Theocracy In America--Who wants this?

In Allie's defense, read the fucking thread. She SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED THIS QUESTION.

I'm asking Allie a question, not you.

There are theocrats in America. That's the topic.
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You don't think that some secularist organizations have a vested interest in establishing their own relevance by implying that there is a creeping scourge of fundamentalist theocracy in this country? I mean, it is the very image of the fundamentalist organizations (think D. James Kennedy) who raise funds by implying that there is a war on Christianity.

You don't think that both Planned Parenthood and Focus on the Family use the abortion issue to raise funds and establish the fact that they are constantly needed to protect America from the other side?

My, aren't you ever the little idealist. That's so cute. I remember when I used to think like that.

You? Thinking? Please, don't make me laugh, Kitty Kat.

My point, (which flew over your head, as it usually does), was that the idea that secular organizations were waging a "war on Christian values" for the purpose of promoting some semblance of state atheism was absurd. The ACLU is a case in point, as they're portrayed as some godless state atheist vanguard, despite being one of the foremost defenders of religious liberty that exists.
You? Thinking? Please, don't make me laugh, Kitty Kat.

My point, (which flew over your head, as it usually does), was that the idea that secular organizations were waging a "war on Christian values" for the purpose of promoting some semblance of state atheism was absurd. The ACLU is a case in point, as they're portrayed as some godless state atheist vanguard, despite being one of the foremost defenders of religious liberty that exists.

God I wish you were as smart as you think you are.
God I wish you were as smart as you think you are.

I'll wait until you start carping again about how children are old enough to have sex.
Knock off the BS personal attacks and address the issue or I'll shut this down. If you want to attack each other, feel free to use the Flame Zone. That's what it's for.
Knock off the BS personal attacks and address the issue or I'll shut this down. If you want to attack each other, feel free to use the Flame Zone. That's what it's for.

Thank you.:clap2:
Are we using the flame zone now for commentary about how anyone who has a period is old enough for sex?
There is no supporting textual evidence that the angel in Ex. 23 is Christ pre-incarnate.

"My name is in Him" is a statement of authority. In other words, obey this guy because I sent Him and he bears my will. This is similar to a diplomat who bears the name and authority, to a degree, of the country that sends them.

Samson's father could say whatever he wanted. That doesn't mean that he was right.

Gabriel and Michael are also identified as messengers of God. Do you think they were one and the same with Jesus?

Gabriel and Michael were not identified as mal’akh YHWH, mal’akh ‘elohim in the same manner that the Angel of the LORD is.

The Angel of the LORD was also identified as God by numerous other persons he encountered, and identified himself as such, which is strong evidence that he is indeed a pre-incarnate Christ.

In Genesis 16:7-16, when Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, encountered him after fleeing from Sarai, she called his name "You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees" in Genesis 16:13. The Angel of the LORD also promised to multiply Ishmael's descendants, (the Arab nations), which no mere angel could do.

In Genesis 21:11-19, the Angel of the LORD appeared before Abraham in order to prevent him from sacrificing Isaac. The Angel of the LORD stated, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”

In Genesis 31:11-13, an entity called the "Angel of God," (likely the same figure), told Jacob that he was the "God of Bethel" in verse 13. The Angel of the LORD is also likely the same figure who wrestled with Jacob.

I could go on if I wanted to. Do I need to?

Really? Prove it.

Prove that there are numerous flaws in the Bible that affect its current conception as a "divinely inspired" text? Why don't you address the examples that I posted? And then I might post more.

I've never been told that. The Torah might be. As a Catholic, I've always been encouraged to interpret the New Testament on my own.

Well, no. My point was that we don't possess an especially well preserved edition of the Bible, even if it was "divinely inspired" to begin with.

You haven't been told that because it isn't true.

Oh, it's not true? Is that right? Funny coming from a person who's failed to acknowledge the issues of Mark 16:9-20, John 7:53-8:11, the numerous contradictions between the Gospels of Mark and John, the issue of the Comma Johanneum, or anything else that I've mentioned.

Actually, divine inspiration DOES exist. The Jews refer to it as the "Shkinah". Greeks referred to it as inspiration or a Muse.

Musicians and artists refer to it as their Muse also.

As far as female Jewish Prophets? Well......sure....they're referred to in the OT. You know.....Ruth and Esther?

I think Abraham's wife may have been one also. After all, you can't be that close to someone who is as close to God as Avraham was, without getting a little on yourself.

It's also really cool that on the 'net's Universal Torah Network, that a man named Rabbi Richman who teaches Torah, has also enlisted the help of his wife to teach about the female side of the equation.

You ought to check it out sometime. It's worth watching.

Yes, I know that there were female prophetesses. I was merely curious to see if you would affirm that.
Are we using the flame zone now for commentary about how anyone who has a period is old enough for sex?

Know anything about American History Always Babbling? If so, you would understand that during the settling of the West, kids were often married at the ages of 11-15, and, basing the things that we know about people back then, that was generally where they would start having their periods. And....after they were married, they had sex, so, in a round about way, I guess your comment is true, anyone who has a period is old enough for sex. Matter of fact, it's a biological function that makes them ready physically. Ready mentally and emotionally? Usually takes until you're halfway through your teens, or later.

IMHO, some people are NEVER ready for sex.

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