CDZ There are TWO Genders: Change My Mind

me myself, am still waiting for someone to post what exists besides a penis and vagina. Still waiting. four years now.
Their definition of “be[ing] respected and treated equally by their society.” requires sane people to believe and play along with an insane and absurd lie.

That simply isn't going to happen. Period.

These degenerate freaks are free to believe whatever madness they will, but they have no right and no credible reason to expect that sane people will buy into it.

Sane people will always be clear on the distinction between men and women, and will always recognize that those who are confused about this distinction are afflicted with severe mental defects.

Amazon has just descended into digital book-burning by taking off their site When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson, because they say they won't carry books that present "transgender" as a mental disorder. I bought that book when it came out in 2018 and I read it --- good thing, because now they've stolen it right off my iPad. Sucked it right off. I was on Amazon chat lines for two hours this afternoon and both techs were in/from India and hadn't even heard about the censorship issue, covered this week on the Wall Street Journal. Trying to access it freezes my whole iPad up and the book won't load. I immediately cancelled a digital order for the new Charles Murray book coming out in June --- he's sure to be the next victim of Amazon joining the Cancel Culture. I ordered it in hardback, because if they deliver it at all, they can't get a book-as-object back, anyway. I have several hundreds of digital books, but now I am worried about buying them that way.
It seems to me that the delusion of thinking you are a woman when really you're a man is no different from thinking you are Jesus Christ, a common delusion among psychotics. I knew a schizo on a forum who one-upped that: his handle was iamgod. And he was not kidding: that's what he believed.

So if you are working alongside someone who believes he's Jesus Christ and you won't pray to him or otherwise treat him as Christ, should you be fired? Like if it's a trannie and you don't want to use the "right" pronouns he commands? Well, I'm not cooperating with any of this. No way I use weird or incorrect pronouns. Names, okay --- people change their names all the time. But cooperating with a florid psychotic delusion, no. I don't do that.
me myself, am still waiting for someone to post what exists besides a penis and vagina. Still waiting. four years now.
Someone who has both. Now you know.
And what’s that medically known as?
a hermaphrodite.
right!!! not transgender.
Look it up, a small percentage of people are BORN with both, they are hermaphrodites.
yep, I know that exists. And sometimes they can do surgery to remove one set of genitals or the other. But at that point, the family makes a decision for the gender. But as far as I know, medically, one either has a penis or a vijay jay. Nothing else except this scenario, which is most likely a very very small percent.
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Seriously, the hysteria of the left right now is absolutely insane.

Okay, we know of the two biological sexes, male and female. While there are genetic disorders that give people traits of both, those genetic disorders are extremely rare, and even when they do happen the person exhibits the traits of one sex much more predominantly than the other. The idea of a “hermaphrodite” is almost a myth, there really is no genetic disorder that allows for fully functional sex organs of both sexes. Besides, according to these “trans” advocates, gender is different than biological sex.

So we aren’t talking about people with some rare genetic disorder, as some have now started to move the goalposts and have been bringing them up. This is about “gender”.

These trans activists are claiming that a male can “be a woman” just by self identifying as one. Sure, they have the right to self identify all they want, but that doesn’t make their fantasy a reality, nor does or should society have to accept it.

For example, a male that pretends to be a female is still a man. He’s a cross dressing man.

A male that undergoes some “sex change” surgery is still a man and a male. His chromosomes do not change, they are still XY.

Same of course goes with females pretending to be men. Their biological sex does not change, so neither does their gender.

For those screaming in horror about the simple statement “there are TWO genders, men and women”, what are the other genders? Please provide specific examples.

This is Clean Debate Zone. Please keep the childish insults to yourself, and provide a clear and concise response.
Never heard of a hermaphrodite? A person born with both sex parts? Look it up.
me myself, am still waiting for someone to post what exists besides a penis and vagina. Still waiting. four years now.
Someone who has both. Now you know.
And what’s that medically known as?
a hermaphrodite.
right!!! not transgender.
Look it up, a small percentage of people are BORN with both, they are hermaphrodites.
I didn't need to look it up, I know that exists. But as I stated, many times one set of genitals is removed based on conversations with the parents.
Seriously, the hysteria of the left right now is absolutely insane.

Okay, we know of the two biological sexes, male and female. While there are genetic disorders that give people traits of both, those genetic disorders are extremely rare, and even when they do happen the person exhibits the traits of one sex much more predominantly than the other. The idea of a “hermaphrodite” is almost a myth, there really is no genetic disorder that allows for fully functional sex organs of both sexes. Besides, according to these “trans” advocates, gender is different than biological sex.

So we aren’t talking about people with some rare genetic disorder, as some have now started to move the goalposts and have been bringing them up. This is about “gender”.

These trans activists are claiming that a male can “be a woman” just by self identifying as one. Sure, they have the right to self identify all they want, but that doesn’t make their fantasy a reality, nor does or should society have to accept it.

For example, a male that pretends to be a female is still a man. He’s a cross dressing man.

A male that undergoes some “sex change” surgery is still a man and a male. His chromosomes do not change, they are still XY.

Same of course goes with females pretending to be men. Their biological sex does not change, so neither does their gender.

For those screaming in horror about the simple statement “there are TWO genders, men and women”, what are the other genders? Please provide specific examples.

This is Clean Debate Zone. Please keep the childish insults to yourself, and provide a clear and concise response.
Never heard of a hermaphrodite? A person born with both sex parts? Look it up.
Yes, I’ve heard of the myth. In reality most of those genetic disorders actually just have one functional set of genitals, with some tissue or traits of another. And as I stated, these Gender Bender freaks don’t fall into this category, they are biological males pretending to be females.
me myself, am still waiting for someone to post what exists besides a penis and vagina. Still waiting. four years now.
Someone who has both. Now you know.
And what’s that medically known as?
a hermaphrodite.
right!!! not transgender.
Look it up, a small percentage of people are BORN with both, they are hermaphrodites.
I didn't need to look it up, I know that exists. But as I stated, many times one set of genitals is removed based on conversations with the parents.
Just saying that there are 3 genders.
me myself, am still waiting for someone to post what exists besides a penis and vagina. Still waiting. four years now.
Someone who has both. Now you know.
And what’s that medically known as?
a hermaphrodite.
right!!! not transgender.
Look it up, a small percentage of people are BORN with both, they are hermaphrodites.
I didn't need to look it up, I know that exists. But as I stated, many times one set of genitals is removed based on conversations with the parents.
Just saying that there are 3 genders.
no there isn't. that isn't a gender, that is most likely a failed set of twins with genitals of both. And most likely only one complete set of one gender or the other. That doesn't make it a gender, that is abnormal.
me myself, am still waiting for someone to post what exists besides a penis and vagina. Still waiting. four years now.
Someone who has both. Now you know.
And what’s that medically known as?
a hermaphrodite.
right!!! not transgender.
Look it up, a small percentage of people are BORN with both, they are hermaphrodites.
I didn't need to look it up, I know that exists. But as I stated, many times one set of genitals is removed based on conversations with the parents.
Just saying that there are 3 genders.
no there isn't. that isn't a gender, that is most likely a failed set of twins with genitals of both. And most likely only one complete set of one gender or the other. That doesn't make it a gender, that is abnormal.
Not twins, a third gender which has both parts. It's very rare, so don't worry, that won't be your next pro. :biggrin:
Their definition of “be[ing] respected and treated equally by their society.” requires sane people to believe and play along with an insane and absurd lie.

That simply isn't going to happen. Period.

These degenerate freaks are free to believe whatever madness they will, but they have no right and no credible reason to expect that sane people will buy into it.

Sane people will always be clear on the distinction between men and women, and will always recognize that those who are confused about this distinction are afflicted with severe mental defects.

Amazon has just descended into digital book-burning by taking off their site When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson, because they say they won't carry books that present "transgender" as a mental disorder. I bought that book when it came out in 2018 and I read it --- good thing, because now they've stolen it right off my iPad. Sucked it right off. I was on Amazon chat lines for two hours this afternoon and both techs were in/from India and hadn't even heard about the censorship issue, covered this week on the Wall Street Journal. Trying to access it freezes my whole iPad up and the book won't load. I immediately cancelled a digital order for the new Charles Murray book coming out in June --- he's sure to be the next victim of Amazon joining the Cancel Culture. I ordered it in hardback, because if they deliver it at all, they can't get a book-as-object back, anyway. I have several hundreds of digital books, but now I am worried about buying them that way.

Wait, they actually took something you paid for? Isn't that called "theft"?
Their definition of “be[ing] respected and treated equally by their society.” requires sane people to believe and play along with an insane and absurd lie.

That simply isn't going to happen. Period.

These degenerate freaks are free to believe whatever madness they will, but they have no right and no credible reason to expect that sane people will buy into it.

Sane people will always be clear on the distinction between men and women, and will always recognize that those who are confused about this distinction are afflicted with severe mental defects.

Amazon has just descended into digital book-burning by taking off their site When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson, because they say they won't carry books that present "transgender" as a mental disorder. I bought that book when it came out in 2018 and I read it --- good thing, because now they've stolen it right off my iPad. Sucked it right off. I was on Amazon chat lines for two hours this afternoon and both techs were in/from India and hadn't even heard about the censorship issue, covered this week on the Wall Street Journal. Trying to access it freezes my whole iPad up and the book won't load. I immediately cancelled a digital order for the new Charles Murray book coming out in June --- he's sure to be the next victim of Amazon joining the Cancel Culture. I ordered it in hardback, because if they deliver it at all, they can't get a book-as-object back, anyway. I have several hundreds of digital books, but now I am worried about buying them that way.

Wait, they actually took something you paid for? Isn't that called "theft"?
They sure did. It's not the first time they've sucked books right out of people's devices: earlier it was because of copyright fights, and I dismissed that (I didn't have those books, either). Maybe I should have paid more attention to that! Now it's the purest censorship: digital book-burning going on. I wasted two hours on it yesterday, no resolution. It's very worrying --- now I know anything at all controversial (and isn't that nearly EVERYTHING now??) may get pulled back by Amazon, so I'll have to buy more of my books as hard copies.
Cheaper anyway, because you can so often get them used. Hah!
Their definition of “be[ing] respected and treated equally by their society.” requires sane people to believe and play along with an insane and absurd lie.

That simply isn't going to happen. Period.

These degenerate freaks are free to believe whatever madness they will, but they have no right and no credible reason to expect that sane people will buy into it.

Sane people will always be clear on the distinction between men and women, and will always recognize that those who are confused about this distinction are afflicted with severe mental defects.

Amazon has just descended into digital book-burning by taking off their site When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson, because they say they won't carry books that present "transgender" as a mental disorder. I bought that book when it came out in 2018 and I read it --- good thing, because now they've stolen it right off my iPad. Sucked it right off. I was on Amazon chat lines for two hours this afternoon and both techs were in/from India and hadn't even heard about the censorship issue, covered this week on the Wall Street Journal. Trying to access it freezes my whole iPad up and the book won't load. I immediately cancelled a digital order for the new Charles Murray book coming out in June --- he's sure to be the next victim of Amazon joining the Cancel Culture. I ordered it in hardback, because if they deliver it at all, they can't get a book-as-object back, anyway. I have several hundreds of digital books, but now I am worried about buying them that way.

Wait, they actually took something you paid for? Isn't that called "theft"?
They sure did. It's not the first time they've sucked books right out of people's devices: earlier it was because of copyright fights, and I dismissed that (I didn't have those books, either). Maybe I should have paid more attention to that! Now it's the purest censorship: digital book-burning going on. I wasted two hours on it yesterday, no resolution. It's very worrying --- now I know anything at all controversial (and isn't that nearly EVERYTHING now??) may get pulled back by Amazon, so I'll have to buy more of my books as hard copies.
Cheaper anyway, because you can so often get them used. Hah!

There needs to be some serious class-action court activity on this. As far as I'm concerned, it's no different from Amazon deciding that, since I bought the hard copy of a book from them, they have the right to come in my house and take it off the shelf whenever they feel like it.
Amazon has just descended into digital book-burning by taking off their site When Harry Became Sally by Ryan Anderson, because they say they won't carry books that present "transgender" as a mental disorder. I bought that book when it came out in 2018 and I read it --- good thing, because now they've stolen it right off my iPad. Sucked it right off. I was on Amazon chat lines for two hours this afternoon and both techs were in/from India and hadn't even heard about the censorship issue, covered this week on the Wall Street Journal. Trying to access it freezes my whole iPad up and the book won't load. I immediately cancelled a digital order for the new Charles Murray book coming out in June --- he's sure to be the next victim of Amazon joining the Cancel Culture. I ordered it in hardback, because if they deliver it at all, they can't get a book-as-object back, anyway. I have several hundreds of digital books, but now I am worried about buying them that way.

Sounds like there needs to b e a class-action lawsuit over this.

It is one thing to declare that they will no longer offer a particular product.

It is another thing entirely, to take a product away from a consumer who has rightfully paid for it. I cannot think of any way for this to be considered legal or ethical; for it to be construed as anything other than theft and fraud.

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