Theocracy In America--Who wants this?

That would be empty space, idiot. Deities are not depicted with pubic hair. It does say alot about the mind of the percieiver.
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Absolutely terrifying.'s like "the bush that devoured Krishna."

I would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at your family reunions.

Christmas should be interesting enough. I try to discourage contact with the white trash relatives from south Missouri.

My parents are terrifyingly fundy S. Baptist. I hide a glass of wine in the kitchen and sneak sips to cope.
Nah. I think she's already been married and divorced a few times. ;)

Psht. FEW is an exaggeration. I've been married and divorced TWICE, which makes me horrifyingly normal by American terms. I'm interested to see how many 12 year olds you'll have married by the time you're 42, Agna.

FWIW, my thanksgiving dinner was attended by:

My boyfriend, kids, ex-husband, nephew, nephew's on-and-off girlfriend, niece, and sister in law.

It was surprisingly cordial. I attribute that to the free flow of alcohol and the lack of my parents.
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That would be empty space, idiot. Deities are not depicted with pubic hair. It does say alot about the mind of the percieiver.

True. My mind tells the gutter to get out of the gutter.

Red rep from Windy: "There is no bush, you're imagining it because your mind is habitually in pube land."

Meh. I do love me some pubic hair, I cannot tell a lie. But I bet I'm not the only one who sees that in your avatar, Windy-poo.
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True. My mind tells the gutter to get out of the gutter.

Red rep from Windy: "There is no bush, you're imagining it because your mind is habitually in pube land."

Meh. I do love me some pubic hair, I cannot tell a lie. But I bet I'm not the only one who sees that in your avatar, Windy-poo.

My name here is sky dancer.
Mormons and Catholics campaigned hard and spent a ton of money to make sure that gays and lesbians are unable to marry and share the same rights and privileges as heterosexuals.

The evidence of 22 million dollars is hardly a fantasy.

22 million dollars is chump change to the Morman and Catholic churches. Don't be silly.
There you go, darlings. A changed avatar so that your minds are no longer terrified of empty space.
Wasn't the point to get the avatar banned by pretending it is pornography?

The dakini is a feminine symbol of ultimate freedom, 'to dance unobstructedly in space'. Dakinis can take any form. Here is a G rated one since you seem to need it.

Since she is seated she is slightly less dynamic. But she has the same potential as the previous one.
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Psht. FEW is an exaggeration. I've been married and divorced TWICE, which makes me horrifyingly normal by American terms. I'm interested to see how many 12 year olds you'll have married by the time you're 42, Agna.

FWIW, my thanksgiving dinner was attended by:

My boyfriend, kids, ex-husband, nephew, nephew's on-and-off girlfriend, niece, and sister in law.

It was surprisingly cordial. I attribute that to the free flow of alcohol and the lack of my parents.

That is irrelevant to Southern incest jokes.
Wasn't the point to get the avatar banned by pretending it is pornography?

The dakini is a feminine symbol of ultimate freedom, to dance unobstructedly in space. Dakinis can take any form. Here is a G rated one since you seemed to need it.

I believe in absolute freedom of speech, so the last thing I would want to do is get your bush-wielding avatar banned, but don't let that keep you from a whole lot of hand wringing and victim playing.
I believe in absolute freedom of speech, so the last thing I would want to do is get your bush-wielding avatar banned, but don't let that keep you from a whole lot of hand wringing and victim playing.

Seriously----that's the owner's rule. Get over it or bitch to him--I dont care if you post porn. Beg to be rejected much ?
I believe in absolute freedom of speech, so the last thing I would want to do is get your bush-wielding avatar banned, but don't let that keep you from a whole lot of hand wringing and victim playing.

I don't feel the slightest bit victimized. I am astounded by your immaturity and ignorance.

A female buddha is a 'bush wielding avatar' or porn? Only in your mind.

If you had any interest, (which I know you don't) I would explain the symbolism of the image.
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I don't feel the slightest bit victimized. I am astounded by your immaturity and ignorance.
Damn you're a slow learner. After all this time, you're STILL astounded by it? Sheesh.

A female buddha is a 'bush wielding avatar'?

It's too small and I'm too old to make out the details clearly, aside from the massive clump o' pubes. And, I can only see that because it's so dark and clearly delineated.

If you had any interest, (which I know you don't) I would explain the symbolism of the image.

If it will allow me to get you even more disgruntled, feel free.
Also, in future threads about theocracy, you should mention how this one descended into anti-buddhist flaming and persecution of you for your avatar. That would fit with the standard MO.
Also, in future threads about theocracy, you should mention how this one descended into anti-buddhist flaming and persecution of you for your avatar. That would fit with the standard MO.

You are the one who went off topic with the avatar. I have since removed the avatar. Lets get back to the topic. Thanks.

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