CDZ There are TWO Genders: Change My Mind

You're falling for the language agenda of the left and of the homosexuals by thinking of gender as your sex and the word sex only as the act. That's what they want. Once you accept their definition of gender to replace the definition of sex then all that's left is to settle on how many genders there are.. But there will be a never-ending number of genders, like NAMBLA as a gender.

I suspect this trannie thing is a stalking horse for letting men get at little boys freely.
I suspect this trannie thing is a stalking horse for letting men get at little boys freely.

There are more than two genders You are forgetting there are people who are intersex and are neither male or female.
Born intersex: The people who are biologically neither male nor female
WHEN Cody was born intersex, her parents and doctors made a decision. She still wonders if it was the right one.

Ginger Gorman
NOVEMBER 30, 201511:25AM

“I CONSIDER myself to be agendered, so I’m neither male or female,” 27-year-old Cody says.

Cody was born with a naturally occurring intersex variation. This means she has biological characteristics that are both female and male.

For the purposes of this story, Cody gives me permission to use the pronouns “she” and “her.”

This is not because Cody is a female. It’s from generosity — to make life easier for me when I’m writing the story, and for you when you’re reading it. After all, there are no universally accepted pronouns in the English language for a person who is not a man or a woman.

“I don’t mind how people gender me … because I don’t feel like I have a gender,” she says, adding: “I’m okay with that.”
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There are more than two genders You are forgetting there are people who are intersex and are neither male or female.
Born intersex: The people who are biologically neither male nor female
WHEN Cody was born intersex, her parents and doctors made a decision. She still wonders if it was the right one.

Ginger Gorman
NOVEMBER 30, 201511:25AM

“I CONSIDER myself to be agendered, so I’m neither male or female,” 27-year-old Cody says.

Cody was born with a naturally occurring intersex variation. This means she has biological characteristics that are both female and male.

For the purposes of this story, Cody gives me permission to use the pronouns “she” and “her.”

This is not because Cody is a female. It’s from generosity — to make life easier for me when I’m writing the story, and for you when you’re reading it. After all, there are no universally accepted pronouns in the English language for a person who is not a man or a woman.

“I don’t mind how people gender me … because I don’t feel like I have a gender,” she says, adding: “I’m okay with that.”

Intersex are people born with a abnormality, just like people with a thumb more, that can be fixed and usually was. I dont believe you can be chromosomally both male and female, you are either XY or XX. Maybe you have a little penis if you are woman, but that means it is like a thumb more, or toe more, that can be fixed at birth. That is no reason to believe that you can identify your sex or gender how you want, and most of the transgenders at college campuses are not intersex at all.
Actually, thinking about it, I'd better do it for you...

Klinefelter syndrome, also known as the XXY condition, is a term used to describe males who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells. Instead of having the usual XY chromosome pattern that most males have, these men have an XXY pattern.
It's frankly and insult to all women for a man to pretend he can fulfill the role of a woman. If Levine likes wearing women's clothes then fine he's a cross-dresser, but to claim he identifies as a woman is ludicrous and insulting.
That ugly creep? Looks like something out of "Little Shop of Horrors".
He’s insulting to women. He’s a crossdressing fetishist. He’s not a woman he could never be a woman yet he wants everybody to believe that he is ........... can we just say it ? That’s insane.
Thanks. Why can't the freak just admit he is Gay? This "Gender Disphoria" is a fake Mental condition. Kinda like Lucanthropy or Multiple Personality. There is no such thing. They just want to be "Victims". Something like Munchausens Syndrome.
Actually, thinking about it, I'd better do it for you...

Klinefelter syndrome, also known as the XXY condition, is a term used to describe males who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells. Instead of having the usual XY chromosome pattern that most males have, these men have an XXY pattern.

That is certainly very rare, condition. And an abnormality, or genetical disorder - to the norm, it doesnt mean there are many genders, or it is a social construct. Gender is determined by your biological sex. But I accept if that is biological to be a third gender or sex, then there are 3 I correct myself. There still not thousand genders it is not a social construct. And majority of trans in school or college campuses are not intersex at all.
There are more than two genders You are forgetting there are people who are intersex and are neither male or female.
Born intersex: The people who are biologically neither male nor female
WHEN Cody was born intersex, her parents and doctors made a decision. She still wonders if it was the right one.

Ginger Gorman
NOVEMBER 30, 201511:25AM

“I CONSIDER myself to be agendered, so I’m neither male or female,” 27-year-old Cody says.

Cody was born with a naturally occurring intersex variation. This means she has biological characteristics that are both female and male.

For the purposes of this story, Cody gives me permission to use the pronouns “she” and “her.”

This is not because Cody is a female. It’s from generosity — to make life easier for me when I’m writing the story, and for you when you’re reading it. After all, there are no universally accepted pronouns in the English language for a person who is not a man or a woman.

“I don’t mind how people gender me … because I don’t feel like I have a gender,” she says, adding: “I’m okay with that.”

Intersex are people born with a abnormality, just like people with a thumb more, that can be fixed and usually was. I dont believe you can be chromosomally both male and female, you are either XY or XX. Maybe you have a little penis if you are woman, but that means it is like a thumb more, or toe more, that can be fixed at birth. That is no reason to believe that you can identify your sex or gender how you want, and most of the transgenders at college campuses are not intersex at all.

There are more choices than just XY or XX.

Gender is subjective to each person, and sex organs don’t dictate gender. People with penises aren’t necessarily men, and people with vaginas aren’t necessarily women. The thing is, XX and XY chromosomes aren’t cut and dry, either. Actually, sex chromosomes and genetic expression vary widely, beyond a penis/vagina or XY/XX binary. XX and XY with the aforementioned expressions are the most common sex chromosomes and corresponding organs, but they’re not the only ones.

Some people have differing sex chromosomes, such as those who are born with an extra X chromosome (XXY) or who are missing an X chromosome (XO). Or, some people with XX or XY chromosomes might have physical characteristics that don’t seem to align with what’s typically expected of their DNA. All of this is to say that many bodies that exist outside of the assumptions that come with XX and XY sex chromosomes.

One word that often describes these bodies is “intersex.” Intersex is an umbrella term that describes any person whose sex characteristics do not neatly fit into binary categories. Intersex people might have sex organs that include both XX and XY sex characteristics. Babies born intersex are often subjected to superfluous surgery in infancy in order to make their genitals appear either male or female.
There are more than two genders You are forgetting there are people who are intersex and are neither male or female.
Born intersex: The people who are biologically neither male nor female
WHEN Cody was born intersex, her parents and doctors made a decision. She still wonders if it was the right one.

Ginger Gorman
NOVEMBER 30, 201511:25AM

“I CONSIDER myself to be agendered, so I’m neither male or female,” 27-year-old Cody says.

Cody was born with a naturally occurring intersex variation. This means she has biological characteristics that are both female and male.

For the purposes of this story, Cody gives me permission to use the pronouns “she” and “her.”

This is not because Cody is a female. It’s from generosity — to make life easier for me when I’m writing the story, and for you when you’re reading it. After all, there are no universally accepted pronouns in the English language for a person who is not a man or a woman.

“I don’t mind how people gender me … because I don’t feel like I have a gender,” she says, adding: “I’m okay with that.”

Intersex are people born with a abnormality, just like people with a thumb more, that can be fixed and usually was. I dont believe you can be chromosomally both male and female, you are either XY or XX. Maybe you have a little penis if you are woman, but that means it is like a thumb more, or toe more, that can be fixed at birth. That is no reason to believe that you can identify your sex or gender how you want, and most of the transgenders at college campuses are not intersex at all.

There are more choices than just XY or XX.

Gender is subjective to each person, and sex organs don’t dictate gender. People with penises aren’t necessarily men, and people with vaginas aren’t necessarily women. The thing is, XX and XY chromosomes aren’t cut and dry, either. Actually, sex chromosomes and genetic expression vary widely, beyond a penis/vagina or XY/XX binary. XX and XY with the aforementioned expressions are the most common sex chromosomes and corresponding organs, but they’re not the only ones.

Some people have differing sex chromosomes, such as those who are born with an extra X chromosome (XXY) or who are missing an X chromosome (XO). Or, some people with XX or XY chromosomes might have physical characteristics that don’t seem to align with what’s typically expected of their DNA. All of this is to say that many bodies that exist outside of the assumptions that come with XX and XY sex chromosomes.

One word that often describes these bodies is “intersex.” Intersex is an umbrella term that describes any person whose sex characteristics do not neatly fit into binary categories. Intersex people might have sex organs that include both XX and XY sex characteristics. Babies born intersex are often subjected to superfluous surgery in infancy in order to make their genitals appear either male or female.

There are not more choices, it is a genetic disorder which affects much less people then there are transgenders out there, it really affects a very insignifcant number of people biologically, that is just a excuse to have males in women sports, or males in womens bathrooms and all that crap. Most of them are not intersex at all and if they are it is clearly a genetic disorder like other genetic disorders, you can be born with a second face on your head, is that a choice now to have a second face on your head? Gender is clearly binary, and even if you accept there is a third option that someone is born with a biological disorder that doesnt make a gender a social construct.
And an abnormality, or genetical disorder - to the norm, it doesnt mean there are many genders, or it is a social construct.
It fucking well means there are more than two, you absolute denier loon.

it is like saying we have one thumb on each hand, but due to genetic disorder, there can be two thumbs on one hand. this is clearly a genetic disorder, against the norm.
And an abnormality, or genetical disorder - to the norm, it doesnt mean there are many genders, or it is a social construct.
It fucking well means there are more than two, you absolute denier loon.
it is like saying we have one thumb on each hand, but due to genetic disorder, there can be two thumbs on one hand. this is clearly a genetic disorder, against the norm.
And deniers will still say only one thumb on each hand is possible even when evidence to the contrary stares them in the face.

Oh well.
Transgender is just taking drag to the next level.

A kid dressing up as Batman, ain't Batman, and the majority of kids grow out of that phase.

So no matter how many bits you cut off or stick on, you cannot change who you were when you were born. Changing the window display doesn't alter science.

With transgenderism, science has become politically inconvenient for them, that's what we're witnessing in the news.

And finally, there's no transgender gene, it's all in the head, so one day, a cure may by developed to correct this mental abnormality.
And an abnormality, or genetical disorder - to the norm, it doesnt mean there are many genders, or it is a social construct.
It fucking well means there are more than two, you absolute denier loon.
it is like saying we have one thumb on each hand, but due to genetic disorder, there can be two thumbs on one hand. this is clearly a genetic disorder, against the norm.
And deniers will still say only one thumb on each hand is possible even when evidence to the contrary stares them in the face.

Oh well.

I correct myself, it is not the only thing possible. It is possible but a insignificant disorder, if you dont push it to become more or mainstream (all those trans on campus are not intersex). It is also possible to be born with two faces. It is still the norm for humans to have one face and it is not a construct or choice how many faces you have.

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