CDZ There are TWO Genders: Change My Mind

Transgender and intersex is not the same.
Oh. What is XXY?

That would be intersex, but it would not be transgender. Perhaps a dictionary would help you.

[ in-ter-seks ]SHOW IPA

noting or relating to a person, animal, or plant having male and female reproductive organs, or in which the chromosomal patterns do not fall under typical definitions of male and female

[ trans-jen-der, tranzā€ ]SHOW IPA

noting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to that personā€™s sex assigned at birth

You're welcome.
There are more than two genders You are forgetting there are people who are intersex and are neither male or female.
Born intersex: The people who are biologically neither male nor female
WHEN Cody was born intersex, her parents and doctors made a decision. She still wonders if it was the right one.

Ginger Gorman
NOVEMBER 30, 201511:25AM

ā€œI CONSIDER myself to be agendered, so Iā€™m neither male or female,ā€ 27-year-old Cody says.

Cody was born with a naturally occurring intersex variation. This means she has biological characteristics that are both female and male.

For the purposes of this story, Cody gives me permission to use the pronouns ā€œsheā€ and ā€œher.ā€

This is not because Cody is a female. Itā€™s from generosity ā€” to make life easier for me when Iā€™m writing the story, and for you when youā€™re reading it. After all, there are no universally accepted pronouns in the English language for a person who is not a man or a woman.

ā€œI donā€™t mind how people gender me ā€¦ because I donā€™t feel like I have a gender,ā€ she says, adding: ā€œIā€™m okay with that.ā€

Intersex are people born with a abnormality, just like people with a thumb more, that can be fixed and usually was. I dont believe you can be chromosomally both male and female, you are either XY or XX. Maybe you have a little penis if you are woman, but that means it is like a thumb more, or toe more, that can be fixed at birth. That is no reason to believe that you can identify your sex or gender how you want, and most of the transgenders at college campuses are not intersex at all.

There are more choices than just XY or XX.

Gender is subjective to each person, and sex organs donā€™t dictate gender. People with penises arenā€™t necessarily men, and people with vaginas arenā€™t necessarily women. The thing is, XX and XY chromosomes arenā€™t cut and dry, either. Actually, sex chromosomes and genetic expression vary widely, beyond a penis/vagina or XY/XX binary. XX and XY with the aforementioned expressions are the most common sex chromosomes and corresponding organs, but theyā€™re not the only ones.

Some people have differing sex chromosomes, such as those who are born with an extra X chromosome (XXY) or who are missing an X chromosome (XO). Or, some people with XX or XY chromosomes might have physical characteristics that donā€™t seem to align with whatā€™s typically expected of their DNA. All of this is to say that many bodies that exist outside of the assumptions that come with XX and XY sex chromosomes.

One word that often describes these bodies is ā€œintersex.ā€ Intersex is an umbrella term that describes any person whose sex characteristics do not neatly fit into binary categories. Intersex people might have sex organs that include both XX and XY sex characteristics. Babies born intersex are often subjected to superfluous surgery in infancy in order to make their genitals appear either male or female.

I donā€™t disagree with the point
Actually, thinking about it, I'd better do it for you...

Klinefelter syndrome, also known as the XXY condition, is a term used to describe males who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells. Instead of having the usual XY chromosome pattern that most males have, these men have an XXY pattern.
You just disproved your own point. It clearly says they are males with an extra chromosome. It doesnā€™t make them into a new gender. They are males with a genetic anomaly.
It also has nothing to do with the lunatics that are making up genders or pretending to be the opposite gender while they have no such genetic anomalies.

Is red hair an anomaly?

Estimates indicate that 1.7% of the population are born with intersex traits, which is comparable to the number of people born with red hair.
The ā€œtransā€ people have lost the argument.

That is why they have moved the goal posts to ā€œintersexā€. First they ignore biology, and claim it had nothing to do with gender. Now they are running to it and pointing out genetic anomalies, while ignoring the normal XX and XY.
There are STILL just TWO genetically proven sex genes in existence for Human Beings.



All else are delusions.
Welcome to the Mortimer club. You are made for each other.

Try reading your link again, it still shows only TWO sexes in it. They go on and on about genetic abnormalities, known that for many years already, but centers around just two sexes.

Female and Male.

Thanks. Why can't the freak just admit he is Gay? This "Gender Disphoria" is a fake Mental condition. Kinda like Lucanthropy or Multiple Personality. There is no such thing. They just want to be "Victims". Something like Munchausens Syndrome.

He's not gay. He's a homosexual. Once again, the use of gay to describe homosexual males is a ploy by those determined to undermine our society by making the perverse sound less so. Homosexuals have stolen this word, and others.
Actually, there are three genders:

Thanks. Why can't the freak just admit he is Gay? This "Gender Disphoria" is a fake Mental condition. Kinda like Lucanthropy or Multiple Personality. There is no such thing. They just want to be "Victims". Something like Munchausens Syndrome.

He's not gay. He's a homosexual. Once again, the use of gay to describe homosexual males is a ploy by those determined to undermine our society by making the perverse sound less so. Homosexuals have stolen this word, and others.
Agreed. He is indeed a Homo.
Transgender and intersex is not the same.
Oh. What is XXY?

That would be intersex, but it would not be transgender. Perhaps a dictionary would help you.

[ in-ter-seks ]SHOW IPA

noting or relating to a person, animal, or plant having male and female reproductive organs, or in which the chromosomal patterns do not fall under typical definitions of male and female

[ trans-jen-der, tranzā€ ]SHOW IPA

noting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to that personā€™s sex assigned at birth

You're welcome.
While you're obtuse. The overlap of the two can be large.
There are STILL just TWO genetically proven sex genes in existence for Human Beings.



All else are delusions.
Welcome to the Mortimer club. You are made for each other.

Try reading your link again, it still shows only TWO sexes in it. They go on and on about genetic abnormalities, known that for many years already, but centers around just two sexes.

Female and Male.

But not only two sex genes as in XX and XY. You're definitely a life member of the Morti club.
Transgender and intersex is not the same.
Oh. What is XXY?

That would be intersex, but it would not be transgender. Perhaps a dictionary would help you.

[ in-ter-seks ]SHOW IPA

noting or relating to a person, animal, or plant having male and female reproductive organs, or in which the chromosomal patterns do not fall under typical definitions of male and female

[ trans-jen-der, tranzā€ ]SHOW IPA

noting or relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to that personā€™s sex assigned at birth

You're welcome.
While you're obtuse. The overlap of the two can be large.

No, there really isn't. I get that you WANT to conflate the two to try to lend some credibility to your lunatic agenda - and I don't really blame you, since God knows you have no credibility now - but as I keep saying, you can't create reality just because you wish hard enough.
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No, there really isn't. I get that you WANT to conflate the two to try to lend some credibility to your lunatic agenda - and I don't really blame you, since God knows you have no credibility now - but as I keep saying, you can't create reality just because you wish hard enough.

Not even when they wish upon a star? I mean, Disney told them different.

No, there really isn't. I get that you WANT to conflate the two to try to lend some credibility to your lunatic agenda - and I don't really blame you, since God knows you have no credibility now - but as I keep saying, you can't create reality just because you wish hard enough.

Not even when they wish upon a star? I mean, Disney told them different.

Disney's as full of crap as all their other elitist masters are.
me myself, am still waiting for someone to post what exists besides a penis and vagina. Still waiting. four years now.
Someone who has both. Now you know.
And whatā€™s that medically known as?
a hermaphrodite.
right!!! not transgender.
Look it up, a small percentage of people are BORN with both, they are hermaphrodites.
I didn't need to look it up, I know that exists. But as I stated, many times one set of genitals is removed based on conversations with the parents.
Just saying that there are 3 genders.
no there isn't. that isn't a gender, that is most likely a failed set of twins with genitals of both. And most likely only one complete set of one gender or the other. That doesn't make it a gender, that is abnormal.
Not twins, a third gender which has both parts. It's very rare, so don't worry, that won't be your next pro. :biggrin:
but they don't have full parts, they may have partial parts, but no one ever had a vijay, jay, full uterous, penis and balls. never. Usually it is caused by a embroy that split but one didn't make it fully into development and the other took the parts. But fully developed both, never.
I can't spend the time to read 28 pages but there are a lot more than 2 genders. But regardless of what a person chooses to call themselves, what pronounds or genders they assign to themselves, though you can change your gender and you can mutilate your body, there are but two sexes and you can never change your sex.
there is? what is there besides a penis and a vijay jay? that's two.
No, there really isn't. I get that you WANT to conflate the two to try to lend some credibility to your lunatic agenda - and I don't really blame you, since God knows you have no credibility now - but as I keep saying, you can't create reality just because you wish hard enough.

Not even when they wish upon a star? I mean, Disney told them different.

Disney's as full of crap as all their other elitist masters are.

they are the elitist masters.
Try this for consideration;

Nature's preference is towards the reproductive half of a bi-sexual species, i.e. the female. So, in the case of mammals (and some other fauna) the eggs of a female always contain an "X" chromosome which blueprints to make a female of the species.

The male sperm might contain and "X" chromosome and reinforce the making of a female, or a "Y" chromosome which sets the stage for altering the basic female pattern into the "mutant" male deviations.

However, for the transformation from female to male to go perfect, depends upon enough male hormone, testosterone during both the pregnancy (when genitalia and brain structure happens) and during puberty when the hypothalamus, which triggers sexual attraction, needs to be 'flipped' from basic female attraction to a male into the altered/mutated status of being attracted to a female.

If the matrix of genes and hormones are not sufficient to make the needed development/transitions both in the womb(fetus) and during puberty/adolescences, than there may be sexual orientation/attraction "confusion".

I'm running the thumbnail outline here, in the above; but all is much better explained in this rather slim volume which covered about a hundred years of research in gender differences among mammals, including humans. The "explanation" for homosexual orientation is more implied than outright stated, FWIW;
Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women Paperback ā€“ August 1, 1992
Amazon product ASIN 0385311834
See also;
Brain Sex - Goodreads | Meet your next favorite book


BRAIN SEX | Kirkus Reviews

[Note, this is a revise of post made here;
Nature: No Gay Gene. ]

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