Zone1 "There are not 100 people who hate the Catholic Church.." said Fr Sheen

Anyone who disagree with Jesus (and does not repent before the ENd) is indeed going to Hell

and I have not said one word here that is anti-Christ.

No one has accused me of that in any specific way either...

Your particular problems are hubris and judgementalism. You like to think you are the Holy Spirit.
It's really bad when posters attack posters instead of issues and problems and topics

How liberal of them
It's really bad when posters attack posters instead of issues and problems and topics

How liberal of them

Your particular problems are hubris and judgementalism. You like to think you are the Holy Spirit.
Who says Father Sheen is a Wanker ?

Anybody can invent nonsense in order to calm their troubled conscience or simply deflect from an uncomfortable truth .
Cult Christians are like my Orchids -- fading before a long hard winter .
The great Bishop Sheen. He was truly a man of God
He was a man of truth. He recognized that in order to keep people apart from the Catholic faith as opposed to a part of the Catholic faith, falsehoods had to be spread because truth is indestructible. So began the outside mudslinging of twisting Catholic teachings into what the Church was "really" thinking and what the history of the Church "really" is.

The second part of the issue is that the Catholic faith is so much more disciplined than many other Christian denominations who have the attitude of "Christ took care of it all--nothing more we need to do."

The Catholic faith has so much more depth. Reflection: When something can only emerge or exist if truth is torn down, it hasn't the strength to stand on its own, it is being built on sand, not rock. Truth has no need to tear down other truths. They stand hand-in-hand with no need to fear or hold the other in contempt.

One should follow the faith (whatever that faith is) that draws them closer to God. Ironically, sometimes that faith is atheism.
Anybody can invent nonsense in order to calm their troubled conscience or simply deflect from an uncomfortable truth .
Cult Christians are like my Orchids -- fading before a long hard winter .
Truth does not fade. Nor does reality.
So how do you then explain Cult Christianity being close to disappearing -- not just fading ?
Christianity is neither a cult nor is it close to disappearing. God has presence, and those who experience are going to seek out those who have had that experience of/with God. It is the reason scripture prevails because it relates the accounts of others who have shared these experiences.

What gives me pause is that as language changes, so does understanding of those who simply peruse the Bible, especially the Old Testament.
I don't like Francis. I despise/loathe Vatican II and its hideous results..

But the Church stands forever... as Jesus promised

Mt 16:18
Mt 28:20

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