There are only a few banned words here

Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. "

We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”
Yehuda Berg
Freedom of speech, the first and foremost Amendment in the Bill of Rights, is seen as one of the founding tenants of a democratic society. However, there are cases of what the Supreme Court calls “unprotected speech” where speech can be restricted. Slander, libel, and “fighting words” are all examples of unprotected speech. In each of these cases, the speech has been deemed harmful to others and is therefore illegal (Cohen, 2009).

Obscenity is also considered a type of unprotected speech, under the argument that offensive words also constitute a form of harm, particularly for the vulnerable and the young (Jay, 2009b). This idea has been the basis of many of the rules enforced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which has fined TV stations and Radio Networks for everything from broadcasting George Carlin’s “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television” to Bono’s fleeting use of “fucking brilliant” at the Golden Globe Awards (Pinker, 2007; Jay, 2009b).
Well, I remember the days when Lucy and Ricky had to have twin beds, even. What gets bleeped on tv anymore leaves it entirely clear what was said, so what's the point? I suppose it does keep one's three year old from picking it up and using it.
I have nothing against cuss words. I have issue with words meant to denigrate women. I suppose blacks feel the same about n****r which is why I would never use it. Hispanics may feel the same about "wetbacks." We all get touchy about something.
Front hole isn't obscene in itself. Like Coyote said, it's how it is being used.

Words only have power if you give them power.
Then why are you posting?

You're reply makes no sense...

But, if you are asking why I responded to your thread I will say this:

I do not believe in banning words, any words. Certainly not because someone finds them offensive. What's next? Banning books? I'm sure there are books you would find offensive.

Banning words, to my mind, shows a lack of maturity and intelligence in those seeking the ban just as much as it does in those who use the words.

Words only have power if you give them power.
Then why are you posting?

You're reply makes no sense...

But, if you are asking why I responded to your thread I will say this:

I do not believe in banning words, any words. Certainly not because someone finds them offensive. What's next? Banning books? I'm sure there are books you would find offensive.

Banning words, to my mind, shows a lack of maturity and intelligence in those seeking the ban just as much as it does in those who use the words.
Why did I argue f-h should be banned?
again it does not matter what one is matters what one answer too...

as dear oscar wilde said....those in the gutter are looking at the stars

Words only have power if you give them power.
Then why are you posting?

You're reply makes no sense...

But, if you are asking why I responded to your thread I will say this:

I do not believe in banning words, any words. Certainly not because someone finds them offensive. What's next? Banning books? I'm sure there are books you would find offensive.

Banning words, to my mind, shows a lack of maturity and intelligence in those seeking the ban just as much as it does in those who use the words.
To me, words have meaning. Of course they do, or you and I would not be communicating right now. We agreed from the time we learned English what the meaning of those words are. When a word is really offensive to an entire group of people, maybe folks should be polite enough not to use them. Then no one would have to ask for a ban, would they? Some people just have the need to insult others, though, and they won't stop. That is NOT because the words don't have meaning. It shows that they DO.
Well, I remember the days when Lucy and Ricky had to have twin beds, even. .
Then you should be old enough to remember when the left promoted free speech instead of working so hard to restrict it.
Someone back here somewhere posted a pretty intelligent sounding piece on obscenity not being free speech. Now, whether f-h is obscenity is open for debate, but I think "c*nt" is pretty well established as obscene, per Google, this board, and 99% of Americans. My only point here is that when f-h is used as an exact replacement for "c*nt," it makes sense that it shouldn't be allowed either.
Well, I remember the days when Lucy and Ricky had to have twin beds, even. .
Then you should be old enough to remember when the left promoted free speech instead of working so hard to restrict it.
Someone back here somewhere posted a pretty intelligent sounding piece on obscenity not being free speech. Now, whether f-h is obscenity is open for debate, but I think "c*nt" is pretty well established as obscene, per Google, this board, and 99% of Americans. My only point here is that when f-h is used as an exact replacement for "c*nt," it makes sense that it shouldn't be allowed either.
I haven't used the c word once, yet you saw to it that several of my posts were removed, anyway. .

You just want to be able to control what others can say.
Well, I remember the days when Lucy and Ricky had to have twin beds, even. .
Then you should be old enough to remember when the left promoted free speech instead of working so hard to restrict it.
Someone back here somewhere posted a pretty intelligent sounding piece on obscenity not being free speech. Now, whether f-h is obscenity is open for debate, but I think "c*nt" is pretty well established as obscene, per Google, this board, and 99% of Americans. My only point here is that when f-h is used as an exact replacement for "c*nt," it makes sense that it shouldn't be allowed either.
Oh for goodness sake!
You use plenty of offensive words and phrases and have even done so in this thread!
Get over your authoritarian self already :rolleyes:
Well, I remember the days when Lucy and Ricky had to have twin beds, even. .
Then you should be old enough to remember when the left promoted free speech instead of working so hard to restrict it.
Someone back here somewhere posted a pretty intelligent sounding piece on obscenity not being free speech. Now, whether f-h is obscenity is open for debate, but I think "c*nt" is pretty well established as obscene, per Google, this board, and 99% of Americans. My only point here is that when f-h is used as an exact replacement for "c*nt," it makes sense that it shouldn't be allowed either.
I haven't used the c word once, yet you saw to it that several of my posts were removed, anyway. .

You just want to be able to control what others can say.
I just want this thread to be about the topic.
I just want this thread to be about the topic.

It was my use of humor to illustrate the utter double standard of your position that you sought to remove (and succeeded).

…...but by all means, do feel free to indulge in your "dick withering" misandry while seeking to prevent any expression of speech you consider misogynistic. You aren't the only leftist on a mission to eliminate the expression of any views in the public sphere but your own.
Oh for goodness sake!
You use plenty of offensive words and phrases and have even done so in this thread!
Get over your authoritarian self already :rolleyes:

This site censored my reaction to post 158 even though it broke absolutely no rule whatsoever, but she seems to think that quoting an anonymous person's opinion somehow proves she is right.

If a person calls somebody else a prick, though, are they reducing that person to nothing more than a penis?

If they call somebody a fucking asshole, are they reducing that person to nothing more than an anus to be used by a man for sexual gratification?

No, of course not, so why, then, is this particular word any different?
Oh for goodness sake!
You use plenty of offensive words and phrases and have even done so in this thread!
Get over your authoritarian self already :rolleyes:

This site censored my reaction to post 158 even though it broke absolutely no rule whatsoever, but she seems to think that quoting an anonymous person's opinion somehow proves she is right.

If a person calls somebody else a prick, though, are they reducing that person to nothing more than a penis?

If they call somebody a fucking asshole, are they reducing that person to nothing more than an anus to be used by a man for sexual gratification?

No, of course not, so why, then, is this particular word any different?
Because the authoritarian Old Lady says so :eusa_think:
Otherwise, Bingo!
I just want this thread to be about the topic.

It was my use of humor to illustrate the utter double standard of your position that you sought to remove (and succeeded).

…...but by all means, do feel free to indulge in your "dick withering" misandry while seeking to prevent any expression of speech you consider misogynistic. You aren't the only leftist on a mission to eliminate the expression of any views in the public sphere but your own.
I trust you have taken this up with whatever mod removed your posts, since bellyaching about losing your freedom of speech is best done by PM, they say. And no I'm not going to report you. I save that for trolls who like to get personal and start with the sexual harassment "jokes" as you call it. Off color remarks and sidling up and talking "dirty" in my ear. Yes, we are talking about an "adult topic" here, but no one else did that. You are a perfect example of what the MeToo movement is trying to stop. But no doubt the mods removed that trash because it violated a Zone 2 rule. I didn't know that they would.
I trust you have taken this up with whatever mod removed your posts, since bellyaching about losing your freedom of speech is best done by PM, they say. And no I'm not going to report you. I save that for trolls who like to get personal and start with the sexual harassment "jokes" as you call it. Off color remarks and sidling up and talking "dirty" in my ear. Yes, we are talking about an "adult topic" here, but no one else did that. You are a perfect example of what the MeToo movement is trying to stop. But no doubt the mods removed that trash because it violated a Zone 2 rule. I didn't know that they would.

What I did was to pillory the woman's statements by turning them around on her.

….and yes. the Metoo movement is all about enforcing the same sort of misandrist double standards as you are wishing to enforce here.

btw -- have you been successful in withering any dicks lately?
I'm still kind of annoyed that we can't post the names of certain psychiatric drugs that many of the mass shooters were being prescribed.Darned near every one of em.

That, by default, forces discussion about a very serious problem to be contained to mainstream political Romper Room. It forces a red helmet vs blue helmet mentality in those discussions. It forces the truth to be out of sight and out of mind.

As far as the c word and certain anatomy, yeah, it's dirty language. I say fuckin a lot, so I'm no better in that regard.
Because the authoritarian Old Lady says so :eusa_think:
Otherwise, Bingo!

She is part of that increasingly hateful misandrist element where woman are free to act in ways men are not. Women can comment on a guy's ass. They can indulge in sexual references. They are free to ridicule men for being men. They can use men for sex and act as if men are idiots. They can objectify men, leer at men, compare men to other men, degrade men's sexual desirability, make snarky comments about men's stuff, infantilize men, and talk about withering their dicks all they want.

If a man did ANY of these things, they would explode in a rage as if it were the end of the fucking world.

Back in my day, we called such women castrating bitches, and of course I will be assailed once again for even using that term. It's still very apt, though, even though social justice warriors have eliminated it from the lexicon, because these women hate men, they seek to dominate men and even the slightest degree of maleness emanating from a man is cause to attack.

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