You wrote nothing.....which makes this your most articulate post to date.
Ironic that a supporter of Trump would complain about broken promises. His are numerous (anyone seen his tax returns?) so your hypocrisy is awe inspiring. Thank you.

The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.
Americans voted for the policies.
I don't think so. I think if you polled people on their values the majority would be closer to the Dems than the GOP. Trump is a great salesman and self-promoter and he sold himself to the American people. Not being concerned with facts or ever keeping his promises made it a much easier sell.

Like these:

Most voted against the Democrats, [MOST VOTED AGAINST ONE DEMOCRAT: HILLARY]
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy, [A TRUMP LIE, THE ECONOMY WAS JUST FINE]
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades, [ANOTHER TRUMP LIE, CORRUPTION WAS NO WORSE THAN ANY OTHER ADMIN]
against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages, [ANOTHER TRUMP LIE]
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party, [TRUMP DID APPEAL TO WHITE RACISTS]
against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare [AGAINST ALL IMMIGRANTS, LEGAL OR NOT]
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations, [ANOTHER TRUMP LIE, THE VETTING PROCESS WAS ALREADY 'EXTREME']
against $20 trillion national debt...[ANOTHER TRUMP LIE, HIS TAX CUTS WILL INCREASE THE DEBT]
Ironic that a supporter of Trump would complain about broken promises. His are numerous (anyone seen his tax returns?) so your hypocrisy is awe inspiring. Thank you.

The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.
Americans voted for the policies.
I don't think so. I think if you polled people on their values the majority would be closer to the Dems than the GOP. Trump is a great salesman and self-promoter and he sold himself to the American people. Not being concerned with facts or ever keeping his promises made it a much easier sell.

Like these:

Most voted against the Democrats, [MOST VOTED AGAINST ONE DEMOCRAT: HILLARY]
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy, [A TRUMP LIE, THE ECONOMY WAS JUST FINE]
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades, [ANOTHER TRUMP LIE, CORRUPTION WAS NO WORSE THAN ANY OTHER ADMIN]
against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages, [ANOTHER TRUMP LIE]
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party, [TRUMP DID APPEAL TO WHITE RACISTS]
against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare [AGAINST ALL IMMIGRANTS, LEGAL OR NOT]
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations, [ANOTHER TRUMP LIE, THE VETTING PROCESS WAS ALREADY 'EXTREME']
against $20 trillion national debt...[ANOTHER TRUMP LIE, HIS TAX CUTS WILL INCREASE THE DEBT]

"I don't think so. I think if you polled people on their values the majority would be closer to the Dems than the GOP. Trump is a great salesman and self-promoter and he sold himself to the American people."

Well, aLie#1216.....this might have been a truthful post has you ended it after the first three words.
It is, after all, the motto of Democrat voters.
Well, aLie#1216.....this might have been a truthful post has you ended it after the first three words.
It is, after all, the motto of Democrat voters.
So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Right wing response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
Well, aLie#1216.....this might have been a truthful post has you ended it after the first three words.
It is, after all, the motto of Democrat voters.
So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Right wing response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

You've learned from your betters.
7. Did I mention the close association of Democrats and the views of those who slaughtered 100 million men, women and children?

a. "Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street - Shadowproof

b. ....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism.... Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University

c. President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

8. And this:

"Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....
Liberalism-Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.

Oh dear God we are all gonna eat popcorn and watch the TV...Tonight's lineup include:: a Canuck Asian who tries to destabilize the world through fear of political philosophies she doesn't understand or can't pronounce....
1.That would be the promises of Leftist doctrines, Socialism, Communism, or Liberalism.

The failures – from the loss of prosperity, to outright slaughter- abound throughout Leftist endeavors.

But…..if the folks who run those schemes can convince the peasants…or the voters….that they can produce the results that they promise….well, there’s power and riches to be had.

For the elites.

2. In his book, “Liberalism,” Burgess Owens put it this way:

“One of the most unique features of the Promise of America is the access it gives each of its citizens to upward mobility….with the caveat that risk and failure are intrinsic parts of the equation.
There is an increasing number of Americans who demand the presence of an arbitrator who will guarantee them equal results while negating all pain. This is the false promise of Communism and Socialism….”

And Liberalism.

3. How is it possible to deceive so many into voting for the Left? There are several answers, but forcing everyone into government indoctrination centers, schools, is, largely, the answer.
The ability to think and question is programmed out of them.

“What really troubles me is how many young people in America today, the Millennials, are graduating after eight years of grade school, four years of high school, four years of college if not more, and they think that socialism is the way we should design our economy….That [is] just so disappointing because when you go to socialist places, you see that very few people work. Everybody thinks it’s wonderful you’re going to get all these free things, but you know at some point you’ve got all the people in the wagon and nobody’s there to pull it anymore.”

“37 percent of Americans say they prefer socialism to capitalism. When you look at the millennial generation, it’s a significant majority of them who prefer that.”

Could you imagine the outcry if somebody were to proclaim, “What we need is a modern Adolf Hitler” — the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party? Such ignorance and maliciousness would be rightfully condemned. Yet Lenin and Stalin and Mao, 20th century leaders of Communistic socialism, seemingly get off the hook.”
Millennials Don't Know Brutal History of Communism

The missing lesson for Democrat voters is

Yeah leave out all the great republics that have slaughter a billion since ancient times....

Then monarchies, billions of people...

Religious empires-millions killed they had to save some for shrine cleaners...

Yet this so called sheepskin wearing gal that claims is literate never brings them up......
I'm left baffled. - -? I have no idea of what your trying to communicate. Regardless, don't worry about me, get back to the business of dialogue.

What am I 'Scrubbing Bubbles...we work hard so you don't have to'?????

You bring nothing to the table, and, clearly...I do.
That's what brought you here, and brought out the ire.

OK, 'Super Political Chick', pick apart my latest post, sentence / fragment. & report back. - What do you find? some real work and produce a substantive post.....

....assuming, of course, that that is possible.

There's plenty that I've written. - go back and pull out one of my posts & attempt to pick it apart under your "Super Chick / Twa_, Microscope. - lets see what you are able to dredge up. -

Waiting. - - Chika.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Lol. - you silly Twa_! We're actually advocating for the same side. - - you are just too 'unbridled' to pause and reflect. - - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism". Your doing a 'piss poor job' in your of recognition of such. - -

If no one recognized "We're actually advocating for the same side. - -.... - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism"....

....imagine how inarticulate you must be.

Your first post...
"That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--"

...certainly appears to cast the lie to your current attempt.

Do a better job.

You wrote nothing.....which makes this your most articulate post to date.
What am I 'Scrubbing Bubbles...we work hard so you don't have to'?????

You bring nothing to the table, and, clearly...I do.
That's what brought you here, and brought out the ire.

OK, 'Super Political Chick', pick apart my latest post, sentence / fragment. & report back. - What do you find? some real work and produce a substantive post.....

....assuming, of course, that that is possible.

There's plenty that I've written. - go back and pull out one of my posts & attempt to pick it apart under your "Super Chick / Twa_, Microscope. - lets see what you are able to dredge up. -

Waiting. - - Chika.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Lol. - you silly Twa_! We're actually advocating for the same side. - - you are just too 'unbridled' to pause and reflect. - - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism". Your doing a 'piss poor job' in your of recognition of such. - -

If no one recognized "We're actually advocating for the same side. - -.... - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism"....

....imagine how inarticulate you must be.

Your first post...
"That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--"

...certainly appears to cast the lie to your current attempt.

Do a better job.

You wrote nothing.....which makes this your most articulate post to date.
we have a modern Adolph Hitler ... his name is donald Trump ...
Both of my Grandfathers served during WWII and it would have been a toss up between laughing their ass off or slapping the shit out of anyone who made this comparison.

The self-inflicted ignorance of the left is astonishing.

Were they racist homophobes too?
Fighting against Nazi's makes you a racist homophobe ? What the fuck are you babbling about ?

Being a trump supporter does.
How so ?
9. Two centuries ago, a French agent visited America, and was thrilled by what freedom and liberty allowed people to accomplish.

He wrote about it…..and, identified what Liberalism, today, professes to provide.

Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.”

As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.”

But….what must the individual give up to obtain this promise of care from cradle to grave?

Happiness, prosperity, and peace.

Promises that the Left has never been able to fulfill; instead, the pattern has been one of poverty, starvation, and slaughter.
10. The Left promises Happiness, prosperity, and peace….all the individual has to do, is give up his inalienable rights, to government.

Let’s see an example of how Leftism works out:

“Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelans reported losing on average 11 kilograms (24 lbs) in body weight last year and almost 90 percent now live in poverty,… in 1999, leftist President Hugo Chavez was proud of improving Venezuela’s social indicators due to oil-fueled welfare policies. But his successor President Nicolas Maduro’s rule since 2013 has coincided with a deep recession, due to failed state-led economic policies and the plunge in global oil prices.” Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits


Hugo Chavez, head of the United Socialist Party, said this:

“Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me With both presidents facing tight re-election fights, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez gave a surprise endorsement to Barack Obama on Sunday - and said the U.S. leader no doubt felt the same.” Chavez to Obama: I'd vote for you, and you for me
we have a modern Adolph Hitler ... his name is donald Trump ...
Both of my Grandfathers served during WWII and it would have been a toss up between laughing their ass off or slapping the shit out of anyone who made this comparison.

The self-inflicted ignorance of the left is astonishing.

Were they racist homophobes too?
Fighting against Nazi's makes you a racist homophobe ? What the fuck are you babbling about ?

Being a trump supporter does.
How so ?

Only a racist homophobe could support the crap Trump wants to do.
11. Have any doubt that Democrats are doppelgangers of the Communists?
Would you like to see proof of Hillary Clinton claiming the very same beliefs that motivate communism?

Leftist promise that human nature can be changed by their policies:

“In 1920, when I was working as a medical missionary in South China, I was introduced to Communism by long "indoctrination" by Chinese devotees. They were so sure of themselves that sometimes I had to wonder if their interpretation of human beings and society was factual and correct while ours was illusion and error.

One day I said to the persuader: "It is plain that you totally believe what you are saying, but I can't agree. I'm sure it is against human nature."

He exploded: "You Capitalists always talk about 'human nature;' but there is no such thing. Human beings are what you make them. Capitalism makes them acquisitive, selfish; it inevitably produces clashes and WAR. Communism makes persons selfless, with concern not for themselves as individuals, but for the whole society-the masses.
Thus, Communism won't lead to clashes-and the whole world at last will have PEACE!"
The Schwarz Report | Essays

Here’s Hillary on the malleability of human nature…..the fundamental claim of the Left:

. In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction.”

Neither our Founders nor conservatives believe that human nature can be changed.
That's the reason for the checks and balances designed into government.
Both of my Grandfathers served during WWII and it would have been a toss up between laughing their ass off or slapping the shit out of anyone who made this comparison.

The self-inflicted ignorance of the left is astonishing.

Were they racist homophobes too?
Fighting against Nazi's makes you a racist homophobe ? What the fuck are you babbling about ?

Being a trump supporter does.
How so ?

Only a racist homophobe could support the crap Trump wants to do.
Just calling something racist homophobic doesn't make it so. Explain what Trump is doing that discriminates against minority gay people.
12. If the Liberal trajectory continues, this is peek into the future: San Francisco produces maps so that people can avoid human feces and used needles on the streets:


One of the comments:

“It looks like the jump from 2015 to 2016 across all graphs was much greater than from 2011 to 2013, suggesting the problem is is worsening at an exponential rate, or perhaps logarithmic if you think there will be an equilibrium.”
Map of human poop reports in SF over the years (and needles and encampments) • r/sanfrancisco

My exact sentiment about Liberalism.

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