There Are Two Kinds of People....

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
The kind that put their grocery carts in the little corral and the kind that leave them in the middle of the lot.

Which kind of person are you?
The kind that put their grocery carts in the little corral and the kind that leave them in the middle of the lot.

Which kind of person are you?

I line up the cart towards the corral, get a running start and fling it towards it from about 60 feet out.

Field goal signals for good, wide left, or wide right.
You hit my pet peeve where it lives. I ALWAYS put my cart away, and I am disabled. I have had over $300 of damage that I have had to pay to repair on my cars from loose carts, and that does not include the damage that I did not bother to repair. Even worse are the clowns who leave the carts right in the middle of parking spaces. It is times like those that I become pro-gun!
I put mine against the rear bumper of the Mercedes illegally parked in handicap.

I once parked one of my old work trucks just inches away from a vettes driver door because he took up too many parking stalls. Felt good knowing the jackass had to climb into the car like a monkey to leave.
There are two types of people in the world

Those that flash their lights to warn you of a speed trap and those that don't

Which type are you?

hey this could be fun so feel free to join in.
I don't understand people who walk their cart to the corral, but then don't take that extra three steps to push the cart into the carts already in the corral.
There are two types of people. Those who believe there are two types of people, and those who don't. Which one are you?
Ok, Skull, there are two kinds of people in the world. Those that approach the cashier with their credit card ready to swip as soon as they have been scanned, and those that wait until they have been scanned, then open their purse, dig for 2 or 3 minutes, finally find their checkbook, borrow a pen, write out the check and hand it to the cashiier, then return to their purse and dig for 2 or 3 minutes to find their billfold, remove their iD, hand it to the cashier, get the ID back, with their receipt, return to their purse, reinsert their ID, store their receipt, put their billfold back into the purse, and then move out of line. The latter kind of people are otherwise known as women.

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