Their Promises: Impossible To Fulfill

4. Based on its aims and claims, guess which political philosophy the Democrat Party is most closely aligned.

This one:
was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period.

During the century measured, more people died as a result of communism than from homicide (58 million) and genocide (30 million) put together. The combined death tolls of WWI (37 million) and WWII (66 million) exceed communism’s total by only 9 million.

It gets worse—…. all of the world’s worst famines during the 20th century were in communist countries: China (twice!), the Soviet Union, and North Korea.

Communism is a killer. And yet some still say they support the idea: According to a 2011 Rasmussen poll, 11% of Americans think that communism would better serve this country’s needs than our current system.”
Communism Killed 94M in 20th Century, Feels Need to Kill Again

And the Left got the votes of over 60 million Americans in 2016.

"Sheep have only two speeds: graze and stampede.'
LOL, if push came to shove in this nation. -- what would the Leftist (Commies) "shove back with"? (vocal strains of righteous indignation. - -?)

“What really troubles me is how many young people in America today, the Millennials, are graduating after eight years of grade school, four years of high school, four years of college if not more, and they think that socialism is the way we should design our economy….That [is] just so disappointing because when you go to socialist places, you see that very few people work. Everybody thinks it’s wonderful you’re going to get all these free things, but you know at some point you’ve got all the people in the wagon and nobody’s there to pull it anymore.”


Progressives have successfully gained control of the public school system.
They have systemically polluted all the applicable school policies with their garbage.
They have successfully prohibited a teacher from expressing any point of view contrary to the Progressive movement.

Once you control the source, the vehicle and can effectively silence any opposition, the results are predetermined.

It takes strong minded individuals to question and reject the indoctrination....

....they're called conservatives.
That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--

Good thing you joined the board....I have so very much to teach you.

Jot this down and laminate it for your wallet:
Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise.
The same is true of nuclear weapons.
But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.
Are you the designated 'cool club' Bitch? Yeh - 25 yo ago I sent her home with a black eye. - I don't think that I'll be taking any more advice from presumptuous 'politi - sluts'. like you, but thanks for trying. --
4. Based on its aims and claims, guess which political philosophy the Democrat Party is most closely aligned.

This one:
was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period.

During the century measured, more people died as a result of communism than from homicide (58 million) and genocide (30 million) put together. The combined death tolls of WWI (37 million) and WWII (66 million) exceed communism’s total by only 9 million.

It gets worse—…. all of the world’s worst famines during the 20th century were in communist countries: China (twice!), the Soviet Union, and North Korea.

Communism is a killer. And yet some still say they support the idea: According to a 2011 Rasmussen poll, 11% of Americans think that communism would better serve this country’s needs than our current system.”
Communism Killed 94M in 20th Century, Feels Need to Kill Again

And the Left got the votes of over 60 million Americans in 2016.

"Sheep have only two speeds: graze and stampede.'
LOL, if push came to shove in this nation. -- what would the Leftist (Commies) "shove back with"? (vocal strains of righteous indignation. - -?)

Done and done.

The Democrat President who embraced communism as early as 1933 has already shown what Democrats do when they can...

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s executive order forcibly removed about 120,000 Japanese Americans, mostly U.S. citizens, from their homes.... They were forcibly removed to 10 concentration camps. The government officially called them “relocation centers,” but Roosevelt himself used the words “concentration camp” in a recommendation as early as 1936, as did a military proposal in 1942. The occupants were kept behind barbed wire, and armed guards kept them from leaving."
FDR’s concentration camps were a warning, not a model

“What really troubles me is how many young people in America today, the Millennials, are graduating after eight years of grade school, four years of high school, four years of college if not more, and they think that socialism is the way we should design our economy….That [is] just so disappointing because when you go to socialist places, you see that very few people work. Everybody thinks it’s wonderful you’re going to get all these free things, but you know at some point you’ve got all the people in the wagon and nobody’s there to pull it anymore.”


Progressives have successfully gained control of the public school system.
They have systemically polluted all the applicable school policies with their garbage.
They have successfully prohibited a teacher from expressing any point of view contrary to the Progressive movement.

Once you control the source, the vehicle and can effectively silence any opposition, the results are predetermined.

It takes strong minded individuals to question and reject the indoctrination....

....they're called conservatives.
That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--

Good thing you joined the board....I have so very much to teach you.

Jot this down and laminate it for your wallet:
Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise.
The same is true of nuclear weapons.
But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.
Are you the designated 'cool club' Bitch? Yeh - 25 yo ago I sent her home with a black eye. - I don't think that I'll be taking any more advice from presumptuous 'politi - sluts'. --

I don't use language like that.

I take apart the Leftists like you in a civil, educated, irrefutable manner.

Another thing I'll have to teach you.
LOL, if push came to shove in this nation. -- what would the Leftist (Commies) "shove back with"? (vocal strains of righteous indignation. - -?)

I think they have made it fairly clear they desire to shove the People around with their policies and support for/from government.
Of course personal responsibility and accountability have never been all that high on their list of priorities.
we have a modern Adolph Hitler ... his name is donald Trump ...
Both of my Grandfathers served during WWII and it would have been a toss up between laughing their ass off or slapping the shit out of anyone who made this comparison.

The self-inflicted ignorance of the left is astonishing.

Were they racist homophobes too?
Fighting against Nazi's makes you a racist homophobe ? What the fuck are you babbling about ?
1.That would be the promises of Leftist doctrines, Socialism, Communism, or Liberalism.

The failures – from the loss of prosperity, to outright slaughter- abound throughout Leftist endeavors.

But…..if the folks who run those schemes can convince the peasants…or the voters….that they can produce the results that they promise….well, there’s power and riches to be had.

For the elites.

2. In his book, “Liberalism,” Burgess Owens put it this way:

“One of the most unique features of the Promise of America is the access it gives each of its citizens to upward mobility….with the caveat that risk and failure are intrinsic parts of the equation.
There is an increasing number of Americans who demand the presence of an arbitrator who will guarantee them equal results while negating all pain. This is the false promise of Communism and Socialism….”

And Liberalism.

3. How is it possible to deceive so many into voting for the Left? There are several answers, but forcing everyone into government indoctrination centers, schools, is, largely, the answer.
The ability to think and question is programmed out of them.

“What really troubles me is how many young people in America today, the Millennials, are graduating after eight years of grade school, four years of high school, four years of college if not more, and they think that socialism is the way we should design our economy….That [is] just so disappointing because when you go to socialist places, you see that very few people work. Everybody thinks it’s wonderful you’re going to get all these free things, but you know at some point you’ve got all the people in the wagon and nobody’s there to pull it anymore.”

“37 percent of Americans say they prefer socialism to capitalism. When you look at the millennial generation, it’s a significant majority of them who prefer that.”

Could you imagine the outcry if somebody were to proclaim, “What we need is a modern Adolf Hitler” — the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party? Such ignorance and maliciousness would be rightfully condemned. Yet Lenin and Stalin and Mao, 20th century leaders of Communistic socialism, seemingly get off the hook.”
Millennials Don't Know Brutal History of Communism

The missing lesson for Democrat voters is

Ironic that a supporter of Trump would complain about broken promises. His are numerous (anyone seen his tax returns?) so your hypocrisy is awe inspiring. Thank you.
we have a modern Adolph Hitler ... his name is donald Trump ...
Both of my Grandfathers served during WWII and it would have been a toss up between laughing their ass off or slapping the shit out of anyone who made this comparison.

The self-inflicted ignorance of the left is astonishing.

Were they racist homophobes too?
Fighting against Nazi's makes you a racist homophobe ? What the fuck are you babbling about ?

Being a trump supporter does.
1.That would be the promises of Leftist doctrines, Socialism, Communism, or Liberalism.

The failures – from the loss of prosperity, to outright slaughter- abound throughout Leftist endeavors.

But…..if the folks who run those schemes can convince the peasants…or the voters….that they can produce the results that they promise….well, there’s power and riches to be had.

For the elites.

2. In his book, “Liberalism,” Burgess Owens put it this way:

“One of the most unique features of the Promise of America is the access it gives each of its citizens to upward mobility….with the caveat that risk and failure are intrinsic parts of the equation.
There is an increasing number of Americans who demand the presence of an arbitrator who will guarantee them equal results while negating all pain. This is the false promise of Communism and Socialism….”

And Liberalism.

3. How is it possible to deceive so many into voting for the Left? There are several answers, but forcing everyone into government indoctrination centers, schools, is, largely, the answer.
The ability to think and question is programmed out of them.

“What really troubles me is how many young people in America today, the Millennials, are graduating after eight years of grade school, four years of high school, four years of college if not more, and they think that socialism is the way we should design our economy….That [is] just so disappointing because when you go to socialist places, you see that very few people work. Everybody thinks it’s wonderful you’re going to get all these free things, but you know at some point you’ve got all the people in the wagon and nobody’s there to pull it anymore.”

“37 percent of Americans say they prefer socialism to capitalism. When you look at the millennial generation, it’s a significant majority of them who prefer that.”

Could you imagine the outcry if somebody were to proclaim, “What we need is a modern Adolf Hitler” — the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party? Such ignorance and maliciousness would be rightfully condemned. Yet Lenin and Stalin and Mao, 20th century leaders of Communistic socialism, seemingly get off the hook.”
Millennials Don't Know Brutal History of Communism

The missing lesson for Democrat voters is

Ironic that a supporter of Trump would complain about broken promises. His are numerous (anyone seen his tax returns?) so your hypocrisy is awe inspiring. Thank you.

The glaring error you anti-Trumpers make is assuming that folks voted for the man.
Americans voted for the policies.

Like these:

Most voted against the Democrats,
against the mess Hussein Obama made of the economy,
against the corruption we've witnessed for decades,
against awarding nuclear weapons to the 7th century savages,
against the anti-white bias of the Democrat Party,

against the flood of illegal immigrants who require welfare
against bringing millions of unvetted Muslim refugees from war-indoctrinated nations,
against redistribution of wealth,
against the failed Liberal welfare industry,
against being dictated to by the United Nothings,
against a failed Liberal education industry,
against $20 trillion national debt...

...and for the slim possibility of a rebirth of America.

"When secular leftists express frustration at how practicing Catholics (your humble servants) and evangelicals could ever vote for Donald Trump, the first thing they refuse to concede is the horror of the alternative.

They refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton clearly, forthrightly stood for abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason and even supported it having it funded by pro-life taxpayers. It’s what she and her husband called “safe, legal and rare.” Hillary and her crew even dismissed the videotaped baby-organ-selling grotesqueries of Planned Parenthood as somehow fictional. And they refuse to admit that Hillary Clinton represented the creeping extremism of the LGBT movement, with its emphasis on redesigning all the nation’s bathrooms, not to mention human nature."
Bozell & Graham Column: The Book Against Transgender Extremism

Of course, dunces vote for things like skin color.
Progressives have successfully gained control of the public school system.
They have systemically polluted all the applicable school policies with their garbage.
They have successfully prohibited a teacher from expressing any point of view contrary to the Progressive movement.

Once you control the source, the vehicle and can effectively silence any opposition, the results are predetermined.

It takes strong minded individuals to question and reject the indoctrination....

....they're called conservatives.
That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--

Good thing you joined the board....I have so very much to teach you.

Jot this down and laminate it for your wallet:
Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise.
The same is true of nuclear weapons.
But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.
Are you the designated 'cool club' Bitch? Yeh - 25 yo ago I sent her home with a black eye. - I don't think that I'll be taking any more advice from presumptuous 'politi - sluts'. --

I don't use language like that.

I take apart the Leftists like you in a civil, educated, irrefutable manner.

Another thing I'll have to teach you.
OK 'your Grace' you have the floor, - - let you wisdom commence.. lol
It takes strong minded individuals to question and reject the indoctrination....

....they're called conservatives.
That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--

Good thing you joined the board....I have so very much to teach you.

Jot this down and laminate it for your wallet:
Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise.
The same is true of nuclear weapons.
But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.
Are you the designated 'cool club' Bitch? Yeh - 25 yo ago I sent her home with a black eye. - I don't think that I'll be taking any more advice from presumptuous 'politi - sluts'. --

I don't use language like that.

I take apart the Leftists like you in a civil, educated, irrefutable manner.

Another thing I'll have to teach you.
OK 'your Grace' you have the floor, - - let you wisdom commence..

And not a second too soon!!!!

I recommend that you begin with this thread.....I have several more posts in store....and try to find any errors.

And....I have authored one or two other should peruse same.
And take notes.

I am always open to debating any points I endorse.
That might sound cool when your in 'RA, RA' mode with your sycophants. - - but really, who on the (R) is " indoctrinating " anyone & getting away with it? The schools are all poisoning the minds of the youth with 'progressive ideology', is Fox News (once fairly conservative) the source of your angst in this "indoctrination" charge or is it Christian summer camps where young kids go to play in the lake and shoot .22 LR's.--

Good thing you joined the board....I have so very much to teach you.

Jot this down and laminate it for your wallet:
Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise.
The same is true of nuclear weapons.
But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.
Are you the designated 'cool club' Bitch? Yeh - 25 yo ago I sent her home with a black eye. - I don't think that I'll be taking any more advice from presumptuous 'politi - sluts'. --

I don't use language like that.

I take apart the Leftists like you in a civil, educated, irrefutable manner.

Another thing I'll have to teach you.
OK 'your Grace' you have the floor, - - let you wisdom commence..

And not a second too soon!!!!

I recommend that you begin with this thread.....I have several more posts in store....and try to find any errors.

And....I have authored one or two other should peruse same.
And take notes.

I am always open to debating any points I endorse.
What are you talking about? It's not like you supplied any links or anything. - Did you OD on your estrogen pillls..? - Thought so. - - Good luck with that.
Good thing you joined the board....I have so very much to teach you.

Jot this down and laminate it for your wallet:
Guns are never the problem....whose hands hold the guns is where the problems arise.
The same is true of nuclear weapons.
But, perhaps that's too nuanced for you.
Are you the designated 'cool club' Bitch? Yeh - 25 yo ago I sent her home with a black eye. - I don't think that I'll be taking any more advice from presumptuous 'politi - sluts'. --

I don't use language like that.

I take apart the Leftists like you in a civil, educated, irrefutable manner.

Another thing I'll have to teach you.
OK 'your Grace' you have the floor, - - let you wisdom commence..

And not a second too soon!!!!

I recommend that you begin with this thread.....I have several more posts in store....and try to find any errors.

And....I have authored one or two other should peruse same.
And take notes.

I am always open to debating any points I endorse.
What are you talking about? It's not like you supplied any links or anything. - Did you OD on your estrogen pillls..? - Thought so. - - Good luck with that.

So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Liberal response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
Are you the designated 'cool club' Bitch? Yeh - 25 yo ago I sent her home with a black eye. - I don't think that I'll be taking any more advice from presumptuous 'politi - sluts'. --

I don't use language like that.

I take apart the Leftists like you in a civil, educated, irrefutable manner.

Another thing I'll have to teach you.
OK 'your Grace' you have the floor, - - let you wisdom commence..

And not a second too soon!!!!

I recommend that you begin with this thread.....I have several more posts in store....and try to find any errors.

And....I have authored one or two other should peruse same.
And take notes.

I am always open to debating any points I endorse.
What are you talking about? It's not like you supplied any links or anything. - Did you OD on your estrogen pillls..? - Thought so. - - Good luck with that.

So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Liberal response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
I'm left baffled. - -? I have no idea of what your trying to communicate. Regardless, don't worry about me, get back to the business of dialogue.
I don't use language like that.

I take apart the Leftists like you in a civil, educated, irrefutable manner.

Another thing I'll have to teach you.
OK 'your Grace' you have the floor, - - let you wisdom commence..

And not a second too soon!!!!

I recommend that you begin with this thread.....I have several more posts in store....and try to find any errors.

And....I have authored one or two other should peruse same.
And take notes.

I am always open to debating any points I endorse.
What are you talking about? It's not like you supplied any links or anything. - Did you OD on your estrogen pillls..? - Thought so. - - Good luck with that.

So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Liberal response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
I'm left baffled. - -? I have no idea of what your trying to communicate. Regardless, don't worry about me, get back to the business of dialogue.

What am I 'Scrubbing Bubbles...we work hard so you don't have to'?????

You bring nothing to the table, and, clearly...I do.
That's what brought you here, and brought out the ire. some real work and produce a substantive post.....

....assuming, of course, that that is possible.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Last edited:

“What really troubles me is how many young people in America today, the Millennials, are graduating after eight years of grade school, four years of high school, four years of college if not more, and they think that socialism is the way we should design our economy….That [is] just so disappointing because when you go to socialist places, you see that very few people work. Everybody thinks it’s wonderful you’re going to get all these free things, but you know at some point you’ve got all the people in the wagon and nobody’s there to pull it anymore.”


Progressives have successfully gained control of the public school system.
They have systemically polluted all the applicable school policies with their garbage.
They have successfully prohibited a teacher from expressing any point of view contrary to the Progressive movement.

Once you control the source, the vehicle and can effectively silence any opposition, the results are predetermined.

It takes strong minded individuals to question and reject the indoctrination....

....they're called conservatives.
so true have you notice that politicalchic is soooooo full of bull shit it makes you kind of feel sorry for her... she hasn't a clue what a commie is ... what a socialist is ... it like she's brain dead ... where she has to post all these right-wing bloggers to try an prove her point ... shocker alert bloggers are based on opinion not actual fact politicalchic ... try some fact for once in you life ... liberals don't want to repeal the second amendment ... they do however want to mke it harder for an angry young person to go and buy one ... which by the way ploitocalchic the republicans have stoppewd every attempt to pass legislation to stop people who are crazy who are under the age of 21 .... but your Putin lovers in the republican party thinks it quite ok to let crazy people and wife beaters buy guns ...

You accuse your opponent of not having all the facts, and then you run on with an argument full of half truths and outright ignorance. If you knew anything about communism, you would also know that you would be classified by the party as a useful idiot.

No, liberals (most of them) do not want to repeal the second amendment, they just want to neuter and side line it. However, they would try to repeal it if they thought they could actually get away with doing so. Liberals will never cease finding new guns to ban, and new classes of people to prohibit from owning guns.

Conservatives (not all Republicans are conservatives) believe in due process of law. Meaning that you cannot take someone's constitutional rights away from them without evidence that they are a real danger to themselves or others. Not all crazy people are a danger to themselves or others, and not all angry young men are a danger to themselves or others. We don't punish a group of people because a few of those people have committed crimes.
5. While the nation was created based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, neither the Communist Party nor the Democrat Party subscribe to any of those.

6. From “10 planks of Communist manifesto”
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

Which party supports those ‘planks’???

" If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
OK 'your Grace' you have the floor, - - let you wisdom commence..

And not a second too soon!!!!

I recommend that you begin with this thread.....I have several more posts in store....and try to find any errors.

And....I have authored one or two other should peruse same.
And take notes.

I am always open to debating any points I endorse.
What are you talking about? It's not like you supplied any links or anything. - Did you OD on your estrogen pillls..? - Thought so. - - Good luck with that.

So we agree.....there is nothing you can refute, and you'll have to stick to the ubiquitous Liberal response: "Is not, issssssss noooottttttttt!!!"
I'm left baffled. - -? I have no idea of what your trying to communicate. Regardless, don't worry about me, get back to the business of dialogue.

What am I 'Scrubbing Bubbles...we work hard so you don't have to'?????

You bring nothing to the table, and, clearly...I do.
That's what brought you here, and brought out the ire. some real work and produce a substantive post.....

....assuming, of course, that that is possible.

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
Lol. - you silly Twa_! We're actually advocating for the same side. - - you are just too 'unbridled' to pause and reflect. - - My whole mantra is about the travesty of "liberalism". Your doing a 'piss poor job' in your of recognition of such. - -

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